HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-18; City Council; 728; Cannon Rd Grade Crossing Agreement w/ AT & SF. C%5 I. TIfE CITY- OF C A R L S B A C A L I F'O H'NI A 29.8 Agenda Bill NQ. c ,- CJ- .. F, .- - I' Date: April 18, 1972 :Referred To: . Subject 2 Submitted By: .. Cannon Road Grade Crossing -'xgreement with ' . Director of ** Santa Fe Railroad' Public Works .. - . -w .Statement of the :.latter .. The Public Utilities Commission has authorized a grade crossing far a roadway Qidth of sixty-four (64) fee't,' A change in the design . now specifies a roadway Gidth of eighty-two (82) feet at the crossing. The City entered into an agreement with the. railroad on Octobkr agreement supersedes the previous agreement and allows far a roadway width of 'eighty-two (82) feet. . 0 21, 1969 fd'r a croksing sixty-faur (64) fGet wide. The attached . .. e. . Exhi bi t 1) Agreement with Santa Fe Railroad -. . '2) Besolution NO. 2,002~ . .. .. . Staff Recommendations Adopt Resolution No .'2+602-L authorizing. the Mayor to. execute a : Crossing Agreement with the Santa Fe Railroad . .. . . s' .. .. , 0. *. . A1 .. .. c .. . .. .. .. c- AB No. -A Date: April 18, 1972 h City Manager's Recommendation Concur. Counci 1. Action . 5-2-72 Resolution No. 2002 authorizing execution of agreement with Santa Fe Railway Co regarding Cannon Road grade crossing by Mayor Dunne in behalf of the City adopted. -2- 88.. . 1c 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 * 27 28 29 RESOLUTION NO. 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING EXECU- TION ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, THAT CERTAIN AGREEMENT WITH SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY RE- GARDING CANNON ROAD GRADE CROSSING The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the City, to execute that certain Agree- ment with the Santa Fe Railway Company for an eighty-two (82) foot wide grade crossing at Cannon Road. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held May 2nd, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES : None. ABSENT : None. ATTEST : WAY COWPABY, a Delaware corporation, herein- after referred to aei'Senta Fer', and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipaltty in the State of California, hereinafter ref erred to as YXty". WST#ESSBFpII~ UtfElBAS City proposere to conetruct Cannon Road at grado acrose the right of way ad track of Santa Fe, having a roadway width of 82 feat betwaen curbe, the centerltne theraof crossfng said track at Xile Poat 231.4, Fourth Districc bin Track. WEBFrAs Santa Be is willhg that City extend said street acmeo ita rilght of way and track at Srde as a public street croa- dng, whan auUIorized by Decision of the Public Utilities Camisaion, State of California. lUU TBLEItXFORS IT IS ACWBDt 1. track to receive paving, place crossin& planks €or roadway width of 82 feet, (b) raise or relocate its coaanuricatLon and signal linea and poles to proper side and overhead clearance of rhs proposed street anta ~e will, at expanse of City, (a) praparre ita C and (c) inrtall four (6) Standard So. 8 flarhfng li$ht signslr, snp- plaaaented by four (6) automatic crasstng gates. 2, City will, at ita apnas, (a) ck, all work wcept thut spsctfied to be done by Santa Pe in above Paragraph 1, necessary to said street constructicm, including uderquate drainage facilities, (b) relocate OF protect by encaseareart or othsmire preperty or facLl- Ltfes of 1&csnseer of hta F6 id eaid licenerers require same. 3. Ssnta Fe will do the work specifPed in above Qaragraph 1, as OOOR ar practicable, cmoiderirrg camplettion of said street con- etructian, availability of materials and manpowex:, Bad in consfdsr- atbn thereof, City will pay to Santa Fc che actual cost thereof, presently estimated by Smta Fa to be TOIf85P OHB TWUSA#D FZVE iGJMD- RSD POUItTEEB Pollare, ($31,514.00). 4. Santa Fa ehall subit: to City a bill for sfxty per- cent (6091) of City'e abre of the erthmted cost upon cornpletion of work contemplated which bill City agrsesl to prosvptly pay. pay the City's share of the actual cost on coolpSetion of audit lersrr credit for the gum previously paid. upon completion of audit to be, mora or less than such estimated coet, the City'e share of the difference shall be proorptly paid by City or refunded by Santa Fta, as the case mag be. City ehall Should the actual coat prove 5, After inetallation of rrilroad crossing protection aignale and appurtenances under terms of thie ag~~wm~nt, Santa Fa -2- C ahall pbyeically maintain same 90 long as they rearain ita place. The m8intonsnce coat of earid eihplal8 and eppurtoaunceo &all be borne by the City pursuant to the provieiana of Section 1202.2 of the Calif- ornla Public Utilitis@ Code. 6. hnta Fe will, at tts oole erpmae, maintain the street paving between linre two faat outaide of and parallel with the rsllo of the track. 7. City will maintain, at it3 eole axpanacll, my lmprove- mdmt with said @tr%et e~tlcwnsion and public crasslag other than spe- cified to be maintained by Santa Fer in Paragraph 6 hereof, 80 City, or City's Contracaer, will cosp1p with Sirata Pa's rules and ragulstfone ad the inotructiona of Surta Pe'e repre- smtrttivee in relation to proper manner of protectfng Santa Fa's track and traffic moving thereon, ee well as wires, elgnals and other facil- ities or property of Santa Pea or Ate ternants or licensecas, at or in vicinity of the work during the period of construcXforr of sald street extasteion, and ahall perform the work in a manner eatlefactory to Santa Fe or its designated repreeentativs, and at such tlmeo ab shall not endanger or lnterrfera with safe aperetion of Sante Fe's track and other fecilitie8. 9. This agreement eupescadQe and cancels that certain document betwe- Santa Pe and City cwarlna propomad construction of a 64 foot wide crossing at the same location as authorfeed by hcie;ton No. 75951 of the Public UtilitietO coe~rrm~i~n. -3- C IN WITRESS W€BREOP, the CITY OF CAIUSBAD hao caused theear preecsnt8 to be laxecutd by ita duly qucrli%isd officials pursuant to auChorlty regularly granted them by ite City Council and TRE ASCHIN#?, TOPI3RA AWD SAHTA PE BAIWY COMPAHY has executed them praseante both a8 of the day and yaar firet above written. . -6- C