HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-07-25; City Council; 827; Provision of Services to La Costa & South CarlsbadTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD,C A L I F' O R N I Agenda Bill No.Date: Ju1y 25» 1972 Referred To: Suiject:pROVISION OF SERVICES TO LA COSTA AND SOUTH CARLSBAD Submitted By cu/ Statement of the Matter It is necessary to amend the approved preliminary budget for fiscal year 1972-73 to provide services to La Costa annexation and to extend services into the developing South Carlsbad area. Exhibit Memorandum to City Council dated 7-26-72, and proposed budget adjustments Resolution amending preliminary 1972-73 budget. Staff Recommendations 8-15-72 - Suggest that an adjourned meeting be held to discuss this i tern. AS NO .827 Pate:July 25, 1972 City Manager's Recommendation Please see attached memorandum, Council Action 8-1-72 Deferred to meeting of August 15, 1972. 8-15-72 Deferred to adjourned meeting to be held August 23, 1972 at 3=00 p.m. 8-23-72 Resolution #2070 amending Resolution 2063 Adopting the final budget for 1972-73 was adopted. -2- July 26, 1972 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council PROVISION OF SERVICES TO LA COSTA AND SOUTH CARLSBAD Attached are proposed changes in the preliminary budget to expand our municipal services if the La Costa annexation is successful. We would recommend that these revised budget figures be approved substantially as submitted and a resolution adopted making these changes in our preliminary budget for fiscal year 1972-73 if the La Costa annexation is successful. While every effort was made to segregate La Costa costs, it was found that this was basically an impossibility. The complicating factor was the fact that developments have proceeded in the South Carlsbad area at a rate unforeseen at the time the '72-73 budget was prepared. This growth will require additional funding even if the La Costa annexation is unsuccessful. The document before the City Council for consideration this evening encompasses appropriations necessary to serve La Costa, South Carls- bad, and certain oversights in the preliminary budget, general fund balance for the current budget is income derived from the La Costa annexation is while expenditures to serve La Costa and South mated at $318,375. The net result in our general fund is a balance of $180,575 compared to a figure of $119,824 originally estimated. Our revised $232,350. Additional estimated at $268,200, Carlsbad are esti- Explanation of Appropriations by Department Personnel - The amount requested in this appropriation could duced by one half if La Costa is not anne_xed to the City. be re- insurance, Bonds, and Retirement •* Approximately one half of this allocation would be required without the La Costa annexation to process employees to provide services to South Carlsbad. BUJ1 ding ^ The total appropriation is required to provide building inspection services to La Costa with the exception of replacement of one intermediate §eda,n at a co$t pf $3,200. This particular vehicle is required because an existing vehicle has. become unserviceable. Honorable Ma,yor a,nd * 2 * July 26, 1972 Members of the City Council Pol Ice •* Tlie entire Amount is necessary to serve la, Costa and South tTaTTsFad. If tlte La Cpsta annexation is unsuccessful, a,n additional appropriation prior to the end of this fiscal year wfll be required to provide adequate patrol service to South. Ca.rl$b.a,d, Fi re - The entire amount requested is necessary to adequately man the La Costa Engine Company. VJe are now at a point in terms of phys- ical geography and population where it will be necessary to add a second engine company irregardless of the annexation of La Costa. If La Costa annexation is not concluded, it will be necessary to build and man the El Camino site prior to the close of the fiscal year at an additional cost of some $60,000. With the La Costa En- gine