HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-29; City Council; 600; Landscaping Plan Parkway at Grand & Madisonm T H E C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D, C A L I F O R N I A Agenda Bill No. �oE)O Date: November 29, 1971 _ Referred To: Subject: Landscaping Plan - Parkway at Grand Avenue Submitted By: and Madison Street Public Wks. Dir.. and Parks & Recreation Dir. Statement of the Matter Considerable difficulty with the property owner has been encountered over the cleaning of property situated on the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Madison Street. A few weeks ago, Fire Chief Anear supervised a volunteer crew and cleaned up any possible fire hazard on the property. This week our Sanitation Inspector contacted the resident about piles of tree trimmings around the house and was told to leave them alone as they were used for fire wood. Part of the property am which there are weeds belongs to the Mayfair Market and they will clean their portion. Parks and Recreation Director Johnston has designed a landscaping plan that will screen the property. The idea can also be a typical bus stop in areas where we have wide parkways. The estimated cost of the work is $2,260. Mr. Johnston has indicated that certain individuals are willing to contribute toward this project. The Mayfair Market also has indicated their willingness to fence their portion with .grape -stake fencing. Exhibit Landscaping Plans by Mr. Robert A. Johnston. Staff Recommendations Request Council approve plan in principle and indicate their willingness for project to begin subject to available funds. Refer to Parks and Recreation Commission for review and action. f It, AB No. City Managar's Recommendation Date: November 29, 1971 Concur with staff recommendation. It should be noted there are three budgeted projects which appear to have higher priority as follows: 1. Initial City Hal.] landscaping. 2. Initial Laguna Riviera Park planting (hillside area). 3. El Camino Real landscaping. Final decision on •the project should be coordinat3d with gifts for the project and timing of an expanded transit operation. Council'Action 12-7.71 The request for Council approval of landscaping.plan for parkway at Grand Avenue and Madison Street was approved in principle and referred to the Parks and Recreation Commission. -2-