HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-12; City Council; 809-B; Implementation Budget as it Effects PersonnelA B E C i i i r G A R L S B A D, C A L I P u R N r A Agenda Bill No. 809" Date: July 12, 1972 Referred To: Subject: IMPLEMENTATION BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1972-738ubmitted By: AS IT EFFECTS PERSONNEL William C. Baldwin Personnel Director Statement of the hatter : An approved Prelimanary Budget for Fiscal Year 1972-73 incorporates'the following additions and/or adjustments in employee numbers and/or status. 1. Add 3/4 of a JUNIOR PLANNER, Range 28. 2. Add one (1) PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER, Range 51. (Classification previously approved, but included here as an exhibit.) 3, Add one (1) PARKS CARETAKER, Range 17. (1/2 salary abated from Water Budget and 1/2 salary abated from Library Budget fcr landscape maintenance at reservoirs and library respectively.) 4. Adjust PEP (Section 6) fund use from Administration to Library for appointment of REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Range 22. (No financial impact --replacing Range 28 with Range 22.) See Exhibit 2-. 5. replacement appointment of Planning Department SECRETARY, Range 18. 6. Replacement appointment of Water Department MAINTENANCEIMAN, Range 17. 7. Addition of Library Department Classification, PROJECT ASSISTANT, ,Range 13, and appointment. (No financial impact --this is in, conjunction with a Serra Regional Library System Que Sera Project Exhibit and will be funded , in total by the County.) 1. Classification PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER. 2. PEP Form Vs MA 6-43 and MA 6-43A completed and submitted after Council approval and appointment will satisfy EEA requirements. 3. Classification PROJECT ASSISTANT and related correspondence. 4. Memorandums regarding PARKS CARETAKER and MAINTENANCEMAN. Staff Recommendations 1. Reclassification of existing Planning Department SECRETARY, Lucky,' to JUNIOR PLANNER. 2. Job announcements and appointment in accordance with Ordinance 1120 of PARKS CARETAKER, Planning Department SECRETARY, REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Water Department MAINTENANCEMAN and PROJECT ASSISTANT. 3. Appointment of a PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER, preliminary steps in accordance with Ordinance 1120 having been accomplished. AD No. Date: July 12, 1972 City Manager's Recommendation s Council Action 7-13-72 . This matter was deferred to the regular meeting of the City Council to be held July 18, 197.2. 7-•18-72 Following an executive session, items 2 through 7 were agreed upon' by the Council. Item #1 was held in abeyan.ce.' • Item #1-8 of the Memorandum of Understanding for Department Heads, attached hereto, was deferred and the,Gi�ty•Manager was instructed to negotiate with. Department Heads furth'er. Items 1-A, 2-A and 3-A were accepted by the Council. -2- . r CITY OF CARLSBAD PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER n4%11.L i'i i :Dbfinition This is an administrative and professional class in the engineering series with duties involving the organi- zation and supervision of major functions in the engi- neering division and doing related work as required. Duties are performed under general direction. Examples 1. Assigns, supervises, gives instructions, administers, of Duties and acts upon engineering problems in connection with st ndards and designs involved in streets and street improvements, sanitary sewers, water systems, drainage facilities and structures, preparation of complete drawings, plans, estimates, and preliminary reports for construction and improvement projects proceedings for projects provided for by State gas tax funds, and the acts of 1911 and 1913 regarding special assess- ment districts. 2. Supervises traffic engineering. 3. Supervises the checking of maps and plans of tentative and final subdivisions for compliance with local regu- lations of the State Subdivision Map Act. 4. Assigns field parties in the collection of necessary data. 5. Reviews the preparation of legal descriptions and grant deeds for easements and Gtreet rights -of -way. 6. Reviews plans and designs for conformance to stan- dards and specifications. 