HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-03; City Council; 500; WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CONTRACT #1000, ACCEPTANCE OF WATER LINE EASEMENT,, c /? I, 1’ i ’ ” t ‘h j C’ /1 12 1, :; 21 i? ;; f b .. h-fl - :re !! 13 (*” 1 3’ y u i’ d 1. A il c I1 c? ;1 I1 i 1 .I x0 . -F>- D x’~ : 3i1Cc.- August 3, -__.-.:_ -. . ._ - .-_._-_ .- ‘/;(.e 1 (! .!’;:{-! ii I ----- -_.____ --------I.-__ “___I__ --__I- .-.-. -------___^l__l_l _____ I .. S~‘3,jc)ct.: *S::L;i?i c L<?( 7. Water Systems Improvement Project ,- Cont.ract- #100d, Acceptance of’ Water Line Easement ,c; t: il f- C K f-’ Ji I: 0 .f t 5 C li~? f: t: r ;C .r City. Engi ._ ---__- ------------ -II.-_ _..- --__.-__- ~~__-- John R. Prewi’tt and Highland Manor, Inc-. have granted to the city an across*’their property north of Skyline Drive, near the Skyline Reser The easement will .contain the ’main connection between the Carlsbad M * Water District line and El Camino Real and the Skyline Reservoir. . ..f .. * John Williams, MAI; has appraised the easement at $2,300. been offered to. arid accepted by the grantors. included in the budget for the water projecv. This amou’ Funds in this amount , .. _- . - .. .. -. -. .- -- Exh ihits I L Staff Adopt a motion accepting aasements 3-A1 and 3-A2, and authorizing payment of $2,300 to the grantors. _--I.- I I) * ' L %" - AB No. Da tc: August 3, 1971 . r% - City l.!anager's Recoznendation - .. -_ Co unci 1 p. c ti on - 8-3-77 The Council accepted an easement from John R. Prewitt an( Highland Manor, Inc. in connection with the \later System: Improvement Project, Contract 1000, and authcrization gil for the expenditure of $2300 in payment sf said easement I -2- b Q.. '. , b EASEMENT j I' or valuable consideration, receipt whereof is' hereby ac'knowledged ,. John R. Prewitt and Highland Manor, Inc., A Corporation-, - I I fie Grantor, does hereby grant to the City of Carisbad , the Grantee, a right of way gscribed as follows: .(Attached Exhibit "A"). It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the easement herein desc ranted as (a perpetual easenent for the purpose of erecting, constructing, reconstru ?placing, repairing, maintaining, and operating water system, sewerage, drainage, D xcamtion, and/or ecbankment facilities and appurtenances thereto, together with th f ingress (and egress to and from said right of way by practical rogte or routes, to ith the right to clear and keep clear said right of way from buildings, structures, fees and brush, and any similar surface or subsurface encroachment which nay interf -.asonable and proper use of tne right of way ease~ent. i the aforesaid lands hereby agree to neither pernit nor erect or construct any bui r structure, plant any tree, or otheririse create or permit any encroachsent krnich r6 ith reasonable and proper use of the said right of way easenent by the Grantee, The Grantor and successors After recording nail to: CITY CLERK, City of Carlsk Carlsbad, California 92C08 TE OF CALIFORNIA) - ersigned, a i'iotary Public in andfor said County /', ,;,,-,,>, NTY OF 5.W. DIEGO) ' -.- /~ :. -.I , 79 ; :', before ne, the 1200 Elm Aver,ue State, personal ly appeared I , _, i , e' .I ,',/ THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S im to ne to be tne person w-iose nme Scribed to the within instrurxnt, and acrtnonieaged ne that I.' executed the saITie. KSS my hand and Oifi ci a1 Seal -'JQ;?~>~ J. ch'iTL25, f,!lfav hbnc -=.L iL'2 ._I-__ --. ary Public in ana for said CounLy and State in ani !or thz St:+, e; ~~:;f~~~;~ zn Fxc'r6: A2s.si 71, 1971 I. /' 2 ' . :/. , ,' ,acumentary' Transfer ax $ /t/iC *___ Oi- Computed on Full Value Less Liens and - Computed on Full Value of Property Conveyed, Encu ranc Remaining at Tirne of Sale. v Declarant or 4& nt nqnature & Ztermininq Tax Firm Name A? &J!