HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-02; City Council; 538-3; Alder AV lot E vacation. -Supplement No. 3 to Agenda Bill NO. 538 I- DaeeNpvember 2, 1971 I **Ref erred To : I .. Subject: Submitted By: I* R'equ Carl est for Vacation-of Lot "E"' (Alder Ave.') sbad. Mano-r, By Richard E. Geyer . City Engineer . -. . . . Statemsnt of the :fztter 5 Exhibits. (E) and (F) are submitted- for CCuricil'consideration as . requested. -. . Exhi bi t .. E) . Street Pattern Sketch F) Resolution No./?f2) Accepting the offer of dedication of Lot -"E1' .. - Staff Recommendations If the Council desires to utilize Exhibit -"F" and-accept the o-ffer of dedication, accept-ance- should. be contingent'upon the four adjoining property owners entering into future improvement agreements.guaranteeing installation of the Public Improvements. 12-2-71 See attached report. I . 8 AB No. 538 Da te: .. . -.. .- . . City Manaqer's Recommendation .. - - .considered for Lbt "E". . The main objections to the .walkway are as follows: 9/21/71 -.On the basis of prior experience with .pedestrian walkways of the type suggested for Lot ''E", it is recommended that this project, not be 1 1. Co-st of .improvements vs. area of benef-it. .- 2. Continuing police'problem. '3. Continuing litter- and rnaintenance.'problern. . ' - . 4. .. Introduction of pedestrian and bicycle traffic into a cul de sac- street where. homeqwners undoubtedly only. anticipated such- traf.fic - from residences on the cul de sac. . . Our recdmmendation is that 'the City Engineer -be instructed to begin vaca- tion proceedings with any necessary drqinage.or utility easements to be . . retained. i 12/7/71' Concur with recommendation of City' Engineer. (See attached report) Council 'Action . (see attached sheet) .. \. ' .- _. -2- December 2, 1971 (Staff report) TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: VACATION OF LOT E, CARLSBAD MANOR UNIT NO. 1 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION 1906 GENERAL DISCUSSION 1. Lot E, Carlsbad Manor is sixty(60) feet wide, averages 343.5 in length and equals approximately 20,610 square feet. Lot E is adjacent to a 1.44-acre parcel currently without public access. In order for the adjoining property to develop, public access would be required to at least the mid-point of the 1.44-acre parcel. This would allow four 15,000 square-foot parcels to be created. Additionally, there is the necessity of providing for water, sewer and storm drain facilities. There are several potential alternatives as to courses of action the City of Carlsbad may take in vacating all or a portion of Lot E. 2. Possible courses of action: a. Do not Qacate lot E, and do not create a through street. In effect, this approach would allow public access to the 1.44-acre parcel, but not create through traffic. This can be achieved by constructing a cul-de-sac in lot E and providing a physical barrier to automobile traffic while not eliminating pedestrian traffic. This would also provide for water, sewer and storm drain facilities to be constructed in a public right-of-way. See exhibit (1). b. 'Vacate 166.66 feet of lot E that would lie between the Alder cul-de-sac to the south and a new cul-de-sac to the north. This would create a 10,000 square-foot lot which is the minimum lot size required by the zoning ordinances. However, there would be a substantial lot frontage of sixty(60) feet vice the required seventy- five(75) feet. This amount of vacation would also allow public access to the 1.44-acre parcel in question. An additional 20-foot easement for water, sewer, and storm drain would be required across the created parcel con- necting to public facilities in Alder Avenue to the south. See exhibit (2). -2- c. Do not vacate lot E and construct a through road con- necting the two sections of Alder Avenue to each other. See exhibit (3). d. Vacate all of lot E, but provide a 25-30-foot access easement and a utility easement for water, sewer tnd storm drains to the 1.44-acre parcel in question. ee exhibit (4). RECOMMENDATION: of the proposed street would be unwise. It is the staff recom- mendation that lot E, Carlsbad Manor Unit No. 1 not be vacated and that it be developed in a manner commensurate with item "a" for the following reasons: From the standpoint of effective land planning, vacation 1. There is a need for public access to be provided that would enable the property in question to satisfactorily develop. 2. Public utilities can be placed in a public right-of-way. 3. The creation of a public right-of-way, but not a through street will not create any traffic safety hardships at the inter- section of Alder Avenue and Sunnyhill Drive and at the same time will allow pedestrian traffic to continue as it has in the past. 4. The property owners adjoining lot E have agreed to con- struct the customary public improvements at no cost to the City. JBA:sll EXHIBIT "A" Lot E, Carlsbad Manor Unit No. 1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 6503, filed in the Office of the County Re- corder of San Diego County, October 14, 1969. A 10.00 foot wide water pipeline, storm drain and appurten- ant structures easement being the Northwesterly 10.00 feet together with the Southwesterly 10 -00 feet of the following described property: Lot E, Carlsbad Manor Unit No. 1, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 6503, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, October 14, 1969. Both as shown for convenience sake on City of Carlsbad Drawing Number 163-9, attached hereto and made a part hereof.