Company the El Camino Engine Company can be deferred until 1973-74. Engineering - With the exception of some furnitute for the Principal Civi1 Engineer, the total appropriation is required to serve the La Costa annexation. Streets - Most of this requested appropriation is necessary to ser- vice La Costa. However, in any case, it will be necessary to at least purchase a new sweeper and possibly add a sweeper operator position prior to the end of the current fiscal year. Planning - The entire amount requested is for the La Costa annexation with the possible exception of some office furniture. Parks - The entire amount of this appropriation request is to service La Costa. The sole exception is a lease purchase of a water tank truck which would be necessary in any case to replace a worn-out piece of equipment and to serve South Carlsbad. SUMMARY Approximately $50,000 in additional appropriations is requested above the revenues derived from the La Costa annexation. Due to the criti- cal need of the total community for a second engine company, and due to service requirements being engendered in the South Carlsbad area, it is estimated that our preliminary budget will require additional appropriations in the amount of approximately $100,000 in the event that the La Costa annexation is unsuccessful. The La Costa annexa- tion would give us more flexibility in the provision of services. We actually would save the City about $50,000 this year that otherwise would be required to extend services to properly serve our total com- munity. B. Arnold JBA:hl City Manager End . CITY Of CARLSBAD FISCAL YEAR 1972 -, 73 PROPOSED BUDGET REVENUES tAddi tional Income i.n preliminary Budget Derived from La Costa Annexation) GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1972-73 ESTIMATE Building Permits $, 40,000 Business Licenses 500 Zoning & Subdivision 2,000 Fines & Forfeitures 1,300 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 200 Sales & Use Taxes . 20,000 Franchises 2,000 Cigarette Tax 2,300 Motor Vehicle • 3,000 Engineering Fees 26,000 Transfer Tax 7,300 County Service Area No. 2 Balance 99,000 Transient Tax Fund Transfer 60,000 $263,600 STATE GAS TAX 2106 Funds $ 1 ,600 2107 Funds 1 .600 $3,200 2106 Funds to San Diego County -1.600 $1,600 PLANNING Planning Fees $3,000 W PROPOSED TRANSFERS From General Fund General Fund CITY OF CARLSBAD flSCAL YEAR 1972 ^ 73 ID. «Planning Fund Park Fund Amount $ 13,747 19,401 ADJUSTED GENERAL FUND BALANCE Revised General Fund Balance Additional General Fund Revenues Additional General' Fund Expenditures Transfer to Planning Fund Transfer to Park Fund Adjusted General Fund Balance Sub-Total $ 232,350* 263.600 495,950 -284.227 211 ,723 -13.747 197,976 -19.401 $ 178,575 * Original General fund balance in preliminary budget was • $119,824. Ttie revised a,mpunt of $232,350 does not include cost of disability insurance. - 1A - CITY OF CARLSBAD 1972 * 73 PROPOSE!) BUDGET EXPENDITURES (Additional Appropriations in preliminary Budget to Service La Costa Annexation and South Carlsbad Area) Acct. No. Account Name Am o unt G e n e r a 1 Government 112 Personnel $ 2,150 * Total General Govt. 2,150 general Government (Non-Departmental) 103 Insurance & Bonds ' 15,000 9 Retirement 22.069 Total Non-Departmental $37,069 Public Safety 118 Building Department 16,450 119 Police Department 77,942 120 Fire Department 91 .323 Total Public Safety $185,715 Public Works 110 ' Engineering 21,920 113 Streets 37.373 Total Public Works $59,293 4-108 Planning 16,747 5-114 Parks 19.401 TOTAL $318,375 PERSONNEL ACCOUNT NO. 1-112 Additional Acct. No. Account Name Appropriation 5 Genera,! Office Expense $ 250 8.2 professional & Technical Service 900 8.9 Training & Education 1.000 Additional Maint. & Operation $2,150 NON-DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNTS 103 & 9 103 Insura-nce & Bonds . $ 15,000 9 Retirement .22,069 $37,069 BUILDING ACCOUNT NO. 1-118 1 Salaries $ 