HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-18; City Council; 700-1; Authorization to Hire Principal Civil EngineerT H E C I T Y Agenda Bill No. 700 O F C A R L S B A D, Referred To:Amendment No. 1 -71/ C A L I F0 R N I A Date: July 18, 1972 JM V4eC4-: SL-.bmi+ted 8,#: Request for Authorization to Hire Principal Civil Engineer Public Works Director Statement of the Matter The Council authorized the Staff to advertise for the position on March 21. Applications were received and the eight most promising candidates, based on the information contained in the applications, were invited to be interviewed by an Oral Evaluation Board. The Oral Board, comprised of Ben Nolan -City Engineer, Newport Beach; Lloyd Holt -City Engineer,Escordido and Robert Ladwig-Manager, Carlsbad office Rick Engineering, met June 29th. One candidate stood head and shoulders above the group in experience. He was rated as an exceptional overall candidate by the Board and was given their unanimous recommendation. I spent considerable time interviewing him the following day, and feel he has the necessary background, ability and personality to easily handle the position. He will accept the position if offered. Funds for the position are included in the adopted Preliminary FY 72-73 budget. Council approval to fill the position is requested. The workload in the Public Works Department has increased tremendously in the past year. Twenty-one Subdivisions were filed during the first six months of 1972 as compared with seven during all of 1971. With the annexation activity underway, it appears certain that developmental activity will con- tinue beyond the City's present capability to adequately handle it. Each development requires an analysis to determine its effect on the community public service systems. As development progresses beyond present urban limits, the time required to define these effects increases. Street patterns, utility routings and drainage provisions must be finalized; decisions must be cognizant of the needs of adjoining land owners and the effects of the many alternatives on the area as a whole. Although developmental activities have been the focal point of recent activity, other City needs have placed an ever increasing demand upon the Engineering Division. The City Engineer is responsible for technical support to the Traffic Safety Commission, the Water Committee, the City Council and the Planning Commissions. He also acts as Administrator of the Encina Joint Sewerage Agency. The City is joining the San Luis Rey Watershed Planning Agency and he will be involved. A certain amount of effort is required in connection with CPO. While some of the nuts and bolts work can be delegated to sub -professional personnel, much of the work requires professional level expert; -se,. The City is working on the updating of the General Plan. Included in this is the circulation element which will require extensive professional time to review, eye: assuming the basic work is done by an outstanding consultant. The Master Drainage Plan has been completed, but time has not been available to complete review. Th3 cities within the local drainage basins have been discussing coordination of facility development. As the downstream City for three major channels, this is of vital economic interest to our City. Con- siderable professional time will be required to develop recommendations for Council consideration. The Subdivision Ordinance is outdated and requires revision. Many other Ordinances are in need of critical review. x -I, /01-1 T H E C I T Y O F C A R L S B A D, C A L I F 0 R N I A Agenda Bill No. Date: Referred To: SL'.Uart Submitted By: Statement of the Matter Meetings with property owners and citizens groups often require professional Staff attendance by persons qualified to speak for the City on technical and administrative matters. The Staff is continually negotiating Agreements and Contracts with the State, County, special districts, contractors and devel- opers. Supervising the formation and implementation of special Assessment Districts will increase as development proceeds in the existing urban areas now lacking full public improvements. These Districts will require much coordination effort. •These are only some of the daily items which are handled by the Engineering Division. You will note that items which can be farmed out to consultants have beeii omitted. Some additional time will be required to review this work as it occurs. The Public Works Director is presently spending a disproportionate amount of time on engineering matters in order to relieve the backlog. This means that the other four divisions of the Department (see Exhibit A), must run with very minimal direction, a situation which cannot be allowed to continue for an extended period. Decision making must be delegated to the lowest possible level. Yet, it is imperative that the decision maker be sufficiently experienced in City Administration, Engineering, and the art of the possible to attain a high degree of success in his work. Carlsbad is emerging from the embryo. its character is being shaped. Decisions made today will profoundly affect the future. Control of our destiiiy must not be lost. We must move quickly or we will never catch up. This position is necessary if we are to provide the timely, efficient service our citizens expect. Exhibit (a) Public Works Department Proposed organization Chart. Staff Recommendations x Adopt a motion authorizing the Public Works Director to fill the Principal y Civil Engineer positions approval in the FY 72-73 Preliminary Budget. AO No. Date; July 18, 1972 City Manager's Recommendation . Concur. I would like to remind the City Council that Mr. -Win Priday's position.was never refilled with an Assistant City Manager and that Mr. Cook and I have been performing Mr. Priday's duties in addition to those heretofore done. Both Mr. Cdok and myself- work many overtime hours in order to try to keep abreast of -our responsibilities, but we are both most definigtely in need of the techni- cal,'professional relief that this position would provide to our municipal organ- ization -in terms of absorbing some of the workload. The need is critical to fill this position immediately. We are extrem- ely fortunate that the City has an outstanding candidate available for employment. He should be hired. The City of Escondido is also looking Tor such an employee. They have requested that we notify them immediately as to your action so they can hire out ,top candidate if he is evailable.. The Planning Commission, at their regular meeting of July .11th, re- quested me to urge the City Council to fill the budgeted position of Principal Civil Engineer. Council Action 7-18-72 -Following executive session, authorization was given for appointment r of a Principal Civil Engineer.. FF` PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY ENGINEER ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY CLERK -STENO UTILITIES D.IV. PROPERTY MAINT. DIV. ENGINEERING DIV. STREET MAINT. DIV. WATER 'SUPT. PROPERTY MAINY. SUPT. PRINCIPAL CIVIL STREET MAINT. SUPT. ENGINEER 'l.;Operation and 1. Maintain City Nall 1, Provide engineering 1. Maiintain City maintenance of & Council Chambers required for City Street System water system. Projects, City Re- 2, Maintain Traffic cords, Review of 2. Maintain Public ,2. -0'0erat.i9n and. striping & signing Developments, Storm Drain maintenance of Citizen Information System sewer system 2. Provide information 3. Administer Weed & recommendations Abatement Program to Council & Commissions 4, Administer Sani- tation Program. 3. Support Traffic Safety Commission, Water Committee 4. Act as Adm.inistrator- Encina joint Sewerage 'Agency .EQUIPMENT MAINT. OIV. EQU I PME`IT MA 14T. FOREMAN! � .i 1. Repa i r& ma i nt: a City Mechanical, Equipment 'i �i �i DESIGN/PUBLIC SERVICE SECTION CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATE DESIGN PUBLIC SERVICE C.E. ASSISTANT SR. ENGR. AIDE C,E. ASSISTANT E-____ ENGR. AIDE 1. Prepare City Projects 1. Maintain City Records it Maps 2. Provide design sup - port to other depts. 2. Issue permits d,ivs. & sections as needed 3. Governmental Coordination 3. Process Assessment Districts 4. R/W processing 4. Assist City Engr. 5. Handle citizen with Traffic Eng- inquiries ineering studies C• analysis ENGINEERING DIVISION PRINCIPAL CIVIL ENGINEER I FIELD ENGINEERING SECTION SURVEYS Personnel from Division as needed INSPECTION CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR 1. Support to other 1. City Projects departments,•div- isions & sections 2. Private Developments 2. Assist Inspector to verify compl- iance DEVELOPMENTAL { SERVICES SECTION CIVIL ENGINEERING _ ASSOCIATE C.E. ASSISTANT .i Personnel from Division as needed r 1. Process Subdivisions' — Parcel Splits 2. Provide development information to engineer & developers III