HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-16; City Council; 744; Request to sewer through a private easementc THE-C ITY OF CARLSPAD, CAL I FORNU P,fe /i e- : J sate May 16, 1972 Referred To: ._ Sub j ec t : Submitted By: Request to sewer through a private easement McMahon - 3551 Highland Drive Hunter T. Cook __- Statement of the Matter tank. The closest available sewer is in Chestnut Avenue, but a sewer line is proposed in Highland Drive under Assessment District AD-2-1969. The proposed line in Highland is at a depth which will not serve the lower level of his house. Mr. McMahon owns a split level house which is presently on septic Mr. McMahon has decided he wishes to sewer through an easement to Chestnut in order to serve his entire property without the necessity of pumping. There is no objection to sewering this property through an easement sub- ject to the following conditions: 1) This parcel be included in Assessment District AD-2-1969 2) The front line charges on Chestnut Street be waived - It should be pointed out that City Council Policy, adopted January 7, 1958, requires that in a case such as this, the front line charges be waived and the property be assessed its full share of the cost of improve- ments if an assessment district is formed. - Exhibit 1) Sketches 2) City Council Policy Staff Recommendations c Adopt a Motion 1) Approving sewering of 3551 Highland through a private easement 2) Waiving the front line fees on Chestnut Avenue subject to the parcel being included in AD-2-1969 as provided by Counci 1 pol icy. . * .Ai3 No. Date: May 16, 1972 , .. . . City Manaqer's Recoanendation .. .. Concur. .. i Council 'Action -- - 5-16-72. Council approval was given Mr. McMahon Highland through a private'easeme-nt to, Chestnut the parcel being included in AD-2-1969 and .fees on Chestnut Street waived. for-sewering of 3551 Avenue., subject to on front line charges e. .I .. .. . ¶. .. . .. . .: .. . - .. -2- :I .- If i i . I c CITY OF CAKLSBIhD POLICY ST4TEMENT I, Sewer service to a public sewer located in front ox alon:; the side streirt of a property is the n:sst dcsirsble, Whzrcvcr Fracticable, property owners should focus attention on tb.e ctnscruction cjf scwcrs thar vi11 serve their prop- erties in a direct wnner. The City Touncil €on-ly klieves thPt direct sewer service is the TOSC practicsl and beneficial. 2. Under certain adverse conditions, if there is a threat to the health and wel- Pare of P property or properties due to a fnilure of a private subsurEace dispos-1 facility, the City Council will consider the granting of special permission to obtain sewer service through a priwte easement, - 3. When Consideration is given for a special sewer connection, the following items shall be reviewed and agreed upon: a, The City Health Officer shall make an inspection of the premises and rccomnend that: (1) iiepairs he made, (2) ',dditioriaL private facilities bi? constructed, or (3) 4 sewer connection be ellowed, h, The City Engineer will deterniine whether or not a connection to an adjacent puLlic sewer, if one is available, is feasible. e, The Froperty owner shnll have mde an honest effort to form L? 10c::l improvzn:e,it district or o!itain Eunds for a szwer main extension. do The property 3wncr shall enter inra an agrement with the City of Carlsbad to .i:ake payment of the necessary "Linecost9 fee and "Capital Contribution Charge" fee as set forth in Ordinance 87020, In addition , the agrement shall stipulate that in event a sanitary sewer is COR- structeci in t4e street on which the subject property abuts, the property mer shall m,-ke any additional payn'ent in an aniount equivalent to adjoining properties, or if a 1911 ,?et 1inproven:ent District is formed, tile moneys paid into the City ''Sever Revolving Fund" shall be refunded and t :e property will be asbessed its full share of the cost of in- proverient . e. The agrement mttred Iti.to by tk pro;7erty owner .znd the City shall be appurtenant to t::e property and shall be recorclcc' with the County Secorder,