9,450 4 Repairs & Maintenance T50 5 General Office Expense 50 6.5 Petroleum Products 200 6.7 Dept. Spec. Supplies & Exp. 100 8.3 Governmental Meetings 50 Additional Maint. & Operation $550 9.1 Equipment Desk & Chair 250 2 Int. Sedans 6.200 Additional Capital Outlay $6,450 Total Additional $16,450 EMPLOYEES Salary Range No. Position Title No. 33 Building Inspector -83 $9,450 ^ 3 - Acct. No 1.1 • 1.2 4 5 6.2 6.5 6.7 7 8.2 8.3 8.7 8.9 9.1 POLICE ACCOUNT NO. Ull 9 . Account Name Regular Salaries Overtime Salaries Total Additional Salaries Repairs & Maintenance General Office Expense Parts Petroleum Products Dept. Special Supplies Expendable Tools Professional & Technical Service Government Meetings Insurance Training & Education Total Additional Maint. & Operation $4,760 Equipment 1 Patrol Unit $3,400 1 Detective Unit 3,000 2 Radios 2,000 1 Handy Talkie 840 3 Shotguns 300 1 Measuring Wheel 40 Addi tiipnal Appropri.atjon $ 55,602 8.000 $ 63,602 1,300 200 900 200 1 ,300 200 300 100 60 200 Additional Capital Outlay Total Additional $ 9,580 $77,942 EMPLOYEES Sal ary Range No . 36 32 11 Position Title Police Sergeant Police Officer Clerk Typist Overtime No. .75 3.75 .75 5.25 $9,153 41 ,940 4,509 $ 55,602 8,000 $ 63,602 - 4 - FIRE ACCOUNT NO. 1^119 Additional Account No. Account Name Appropriations 1.1 Regular Salaries $ 69,948 1.2 Overtime Salaries 5,000 Total Additional Salaries $ 74,948 2.1 Utilities Expense 800 2.2 Communications Expense 400 4 Repairs & Maintenance 600 5 General Office Expense * 50 6 Materials & Supplies 100 6.1 Building Materials 100 6.2 Parts 750 6.4 Radio & Electrical . 350 6.5 Petroleum Products 500 6.6 Janitorial Supplies 250 6.7 Dept. Special Expenses 1,700 7 Expendable Tools 50 8.3 Government Meetings 100 8.5 Rental of Land & Buildings 9,375 Total Additional Maint. & Operation $15,125 9.1 Equipment (8 Plectrons) 1,200 9.4 Books 50 Total Additional Capital Outlay $ 1,250 Total Additional $91,323 EMPLOYEES Salary Range No. Position Title No. 39 Fire Captain 1.50 $ 19,692 35 Fire Engineer 1.50 17,856 31 Firemen 3.00 32,400 $ 69,948 Overtime 5,000 $ 74,948 5 - 1,1 4 5 514 6.5 6.7 8.2 8.3 9.1 Salary Range No 35 35 bfdNEERING ACCOUNT NO. 1-1 llf Account No. Account Naroe Regular Salaries Repairs & Maint. General Office Expense Printing and Binding Petroleum products Dept. Special Supplies & Professional & Technical Service Government Meetings . Additional Appropriations $ 17,010 200 100 300 200 200 400 50 Total Additional Capital Outlay Total Additional EMPLOYEES Position Title Civil Engineering Asst. Construction Inspector No. .75 .75 Total -Additional Maint. & Operatio.n $ 1,450 Equipment 2 Drafting Tables $ 560 2 Drafting Stools 100 1 Compact Pickup 2.800 1.50 $ 3,460 21,920 Amount $ 8,505 8,505 $17,010 Account No. 1.1 2.3 3 9.1 STREETS ACCOUNT NO. 1-119 Account Name^ Regular Salaries Street Lighting Equipment Rental (Sweeper) Total Additional Maint. & Operation Equipment 2~Ton Dump Truck.$4.200 Total Additional Addi tional Appropriations $ 11 ,673 18,000 3.500 $21 ,500 •4.200 $.3 7,37 3 - 6 - STREET ACCOUNT NO. 1-119 EMPLOYEES Salary . Range No. posj tion Title No. Amount 22 Motor Sweeper Operator .75 $ 6,192 17 Maintenanceman ' .75 5,481 $11,673 PLANNING ACCOUNT NO. 4-108 Acct. No. Account 1.1 Regular Salaries $ 14,112 1.2 Overtime 450 Total Additional Salaries $ 14,562 3.2 Office Equipment Rental 225 5 General Office Expense 200 5.1 Advertising & Public Relations 150 6.7 Dept. Special Supplies 300 8.3 Governmental Meetings 100 Total Additional Ma int. & Operation $ 975 9.1 Equipment 2 Drafting Tables $560 2 " Stools 100 1 Steno. Desk & Chair 300 2 Legal Files 250 $ 1,210 Total Additional $16,747 EMPLOYEES Salary Range No. Position Title No. 39 Associate planner .75 $ 9,378 13 Clerk Steno. .75 ' 4.734 1.50 $14,112 Overtime 450 $14,562 - 7 - PARKS ACCOUNT NQ. '5-014 Additional Acct. NQ. Account Name Appropriations 1.1 . Regular Salaries $ 12,051 3 Equipment Rental CWater Tank Truck.) 