HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-31; City Council; 510; Cannon Road Improvement.- 1' '1' I1 E -- CITY OF Agcrida Dall No. 510 (Revised Date: At1gust 31, 1.971. kcfcrrcd To: City Council Submit tcd BY: City Engineer Subject: Cannon Road Improvement - Consultant's Agreement \ Statement of the E!atter On September 3, 1968, the City Council approved a petition for a street opening and improvement on Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to 600, feet east of Interstate 5, and instructed the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the project. At that time, the City Engineer determined that the City Engineering staff could not prepare the plans and specifications due to work load, and he assigned the work'to the firm of Associated 'Engineers without a formal agreement. . Associated Engineers has completed a preliminary design and submitted it to this office for approval along with a claim for design work completed to date. A formal agreement for design of the project and specialized assessment work has been negotiated with Associated Engineers. This agreement is attached as Exhibit (1). It provides for payment on an' actual cost basis with a maximum of $23,000.00. This is in line with fees-normally paid for projects of this complexity. Funds in the amount of $41.,000 have been budgeted for this project. These funds can be advanced to f;nd this design. by the district. by a raised median strip. . Funds advanced will be repaid The project will provide for a 4-lane roadway divided . c .- I . Exhibit -. 1) Draft agreement for consultant .services 2) Engineer's proposal dated August 26, 1971 3)- Invoice dated May 24, 1971 .from Associated Engineers Staff Recommendation -- . * .. Adopt a motion authorizing .th'e Mqyor to execute a consultant's agreement with Associated Engineers for design of Cannon Road Improvement District on behalf of the City. .. c A13 No. Date: Auqust 31, 1971 I .. .. .- City Manager's Recommendation .' . .. .- r Council Action The Mayor was authorized to execute the consultant's 9-7-71 -city, said payment to be on an actual-cost basis * agreement with Associate Engineer for design of common road improvement- district on behalf of the I with a maximum of $23,000.- .. ,I' t .. I -2- 3 2 s 4 E E 'i E s 1C I3 12 12 14 1E 1E 17 1E 1E 2c 21 . 2: 2: 24 25 2E .2$ 22 2: 3c 31 3: AGREEMENT (IMPROVEMENT OF CANNON ROAD FROM CARLSBAD BLVD. to 600' EAST OF 1-5) do .--g This Agreement is made and entered into on this , 1971, by and between Associated En- eferred to as "ENGINEER" and the City of Carlsbad, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "C ITY I' . RECITALS CITY proposes to construct certain street improvements on Cannon Road from Carlsbad Boulevard to 600' East of Interstate 5, as described in 1911 Act petition approved by City of Carlsbad Council on September 3, 1968. ENGINEER has performed design and field engineering on this project from August, 1968 to May, 1971 in amount of $10,404.26, which has been billed to the CITY. ENGINEER has submitted a proposal to perform engineering services on this contract in connection with this improvement to include the following: 1) Construction plans, specifications and estimate. 2) 3) 4) Improvement district map, preliminary assessments, Right of way descriptions and maps. Field work necessary for preparation of plans and maps. debt limit report, assessment roll and assessment diagram. AGREEMENT 1) CITY engages ENGINEER to furnish the services herein- after mentioned at and for the compensation herein stipulated and the ENGINEER accepts said engagement upon terms hereinafter set forth. 2) ENGINEER shall: (a) Complete detailed plans and specifications for the project. Specifications shall be in typed form suitable for use in soliciting competitive ~ . . .. . . . .. - . ~ . .. ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 bids. Detailed plans shall be in ink on mylar. Prepare legal descrip-ions and sketches for rig,,t of way to be acquired. Prepare improvement district map, preliminary assessments, debt limit report, assessment roll and assessment diagram. Prepare contract proposal in typed form suitable for inclusion in the bidding documents. Provide consultation from time to time as may be required by the City Engineer until assessments are levied. 3) CITY shall provide ENGINEER with: (a) Existing field survey data. (b) Existing plans and maps. (c) Title reports. (d) Consultation as needed to accomplish proj-ct. (e) Reimbursement for reproduction of said plans, speci- f ications, and recorded documents. 4) Original drawings, maps, descriptions and other documents shall become the property of the CITY and may be reproduced by the City Engineer. 5) CITY reserves the right to terminate the Agreement at any time by written notice to the ENGINEER. In the event the CITY terminates this Agreement, it shall reimburse the ENGINEER a portion of his fee based on City Engineer's estimated percentage of work done and estimated value of the work. 6) All plans, specifications and other documents for the project shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City En- gineer and delivered to him within one hundred and thirty-five (135) calendar days following execution of this Agreement. 7) In consideration of the performance of the above de- scribed engineering services, CITY agrees to pay ENGINEER an -2- I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28 29 30 31 32 amount based upon attached fee schedule marked as Exhibit "AI', but in no event shall said amount be greater than $23,000.00. The amount to be paid ENGINEER shall be payable as follows: The amount of $10,404.26 shall be payable upon execution of this Agreement as partial payment for services completed to date. The remainder shall be paid as follows: (a) Construction plans, specifications and right of way maps, descriptions - 90% payable upon approval by CITY and balance payable upon award of contract. (b) Improvement district map, preliminary assessments, debt limit report, assessment roll and assessment diagram - 70% payable upon presentation of debt limit report and balance payable upon confirmation of assessment roll. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of this day and year first hereinabove written. City of Carlsbad APPROVED AS TO FORM: LEWIS A. MOE, City Attorney __-- -7 ATTEST : WAYNE P. LlLL ROBERT E. MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERING 224-2467 3904 GROTON STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 10 August 26, 1971 Mr. Hunter Cook, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92068 Subject: Cannon Road Improvement Refer: Our meeting of August 24, 1971 Dear Sir: A: Consultation .............................$ 30.00/per hour Office Engineering ....................... 20.00/per hour 3 man Survey Party ....................... 51.00/per hour 2 man Survey Party ....................... 38.00/per hour Secretarial .............................. 10.00/per hour We propose to furnish the engineering services for the subject project, as listed in the pending Agreement, at the following.rates: Improvement District Map, Debt Limit Report W/estimate, preliminary assessment, assessment roll, assessment diagr am................................,..............$ 3,900.00 Lump Sum Prints and miscellaneous expenses - at cost. B: The total of the charges in Item "A" above will not exceed $ 23,000.00 Yours very truly, Wayn h4f@?& P. Lill WPL/vn 580 EXHIBIT "A " 1. \ . WAYNE P. LlLL ROBERT E. MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGl NEERS CIVIL ENGINEERING 224-2467 3904 GROTON STREET SAN DIEGO. CALIF0EN:A 92110 71 . 19 - hlay 24, In Account With City of Carlsbad City Hall 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California CANNON ROAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO EASTERLY OF INTERSTATIS HOUTE 5 (August 1968 - Hay 1971) * 28/hours 2 man Survey Party Q $28.00. .. 55/hours 3 man Ssrvey Party @ $38.00.. 784.00 2,090.00 499 hours Office @ $15.00. ............. 7,485.00 c Prints....................... 45.26 TOTAL.. .. .$10,404.26 580 * I I I