HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-20; City Council; 775; LAND ACQUISITION AT ROOSEVELT STREET AND LAGUNA DRIVEI 1': 1) 0 CARLSBAD, CALI FOR ' THE CITY OF Agenda Bill NO. Date: June 20, 19 Referred To: Subject: Submitted Land acquisition at Roosevelt Street and Laguna Drive - Traffic S, Comm i s s i or Statement of the Matter A sight distance problem, creating a possible hazard to traffic encei the intersection of Roosevelt and Laguna Drive, has been brought to i attention of the City Council by property owners near the intersectic The matter was referred to the Traffic Safety Commission for study ai report. The matter was considered by the Commission at their June meeting. The problev steins from the existing fence at the south-easi corner of the intersection which blocks the view of approachin9 trafi It is the recommendation of the Commission that sufficient right of \rr be acquired along the south side of Laguna, east of Roosevelt, to per relocation of the existing fence. ihe staff has contacted the owner of parcel 203-102-36 in an attempt obtain voluntary relocation of the fence. The City staff offered to locate the fence at no cost to the owner. The owner has not authoriz the City to enter onto his property. as of this date, _- The Commission feels that expeditious action should be taken to ccrr~ the problem. A 7 foot strip along Laguna must be acquired by the Cit to allow for relocation of the fence. The strip will also provide ar for future sidewalk (Exhibit 1). The staff has estimated the fair w value oF the strip to be acqujred, at a maximum of $1,000.00. The va of the strip based on the assessed value of the land is approximately $250.00. It is suggested that the staff be authorized to negotiate the purchas of the 7 foot strip or to obtain immediate possession by condemnation if negotacions are unsuccessful. Exhibit I Sketch of land acquisition on parcel k203-102-36. 11 Resolution No. -2 ~'3," * Staff Recommendations Adopt Resolution No. -2C 31 Parcel 203-102-36 by negotiarion, or condemnation if necessary, to acquire said portion. Adopt a motion directing the City Mana9er to transfer $1,000.00 from the gerbera1 fund reserve to accoL;nt # 1 -1ZF for purchase of the 7' strip. authorizing purchase of a portion of &.. . 1) 0 LO * AB NO. Date: June 20, 1972 c Finance Director's Recommendation T\ Concur - City Manager's Recomnendation Concur. -_ Counci 1 Action 6-20-72 Resolution No. 21331 authorizing purchase of a portion of Par 203-102-36 by negotiation or condemnation.was adopted. (for for street purposes) (at Roosevelt and Laguna Dr) I -2- 17 hereby authorized and directed on the behalf of the City to 18 acquire said parcel by negotiation, or by condellination, undc 23 24 1972, by the fol 1 owi "9 votes to wit : AYES: ICrnn. Dunne, f4cCcnas, Lewis; Chase and Frazec i 1 9 4 ,.< A1 1 that property b2ivieen the Northerly boundary and a line parallcl and Seven (7') fecl. scu-rherly of said noi-therly boilndst-y of Parcel 203-102-36, EXH I5 I T "A" I i .. '. .I *? ? a @ ac (. r. ! I. -. , I <. ',.I ,,- \ ,' I.,., __ i < L Q. . , x *-e-..:'./. -. *a-% L.' ... m 1 ...... -2 .< --- i ' 7 -.----.-.c -.-_-... .___ /: ., . f7 . f ! 1 ' , -* .I _-, 1. t: ..... I kc-.--- P? ,( (d - I _. .--.- --. 2.- *; : ?C>-- . .: , I 2::" ,,," * L_ .. I .~=,.--&----% I .- I . .-.. - -._ -. .- - < .~ /' -- -' ' -' I ' '_. ,<-,::,,I,.\, .- L G/. '* r_ .-? .\ I s 1-, ) .. :<,'.L ;r. .! ,5' _.j, '. , 'I -v :..j LF.~:A. ; \f '1 f ! ' 1. , !5 ,' . /; .'' / 2 -I":";; i, . , ,* ... ,. - .i ~ ,- -_ T ., ..._ __ !Q x- /. . ,x, ... .. ..- ,> _. . , ~. .I -0 > ! c \, ,* !' i ...... \ . - ~ . r-, ~ J' . I. ... .. i I L I .. -, : . -~ I i .- < r1 ....... .. ...... - .--.. ... .. -L,.. - -...??.' ..... .......... ............. ------ . -. .-. . .~ . ........ ...... .. .. . .~. 1 h ,:.,> ) \ 1 .? - ..- - 3 __._ i..?. (--- .J J L . - "--; i-3- , LI t- . . ,f f $X? ?' I ,*, ! _: ..... ... ..... ..... ....... ........... ,-c. v. : { .- I -. . = it ?b - . =. \ ... ~~ ~ - - ---I_ .. -. . GE& b=- I KT- c c -c \