HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-15; City Council; 457; Yield Sign - Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd.THE CITY OF Agenda Bill No. Referred To: CAR L S B A D, C A L I F'O R LV I A June 15, 1971 Date: Subject: Submi tted By : Yield Sign - Intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Palomar Airport Road; Traffic Safety Commissior Statement of the Na tter Numerous requests have come before the Traffic Safety Commission in re- gard to the possible dangerous condition existing at the intersection of Carlsbad Blvd. and Palomar Airport Road. The Commission has reviewed the situation at least four times at their meetings. It would appear that a yield sign for those vehicles entering Palomar Air- port Road from Carlsbad Blvd. might relieve the situation. I say might be- cause the conditions for warranting yield signs do not tiecessarily com- ply. The Traffic Safety Commission approved the use of the yield sign as indicated, subject to the City Attorney's opinion as to its legality based on the prescribed warrants. Exhi bi t Resolution ~o./g67 Part 8 of the State of California Traffic Planning Manual. Staff Recommendations Subject to City Attorney's approval, it is recommended that the yield sign be installed and that the Council take the appropriate action. AB No. City Manager's Recommendation - 6-10-71 Concur with recommendations of staff. June 15, 1971 Da te : Council 'Action -6-15-71 Resolution #1869 approving placement of a "YIELD" sign at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road. ADOPTED. Public Works Director Priday indicated th+treet would be striped within the next 90 days, which would alieviate the danger at that particular location and would allow removal of the sign at that time. -2- I L i Pari 8-Traffic PLANNING MANUAL 8-503.3 J January 1, 1968 R39R AUTH0RITY:Section 21356 of the Vehicle Code author- izes the Department of Public Works in respect to State highways and local jurisdictions in respect to highways under their jurisdiction to erect yield signs at one or more approaches to an intersection of streets and highways which are not through highways, but such signs shall not be erected upon the approaches to more than one of the intersecting streets nor at locations where entering speeds may safely exceed 15 miles per hour. POLICY: Use the R39R sign at the entrance to an in- tersection where it is desirable to assign the right of way but where the STOP sign is unduly restrictive. Section 21803 of the Vehicle Code provides that a driver approaching a yield sign may enter an inter- section at a speed not exceeding 15 miles per hour and proceed across the intersection, providing no traffic is approaching on the cross street close enough to constitute a hazard. Traffic volumes on the ap- proaches where this sign is to be used must be less than the volumes on the two most heavily traveled approaches to the intersection. Sectiou 21402 of the Vehicle Code provides that the message content on Yield right of way signs erected after October 1, 1963 shall read “YIELD”. Conditions Warranting Yield Signs : 1. On a minor road at the entrance to an intersec- tion where it is necessary to assign right of way to the major road, but where a stop is not necessary at all times, and where the safe approach speed on the minor road does not exceed 15 miles per hour. 2. Where there is a separate or channelized right- turn lane without an adequate acceleration lane. 3. At any intersection where a special problem exists and an engineering study indicates the problem to be susceptible to correction by use of yield signs. Block on Yellow 36” equilateral triangle 6” Series D letters .- . . __.