HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-12; City Council; 806; Request for Zone Change from R-1-15,000 to Planned Community Zone P-C and adoption of a Master Plan on 59 acres located at the end of Sunnyhill Drive Clearview and Skyline Drive Applicant Pannonia Investment CorporationOF CARLSBAD, CALIFO^A W ~" Agenda Bill No. ^>Q fa Date July 12, 1972 - Referred To: City Council Subject: Request for a zone change from R-1-15,000 Submitted By: to Planned Community Zone (P-C) and adoption of a Planning Commission Master Plan on 59 acres located at the end of & Department Sunnyhill Drive, Clearview Drive and Skyline Dr. • Applicant: Pa.nnom'a Investment Corporation ; '_____ . Statement of the Matter This matter was considered by the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of June 27, 1972. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 790, recommending approval to the Cfty Council of the subject application. The documents itemized below complete this hearing for your further " review and consideration. Exhibit 1 - Application 2 - Staff Report 3 -. Department Sketch 4 - Res.- No. 790, announcing findings & decisions 5 - Applicant's Exhibits •6 - Resolution #2049 7- Ordinances 9319 and 9320 Staff Recommendations Staff recommendations are completely outlined in the referenced staff report. AB Wo. . Date City Manager's Recommendation Council'Action 7-18-72 Following the Public Hearing, regarding a reqaest for zone change and adoption of Master Plan, the Council denied the request and referred the matter back to the Planning Com- mission for report. — 2 — Instructions to Applicant: 1. Complete Parts A,B,C and D FOR: CHANGE OF ZONE TO 2. Filing Fee - $100.00 plus $5.00 PLANNED COMMUNITY and, for each additional lot or parcel ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN 3. Make check payable to City of Carlsb ad T^ii-jso '"Z-A- AS=>S>A<_ ~~VZ_ b . Information to typewritten. " PART A - GENERAL INFORMATION Telephone Name of Applicant PANNONIA INVESTMENT CORPORATION _ Applicant's Mailing Address 3433 W. 109th Street, Inglewood, California Location of Property by Street property is located at the end of Sunnyhill Drive, Clearview Drive and Skyline Drive. PART B - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach to this application One Copy of a comp1e te legal description of the property for which a Change of Zone and Adoption of a Master Plan is being reques ted. : i PART C - REQUEST Change of Zone from ' R-l-15 ^___ to PLANNED COMMUNITY ZONE (P-C) and, Adoption of a Master Flan for 59 ~~ Acres. PART D - APPLICANT'S STATEMENT (Attach separate sheet if required) 1. Does public necessity require the proposed change? Is there a real need in the community for more of the types of uses permitted by the Zoning requested than can be accommodated in areas already zoned for such uses? Yes 2. Is the property involved in proposed rec1 ass Ification more suitable for the purpose permitted in the proposed zone than for the purpose permitted in present classification? Yes 3. Would the uses permitted by the proposed zone be^etrimental in any way ' . to surrounding prope^S? Cf No. 4. What were the original deed restrictions, if any, concerning the type and class of uses permitted on the property involved? Give the expiration date of these restrictions. None The following spaces are for signatures of owners whose properties lie within a radius of 300 feet of the property proposed to be reclassified and who approve of the change (attach extra sheets if necessary). No. on Map Name Address Lot Block Tract •-2— o We, the undersigned property owners herewith request that our respective properties which are included in the reclassification petitioned for, be reclassified and for the reasons above enumerated. (This space is for signatures of owners of property actually included in the proposed reclassification. Attach extra sheets if necessary.) No. on Map Name Address Lot Block Tract OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) CITY OF SS I, ( we ) ,being duly sworn, depose and say that I (we)_ am (are) the owner (s) of part (or all) of the property involved and this application has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the City Planning Commission as printed herein and that the foregoing information thoroughly and completely, to the best of my (our) ability, presents an argument in behalf of the application herewith submitted and that the statements and information above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief^ ' TO 443 -C (Witness) STATE OF CALIFORNIA ORANGE I COUNTY OF nn April 21, 1972 SS. , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Kenneth E. NelSOn personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, as a Witness thereto, who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: ,TW he resi.i..s ;„ Newport Beach, California and ,whe was present and saw Horst G. Dauqs person descrilwd in and whose name_is ., personally known to_him _to be the same .subscribed ted by me Planning to the within and annexed Instrument as _ •_ Part y thereto, execute and deliver the same, and acknowledged to said affiant that_he executed the same; and that said affiant subscribed. name thereto as a Witness. his WITNESS my d official sea SignjUMr** \^~> / ' " '" /•/ m • CherylxL. Yo&hg Name (Typed or Printed) iiniuiiimiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiinimnii iimmnuMHmiimmmiimiiiimmimmmi 0"F|-;IAL SHAL | CHEHYL L YOUNG | t:_i .