2,250 5 general Office Expense 100 6.5 Petroleum Products 400 6.7 Dept. Special Supplies 1,200 7 Expendable Tools 200 Total Additional Ma int. & Operation $ 4,150 9.1 Equipment 1-1/2 Ton Pickup $3,200 Total Additional Capital Outlay $ 3,200 Total Additional $19,401 EMPLOYEES Salary Range No. Position Title No. Amount 24 Public Works Leadman .75 $ 6,831 17 Park Caretaker .75 5,220 1.50 $12,051 - 8 - . RESOLUTION NO. 2070 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AMENDING CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2063, ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1972-73. The City Council of the City of Carlsbad does resolve as 1 follows: 1. That certain document entitled "City of Carlsbad Final Budget - 1972-73", a copy of which is on file in the Office of the I 9 10 City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad, and is by this-reference incorporated herein, is hereby amended to include Exhibit "A" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The City Council may, by Minute Motion, transfer funds from Unappropriated General Reserves to expenditure accounts from time to time during the Fiscal Year 1972-73. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held on the 23rd day of August, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. CITY Of CARLSBRD ". ,- ,FISCAL YEAR 1972 .- ~ 7 73 PROPOSED BUDSET REVENUES frQm La Cocata Annexation) (Additional Income in Pyel i,minary Budget Deri-ved GENERAL FUND REVENUES 1972-73 ESTIMATE Building Permits Business Licenses Zoning & Subdfyision Fines & Forfettures Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Sales & Use Taxes Franchises Cigarette Tax Motor Vehi cl e Engineering Fees Transfer Tax County Service Area No. 2 Balance Transient Tax Fund Transfer STATE GAS TAX 2106 Funds 2107 Funds 2106 Funds to San Diego County PLANNING Planning Fees $ 40,000 500 2,000 1,300 200 20,000 2,000 2,300 3,000 26,000 7,300 99,000 60,000 $263,600 $ 1,600 1,600 $3,200 -1,600 $1 ,600 $3,000 -1- PRQPOSED TRANSFERS To - From _. General Fund P1 anning Fund General Fund Park Fund Amount $ 13,747 19,401 ADJUSTED GENERAL FUND BALANCE Revised General Fund Balance Additional General Fund Revenues Additional General Fund Expenditures Transfer to Planning Fund Transfer to Park Fund Adjusted General Fund Balance $ 232,350* 263,600 Sub-To ta 1 495,950 -284,227 211 ,723 -13,747 197,976 -1 9,401 $ 178,575 * Oyi~ginal (jenerql Fund balance in pyeliminqry budget was $119,824. cost of di$qh.ili.ty i,nsurance. The reyi,sed amQunt of $232,35Q does not include - 1A - CITY OF CARLSBAD ,FI.$CAL ‘(EAR 19j2 P 73 Uddi tiOnal ApprQpriqtions i.n prel i,minqry Badget tQ PRO POSED BUDGET EXPEND ITURES Seryice La CoStq Annexati,on and South Carlshad Area) Acct. NQ. Account Name General Government 112 personnel Amount $ 2,150 Total General Govt. 2,150 General Government (Non-Departmental) 103 9 118 119 120 110 113 4-108 5-114 Insurance & Bonds Ret i rement 15,000 22,069 Total Non-Departmental $37,069 Public Safety Building Department 16,450 Pol ice Department 77,942 Fire Department 91,323 Total Public Safety $185,715 Public Works Engineering Streets 21,920 37,373 Total Public Works $59,293 Planning 16,747 Parks 19,401 TOTAL $31 8,375 PERSONNEL ACCQUMT NO. 1-1 12 \ ~ 1' ,, 5 8.2 8.9 103 9 1 4 5 6.5 6.7 8.3 9.1 250 900 Prgfessi-onal & Technjcal Seyvi.ce 1,000 Traini-ng & EdacatTon General Off-ice Expense $ Insurance & Bonds Ret-lrement BUILDING ACCOUNT NO. 1-118 Sal ari es Repairs & Maintenance General Off i ce Expense Petroleum Products Dept. Spec. Supplies & Exp. Governmental Meetings $ 75,000 22,069 $37,069 $ 9,450 150 50 200 100 50 Additional Maint. & Operation $550 Equ i pment 2 Int. Sedans Desk & Chair 250 6,200 Additional Capital Outlay $6,450 Total Additional $1 6,450 EMPLOYEES -- Salary Range No. Position Title No. 33 Building Inspector .83 $9,450 -3- POLICE ACCOUNT NO. 1-119 Addi tignql _- Acct. NQ. eccount