HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-29; City Council; 618; City Membership in San Luis Rey Watershed PlanningTHE CITY Agenda Bill No. OF Referred To: CARLSBAD,CALIF' ORNIA Date: November 29, 1971 subject: City Membership in the San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency submitted ,, ^Water Committee Statement of the Matter Col. A. C. Bowen appeared before the City Council at their November 16 meeting requesting that the City of Carlsbad become a member of the San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency inasmuch as they owned real property in the Bonsall area as well as water rights within the San Luis Rey watershed. Exhibit Work plan copy of the study is available in the Public Works Director's office. Memo to City Manager from Finance Director dated 11-30-71. Staff Recommendations That the Council approve the membership of the City of Carlsbad by a Joint Powers Agreement to the San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency, and that the City of Carlsbad participate in the study at a cost of $1500, plus a percentage of the balance of the project cost based on the assessed valuation of the City properties within the San Luis Rey drainage area. Total cost would be approximately $2500 to $3,000. The study is a water quality management study of the Joint Administra- tion Committee, Santa Margarita Watershed Planning Agency, and San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency. AS No.-6M-Date: November 29, 1971 City Manager's Recommendation Pol icy matter. Council Action 12-7-71 It was agreed that the City of Carlsbad become a member of the San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency by a Joint Powers Agreement, at a cost of $1,500.00, plus a percentage of the balance of the project cost based on the assessed valuation of City properties within the San Luis Rey drainage area, and that funds be appro- priated in the 1972-73 budget for such costs. The City Manager was directed to prepare a letter to the Water Committee stating the Council's intention. -2- MEMORANDUM DATE : November 30, 1971 TO : Jack B. Arnold, City Manager FROM : Thelma Sowell, Finance Director SUBJECT: Membership in Joint Administration Committee, Santa Margarita Watershed Planning Agency, and San Luis Rey Water Planning Agency No funds have been budgeted in 1971-72 Water Budget for this purpose. Suggested alternative is the use of the Water Operating Fund Balance. Estimated Fund balance as of 6-30-72 (Account # W-572) ..$129,424 Improvements San Luis Rey , . (Account # W-5064) (24,264)tU S.L.R. Watershed (Account # W-5049) ( 3,000) Balance in Fund Balance (Account # W-572) $102,157 (1) bid by Don Hubbard Contracting Company. (Overbid by 16%)