\j;' ;-, CT. ;-'.%~ALIF-OnNIA I PRiMCIPAL OFFICE IN | ORANGE COUNTY | | My Commission Expires Nov. 15,1975 I iiiitiiitiiiiMiiitiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiilliiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiliiiiilHlllltlliiiiilliiillllliliiTl (Thii are* lor offielil notarial ual) C '. R.HO. o MAP CARLSBAD •• JJv_^J J^^-^J \|1, _j«T2 -MAP I .—. a: O <:>' ,.^" L^;" r > /-r-Wfc-*'^' \ \ /Q "«•*'•»o-v^>-«OS*4«4* \ .*v" MARINA DR: TITLE PLANT SEffyrtCEX •<" ••Tl.is pint i« I v.,ur Iniiil. ll !l,i- (.l.il I-, l.i Ihr ConiJ.ni> 1 . i-il I • !>•• M,,tr,(. IH.". n<i li.il.ilil> fo - In riM>'irnif rr-Tint SHT2 STAFF REPORT/MEpRANDUM Q May 23, 1972 Revised June 27, 1972 TO: . PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR ZONE CHANGE FROM R-l-15,000 TO P-C (PLANNED-COMMUNITY) AND ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN ON 58.8 ACRES LOCATED AT THE END OF SUNNYHILL DRIVE, SKYLINE DRIVE AND CLEARVIEW DRIVE APPLICANT: PANNONIA INVESTMENT CORPORATION Report submitted by: City Manager, Fire, Engineering, Building, Parks & Recreation and Planning Depts. General Discussion The applicant proposes to develop 416, two, three, and four bedroom units on 58.8 acres of land as described above. The development will proceed in four phases. In Phases I and II, 50 single family structures will be developed at a density compatable with the adjacent single family subdivision to the north at the terminus of Sunnyhill Drive, Skyline Drive and Clearview Drive. In Phases III and IV, 366. condom- inium units will be developed southerly of the singlt. family structures. The overall average density for the project is .7.1 units per acre. Present zoning is R-l-15,000. General Plan densities are shown at 3-7 units per acre. The only developed property adjacent to the project is R-l-15,000 adjacent to the northerly boundary line. Maximum allowable density is 7 d.u./ac. or a totalof 411 units. There will be a minimum of 66% open space provided and water and s'ewers are adequate to service the projected population. The project is located on a knoll and will be disected by Hillside Drive through the middle with private roads radiating from both sides of Hillside. Hillside Drive will serve as the primary residential collector through the pro- ject. Sunnyhill, Skyline and Clearview Drive will be used for emergency vehicle access only. There will be a 3-acre park in the center of the project to be used either as a public park or a private park for occupants of the project. The Carlsbad Unified School District estimate that the project will generate approximately 175 students in K-12 grades. Page Two /**) Staff Report w May 23, 1972 o Revised: June 27, 1972 K-6 students will probably attend Magnolia, Jefferson/Pine (whichever has the capability to absorb students); 7-8 students will attend Valley Junior High School; and; 9-12 Carlsbad High School. Grades 1-3 students will possibly attend double'sessions and grade 9-12 students will attend overlapping sessions. All students, K-12, may be eligible for school bus transportation. The project complies with the technical requirements as set forth in the city's P-C questions of P-C as it relates to and development practices. There tation of the intent of a Planned approach to developmental control community design and therefore should be considered decision by the Planning Commission or City Council Recommendations: ordinance. There are, however, the treatment of hillsides are questions of interpre- Community concept as an implementing preferred in any It is the staff's recommendation that the master develop- ment plan be approved for the following reasons and subject to the following conditions: Reasons of Approval: 1. The project reflects the density projections in the General Plan. 2. The project meets the requirements of the P-C ordinance. 3. The project reflects the recommendations of the Housing Element for the City of Carlsbad. Conditions of Approval: 1. A fee in lieu of. dedication for parks purposes shall be required for this development. 2. That approval of the Master Plan, Exhibit "A", shall be depen- dent upon the final alignment of Hillside Drive (84' R/W) fromthe easterly property line to Park Drive. Alignment shall besubject to the approval of the City of Carlsbad. 3. The alignment of Park Drive shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of a specific plan, 4. The alignment and widths of all other streets shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer at the time of adoption of Specific Plans. 5. The connection between Hillside Drive and the existing development shall be deisgned to discourage through traffic (it is suggested that Hillside Drive be the only street shown on Master Plan). 6. No grading permits shall be issued prior to approval of the Tentative Map. o Page Three Staff Report May 23, 1972 Revised: June 27, 1972 7. That sewer and water lines shall not be placed in the same trench in any part of the subdivision. 