HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-13; City Council; 638; Legal and Administrative Classifications• f { T H E C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D, C A L Z F^O R N I A Agenda Bill No. �. Date: January 13, 1972 Referred To: subject: Legal and Administrative Classifications Submitted By: City Manager Statement of the Hatter Class specifications and salary ranges for the positions of Public 'Works Director -City Engineer, City Attorney, and Assistant City•Manager are proposed. In addition, since we lack a class specification for City Manager, this class specification is also submitted for approval by the' City Council. t • t Exhibit Clas's specification for City Manager, City Attorney, Public Works Director -City Engineer, and Assistant City Manager. Job announcements for City Attorney and Assistant City Manager to appear in Western City magazine. Staff Recommendations AB No. Date: January 13, 1972 City Manager's Recommendation 1. Approval of the four class specifications by minute motion as requested. 2. A resolution amending Resolution 1873 as amended is requested. This resolution would de-lete the class specifications of City Engineer (Range 53), Director of Public Works (Ran e-49), and would insert the classifications of City Attorney Range 57) $1540=1617;1697-1782-1871; Public Works Director -City Engineer (Salary Range 55) $1396-1697; and Assistant City Manager (Salary Range 50) $1236-1502. 3. Approve the advertisements to be placed in Western City maga- zine. Council'Action lr18-72 Resolution No. 1943 was adopted by title only and further reading waived. The Council agreed that the class specifications for the positions of Assistant City Manager, Public Works Director -Engineer, City Manager and City Attorney, as indicated on attached, be adopted and approved by the Council, as recommended by the City Manager. -2- CITY.OF CARISBA- CITY MANAGER Definition' This is a highly responsible position administering the municipal organization under the general direc- tion of the City Council. This official is the chief administrative officer for the City of Carlsbad. He must have extensive knowledge of the organization and operation of a munic ipal government, and the ability to'apply this knowledge to local problems. The work requires a high degree of leadership and the ability to work effectively with the council, other public leaders, and city department heads. Examples 1. Is responsible for enforcement of all ordinances oo ties of the city. 2: Exercises control over methods and procedures of operation in city departments. 3. Makes recommendations to the City Council and ad- vises them as to the needs of the city. 4. Directs and controls the operations of all public utilities owned and operated by the city. 5. Directs the preparation of plans and specifica- tions for work which the council may order. 6. Supervises the purchasing of supplies and equip- ment., 7. Is responsible for the appointment and removal of various officials, department heads and other em- ployees. 8. Prepares the annual city budget, capital improve'- ment plans, special reports and related documents: 9. Performs related work as required. Employment Extensive knowledge of the principles of municipal tan ar s management. Extensive knowledge of the organiza- tion, function, operation, and problems of municipal government. Ability to appraise situations and people accurately and quickly. Ability to lead, cooperate, and get along well with city officials, employees, and. the general public. 1 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY MANAGER Emol'o ment Five years of progressively responsible experience Standards in governmental administrative work, includtng at least two years as city manager or assistant city manager, and a Master's degree in public adminis- tration, political science, business administration, economics, civil engineering or a -related fl'eld,; or any equivalent combination of experience and train- ing. 1-18-72 d.. 2 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Definition This is a responsib.le position assisting the City Manager with administratiye resppnsibilities. Under general supervision of the City Manager, the employee exercises considerable initiative in carrying out a variety of assignments. The work involves an exten- sive knowledge of municipal governmental functions and involves observation, analysis, compilation and reporting in the fields of management, land develop- •ment,-environmental protection, finance, and public works. Examples 1. Coordinates land development by serving as chair - of Duties man of the subdivision committee and guiding staff work so that accurate information is developed and recommendations are in concurrence with state law, the Municipal Code, and City Council policy. 2. Checks and guides preliminary staff work -to insure - accuracy and that city polities have been worked out for inclusion in contracts; ordinances, -and re- , ports. 9 3. Makes investigations and studies, and prepares' re- � ports for the City Manager on special public works projects, administrative surveys, organizational studies, manpower and equipment utilization, citi- zen complaints, etc. 4. Assists in the preparation of the annual budget and t other information for dissemination to the public. 5. Supervises and evaluates subordinate administrative and clerical personnel. 6. Coordinates the preparation of and analyzes monthly reports from all departments and/or divisions. 7. Acts as City Manager during the absence of the City Manager. ! 8, Coordinates and directs public information, such as quarterly newsletter, feature articles, and similar j informational activities. ' 9. Performs related work as assigned. M • CITY OF CARLSBAD ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CContld.) E-mplo ment Extensive knowledge of the functions of municipal Stan a� government, the relationship to the jurisdiction of other public agencies, the principles of public ad- ministration and analysis. Ability to write and speak effectively and io prepare organizational and Procedural studies and reports. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationship's with officials and employees of the City, other governmental juris- dictions and the general public. Four years of progressively responsible experience in governmental administrative work, preferably including at least two years as administrative assistant to a City Manager, and graduation from college with a major in public administration, political science, business administration, economics, civil engineering, or a re- lated field. A Master's degree is preferred, but not required. Equivalent combinations of experience and raining may be acceptable. 