HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-17; City Council; 468; Amendment to Council Policy 7 Uniform Allowancer -: ......._ I ~ Dill No,~ CA n Ls DAD, CA i I F'o RN I A Dll to: July 28, 1971 Referred To: Subj~ct:: Submi ttcd Dy: AflENDMENT TO COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO, 7 Ralph W, Laughlin, Chief of Police Girard W. Anear, Fire Chief Statement of the Matter Council Policy Statement No, 7 would be amended to include all personnet of the Carlsbad Police D~partment and Carlsbad Fire Department, including Department H~ads and all Division,Heads, in the list of personnel receiving an annual uniform allowance of $150.00; and, further, to provide a "Clea'qing Allowance" of $5,00 per month for Police Reserve Officers on active duty. Exhibit None, seq££ Recommendations According to a s•.1::vey made by Police Chief Ralph Laughlin and Fire Chief G. W. Anear, a majority of California cities include Department and Division l!eads in the list of personnel receiving uniform allowance. Fullerton (Orange County), Vista, and Encinitas Fire District were directly contacted; and approximately 25 cities surveyed by the California State Firemen's Association reporte~ that departmenCal Chiefs and Division Heads receive the allowance, It is therefore r~cornmended that Policy Statement No, 7 be amended to include all personnel of the Police and Fire Departments, including Chiefs and Division !leads, in the list of personnel receiving the uniform allowance of $150.00 per year, It is also recommended that active Police Reserve officers be allowed a "Cleaning Allow- ance" of ~60,00 per year, I .. - AB No. Date: June 24 1971 C1t~ Manager's 5ecommendatiun Recommend adoption of.Policy Statement #7: Cou11c:il 0 Action ' 1 l 6-29-71 · Council Policy Statement #7 approved. The Council requested that a list of those persons qualifying for·uniform/clothing allowance be attached to Policy Statement. Chief Laughlin requested' to make survey allowances made by other cities for reserve officers,' 7-6-71 ,ihe Council adopted the supplement to Policy Statement #7. · A report will be made to the Council as to a survey being made regarding police reserve unifortns, . 8-' 3"71 The amendment to Polter Statement #7 as heretn stated w~s approved in principle. · 8-17-71 The amendment to Council Policy #7 was adopted, and implemP.ntation to be withheld pending interpretation of the Presidents dec- laration of moritorium or the mori tori um bei.ng l.'ifted. -2- : j 'j ' ' 7 ,, · l:Z -(tt:) C A R L S B A D, C ~LI F0 0 RN I A Dace: June 30, 1971 Reforred To: City ~ouncil subject: Supplement of Council Policy Statement #7 •• Uni form a 11 owance and renta'.1 Statement of the Matter Submitted B!J: · Wi 11 i am C. Ba 1 dwi n · Purchasing Ag,.:nt Uniform allowance. or provision on a rentai .basis would be made to a specified number sttfety, safety-related miscellaneous and miscellaneous employees below the rank of chief, police captain or battalion fire ahi ef·,· and. superintendent. Police D"epartmel'lt: Miscellaneous 'me~bers Safety members Fire De~artmeht: Safety members S~reet Department: Miscellaneous members (rental) . 7 16 15 9 Pa.rks Department:· Miscellaneous members (rental) 5 . . Sanitation Depa_rtment: i1isc,e11ane?US members .(rental) · 4 . ' ·water Department: Miscellaneo~s membe~s (rental) ·10 . . ~ . . -~·cus-f6-di ~ris (rental) 2 A completed agreement between the Ca1ifornia Sta~e ·Department of Human Resources and Deve16pment and th.e Ci'ty of -Carlsbad would add an addit"ionaJ fifteen (15) ~o the list of misc.e11aneous members to receive. uniform provision on a rental basis. · Staff Recommendations -Ap~roval PolitJ Statement #t. ----· ·-· •• -· --·--· •• 'J I 'i d r ..... I ---,, CITY OF CARLSBAD Policv No. COUNCIL POLI CY STATEMENT Date Issued General Subject: Effective Date . Specific Subject: UNIFORM ALLOWANCE & RENTAL Cancellation Date ' Suoersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, Ci-ty Attorney, Departmert and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin BoardsJ Pr~ss, Fi" - PURPOSE: To esta~lish a policy of the City Council regardi~g provision of uniforms and uniform allowances for various employees as specified in the fol- lowing statement. STATEMENT OF POLICY: 1. It is the pol icy of the City Council to provide uni forms for those miscellaneous employees required to be uniformed, and to provide safety shoes for those employees whose job ljsts such a requirjd tool. 2. It ii the policy of the City Council to authorize a uniform-clothing allowance f9r all Police Department safety members other-thair:•. Department ox Divisio~ Heads in the amount Gf $150.00 annually, and for all miscellaneous Police Departmer.t personnel required to be uhiformed in the amount of $100.00 annurrly. 3. It is the policy of the City Coun'cil authorize a uniform-clothing ~llowance for all Fire Department safety members other than ·Depart- jint or Division Heads and required to b~ uniformed in the amount of $150.00 annually. . . ' ____________ ,.. ------------,.--. .>olicy No. 7 CI1, OF CAklSBAO COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Date Issued Effective Date General Subject: ADMINISTRATION -------------! Specific Subject: Uniform Allowance & Rental Canc~!llation Date Supers'-ades No. Copies to": City Council, City Manager,.City Attorney, Oepartmint ~nd Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To establish a policy of the City Council regarding provision of uni- forms and uniform allowances for various employees as specified in the following statement: STATEMENT _Qf.__p_QL ICY: It is the policy of the City Council: 1. To provide uniforms for those miscellaneous employees requir.ed to be uniformed, and to provide safety shoes for those employ- ees whose job 1 ists such a required tool, including Federal or State fu~ded employees who may be hired. 2. To authorize a uniform-clothing allowance for al] Pol'~e De- partment safety members, in the amount of $150.0C ann•~lly; and for a~l miscellaneous Police Department personne; required to be uniformed,in the amount of $100.00 annually. (a) To provide a "cleaning allowance" of $5.00 per month for Police Reserve Officers on active duty. (b) To p."qvide a uniform for the Pl)lice Cadet. This will be provided for the sum of $50.00 annually. 3. To authorize~ uniform-clothing allowance for all Fire Depart- ment safety members required to be uniformed, in the amount of $150.00 annually. (a) To provide a uniform allowance for the Fire Department volunteers in the amount of $37.50 each annually. • i . ' ,I