8. Proper drainage shall be maintained through the subdivision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water; and to prevent runoff erosion. 9. The total number of living units _sha,ll not exceed 411 units or 7 d.u./acre maximum, 10. The applicant has agreed, as an act of good faith, to contri- bute funds for school site acquisition. The amount to be donated to the City shall be determined by the Carlsbad Unified School District, City of Carlsbad and the applicant, JACK Bt ARNOLD? City Manager c d. W. KLUG DEVELOPMENT C*., INC. 454O CAMPUS DRIVE • NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 9266O • (714) 546-68OI April 21, 1972 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Carlsbad, California Re: Proposed Master Plan Pannonia Investment Corporation Gentlemen: Section 1379 (4) The development program contemplates the construction of Single Family, 2 Family and 4 Family residential structures. The conveyance shall be by Grant Deed to individual purchasers. Each buyer shall have an undivided interest in the community facilities, common area and open spaces. X' The types of open spaces and the methods and techniques for development and maintenance are as follows: a) Private Streets Shall be installed by the developer and included in the sales price of the properties. Maintenance shall be provided by a Homeowners Association to which each resident will belong and each resident will be assessed a monthly charge to cover the cost of maintaining the common areas. b) Recreational Facilities Recreation or clubhouse building, tennis courts, swimming pools and/or other specific recreational facilities will be installed by the developer and included in the sales price of the property. Maintenance will be provided by the Homeowners Association. City of Carlsbad April 21, 1972 1200 Elm Page 2 Carlsbad, California c) Single Family Residences The Single Family residences will be sold on a lot. Each purchaser will be responsible for landscaping and maintaining the area on the lot. The streets and parkway or greenbelt areas on which the residences front, will be private and will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. d) 2 Family and 4 Family Residences Each of these units will be sold and conveyed to the buyers as an airspace condominium. In addition to the building, each buyer will receive title to a fenced patio area. It will be the buyers responsibility to landscape and maintain this patio area. The balance of the area around the buildings including walkways, will be landscaped by the developer and included in the purchase price. These areas will be owned in common by the residents and will be maintained by the Homeowners Association. e) Slope Planting The planting of all cut and fill slopes will be done by the developer and included in the purchase price of the properties. Maintenance will be provided by the Homeowners Association. f) Park We propose to develop and landscape the Park area and to include the cost in the purchase price of the properties. We are willing to dedicate the Park to the City, or to the Homeowners of our development. If the City was to accept dedication of the Park then the Park could be used by all residents of the City. This contemplates that the City would be City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Carlsbad, California April 21, 1972 Page 3 responsible for the maintenance of the Park. If the Park is conveyed to the Homeowners, then each buyer would receive an undivided interest in the Park. The maintenance would be provided by the Homeowners Association and the Park would be for the exclusive use of the residents of this development. g) Exterior Maintenance In the areas developed into 2 Family and 4 Family residential structures, the exterior maintenance of the buildings including the roofs shall be included in the buyers monthly maintenance fee. (5) Time Schedule: We contemplate that Parcel "A" would be completed one (1) year after approval of the Master Development Plan. Unit "B" Unit "C" Unit "D" 21 Months after Approval. 30 Months after Approval. 39 Months after Approval. Very truly yours. Ji W. KLUG DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. c PANONIA PC PRELIMINARY REPORT DESCRIBING UTILITIES STORM DRAINAGE will be accomplished by extending existing 30 inch drain line at easterly property line, and providing City approved facilities for storm drain water pick up, and discharge at appropriate locations within the project. Only minor amounts of storm storm water are picked up at property boundaries but the little that is will be carried in drain systems to be built in the project. SEWAGE DISPOSAL will be provided for by a system tentatively proposed to hook into the existing Agua Hedionda trunk sewer southerly of the planned community through an easement offsite. The proposed system may connect to the existing lines in Sunnyhill, Clearview and Skyline road and will possibly allow for the abandonment of the existing pump station at the south end of Sunnyhill. WATER SUPPLY will be designed to complete the circulation system now in the three northerly streets and also provide a east-west route for a planned City main line extention, in future Hillside Street. ELECTRIC. GAS