HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-16; City Council; 260-3; Highland Drive Sewer Assessment District AD-2-19691 6 --e) T II E CITY OF CAR L S B A D, Ck L I F'OR N IA Supplement f3 Agenda Bill No. 260 *Referred To: Date: May 16, 1972 Subject: Submitted By:. p\ Highland Drive Sewer Assessment'District NO. AD-2- 1969 City Engineer .. - .. - Statement of the :fatter In .acco.rdance with Resolution of Intention No. 1988, a Public Hearing is scheduled for May 16, '1972. Exhi bi t 1. . Resolution No. 2010, 2. Instructions for holding. public hearing. Staff Recommendations If it is the decision of the City Council to overrul-e all protests, adopt Resolution No. 2010, overruling protests and ordering the work. .. . .. * AB No. - Date: h City Manager's eecommendation Council 'Action . 5-16-72 Following the Public Hearing, the Engineer having provided evidence that all the lands included in the sewer district are benefited, ResoTution'Ng, 2010 ordering work was adopted. . .: -2- 1 i .i 4 C E 'i E E IC 11 li 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3025.263 RESOLUTION NO. 201 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ORDERING WORK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2-1969 (Regarding Proposed Improvement of Sewers in Highland Drive Between Tamarack and Elm Avenues) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as the Council, on April 18, 1972, adopted a Resolutior Df Intention to order certain work to be done and improvements to De made in a portion of HIghland Drive in Assessment District No. 2-1969, as more fully set forth in the Resolution of Intention and WHEREAS, notice has been given and a hearing has been had on the REsolution of Intention by the City Council as required by law, The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does hereby resolve 3s follows: 1. The Council finds that written protest against the propose listrict or the proposed work or a portinn thereof has not been nade by the owners of one-half of the area of the property to be msessed for the improvements and that public interest and con- renience require the work to be done. 2. The protests received are overruled and denied and the iearing is closed. 3. The following work of improvement shall be done, namely ;he construction of sewers, manholes and appurtenances in Highland )rive, in Assessment District No. 221969, all as more fully set :orth in the Resolution of Intention to which reference is made. 4. The costs and expenses of the work of improvement are 10 be assessed upon the district more particularly described in the tesolution of Intention. 5. The Council has determined that serial bonds extending wer a period extending nine (9) years frnm the second day of ranuary next succeeding the next September first following their 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 date, bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent annum, shall be issued to represent assessments of Fifty Dollars ($50) or more for the expenses of the work of improvement, as pro- vided by the Improvement Act of 1911. (7%) per 6. TheClerk of the City of Carlsbad is directed to post conspiculously for five (5) days on or near the chamber door of the Council in the manner and form required by law and notice inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered and the Clerk is directed to publish twice in the Carlsbad Journal, designated for that purpose by the eouncil, a notice inviting proposals for doing the work and referring to the specifications on file. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held .May 16; 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Cmn. McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES : None. ABSTAIN : Cmn. Dunne. ATTEST : Mayor -. (Assessment Distric't ??0,2- 1969) LNSTRUCTIGNS FOR 1911 ACT HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENTION Date: - 1972 1. Mayor -- ,... - announces: ?'The hour of 7:30 PmM, hnvinr: arrived,. this is the time and place fixed by this City Council for hearing ob- jections or protests on the proposed work, or the zxtent of the assessment district, or on. the proposed grades under the Reso- lution Gf Intention, Resolution No. 1988 piwiding for sewers on Highlan7' Drive between Tamarack Avenue and Elm Avenue. Clerk presents the affidavits of publication, mniiing and posting. 2. P 3. Council approves said affidavits and orders same filed. 4, Mayor requests Clerk to read all protests ' that have been filed. (a) If written protests have been filed, Clerk reads all. written protests and Mayor asks, any persons, or their representatives, who have filed written protests desire to be heard in support: of their written protest?JQ or (b) If no written protests have been filed Clerk states VJp until the time set for hearing no written protests have been f iled.QQ - 5. After hearing all persons filing written protests, Mayor announces: "The City Council will now hear any oral protests or objections concerning the work, extent of assessmnt district ar grades.09 6. There being no other persons present desiring to be heard on the matter, the Mayor asks the Engineer of Work: 'PPlease ad7r:se the City Council what per cent of the total area to be assessed for the improvement is represented by written protests or objections filed with the City Clerk.'& 7. Engineer of Work reports: 'PWritten protests and objections have been filed with the City Clerk by the owners of X of the total area to be assessed for the improvement." 8. Engineer of Work should givo- evidence that all of the lands included in Lhe district are benefited, 9, City Council may adopt resolution overruling protests or may continue hearing and defer adoption to a later date, If it appears there is a possible protest by a majority in area, or if protests are of such a nature that they should be referred to the Engineer of Work for investigation, or if any other reason there is any question of going ahead, the resolution overruling protests should not be adopted, and the hearing should be continued to an adjourned regular or the next regular meeting, In latter event, adopt f o 1 1 owing re so lut ion: *@The hearing ordered by Resolution No, 1988 is hereby continued to Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of Carl sbad.g* P,M., on ? 19-* in the NOTE TO CLERK: a, Minutes should show that all written protests were read by the Clerk and should list names and addresses of signatories to written protests and show names and addresses of all oral Protestants, including a very brief resume of oral objections made , b. If the hearing is continued to an adjourned regular meeting, in addition to order continuing hearing, there should be an order adjourning the meeting to that time and place. -2 *