HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-02-15; City Council; 260-1; Highland Drive Sewer1 ,,.- -. . . ,.. -i -.- T' 11 E CITI OF CARLSBA , C k I, I F'O H N r A Date: February 15, 1972 Subject: Highla,nd Drive Sewer. - AD 2-1969 -. Agreement for Assessment Engineer . Works, Statenent of the :.latter -. The City Council, by Resolution No. 1792,- di-rected the preparation of plans .and specif ications.for .subject assessment' district. Plans have been completed and i.t is necessary to calculate prel iminary assessments based on estimated costs and benefits to be received. this department has found that improvement dist'ricts are best served bv p* In the past., utilizing the services of a professional assessment engineer to spread the assessments. provided satisfactory services to the' City on past districts. The cost of the-assessment engineering will be reimbursed to the'City by the district if the district is approved and construction comp'leted. Mr. Jud Na-iman is an assessment. engineer who has Exhi bi t 1) - Agreement for Assessment Engineering, AD 2-1969. 2) , Resolution. No.Jqq/ , appointing Assesgment Engineer. Staff Recommendations Adopt Resolution No. /'5/ , authorizing the Mayor 'to execute the attached agreement with-Jud T. Naiman on beha'lf of the City. ... DaLL-: February 15, 1972 .. . . City Manaaer's Recoamendation . Concur. .- e .. .. .. c i .. -.- 1951, -authorizing execution and further reahing waived. Council *Action of .. . - 2-15-72 *Resolution No. adopted by title .only was agreement, c . +. .. .. . .I .. . - .. -2- ... . 3. 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 i2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3c 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1951 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT APPOINTING AN ASSESSMENT ENGINEER RE: ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO, 2-1969 . . The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has, pursuant to a petition, initiated the construction of certain sewer improvements in the proposed "Highland Drive Sewer District,'' under the provisions of the 1911 Improvement Act, contained in Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code, designated Assessment District No. 2-1969; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to have an Assessment Engineer to perform certain functions of said assessment pro- ceedings; and WHEREAS, Judson T. Naiman, an individual, is qualified to be an Assessment Engineer; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by 'the City Council of the City of Car1sba.d that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute on behalf .of the City an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Judson T. Naiman to perform the services called for in said agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to provide Judson T, Naiman with an executed copy of said agreement PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting thereof held this 15th day of February , 1972, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Cmn. Duntie, McComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES : None. ABSENT: None, DAVID M, DUNNE. Mayor ATTEST : MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk AGREEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-1969 THIS AGREERENT, mads and entered into this day of 1972, by and between the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporat ion, hereinafter somet imes referred to ao'Vityrt, and JUDSON T. NAIMAN, an individual, with offices at 2173 Tohalan Street, San Diego, California, hereinafter sometimcrs referred to as fiAssessment Eng ineern. WITWESSETH : WIEREAS, the City contemplates the construction of certain improvements, consisting of the construction of a sanitary sewer sy8tem and related appurtenances, in the area of Htghland Drive, between Elm Avenue and Tanarach Avenue, in the City of Cartsbad, California, under and pursuant to the Improvement Act of 1911, to be described a8 Asses8ment District No. 2-1969, in said City of Carlsbad; and YHERGAS, it is desirable that said City of Carlsbad employ said JUDSON T. NAIMAN a8 Assessment Engineer for the spread of the assessment, to furnish the services hereinafter mentioned at and for the compensation hereinafter stipulated, under and pureuant to said Improvement Act of 1911; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: I. The City hereby emptOy8 said Assessment Engineer and appoint8 him to furniah the services hereinafter mentioned at and for the compen- sation herein stipulated, and said Asoessment Engineer accepts said employment and appointment upon the terms herein stated. Said ASseSSment Engineer further agrees that at all times he will keep the City Engineer and the City Council of said City fully advised concerning the progres8 ef the work and of the service8 hereinafter mentioned. 2. The Assessment Engineer agrees to furnish the City the fellowing worh and services: (a) To u88 such plan8 and specification8 and proposed map of -1 - '. --. assattsment district a8 shall be delivered to him by the City of Carlsbad (which plans and specifications shall have been prepared by the City of Carlsbad), together with any estimates so prepared. (b) Preparation and submttal of an estimated assessment for each parcel identified toith corresponding ~soessment number8 on said proposed map of assearsment diatrtct. (c) The preparation and furnishing of the necessary set8 of final assessment rolls. This shall include the preparation and spreading of the as~e8sm@nt, but shall not include the printing or issuance of the bonds, nor any stationary appurtenant thereto. (d) Attendance at such conferences and City Council meetings as may be necessary to furnish assistance and advice on any feature of the propooed improvement. UPON completion of the work, the City Engineer will prepare and furnish to the Assessment Engineer a complete itemized list of the exact amount of work completed by the contractor, together with the accurate cost of same, and a certification that all of the work has been done in accordance with the plana and specifications and to the satis- faction of the Engineer. The Engineer will also prepare and furnish a itemized list of all the incidental expensear and a reproducible of the diagram of the assessment district. 3. The City agrees to make payment to the Assessment Engineer for the above described services at the following times, and in the following amount 8 : (a) FEE SCHEDULE: CONSTRUCTION COST 825,000 - #50,000 850,000 - #75,000 $75,000 ~$100,000 (b) Payment sha l 1 FEE 8 625 + 3.5% of amount ever 825,000 $1,500 + 3.0% of amount over #50,000 $2,250 + 2.5% of amount over $75,000 -.-- - be made to the Asseesment Engineer as fOltOW8: Seventy percent (70%) of the estimated amount to be paid the ASSe8Sment Engineer under this agreement upon completion of the hearing on the -2- Resotution of Intention and determination by the City to proceed, and final payment of the balance due under this agreement shalt be made when an assessment roll is presented and accepted by the City Council. (c) It is agreed, however, that in the event that the proposed project is abandoned at the hearing on the Resolution of IntentSon, the Assessment Engineer shall be paid for services rendered to the date of abandonment, a sum equal to eighty five percent (85%) of the estimated amount of total fee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thi8 Agreeneni has been executed on behalf of the City by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and executed by the Assessment Engineer as of the day and year first above written, C,ITY OF CARLSBAD, A Municipal Corporation By: DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: HARGARET E, ADAIYS, City Clerk JUDSON T. NAIRAN, an Individual