&J (159-9-51, 3) (3) (3-A1) (3-A2) ___. c 9 ,* I 1. EXHIBIT "A" I I All of those portions of Lot 46 of Carlsbkd Highlands No. 2 in thc City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, accorc to map thereof No. 2825 filed in the office of the County Recordei of said County, December 5, 1951 and of Lot "I" of Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the City of Carlsbad, County 3f San Diegc, State of California, according to map thereof No. 823, filed in the office the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 16, 1896, that i within a strip of land 15.00 feet in width, being 7.50 feet in wic on each side of a centerline described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of'Lot 46 of said Carlsbad Highlands No. 2; Thence South 3' 03' 40" West along the west line of said Lot 46 a distance of 50.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the centerline to be described; Thence. from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 82O 37' 34" Ei a distance of 173.33 feet to the easterly line of said Lot 46; Thence continuing South 82O 37' 34" East a distance of 581.7( feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly line of Grantor's property. Said point being South 2O 12' 37" West a distance of 3' feet from the southerly terminus of that certain course shown on ?.@corG of Survey 5229 fiied in the office of rhe County Recorder ( said County as bearing South 12O 41' 13" West and having a length 127.72 feet; (said Easterly line of Grantor's Property is shown 01 said Record of Survey as bearing South 2O 18' 23" West) . Said 15.00 foot wide strip of land is to be extended or shor so as to begin in the west line of said Lot 46 and to terminate i said easterly line of Grantor's property. And Grantor does also grant to Grantee the right to extend a maintain drainage structures and excavation and embankment slopes beyond the limits of said right of way where required for constru and maintenance. As shown for convenience sake on right of way Drawing No. 15 Sheets 2 and 3, on file in the Office of the City Engineer, City Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. It is understood that said easement will probably be used by prior to the grading of any streets which may be superimposed upon easement and constructed by others. In the event that such street constructed, Grantee agrees to adjust the vertical elevation of it line at no expense to Grantor, as necessary to provide standard co below the finished grade of said street(s), as shown on i-mprovemen approved by the City. (159-9-2, 3) (3) (3-Al) (3-A2) w 0 , COUNTY JAMES TAX E CARL L. CHIEF [ TE L: 234-88 *Urn, v I i - P d -, 3% OFFICE OF TAX COLLECTOR 162 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 TEL. 234-8813, EXT. 271 j3'hy I, 1971 i<r. pj(t:r 0. ~lqeI.$, @i ty GI erk :,,f t.1;; zf ZarZs5ad 129'3 E!-T Street ~;z,r!.s~sa$ , @.a ~ n t'i;.,=! :,f :,ctertt te Z.?E',J L)ear. Si::: \;e +lrc enclssf-ng a Cr/r'?r rJ rf th.- y;51i~^,3?-.i.Df: of 371'!." *1 t> Dee.-? t.3 the St2:te" a r,rty ill tT-2 C5.t.i: cf c: lsbad Fc; ~.rc1.:23e?. m?-p.,s;e ?--al'erties -,>Je~s- to 12~ 2eede2 to tkL.~ State 011 2;;I-y 1: 1."71_ tf tkley tice 3f xntert Ir ;*r .. '.'(?s;% not rr,deErfied bF,fC)gz t$-Lit '',arc.,. L:.etQr t,F.?ey zrk2 $e.eierl the.;. ri 1. I nl:'.gik..li., :nr ta:: se'a ~ to the Stato-, T 3x7" :. J:2.iz:s 3. "'-- d.d yAq< cg;LJ.7?lGii E'; .. : ,$j@'' e/ * cd , --+L G3- .!bez.t ;: . *,,1!.L2e 5 1. j;? 2' Lr~~'Xs3~ - ya:r :93.25 2Ld.S5 33 _. J 5,; z L*:;G ; ep zo,,: ?c-F:df^-