7. Supervises the design of street and sanitary sewer grades. 8. Prepares reports and -engineering estimates in connection with various public works projects. 9. Confers with other City personnel, representatives of other public and private agencies, and the public, regarding engineering aspects of City work. Employment Any combination equivalent to graduation from college Standards with a major in civil engineering, or related fields, and four years of increasingly responsible civil EXHIBIT 1, Page 2 Page 2--PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER engineering design, construction, and surveying experience. A Principal Civil Engineer must have knowledge of the principles and practices of civil, structural, and hydraulic engineering related to municipal public works activities, including surveys, plans, and engi- neering design; knowledge of engineering construction techniques, methods, and equipment; knowledge of surveying; knowledge of design principles and the preparation of engineering specifications and plans; ability to coordinate the work of professional and non- professional engineers; ability to prepare reports, specifications, and contract documents; ability to establish and mainain effective working relationships with City personnel and the public. Special Requirement - Registration as a professional Civil Engineer in the State of California. March 1972 74j 7 i PLEASE CO`iPIL'TE THL FOLIOWiNG SOPPIEM NTAI• ITHMEMAT'ION RECORD FOR ALL PEP PARTICIPANT'S TERMINATING FROM TIiF• PROGRAM IN JUIY AND AUGUST, 1972 ONLY VS.0ErARtUFhT0► LABOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM FOAM APPROVED MANPCNCR ADMINISTRATION QUO NO 44R 1453 SUPPLEMENTAL PARTICIPANT INFORMATION RECORD MA6.43A (Juwc,llTt) [u►wvcD 1N ullsueslnuco Joe••AccnT - 1 5 O [4►10YL0 IN UNSUISIDIZCD JOB --OTHER PUBLIC - Z EN►LOYEO IN UNSUISIDIZCD JON.-►AIVATC SECTOR . oDTAlI1LD UN SUISIDIZEO O O fJO! AND/OR VOLUNTARY EXT[ACD OTIICR FEDERAL YAN►OhYER /ROORAM 4 RLENTEAZO PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT ►AOGRAM . 6 1 REASON FOR ' pl'IT •1 STATUS Of O [NT[RCO iCCNNICAL SC,IOOL, COLLCO[, OR OTN[R TRAININI - I = SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER GRANT NUMBER TCRMINATION• LAID OFF ,I TCRMIN[L N 8 E E A Q DISCNARG[0 ! CNTERCO ARMED FOTC[7 T UNCN►LOY[D••S[[NING WOAZ • NOT [N►10YL0•.NOT IECKIN; WORK - ! OTHCR, S►[CIIY •4 STATUS UXKNOWN - 10 12 OtHER,t►[CIfY Ih Supplemental [tam Number Item Name COMPIETION INSTRUCTIONS _s Record Code Pre -coded -t Soc. Sec. No. Fntcr tic terminating participant's Soci.il Security Nunnbci from Part A, item 2 of the Participant Information Record (MA 6-43). 3 Grant Number Enter the schrn digits of the Grant Number from Part A, Item 1 of the participant Information Record (NIA 6-43). 4 Rcason for Enter ilia appropriate code only: Termination , Enter Code 1 ii the individual obtained an unsubsidi.ed Job or voluntarily left tlm prof nm at his own initiative for any reason except retirement. Inclade as "quits" those participlilts who refuse to participitc In the program, fail to report for work, or who disappear and cannot be located after scveraI attenhlit,e have been made to do so, Faster Code 2 if the individual waa held off or slsixnded from I-.v statnts for a period lasting more than seven consecrative days. Lay-offs arc initiated by die Agent, Subagent, or cntnployiing unit without prejudice to tic worker for reasons such as adjusting the work force to current rcquihvments or budget restrictions. Fjtter Code 3 if the individual has been dischnrgocl (fired) for such reasons as incompetence, violation of rule-t, dishonesty, absenteeism, hnsuborClbhation, etc, ' Fitter Cede 4 if the individual left PEP far otlier reasons such as retirement, disability, death. incarceration, etc. Enter the specific reason in the space p ovidcd. 