Name Appropr ,- ‘ fa t i< gn 1.1 1.2 4 5 6.2 6.5 6.7 7 8.2 8.3 8.7 8.9 Regulqr Sal qries Oyertime Salaries $ 55,602 8 ,Q’oQ Repairs & Maintenance General Office Expense Parts Petroleum Products Dept. Special Supplies Expendable Tool s Professional & Technical Government Meetings Insurance Training & Education Service 1,300 200 900 200 1,300 200 300 100 60 200 Total Additional Maint. & Operation $4,760 9.1 Equipment 1 Patrol Unit $3,400 1 Detective Unit 3,000 1 Handy Talkie 840 3 Shotguns 300 1 Measuring Wheel 40 Additional Capital Out1 ay 2 Radios 2,000 $ 9,580 Total Additional $77,942 EMPLOYEES Sal ary Range No. Position Title 36 32 11 Pol ice Sergeant Police Officer Clerk Typist No. .75 $9,153 3.75 41,940 .75 4,509 - 5.25 $ 55,602 8,000 $ 63,602 -4- fIRE ACCOUNT NO. 1-119 Ad d i, t i, o n a 1 AccOunt No. Appr'opriations 1.1 Regular Sahrif?s 1.2 Oyertime Salaries $ 69,948 5,000 Total Additional Salaries $ 74,948 800 400 600 50 100 100 750 350 500 250 1,700 50 100 9,375 $1 5,125 Uti1 i ties Expense CommunicatiQns Expense Repairs & Maintenance General Office Expense Mater? a1 s & Suppl i es Building Materials Parts Radio & Electrical Petroleum Products Janitorial Supplies Dept. Special Expenses Expendable Tools Government Meetings Rental of Land & Buildings 2.1 2.2 4 5 6 6.1 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7 8.3 8.5 Total Additional Maint. & Operation Equipment (8 Plectrons) Books Total Additional Capital Outlay 1,200 50 $ 1,250 9.1 9.4 Total Additional $91,323 EMPLOYEES No. 1.50 1.50 3.00 - Salary Range No. Position Title $ 19,692 17,856 39 35 31 Fire Captain Fire Engineer Firemen 32,400 $ 69,948 5,000 $ 74,948 Over time Account No. 1.1 4 5 51 4 6.5 6.7 8.2 8.3 9.1 Salary Range No. 35 35 Account No. .. ..'\, 1.1 2.3 3 9.1 0 ENGINEERING ACCOUNT NO. 1-110 0 . ,-_ - L ACCQUnt Name Regulay Salari,e$ Add 1 t i. o n a 1 Appropriations \- $ 1_7,010 Repqirs ti Maint. 2 a0 General Qffi ce Expense 100 Petroleum products 200 Dept. Special Supplies & bp. Printing and Bindjng 300 200 Professional & Technical Seryice 400 50 Government Meetings $ 1,450 Total Additional Maint. & Operation Equipment 2 Drafting Tables $ 560 7 Compact Pickup 2,800 2 Drafting Stools 100 Total Additional Capital Outlay $ 3,460 21,920 Total Additional EMPLOY EES Position Title No. 7 Civil Engineering Asst. .75 Construction Inspector .75 Amount $ 8,505 8,505 1.50 $17,010 STREETS ACCCUNT NO. 1-119 Additional Account Name Appropriations Regulqr Salaries $ 11,673 Street Lighting Equipment Rental (Sweeper) 18,000 3,500 Total Additional Maint. & Operation $21 ,500 Equipment 2-Ton Dump Truck $4,200 Total Additional 4,200 $37,373 -6- Salary Range No. posj tion Title 22 17 Acct. No. 1.1 1.2 3.2 5 5.1 6.7 8.3 9.1 Motor Sweeper Operator .55 Maintenanceman .75 Amount $ 6,192 5,481 - $11 ,673 PLANNING ACCOUNT NO. 4-108 Account Regular Salaries Overtime Total Additional Salaries Office Equipment Rental General Office Expense Advertising & Public Relations Dept. Special Supplies Governmental Meetings Total Additional Maint. & Operation Equipment 2 Drafting Tables $560 II 100 Stools 300 2 1 Steno. Desk & Chair 250 2 Legal Files 39 73 Total Additional EMPLOYEES Salary Range No. position Title No. -cI .75 Associate pl anner .75 Clerk Steno. - 1.50 $ 14,112 450 $ 14,562 225 200 150 300 100 $ 975 $ 1,210 $1 6,747 $ 9,378 $14,112 450 4,734- Oyertime -7- $14,562 PARKS ACCOUNT NO. >*- 5-114 Acct . Ng . Account \. . Name 1.1 Regular Salqri,es Add ttjonal AppropriatiQns $ 12,051 3 Equipment Rental &ater Tank Truck) 2,250 6.5 petroleum Products 400 5 General Office Expense 100 6.7 Dept. Special Suppl ies 1,200 7 Expendable Tools 200 Total Additional Maint. & Operation $ 4,150 9.1 Equipment 1-1/2 Ton Pickup $3,200 Total Additional Capital Outlay $ 3,200 Total Additional $19,401 EMPLO YEE S Salary Range No. Position Title- No. Amount - .75 $ 6,831 24 Pub1 i c Works Leadman 17 Park Caretaker .75 5,220 1.50 $1 2,051 -8-