1-18-72 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY ATTORNEY Definitton This is professional legal and administrative work in research, consultation, and court trials involving muni- cipal legal problems. The City Attorney is legal ad- viser and representative of the City's legislative and administrative officials. The work involves the prepa- ration of opinions, ordinances, and resolutions, and the responsibility for representing and advising in all civil litigation in which the City is involved, and the .p.rosecut.ion of all crimin.al violations of City ordinances. The employee exercises professional judgment independently and is subject only to general administrative and judi- cial review. Supervision may be exercised over profes- sional and clerical assistants. Examples 1. Studies constitutions, statutes, ordinances, deci- of Duties sions, rules, and regulations with the objective of clarifying points of law and facts. Carries on re- lated research activity. 2. Advises on legal questions and confers with var,ous offices, employees, boards, commissions, agencies, and citizens of the City. 3. Writes and reviews contracts, resolutions, ordinances, and other legislative and legal documents. 4. Prepares briefs for court cases, and represents the City in all cases where the City is involved. 5. Investigates claims by and against the City, and recommends action to be taken. 6. May assign, supervise, and review the work of pro- fessional and clerical subordinates involved in a wide variety of legal research and record mainte- nance work. 7. Performs related duties as required. Employment Extensive knowledge of the principles and procedures of tS- ndards civil law, especially as they relate to municipal govern- ment, and the ability to apply this knowledge to varied legal problems. Thorough knowledge of the principles, methods, and practices of legal research investigation. Thorough knowledge of judicial procedul•es and the rules of evidence. 1 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY ATTORNEY (Copt' d, ) Em to ment Considerable knowledge of local ordinances, state and Sta-- n- federal laws, and constitutional provisions affecting municipal operation. Working knowledge of municipal government structure and operations, and the relation - .ships to other public jurisdictions. Four years of responsible experience in professional legal work, including two years municipal experience; and graduation from .a recognized law school. Evidence of qualification to practice law before all courts of the State of California must be presented as part of the required minimum qualifications. 1-18-72 2 of 2 er CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTSR-CITY ENGINEER Definition This'is an ad.ministratiye and professional class with duties involving planning, organizing, and directing the City's public works activities, pro- yiding engineering advice and information, and per- forming related work as required. Duties are per* formed under administrative direction. Examples 1. Plans ana directs the design, construction, in - of Duties spection, repair and maintenance of streets, sewers, drains, and water facilities. 2. Directs the preparation of plans and specifica- tions for public works improvements. 3. Reviews and recommends approval of bids and con- tracts for construction and improvement projects. 4. Administers the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance, State Map Act, the Grading Ordirance, and Joint Sewer System contract. 5. Provides professional engineering advice and in- formation including recommendations concerning ordinances, standards, and policies to the City Council, City staff, and commissions. 6. Confers with the City Manager on long range capi- tal improvement programs and establishes depart- ment.policies and procedures. 7. Directs preparation of studies concerning engi'- neering aspects of future City development in- cluding the general plan, master utility and street plans. 8. Coordinates the orderly extension of public im- tyyoneresvelopers during heplanningofwdevelopments. 9. Analyzes traffic patterns, both present and pre- dicted, through speed, yolume, and accident studies, and determines requirements for sign- ing, striping, signalization, and roadway classi- fication. 10. Administers streets and highway code pertaining to assessment district proceedings. 11. Directs the preparation and maintenance of offi- cial maps, records, and files related to engi- neering activities. 1 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLI^. WO"KS DIRECTOR -CITY ENGINEER (Cont'd.) Examples 12. Prepares annuc,-! budget estimates for the depart - and administers the approved budget. of Duties ment 13. Selects, trains, and disciplines department per- sonnel. 14. Provides information regarding departmental activities through talks before civic groups, correspondence, and.per.sonnel contacts. Employment Graduation from college with major course work in + tan arcs civil engineering and seven years of experience in civil engineering activities. Special requirement: Possession of a certificate of registration as a professional Civil EAgineer in the State of California. 2-1-72 2 of 2 1,14--2 Qroposed Western City Advertisements CITY ATTORNEY - Carlsbad, Calif. (Pop. 15,300) Salary: — 1i,480-$22,452. Full time - no private practice. California bar member and four years experience, two in municipal law. Must be quite familiar with Calif. law relating to zoning, annexation and land development. Apply by March 10, 1972 to Mayor David M. Dunne, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER - Carlsbad, Calif. (Pop. 15,300) Salary: ,832- 1 ,024. Rapidly growing full service city. Four years governmental administrative experience including two as Administrative Assistant, Assistant City Manager or City Manager. Must have California experience in land develop- ment coordination. Apply by March 10, 1972 to Jack B. Arnold, City Manager, 1206 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -27 28 29 30 31 Z2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDI14G RESOLUTION NO. 1873 AS AMENDED REVISING THE SALARY PLAN FOR THE CITY FOR THE 1971-72 FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary to revise the official Salary Plan of the City to reflect change of duties of certain City personnel and, WHEREAS said amendment is in the best interest of the community and Resolution No. 1873 is amended as follows: 1. The basic salary schedule is amended to add Range 56, $1466-1540-1617-1697-1782; and Range 57, $1540-1617-1697-1782-1871. 2. The classification of City Engineer, Range 53, and Director of Public Works, Range 49, are deleted. 3. The classifications of City Attorney, Salary Range 57; Public Works Director -City Engineer, Salary Rance 55; and Assist- ; .ant City Manager., Salary Range 50, are added. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at.a regular meeting held January 18, 1972 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: Margaret E.Adams_, City C er (SEAL) D. M. Dunne, Mayor