HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-21; City Council; 473; Ordinance fixing and establishing charges,rr, + y-!'& t) ' I." -L I --r H E CITY OF C A R L S B A D, C A L I F.0 R N I A / Agenda Bill No. #73 Da Ce: 6/21/71 Referred TO: Subject: Ordinance fixing and establishing charges forSub*itted BY- -- the collection of said charges. ?% services and facilities furnished by the Finance Director City Sewerage System; and providing for - Statement of the Matter The City Budget shows'an increase in Sewer Service Charges will . be necessary to properly fund the operation and Bond Redemption of the Sewer Faci.lities of 'the City. Exhibit Attached Ordinance #%739 Includes a phrase under Commercial Category including campers, trailers and boats; also, under Residential the phrase 'mobile homes'. Staff Reconmenda tions Staff recommends passage. ,- . Date: June 29, 1971 -=. ci t y Manager s €?ecommenda ti on -- Concur'with recommendation .of staff.. .. . .. .. Council 'Action - 6-.29-71 It was the decision of the City Council that -consideration be given this matter..unti.l .the next regular meeting and that it Meeting) the City Manager. (Adjourned . be placed on- th'e -agenda as an urgency ordinance, as' recommended by 7-6-71.. Ord. #7039 was read in full, Fixing and establish-ing charges for- services and facilities of dewerage system, amending Ord. #7027, Section 13.12.010 (3)(A) and 13.12.02O~of the Car.lsbad-*Muidicipal - Code and adopted as .. an urgency Ordinance. \ . -2- I' The City Council of the City or Czrlsbad, Czliforniz, dcss ordain that Sections 13.12.010(3) (A) 2nd 13.12.020 of the Carlsbsd '.funicipal Code zre mended to reed ES follo~~~s: "Section 13.12.010(3) (.4). Each s~acz of a Trsiler Court or 'nlohil? Home Park, whztfi2.r occuFied or not, is one unit." ltSsction 13.12.020. All p5rsons whose premiszs in th2 city zre served by a connsction with the City Sewer System wh2rsl:v sswa3e or othzr waste naterial is disposed of throuzh such system, sh~-ll 2 ssl;.er sersicf: charge as follcws: Residzntizl : (A) For ezch single family d~elling $ 2.00 (R) For sach unit of a duplsx, flat, a?artr?z?nt, court, multipls dwzlling, mobils home conplex, or trailer court $ 2.00 Comncrcial : (A) For each unit of 2 motel, hotel, rooning lodging or bozrding house- 10 units or less $ .80 Fzcch zddition~l unit over 10 $ .60 (B) r\Iortusries $10.00 Lsundronats car r:.zsh, w~sh rzcks , lzundriss or otlisr industries xh~r~ water is th2 primzry conimodity to carry on szid businsss 2nd szid \;ztzr is dis- cfrargfd into th3 sanitzry sEx5r syst~~, shall 11.; chzry,$d the sun of six cents (Gt) pc-r 22ch 100 cubic feet of zll water usfd. (11) For sach unit of zn office or commercisl buildin?, or my sstal~lish~ent havinz facilities for trzi12rsy c;,?ps:rs or boats, and sll conmercisl sstablishmfnts not listzd S~GI~S ad nst s:.paratc;ly classifi2d by future action of th~ City Council s 2.00 -1- El:FI:CTT\'E T)ATE: This ordinancs shall taka, effect immediately beczusc it is for the immediate preservation of the public p?zce, health and saiety in that presently thsre is no ordir,znce in the City of Carlsbad restricting the type or activity dEscribsd in this ordinance, and it is necessary for the protsction of the public health, safety and welfare that this ordinance be enactsd inim 2 d i at e 1 y . PUBLICATIPS: Th2 City Clerk of the City of CGrlsbad is here- by directed to cause this ordinsnce to be publishzd once in thc Carlsbad Journsl, a newspzprr published and or gsnersl circulation in ssid City of Carlsbzd. 1?4TRODUCED, PASSED, APPROI'ED, AND ADOPTED St z regular nett- ing of the City Council of: tliz City of Carlsbsd, hzld July 6, 1971, by the following vats, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES : None. ABSEXI': None. CAVID '1. DUNY'E , \!?.yDr ATTEST: CERTIFICATI?N OF CITY CLERK STATE 0': CALI FOPNIA ) COUXTY OF SAX DIEGO ) ss. CITY OF CARLSZ.(?T) 1 I, :IAP,GXRET E. ADN!S, City Clerk of the City of Czrlsbsd, Czlifornic, do hsrtby certicy ths foregoing tcr be ii true zrid exact co;>y of Crdinancs ?:o. 7033 of szid City, duly ~~SSPG, -2-