HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-15; City Council; ; Appeal - Request for Zone Change and Adoption of a Specific Plan - Cortez Development Company�1' I /,.:S ' : I C ·:z\ ,,; e C I T Y ( J F C A R L S B A D} CAL I F·o RN I A Jlgc�da. 0Bill No. ·k.54 .-_ Da t e : 2 - 15 - 7 2---=;.._;;;___:,-=------- ;Ref e r red To : C i t y · C O u n c i l · kubject: APPEAL -Request.fa� change of zon� and _ ado�tion of a specific �lan for a 60-unit apartment complex on property -located at Tamarack & Jefferson. APPLICANT: tORTEZ DEVELOPMENT CO�PANY · Statement of the Matter .. ·- .... Subr.dtted By: _ Planning Commission These matters were all heard ·and consider.ed .at.·the Planning Commission meetirrg of Jan�ary 25·, J97t. After considerable·discussion regarding: pa�ki�g layout, open spate areas, etc; a·mbtion· was made to adopt . Resolution No. 754.gubject to the reasons and conditions of the staff re p o r. t of l -2 5 -7 2 . T h e mo t i o n fa i l.e d . t Gl c a r r y d u e to a 4 -2 v o t e . · The documents itemized below complete thi-'s item· for your further re�iew and hearing·.· Exhibit l -Application_2 � St�ff Report of 1-25-723 -: Department .. Sketch4 ·-Resolution No. 754, resulting i'n a denial5 -Applicant's Exhibits . ":. � 4?f,5'P. ..di.J "1-�.'7 ... � #9'.Jl,t. � ,,;,., Staff Recommendations .. - Staff. recommendations, as more completely olltlined in· ref�renced staff rep9rt, recommend approval of the subject zone change and specjfic plan. ,· .. ·.:.· ... - -~-, .. ,, /\~ No. ,( 654 Date: February 15, 1972 ,, City Manager's Recommendation Council.Action 2-15-72 'The Public Hear+nif•was continu~d to the meetiog of March 21, 1972 and it was"agreed that the.matter be.referred to the staff for _ ·f u rt her s tu d y . 3~21-72 The Public Hearing was continued and the ma~te~ referred back · to the.Planning Gommission for review of the revised specific plan and their recommendqtio~. · . , . . 4-4-?2 .Following discussi.c>"n. the ·pu·blic heartng w·as closed, and by motion of the Coun~il the appeal was granted and the matter referred back to the Planning Commission for further report. · . . 4-1.8-72 Resoluti1on No. 1950, granting the Appeal of the decisfon of the Plan~ing Commi~~ion, was adopted by title only, further reading waived. . . Ordinance No, 93~ adopting Sp~cifi.c.'Plan, was given a __ first reading by-title onJy and further read)ng waived. 0 rd i n a n c e N o • 9 3 0 3 , g r a n t i n g ·c h a n g e o f z o ~ e ·-~:. ;w a s g i v e n a . f i rs t · reading by title only and further reading waived. -2- \ COUNCIL :ACTION: (cont) 5-2-72 Ordinances 9302 and 9303 were given a second reading and adopted. ABENDA BILL #654 -3-