HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-09; City Council; 513; Capital outlay and street lightingAgenda Bill No. a ~aee: August 9, 1971 Referred TO: City Manager Subject: Budget: CapitaT'Outlay and Street Lighting ** - Submi t t ed By : Finance and Purchasing Department - Statement of the Matter Previous estimated costs for vehicular outl'ay were underestimated - Attached are the additional amounts requesked to enable purchase of vehicles -and additional Capital Outlay items. Included are Funds for the City's share of Street Lighting Charges. It is a1so"requested that an Inter'Fund toan of $20,000.00 as indicated on page 3,of the 1971-72 budget be made to Parks and Recreation from the General Fund. This will not change indicated General Fund Balance. ' Payments will be made to General Fund from Park Fund as follows: Exhi bi t 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 - Attached $5,000.00 5,,000.00 - 5,000.00- 5,000.00 .. Staff Recomrnenda tions This money is necessary because of increased. prices 'on the 1972 models which have just become available. .This additional money will preclude budget transfers as the vehicles are purchased; Additiopal items of Capi.ta1 Outlay in Library as exhibited.. . These Capital Outlay additions will reduce the: Fund Balances is - .* follows: FUND -BUDGET BALANCE ~ CAPITAL OUTLAY NEW BALANCE 120,904 7,783. _. 40,897 . Sanitation Water Library . 11 ,338 10,375 963 . . .:%850- 350 .. 650. . general 130,754. . 8,133 41,547 .. - '.- - . - "', ,. . *. .. .- 4 AB No. Date: August 9, 1971 City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff recommendations. Automotive equipment prices incorrect ,ut basecl on information supplied by dealers. Purchasing Agent will endeavor to secure better information for next year's 'budget-. Street lighting based on City's contribution to lighting districts. Library shelving and vacuum cleaner purchase recommended in addition to items contained in preliminary budget, to be purchased from additional Library Fund income due to increase in assessed valuation. A new driveway approach and ramp to the Greenwood property off Pi0 Pic0 will be required. This is due to reconstruction of Elm Avenue in con- nection with 1-5 construction by the Division of Highways which has de- stroyed the old driveway approach. This will require appropriating approx- imately $500 in account #1-104-4. The Public Works Director will provide a more accurate estimate at the meeting. Council Action 8-17-71 It was agreed that the additional funds for Capital Outlay items be approved for the library, city's contribution for lighting districts, an additional pick-up truck for the Public Works inspector, and that bids:ke Gbtained for the automotive equipment, to include a lease purchase price for the additional pick-up truck, subject to review by the Council. f -2- EXHIBITS DEPARTMENT Gen Gov't Streets Streets Engineering MechiMaint. Pal ice Sanitation Water Water Library Library Streets ACCOUNT # 1-104-9.1 1-113-9.1 1-113-9.1 1-110-9.1 1-123-9.1 1-119-9.1 12-116-9.1 W-5066 W-5066 6-122-9.1 6-122-9.1 1-113-2.1 AMOUNT $ 250.00 250.00 500.00 2,300.00 350.00 1,200.00 350.00 250.00 400.00 10;000.00 375.00 5 ;OOO. 00 DESCRIPTION Datsun Pickup Standard Pickup Standard 1/2 Ton Datsun Pickup. Datsun Pickup 4 Police Units Datsun Pickup Standard Pickup Medium Auto Library She1 ving Vacuum Street Lighting c