HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-09-21; City Council; 537; Elm Ave drainage problemsCITY F C A R L S B A C/ CALJFOKWJA Agrenda Bill No Referred To: Pate: September 21. 1971 Subject: • Drainage Problem, Elm Avenue Westerly of Valley Request by Mr. Sidney A. Fuller Submitted By City Engineer Statement of the Matter The property owner at the southeast- corner of Elm Avenue and Valley re- quested the City to solve the drainage problem on his property. His . property is located in a low area generally bounded by Valley, Oak, Buena Vista and a ridge running parallel and easterly of Highland Drive. Mr. Fuller alleges that flooding conditions on his property have been increased due to the construction of Elm Avenue between Highland and Valley. • The situation- has been reviewed. Discussions with the former City Engineer, Mr. Wayne Lill, and with old time residents in the area reveal that the area has always been subject to flooding and an increase as a- result of the construction of Elm Avenue is not apparent. There appears no positive solution to Mr. Fuller's problem until such time as a storm drain system connecting the low area in which he resides to an outside drainage basin can be constructed. This matter has been discussed with Mr. Fuller. There does not seem to be enough interest within the drainage area to put together such' a project .at the present time. As I discussed in my letter to Mr. Fuller on January 29, 1971, see Exhibit "A", a possible solution would be the installation of vertical sand drains on his property. The estimated cost to construct a sand drain on his property and another on the property across the street which has a similar condition would be $ 1,000.00 _ . Funds for this work were included in • the submittals for the Fiscal Year 1971-72 Budget. However, the project could not be justified with a high priority. If the Council wishes to proceed with thisjproject at this time, funds> In the amount of $ 1,000.00 must be transferred from the General Fund Reserve. The problem is a definite nuisange to Mr. Fuller. However, I do not find that the City has contributed to it in any significant way. When we cannot fund projects such as the State Street Storm Drain and the elimination of the open drainage ditches on Basswood and Highland Drive, both projects of general public interest, I cannot recommend Mr. Fuller's project to the Council at this time. Exhibit "A" Letter to Keith T. Fuller, dated January 29, 1971, subject - ponding situation, southwest corner of Elm Avenue and Valley Street. Staff Recommendation " Adopt a motion directing the-City Engineer to include the subject project in the list of pro'jects to be' considered as part of the Fiscal Year 1972-73 Budget. . • If the Council desires: • Adopt a motion directing the Finance Director to transfer $ 1,000*00 from the General Fund Reserve to Drainage Account No. 1, and directing the City Engineer to proceed with installing of vertical sand drains at the northwest and southwest corners of Elm Avenue and Valley Street. AD NO.Date: September 21, 1971 City Manager's Recommendation Policy decision. Council Action 9-21-71 Authorization was given for the construction of a vertical sanddrain at the northwest and southwest .corners of Elm Ave. and Valley Street, and that - the sum of $1000.00 be expended for the work. —2— January 29, 1971 Mr. Keith T. Puller 3015 Valley Street Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT: Ponding Situation, Southwest Corner of Sim Avenue and Valley Street Dear Mr. Fullert In response to your requests to the City for assistance in re- lieving the ponding situation on your property south of Elm Avenue, this office has investigated the situation. Since your property lies in the low area bounded by Highland, Valley, Buena Vista and Oak, the logical solution to the problem is the completion of the Elm Avenue Storm Drain. Unfortunately, as we have discussed, this does not appear imminent. Construct- ion of this line will probably not occur until development of the undeveloped land east of Valley or until the property owners in your area form a drainage assessment district. We would be pleased to assist in the formation of such a district if it appears there is sufficient interest. As I discussed with you, a possible solution to the ponding problem is the installation of vertical sand drains, constructed by drilling holes into a permeable sand stratum below your prop- erty. The existence of such a stratum has not been confirmed. I have endeavored to obtain funds to drill a test hole to deter- mine if the sand drain method would be feasible. However, we have no funds available in the current budget for this work. I will, however, prepare a project for consideration as part of the 1971-72 budget. I will keep you informed as to the progress of this project. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours. HUNTER T. COOK City Engineer ETC ice cc» City Manager EXHIBIT . 01 C^A^ &J*~s **-&.