HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-04-26; City Council; 723; Rezoning restriction requestTHE CITY jpv OF C A R I, S B A >«V CALIF' OK NX. Aw Agenda Bill NQ . ^£3 Date: April 26, 1972 •Deferred To: City Council : subject: .Request by the Planning Commission .to 'Submitted By.- restrict future rezoning between -Oak and Elm, . 'west of Pio Pico until a plan for the Civic Center Planning and adjacent, property can be accomplished. Commission Statement of the Matter At. the. regular meeting of April 11, 1972; the fl anning Commission di'scussed the area between Oak and Elm, west of Pio Pico Drive. A inotio-n was made by Commissioner Palmateer (unanimously approved) to request the City Council to restrict future rezoning between . Oak and Elro-Avenue, west of Pio Pict) unti.l a plan for the Ctvtc Center and'adjacent property can be accomplished. The commission was' informed that preliminary plans would possibly be available by July 1 , 1972-. . • ' The documents itemized below complete this for your, review. . • '. Exhibit . . !•- Minutes, for the meeting of April 11, 1972 2 - Memorandum from Donald A.- Agatep, Associate Planner ^to the City Council (from the Plann.ing Commission) Staff Recommendations Staff recommendations are to restrict -future rezoning-unt.il this study and Master Plan for the Civic Center anti adjacent properties •can be presented on approximately July 1, 1972! 0AS No. . Date: City Manager's Recommendation Council'Action 5-2-72 Council agreed that a. restriction be imposed on all future rezoning from Laguna Drive to Oak Ave and from Highland to Pio Pico until 7-1-72 and instructed staff to contact property owners within this area for their .vtews relative to the Civic Center Complex preliminary master plan. -2- „.___.„ f c o CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMISSIONERS MEETING OF: DATE: PLACE: TIME: PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 11, 1972 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: City staff members present: 0. A. Agatep, J. E. Spano, G. W. Anear, J. B. Arnold, L. A. Moe, R.-A. Johnston APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of 3-28-72 were approved as corrected. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: Mr. Agatep requested that public hearing item 5(c) be continued until the next meeting (April 25, 1972). Item 6(a) under new business which is the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan was not published in time for this hearing. Therefore, Mr. Agatep requested that this item be continued until the 25th of April to allow publication. . . . PUBLIC HEARINGS: (a) Continued - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - Request for a C.U.P. to allow continuance of the Carlsbad Raceway. Applicant: Carlsbad Raceway Mr. Agatep presented the staff's report of 4-11-72 which covered the particular situation and listed reasons and conditions of approval. Two additional conditions (15 and 16) were submitted by the F1re and Police Departments pertaining to sanitary facilitiesand public safety. These conditions were read and added to the other conditions of the staff report. The Chairman asked for correspondence to be read.The secretary read correspondence from the following persons: 1. A memo from the Parks & Recreation Department endorsing the raceway. 2. A letter from Bob Glomb, 3980 James Drive urging approval of the C.U.P. since he feels the land is well suited .to that type of use. 3. A letter from Lee Glomb in favor of the raceway. 4. A letter from Chris Boyko of Oceanside in favor of the raceway as a good form of recreation for the youth. The chairman brought up a question regarding the required period of time for cleanup after an event. The commission discussed this matter and decided that 48 hours after an event would be sufficient time. The ambulance service was also discussed. The appli- cant said that at the present time they were using a state-approved ambulance service and had no reason to want to change. Commissioner Dominguez suggested that the words, "at no cost to the City of. Carlsbad" be added to the last part of condition #1 which pertair to ambulance service. The commissioners commented that they wanted to see something more specific in the way of development plans1 Present Absent Motion Ayes Noes o CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMISSIONERS -2- . Commissioner Norman wanted to know how the City makessure the conditions are carried out. Mr. Spano, the Assistant City Engineer, commented on this matter. The applicant, Mr. Larry Grismer, 1819 Via Givalan, San Marcos, 'was present to discuss his request and answer questions. He commented that if only 48 hours were allowed for cleanup after an event, then the raceway would not be able, in most instances, to utilize the various youth groups such as the Carlsbad High School Band, Boy Scouts, etc. Mr. Grismer also dis- cussed the major objections to the raceway and why he feels, they are not legitimate objections. The following persons made comments regarding theraceway: 1. Mr. Ronald Schwab, 4080 Skyline Road spoke in favor of the extension of the C.U.P. for the raceway. 2. G. W. Anear, commented that at the motocross meet last summer the crowds were completely in control and he did not witness any drunks or fights. 3. Mark Pathlan, 4020 Park Drive spoke in favor of the raceway. 