HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-10-19; City Council; 561; Avenida Encinas parcel Split 150 Winslow Pacific^te^HKT" :r H B T y O F CARLS DAD,C A I, 1 f\ O K H I ZJill Wo.Date.- October 19. 1971 Kef erred To .• Subject: Parcel Split #150 and Request by Winslow Pacific for City Participation in the Construction of Avenida Encinas, Between Palomar Airport Road and the Encina Submitted By: City Engineer Water Pollution Control Facility Statement of the Hatter **••••^^"-""M- ~~ - «^—^»_ .. _. i ^ The 26 acre*." parcel being split is located just northerly of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. It will be traversed by Avenida Enqinas. Avenida Encinas will be the only through street located between -the Freeway and the AT&SF Railroad, running north-south from Palomar Airport Road to Poinsettia Lane. F-our lanes will be required ultimately 'anticipated traffic. The roadway is located immediately westerly property line, which is also the easterly right the railroad. It generally 'follows the existing entrance Treatment Plant. See Exhibit (A). to handle the adjacent to the of .way 1 i ne of roadway to the Winslow Pacific, the developer, has requested that the City assume obli- gation for constructing one-half of the physical improvements of the roadway plus constructing one-half of the grading for the ultimate road- way. The Council has no adopted policy for City participation in street, construction and previous Council actions in cases of this type have been varied. • •' There are certain nearby precedents which may give some guidance: 1) A portion of Avenida Encinas, four-lane divided, to the • south in the property known originally as H. B. Development, now being developed by Occidental Petroleum Land and Develop- mentCorporation, is being constructed entirely by the de- veloper. That developer is also constructing .al1 of Poin- settia Lane, four-lane divided, including a two-lane bridge over the Railroad. The City will build the second bridge. 2) 3) 4) Avenida Encinas to the north, between Palomar Airport Road and the Burroughs Plant, was constructed entirely by the developer. In the vicinity of Burroughs, it .has frontage only on one side. - .• Lowder Lane and Las Encinas Road, part of the Macco and McReynolds developments, are scheduled to be constructed entirely by the developer. . The Council Lowder Lane has indicated that it will construct all of in the area of .the auto dealers. The estimated cost of the total ultimate street improve- ments is $107,000. Th-is tota.l includes: Street improvements Adjust telephone cables Adjust power poles Adjust gas line Acquire slope easements from AT&SF Railroad \. a b c d e $60,000 11,000 6,000 25,000 5,000 $107,000 Statement of the Matter (continued) .4) continued The developer has proposed doing work as follows: a) One-half street improvements $34,000 b) Adjust telephone cables 11,000 The estimated cost to the City would be: Street improvements $26,000 Adjust power poles 6,000 Adjust gas line . 25,000 Acquire slope easements from AT&SF Railroad 5,000 $ 45,000 $ 62,000 If the road alignment were shifted to the east, Items (d) and (e), totaling $30,000 could be eliminated, thereby re- ducing the cost to the City to $32,000. A decision by participation the City Council regarding the extent of City will be required. The staff is currently preparing a rough draft of a policy statement for Council consideration which will recommend some City participation in the streets above local widths. It would appear that City participation in that portion of the physical improvements of a street over 40' in width could be justified. A recent survey of the North County Cities, plus the five major cities in Southern San Diego County, together with two cities in Orange County, reveals that they generally participate in improvements above local street width to some extent, dependent upon funds available. Each requires the developer to do all grading. Some City participation in this roadway may be justified, timate width is above local street standards. since the ul- Exhibit (A) Parcel Map - Parcel Split #150 Staff Recommendation Adopt a motion approving Parcel Split #150, subject to the folio conditions: a) r*" That full subdivision improvements be installed/as required by ordinance, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The easterly 32 feet of Avenida Encinas shall be installed immediately by t"he developer, except that southerly of the entrance to Parcel 1, the developer shall only be required to immediately install 24 feet of paving. He shall enter into a future street agreement for the improvement of the j remaining eight feet* The City shall install the remaining paving, curb and gutter and perfornt grading, for the westerly portion of the roadway at such time as the C^ty deems necessary. Staff Re commend a tio.. -~atinued) b) That the developer shall enter into a standard secured sub- division agreement guaranteeing construction of those public improvements required by the City Council. c) That a 10" water line be installed from the end of the existing public line in Avenida Encinas to Parcel 1, and that the existing line to the treatment plant be connected. d) That a 12-foot easement for a future water line be granted to the City crossing Parcel 1, from east to west. e) That the developer adjust the existing underground telephone cables as necessary to permit construction of ultimate Avenida Encinas across the .developer's property or enter into a FutureStreet Improvement Agreement. ?/ f) That the developer stockpile on his property sufficient fill f\/ material for any grading which will be the obligation of the (F U^ City. All material placed within the limits of the ultimate /y roadway embankment shall be placed in conformance with City y r/\f\/ r Standard Specifications. Staff Recommendation Adopt a motion approving Parcel Split #150, subject to the following conditions: a) That full subdivision improvements be installed as required by ordinance, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The easterly 32 feet of Avenida Encinas shall be installed immediately by the developer, between the Northerly boundary and the entrance to Parcel 1. The developer shall enter into a future street agreement for the improvement of the Easterly 32 feet of Avenida Encinas, between the entrance to Parcel 1 and the Southerly boundary of Parcel Split #150. The City shall install the remaining paving, curb and gutter and perform grading, for the westerly portion of the roadway at such time an the City deems necessary. e) That the developer adjust the existing underground telephone cables as necessary to permit construction of ultimate Avenida Encinas across the developer's property or enter into a future agreement. AS No. 561 ' Date City Manager's Recommendation Counci1'Action 10-19-71 Council approved Parcel Split #150, subject to conditions b,c,d,and f. Conditions "a" and e" as contained and corrected on attached staff recommendations. -2-