and TELEPHONE FACILITIES are anticipated to be extended into the area through the use of underground systems connecting to the existing facilities in the area. // Of Units Avg. Age Head of Household % Of Head of Household Under 30 Children Per Household Avg. Age Of Children Avg. Total Income % Of Families With Children Total Children 0-5 Children Per Unit 0-5 .65 Total Children 6-11 Children Per Unit 6-11 .52 Total Children 12-14 75 Children Per Unit 12-14 ,17 Total Children 15-17 43 Children Per Unit 15-17 V w TEMPO Cerritos 418 31.7 Yrs. 48% 1.5 v' ' 5.2 Yrs $15,712 72.1% BUYER PROFILE GREENBROOK Cerritos 216 35.5 Yrs. 30.5% 1.7 6.7 Yrs. $18,175 74.1% o * GREENBROOK Fountain Valley 315 33 Yrs. 39.5% 2.0 6.7 Yrs. $18,650 80% TIBURON Fountain Valley 271 41.7 Yrs. 22.7% 1 8.7 Yrs. $17,162 54.3% CHILDREN AGE DISTRIBUTION 274 .65 221 .52 75 ,17 43 vlO 142 .65 119 '55 48 ,22 34 .15 197 ,67 215 ,68 64 .20 . 43 . 13 73 .26 90 .33 47 ,21 38 x!4 * Larwin Marketing Department 1971 •Application for a Change of Zone From R-l-15000 to P-C (Planned Community) and Adoption of a Master Plan on 59 acres Applicant: Pannonia Investment Corporation Date: 4-23-72 T Property Ownerships .Yarbrough .Walters .Archibald .Archer .Cron .Salaberry .Gorszwich ;Whipple .Cathcart .'Windrunf .Harmon .City of Carlsbad .Panska .Cole .Smith . Knowlton ' .Bailey .Prewitt .Highland .Prewitt .Sparkes .Sayer .Masters .Johnson .Hartwig .Allen .Allen .Helton .Chip Development Corporation .Seifried .DalIman .Cavalier .Depriest • .Bishop .Sparkes .Salsen .Rombotis Glissman 39,Br1ggs o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -.20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 790 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-l-15,000 TO P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE AND ADOPTION OF A MASTER PLAN ON 59 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE END OF SUNHYHILL DRIVE, CLEARVIEW DRIVE AND SKYLINE DRIVE WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did on June 27, 1972, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider a change of zone from R-l-15, to P-C (Planned Community) and adoption of a Master Plan on 59 acres, on real property in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, commonly known as property lying at the end of Sunny- hill Drive, Clearview Drive and Skyline Drive, and more particularly described as: Portion of Lot I, Map No. 823, Rancho Agua Hedionda, City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California; Also known as San Diego Assessor's Parcels 7 and 43 of Book 207, Page 10, Sheet 1 and more parti- cularly described in application on file in the City Planning Office. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the approval of an application for a change of zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: 1. The project reflects the density projections in the General Plan. 2. The project meets the requirements of the ?-C ordinance. 3. The project reflects the recommendations of the Housing Element for the City of Carlsbad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED fay the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Council 00 Q the adoption of an amendment to Title 21 of the City of Carlsbad . Municipal Code, changing the zone from R-l-15,000 to P-C and adoption of a Master Plan, subject to the following conditions and limitations: 41. A fee in lieu of dedication for parks purposes shall be required for this development. 2. That approval of the Master Plan, Exhibit "A", shall be dependent upon the final alignment of Hillside Drive (84' R/W) from the easterly property line to Park Drive. Alignment shall be subject to the approval of the City of Carlsbad. 10 3. The alignment and widths of all other streets shall be subject 11 to the approval of the City Engineer at the time of the adoption of 12 Specific Plans. 13 4. The connection between Hillside Drive and the existing development 14 shall be designed to discourage through traffic (it is suggested that 15 Hillside Drive be the only street shown on the Master Plan). 16 5. No grading permits shall be issued prior to approval of the 17 Tentative Map. 18 6. That sewer and water lines shall not be placed in the same trench 19 in any part of the subdivision. •20 7. -Proper drainage shall be maintained through the subdivision so as 21 to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water; and to prevent 22 j runoff erosion. 23 s. The total number of living units shall not exceed 411 units or 24 7 dwelling units per acre maximum. 25 9. The applicant has agreed, as an act of good faith, to contribute 26 funds for school site acquisition. The amount to be donated to the 27 City shall be determined by the Carlsbad Unified School District, 28 City of Carlsbad and the applicant. 29 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad 30 city Planning Commission held on the 27th day of June, 1972, by the 31 following vote, to wit: 32 XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 o AYES: Commissioners Dewhurst, Norman, Palmateer, Forman, Jose NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez ABSTAINED: Commissioner Little ELMER H. JOSE, JR., Chairman ATTEST: EDMOND W. DOMINGUEZ, Secretary