4. Mike Troup, 3469 Valley, spoke in favor of theraceway. There was no one present to speak in opposition to the raceway. The public hearing was closed at 8:45 P.M The commission discussed the application at length. The major issues included the -length of time for which the C.U.P. should be extended and a specific plan which would set down' a chronological sequence of improvements based on the recommendations of the staff report. After discussion, Commissioner Dominguez made a motion to continue the closed public hearing until April 25, 1972 to allow a chronological sequence of minimum improvements based on the recommendations of the staff report to be submitted by the applicant. This would be based on ten years to allow amortization of funds. The meeting was recessed at 9:20 P.M. and reconvened at 9:36 P.M, with all commissioners present. (b) TENTATIVE MAP AND SPECIFIC PLAN - Request for approval of a tentative map and specific plan on property located at 9000 Carlsbad Boulevard. Applicant Beach Colony, c/o L. C. Guthrie The staff report was read by the Associate Planner, The report covered the request regarding location, type of units and parking facilities, etc. The report listed three reasons for approval and nineteen condi- tions of approval . Mr. L. C. Guthrie, 819 N. Harbor Drive, Redonda Beach, California, the applicant, was present to discuss hisdevelopment and answer any questions of the commission. Motion Ayes Noes Abstained X X X X X X X X - CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMISSIONERS -3- He had several questions regarding the conditions. These conditions were clarified by Mr. Spano. Several modifications were made in the. conditions. Mr. Johnston, Parks & Recreation Director, was present to discuss the parks-in-1ieu-of-dedication fees. He also discussed the beach access. Discussion ensued between the appl icant," Mr. Johnston,and the commission regarding the beach access. It was decided to modify condition #3 to read as follows: "That the project shall be subject to the payment of Parks in lieu fees. The developer, by dedicating Lots 2 and 4, fullfills his obligations to the public for providing beachaccess.- The satisfactory arrangement of the parks in lieu fees shall be entered into between applicant and the parks & recreation diirectpr.." Public hearing close No one was present to speak in opposition or in favor. A motion was made to adopt Resolutions No. 779 and 778 subject to conditions 1-19 as modified and condition #3 as reworded. Reasons for approval are listed in the staff report. (d) ZONE CHANGE AND AMENDMENT TO A SPECIFIC PLAN - Request for a reclassification in zone from R-3 to C-2 and amendment to a specific plan on property located between Elm Avenue and Oak Avenue, easterly of Pio Pico Drive; Applicant: Carlsbad Investment Corp. The staff report was presented by Mr. Agatep,which outlined the situation and gave reasons and conditions of approval. Mr. Robert Watson, 4980 Sunnyhill Drive, was present to represent the applicant. He answered several ques- tions pertaining to drainage and his spectfic plan. The changes he proposes were discussed by the commis- sion. No one was present to speak in opposition or in favor. The public hearing was closed at 10:45 P.M.After a short discussion, a motion was made to adopt resolutions No. 777 and 781 for the reasons as given in the staff report and subject to conditions 1-11 plus an additional condition regarding parking. Commissioner Palmateer made a motion to request the City Council to restrict future rezoning between Oak and Elm west of Pio Pico until a plan for the Civic Center and adjacent property can be accomplished. The chairman asked when a proposal would be available for discussion. Mr. Agatep said that a preliminary study could be ready by the 1st of July. NEW BUSINESS: (a) Resolution of Intention No. 85 - Mr. Agatep informtd the commission that they could not take legal action on an amendment to this ordinance 8051-A regarding the moving or wrecking or structures. This action would have to be initiated by the building inspector and heard by the city council. After discussion, Commissioner Dominguez made a motion Motion that a memo from the City Manager to the Building Ayes Inspector be drafted asking for a revision of Ord. Noes 8051-A at the City Council level. at 10:29 Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes W CITY OF CARLSBAD COMMISSIONERS w - >AM OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Agatep informed the commission of the City Council action regarding Cortez Development. The City Council approved the request. The chairman asked that a memo be drafted to the City Council acknowl edging "their action. Mr. Harry Truax, 2656 State Street commented that the conditions initially included in the staff report should be included in the City Council's considerations A motion was made to send this memo with conditions of approval from the staff report outlined. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by propervoice vote at 1 1 :06 P.M. . . Respectfully submitted, / SANDRA L. LUCKY, Secretary / • Motion Ayes Noes Motion Ayes Noes X X X X X X X X X X X X X X i X X MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: CIVIC CENTER MASTER PLAN At the April '11, 1972 meeting of the Planning Commission, the commission passed a motion recommending to the City Council that future rezonings and development between Oak Avenue and Elm Avenue west of Highland Drive to Pio Pico Drive be res- tricted until a Master Plan can be developed for the Civic Center complex and its adjacent properties. The Commission was informed by the City Manager and staff that preliminary plans would possibly be available by July 1, 1972. DONALD A. AGAT Associate Planner