HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-03; City Council; 845; Employee Reclassification to Meet Job DescriptionT H E C I T Y 0 C A R L S B A D, . A L I F O R N I Agenda Bill No. � Date: ytgstJ, 1972 Referred To: Subject: EMPLOYEE RECLASSIFICATION TO MEET JOB Submitted By: DESCRIPTION, DUTIES AND STANDARDS William C. Baldwin Personnel Director Statement of the Natter As previously stated by a Personnel Director there are several employees within the ranks of City government. that are improperly classified because of the duties they are asked to perform and the manner in which those duties are 'directed' as opposed to.'supervised'. The Public Works Director has sighted three (3) such situations and asked that reclassification studies be conducted for Emmet Focht, Equipment Mechanic Helper, Range 18E; Clarence Buck, Water Serviceman, Range 17B; Clifton Greagrey, Senior Maintenanceman, Range 21E. Exhibi t Personnel Action Requests concerning: Staff Recommendations Emmet Focht Clarence Buck Clifton 0. Greagrey 0 A study reveals that the three named employees are working as 'directed' and as opposed.to 'supervised'. Reclassification is requested in the following manner to correlate job description, duties and standards to the individual. Emmet Focht, Equipment Mechanic, Range 28A Clarence Buck, Water Pump Operator, Range 25A Clifton Greagrey, Heavy Equipment Operator, Range 24E Titles are incorporated in the present list. • Y o�,c AB No. Dato: "-" 'August s, ly%L City Managerts Recommendation Concurrence with staff recommendation. Council`Action 8-15-72 - Employee Reclassification to meet job descript;on, duties and standards adopted on`Consent Calendar. 1 -2- ,� r• CITY OF CARLSBAD .Fi—nce Dept. Use On7y REQUEST FOR PERSO" IEL ACTION $ per hour $ semi month % retire. rate $ semi month retire. Name EMMETT FOCHT Effective Date AUGUST!, 1972 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Department (Equip. Maintenance Div.)ritle EQUIPMENT MECHANIC HELPER NATURE OF ACTION Reclassification to EQUIPMENT MECHANIC From To Class & Step No. 18E 28A Monthly Salary $688 $723 -There is presently in excess of 130 pieces of City -owned equipment maintained by this shop, as well as a preventative maintenance program. Much of this equipment is over 6 years old and requires more than the usual maintenance to keep operational. The present personnel situation of one mechanic is inadequate for this shop to accomplish the aforementioned program properly. Mr. Focht has been doing the work of a mechanic, such as changing a double clutch in a diesel tractor - a very technical procedure, and doing it very well. He requires a minimum of supervision and the job is done completely and thoroughly. He is presently working out of classification. Therefore, it is highly recomgended that this request be approved. H. Cook Hired 7/1/65 as an EQUIPMENT MIF'HANIC HELPER, Mr. Focht in the fast two (2) years has been doing e- , work of an EQUIPMENT MECHANIC. A classification change is past due. Mr. Focht is one of our valued employees who does his job well and with no complaint as to time -.�r hours he may be requested to work. Cost to City-- $390.00 W. Baldwin )epartment Head Da Signature pproved By Dat Personnel Officer pproved By ate City of Carlsbad 1/1/71 CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST FOR PERSO!VIEL ACTION ;Fi—nce Dept. Use Only per hour $ _semi month % retire. rate $ semi month retire. Name CLARENCE BUCK Effective Date August 1, 1972 PUBLIC WORKS Di•',PARTMENT Department (Utilities Division) Title WATER SERVICEMAN NATURE OF ACTION! Reclassification to WATER PUMP OPERATOR From To E Class & Step No. 17B 25A Monthly Salary $580 $672 REMARKS This change is necessary to bring Mr. Buck's classification in line with the duties and responsibilities which he is presently assigned. In addition to the independent duties he now performs, he will be assigned responsibilities for mainenance and operation of the new water tanks and telemetry being added to the system under the Water Systems Improvement Projact. Mr. Buck has passed the grade IV examination and has received his Water Operator's Certificate. Mr. Buck operates under direction rather than supervision as defined in the personnel regulations. H. Cook As Personnel Director I find the above information to be correct. I have checked with the Water Superintendent and he also verifies the above. This department supports the reclassification of Mr. Buck. Cost to City $477.00. W. C. Baldwin Department Head _ Date Signature Approved By_ Date Personnel Officer pproved By Date City Mana4er city oT tar i5Uaa 11 1i 1 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD REQUEST FOR PERS011EL ACTION ce Dept. Use Only $ per hour $ semi month % retire. rate $ semi month retire.j Name CLIFTON O. GREAGREY Effective Date AUGUST 1, 1572 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Department(Street Maint. Div.) Title SENIOR MAINTENANCEMAN MATURE OF ACTION Reclassification to HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR From To E Class & Steo No. 21E 24E Monthly Salary $741 $797 Mr. Greagrey currently is performing a function mid -way between heavy equipment operator and equipment mechanic (Range 28). He performs those functions listed in the class specification for heavy equipment operator. In addition, he is the only active qualified welder on the City staff, and performs this function with skill. He is a folly qualified mechanic and maintains his division's equipment when the shop is overloaded. He also provides backup service to the shop. This reclassification is long overdue. H. Cook Mr. Greagrey hats been employed by the City since 10/55 and has been an asset to us during that time. To my knowledge he has been per- forming duties az outlined for some three (3) years and this classification change should be made in recognition of his abilities and to reward him for past service. In addition to those duties outlined by the Public Works Director Mr. Greagrey also serves as STREET SUPERINTENDENT in the absence of Mr. Brown. I sincerely recommend that this reclassification be made. Cost to Citv--$616.00. W. Baldwin Departmaent [lead Date_ Signature proved By Date Personnel Officer Approved By na er Date City of Carlsbad 1/1/71 �,