HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-06-30; City Council; 468; Council Policy 7 Uniform Allowance and Rental--; ,·• . l.:Z -(t-:) C AR Ls~ AD, CAL r -r·o RN I A Da e-c : Ju n e 3 0 , l 9 7 1 °i?.efarred To: City ~ounci 1 Subject: ,, Supplement of Council Policy Statement #7 Uniform a1lowan~e and rental Statement of the Matter subm.itted By: "William C. Baldwin· Purchasing Agent Uniform al101·1ance. or pi:ovision on a rental .basis \·tould be-m~de to a specified.number safety, safety-related miscellaneous and miicellaneous employees below the r~nk of chief, police captain or ba~tal i9n fire chief·, and. superi nten~ent. Po 1 ice o·epa rtmeR t: Mis ce 11 aneous · me~bers Safety members ... Fir~ ne~art~eht: Safety members Street Department: Miscelljneous members (rental) Parks Department: Miscellaneous mem.bers· (rental) ·7 16 15 9 5 .;;,..._ Sanitation Depa,rtment: i1i,sc.ell ane~us members . (rent.al) t,..,..f ; 4 ·water D·epartment: Mi scel i aneoos memb.el"S ( renta:l) • i • ~ ·. ·7c~~t6'di ~ ns ( renta i) · A completed agreement between the California Sta"te ·oe~artment of Human Resources and Development and th.e City of -Carlsbad 1·1ould add an add.itional fifteen (15) to the list of misc.ellaneous members to receive uniform provision on a rental basis. Staff Recommendations Ap~roval Policy St~tement #7. .. .. .... .. 10 2 .. I f ' l t 1 l - d .i Ii ,I ,I '. I ,'\B no. Date: City Han~ger's Recommendation ~ Recommend ?doption of.Policy Statement c1: ... .. June 24, 1971 i - t • \ Council 0 Action 1 l 6-29-71 Counci'l ~olicy Statement #7 appro~ed: Th.r~ ~ou~~n req_ues~ed ~ that a 11st of those persons qualifying for ~rpform/clothing ; allowance be attached to Policy Statemen1,. Chief Laughlin re.ques'tel to mak~ survey allowances made by 6ther ~itifaS for resarve offi£er: 7-6-71 -The Council adopted the supplement to Policy Statement #7. A report will be made to the Council as to a s~rvey being made regarding police reserve unifor~s. -2-