5 Status of Enter the apptopriatc code only: Termince [Jitcr Code I if die individual obtained an umnth0d;wd job with the Agent (Including any Subagent). Fatter Code 2 if the individual obtained an unslbsid[Jed toil wiill a publle agency other than tic Agent (or any Subagent). Filter Code 3 if ilia individual obtained 8n unsnbcidin'd ioli in the Urirate Sector. Fester Code 4 if ilia individual ciuuih d in another i.d, all %I mpi%%er Admilt1,mitir h work -training program, e.g., JOBS, CEP, WIN, or \iDTA. ' Fnter Code 5 if ilia individual raentemd the R:biic £nlplocntcut ?Tom, in IP'PI, c, S., by shifting from one grant to another or re -enrolling. . Diter Code 6 if the L•idividual ctmcred tecmirll school, college, or o0icr tnbnbng. . Enter Code 7 if the individual entered dre armed forces. Inter Codc S if the )udiviJual +has uu,Ill ployed .inid seeking work, I. c., had engaged within the pl►t four weeks in specific job -seeking activity such as (1) registeritt, at a public oz inivnte employment office, (2) meeting with prospective employers, (3) Lnecking with friends or relatives, (S) placi.,g or answering in advertisement, (5) mitiug letters of application, or (6) being on a union or professional register. Faster Code 9 if the individual is not employed and Is not seeking work, i.e., is out of the labor force. Enter Code 10 if the Individual's status Is tuea,ov_:t. . Faster Code I if the individual is not classified in any of tic above tcm categories. Specify in the space Provided the appropriate status, e.g., death, PLEASE ATTACH THIS FORM TO THE CORRESPONDING PARTICIPANT i.NTOR`tATICN RECORD (MA 6-43) AND FOLLOW THE NORMAL REPORTING AND SUBMISSION LNSTRUCTIONS, U.S. nrPA\RTMIN9 01 I ABOR PiR1w C,\IPIomritf PROGRAM Form Apl.oved \IanIaucr Adushtittrstion PAItTIC'IPANT INI�C)Rl1ATION RECORD 0l1B NO. 44R 1455 MAD-43 (�\ugust, 19711 Grant Number O Social Security No. O3 Pcoderogra code Regular Sec. 5) - 01 S 6 2 _ Supplemental (Sec. 6) - 02 f E AI D 2 D D If'- IT�It 3 � PART A last Name 5 ree Address First Initial- O ®� ( n GSA Ciry City Name GSA County County Name State ZIP 1 1 0 San Diego CA 1 24 L'J Group 09 1d co - c: tal „ �• Ullite -1 Military Service II 12 13 State1 Negro -2 Status Previously Public Occurational Group County -2 O7 Am. Indian -3 Special Vet. -1 10 Employed by Assistance Professional, other City -3 Sex Oriental -4 Viet Nam Era -2 Disadvantaged Agent Recipient than teacher -1 Tribal Corm. -4 15 \talc -1 Span.Amei.-5 Veteran -3 Yes-1 Yes-1 Yes-1 Teacher -2 Federal -S Date of Birth Female-2 Other -6 ion -Veteran -4 No-2 No-2 No-2Other -3 Other ❑ -6 Month Year ❑ ❑ 1-J ❑ ❑ LJ L_ _ i 39 I7 Highest IB I.Indicappe 14 abor Fosse Status @ Weeks 21 Weeks Q PREVIOUS OCCUPATION School Grade Yes-1 Unemployed -1 Unemployed Unemployed Or -.Title 16P Completed No M2 _jl ru-ry lhuicremplayed -2 Last IZ�Ttonths Ct.tsc� 11 DOT Code 23 �} }Ho,•�rl Wage lj"�1 2 1r -M 1 24 24 timated Individual 25 26 Law Enforcemert -1 Environmental Quality -5 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM OCCUPATION Public 27 Education -2 Vim Protection -6 cc. Title famings for Nte Ilired Service Public Works and Parks and Recreation -7 DOT Hourly Wage Last 12 Months Month My Yes: Ama FTJCode ® �} Transportation -3 Social Services -8 28 1 Health G hospitals-4 Other -9 LJ' 41 PART B 0 31 Placed in Unsubsidised Job --Agent -1 32 PLACEMENT OCCUPATION Placed in Unsubsidized Job --Other Public -2 Occ. Title Termination Qtte Reason for 29 Placed III Unsubsidized Job --Private -3 Code Hourly Wage Month Day Year Termination P 3 ❑ Enrolled in Other Manpower Program -4 Enrolled r op -out -5 ❑ m 1 24 Other -6 Signature and Title: Name and Address Count of San Diego 1600 Pacific �ij?hway San Diego, Ca 1 ornia 92101 U EXHIBIT 3 Serra Regional Library System SAN DIEGO COUNTY 'LIBRARY 7777 OVERLAND AVC. - SAN DICGO,CALI/, 01127 July 5, 1972 Dear Mr. Baldwin: This is the brief note you suggested regarding the position for the library system we discussed the other day. It is proposed that the salary will be reimbursed from Serra Regional Library System funds- by the San Diego County Library in accordance with your billing proceed- ure. PROJECT ASSISTANT (Que Sera Project) will assist, project director in production of various materials (film, videotape, etc.). Will oper- ate various projectors, drive media unit and process and circulate various; materials. Will work ffith community groups under the direction of the pro- ject director. Applicant must be fluent in Spanish and English, be a High School graduate or the equivalent, have:a•valid Calif. driver's