HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-03; City Council; 504; Federal Aid Urban Road System•T 11 CITY O F C A R L S D A D,C A L I r' o K ,V I A Agenda Dill No. _ •"Referred To D* Co ' August 3, 1971 Subject:'\ •Federal Aid Urban Ro.ad System Submittcd By City. Engineer Statement of the Vat tor The Federal Aid.Highway Act of 1970 directed the "establishment of a Federal Aid Urban System for the San Diego Metropolitan area. The Federal Aid Urban system in Carlsbad is comprised of the FAP Type II System shown in brown and Old Highway 101 shown in orange. The Federal Aid System-for the whole County was developed by State, County, and City Engineers, using Federal guidelines, * The adoption ".of the Federal Aid System will qualify .this area for Federal funds similar to.those available under' the Topics Program. Exhibits 1) . Resolution No • System. • approving proposed Federal Aid Urban Street " 2) Letter from State Division of Highways, dated July 21, 1971. /* Staff Recommendations Adopt Resolution No , approving Federal Aid Urban System. AJS Wo. Date: August 3, 1971 City Manager's Recommendation Concur with recommendations of the City Engineer. Council Action 8-3-71 Resolution No. 1884 was adopted as amended, approving the proposed Federal Aid Urban Street System for the Oceanside- Carlsbad Urban Area portion of San Diego Metropolitan area, as recommended by the City Engineer. -2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA—BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 390, SAN DIEGO 92112 July 21, 1971 Federal Aid Urban System 11101-610890 Mr. Hunter Cook City Engineer City Hall Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Cook: 92008 Attached are tentative maps and a sample resolution for your City Council action on Federal Aid Urban System. The County Engineer in his letter of May 5 and the subse- quent meetings at the County office on June 2 explained the impact of this system. At the request of the Cities of San Diego, Chula Vista, and Carlsbad the County Engineer is coordinating the development of this system. They have cooperated with the Division of Highways in discussions with engineering staffs of the various agencies. Due to the very short time requirement imposed by the Federal deadline of September 1 submission to Washington, D.C. there is limited time to process the approval of this system. The final maps will be arriving at the District about August 1 and the District is required to return them to Sacramento by August 15 in order for the State to meet the Federal time requirement. If additional information or assistance is needed, please contact Mr. L. A. Wherry at 297-4501 Ext. 388, of this office. Very truly yours, J. DEKEMA District Engine District Project Studies and City-County Engineer LAW : ccs cc : RDS LAW RECEIVED JUL23 1971 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department Exhibit 2 / STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY RONALD REAGAN, Governor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT 11, P.O. BOX 390, SAN DIEGO 92112 August 10, 1971 1972-256 Study 11101-610741 City Council City of Carlsbad City Hall Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: The following quotation from a letter from James A. Moe, Director of Public Works, is provided in order to clarify the purpose of the upcoming Department of Public Works public hearings regarding the proposed additions and deletions to the State Highway System. "I am aware that many city and county officials have expressed concern regarding possible future deletions from the State Highway System resulting from the Depart- ment's Section 256 Report to the Legislature in January, 1972. Their major concern is that some deletions from the State Highway System would create an unfair financial burden, such as increased maintenance cost to a city or county. The upcoming hearings are being held primarily for the purpose of discussing functional classification as a basis for establishing a criteria defining the role of the State Highway System. I will not recommend in the 1972 Legislative Session any addition or deletion from the present State High- way System which is not jointly proposed by State and local government involved. Future recommendations will be submitted to the Legislature only after a plan for financial equity has been developed, legislation adopted to accomplish this financial equity, and public hearings held on each specific recommendation for addition or deletion. /S/ JAMES A. MOE Director of Public Works" City of Carlsbad -2-August 10, 1971 A detailed account of the Functional Classification Criteria and the roads affected in your area was sent to you on June 30, 1971. The public hearings for this District are as follows: AREA TIME AND LOCATION Imperial County San Diego North County San Diego Metro Riverside County 2:00 p.m. August 24, 1971 City Council Chambers 1275 Main St. El Centro, California 2:00 p.m. August 26, 1971 City Council Chambers 200 West Broadway Vista, California 2:00 p.m. September 1, 1971 State Office Building Auditorium 1350 Front Street San Diego, California 7:30 p.m. September 22, 1971 Riverside County Fair Ground State Route 111" Indio, California Very- truly yours, Disrict Engineer GGP:f jj cc : RDS WRG TO : Mayor and City Council of the City of Carlsbad FROM : City Attorney SUBJECT: Public Utilities Commission Case 9364 Attached is a copy of a Notice of Hearing before the Public Utilities Commission of the State of'California. The hearing is being held on the Commission's own motion as part of an investigation prepara- tory to the adoption of a statewide plan for undergrounding of over- head electric and telephone lines along state scenic highways. In 1971 the California legislature added Section 320 to the Public Utilities Code. That section ordered that the Commission prepare and adopt the statewide plan by December 31, 1972. It is now the announced policy of the Legislature that such lines be underground, ". . . whenever feasible and not inconsistent with sound environmental planning, . . . . " It seems to me to be in the best interests of the City to determine: 1. Whether there are scenic state highways as defined by law located within the boundaries of the City of Carlsbad; and 2. Whether there are electric and communication distribution systems in proximity to such highways which would be visible from such scenic highways if erected above ground. In the event the answers to the above two points are in the affirmative, the City must then determine whether or not it desires to actively urge the inclusion with a high priority of Carlsbad's systems in the statewide undergrounding schedule. If the decision is to urge such undergrounding, the City should consider appearing before the Commission on October 19, 1972, at the time and place specified in the Notice for the purpose of presenting recom- mendations for implementing the City1 s proposal., VIN VFB:ad City Attorney Attachment I,' BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Investigation on the Commission's ) own motion to adopt statewide plan ) and schedule for the undergrounding ) of all electric and communication ) distribution systems in proximity ) to state scenic highway pursuant to ) Public Utilities Code Section 320. ) NOTICE OF HEARING To: ALL RESPONDENTS AND INTERESTED PARTIES: Case No. 9364 CITYE $ C O N •O DI F DO CITY ATTORNEY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California has set the hearing in the above entitled matter before Commissioner Sturgeon and Examiner Catey for Thursday, October 19, 1972 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission Courtroom, State Building, 350 McAllister Street, San Francisco, California, at which time and place all interested parties may appear and be heard. The Commission staff, respondent utilities, and interested parties should be prepared to present statements including recommendations as to the best method of implementing the legislative mandate of Section 320 of the Public Utilities Code. That code section was cited in the Order Instituting Investigation herein. It will expedite the proceeding if the statements and recommendations are prepared in written form for distribution at the hearing. Parties having common interests are urged to coordinate and consolidate their presentations wherever feasible to avoid needless repetition. We have reserved Friday, October 20, 1972 for adjourned hearing if this phase of the proceeding requires more than one day. BY ORDER OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. Dated at San Francisco, this 19th day of September, 1972. WILLIAM R. JOHNSON, Secretary Public Utilities Commission of the State of California 1m