license, as well as have the ability, to learn the tasks assigned. ( . �- 11 1 1p, M. David Guttman Quo Sera Project Director ORAN'LEY PUBLIC LIBRARY • CALEXICO PUBLIC LIBRARY • CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY • CHULA VISTA PUCLIC LIBRARY CMMA00 PUBLIC'-IDRARY • EL CENTRO PUBLIC LIBRARY • CSCON0100 PUBLIC LIBRARY • IMPERIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY NATIONAL CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY • OCEANS.OE PUBLIC LIBRARY • SAN DIEGO COUNTY LIBRARY • SAN DIEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY EXHIBIT 3, Page 2 00 Serra Regional Library System SAN DIEGO COUNTY LIBRARY 5155 OVERLAND AVE. • SAN DIEGO. CAT 921.3 jE;_ POSITION DESCRIPTION FOR PROJE^ZT ASSISTANT, QUE SERA PROJECT The assistant will be trained by, and work under the direction of the Que SE -a Project Director. Duties: 1. Operates projectors and other audio-visual equipment. 2. Maintains audio-visual equipment and materials in good working order. 3. Maintains records of materials and equipment as established by the project director. 4. Circulates materials to the public. 5. Drives the project van in accordance ;with schedule established by project director. Sees to it that vehicle receives necessary maintenance and repairs. 6. Assists director in publicizing the project, including the informing ; of community groups and organizations about its materials and programs. ; 7. Assists director in planning and carrying out film programs and other programs. 8.' Assists director in the production of audio-visual materials to be used by the project, including: films, tapes, slides, and videotapes. Minimum Qualifications: 1. Fluency in Spanish and English. 2. High School education or equivalent thereof,. 3. Valid California driver's license or ability to obtain same. BRAWLCY PUBL.0 LIBRARY CALEXICO PUBLIC LIORARY • CARLSBAD CITY LIORARi • CHULA VISTA PUBLIC LIBRARY CORONADO PUBLIC LIBRARY CL CENTRO PUBLIL LIBRARY . ESCONDIDO PUBLIC LIBRARY • IMPEPIAL PUBLIC LIBRARY I NATIONAL CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY • O'CANSIOE PUBLIC LIBRARY . CAN DIEGO COUNTY LIBRARY • SAN DIEGO PUBLIC LIBRARY ♦1 I f." CITY OF CARLSBAD MEMORANDUM EXHIBIT 4 DATE July 16, 1972 TO William C. Baldwin, Personnel Director FROM Robert A. Johnston, Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: REQUEST TO HIRE PARK CARETAKER Please accept this as my formal request for permission to hire a PARK CARETAKER as approved within the 1972-73 Preliminary Fiscal Budget. Funds for this position will be reimbursed from both Library and Water Denartment allocations" -in that discussed caretaker will be utilized primarily for a civic center complex and reservoir (4) landscape maintenance. Expanding maintenance schedules for all existing personnel makes the addition of requested PARK CARETAKER extremely necessary. SIGNED: t�1`1 A ! ~ RAJ/vs \2 46 • • --EXHIBIT 4, Page 2 MEMORANDUM July 6, 1972 TO: Bill Baldwin, Purchasing Agent FROM: Bob Neely, Water Superintendent SUBJECT: Replacement for David Moran Due to the resignation of David Moran, Maintenance Man in the Sanitation Department, which was effective June 30, 1972, I would like to advertise for a Maintenance Man or go through the application file and see what you have in it. Attached is a list of duties and rules that applies to the position that is open. Let me know if you plan to advertise or if you have some applications on file that I may look at. i ^ s Bob rNeelY vc, Water Superin et ndent BN:mdc Attachment �. EXHIBIT 4, Page 3 Duties of the Maintenance Man or the Utilities Sanitation D vision: 1. Will work from Thursday 7:00 a.m. thru Monday 7:00 a.m. 10 hours per day, 4ri•th duty at night for which he is paid $3.50 per day for this duty plus call -out time. A. Will clean the field office B. Wash three trucks C. Check all Sewer Lift Stations and maintain same D. Check all reservoirs, regulators, water pumping stations and -Maintenance E. Clean sewer wet well on Friday F. Pick up dead animals and take to dump that is on public right-of-ways G. Install sewer laterals if needed H. Adjust sewer manholes I. Rod sewer laterals J. Rod sewer mains K. Anything else that is asked to be r)ne