HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-05; City Council; 871; Highland Drive Sewer Assessment DistrictTHE CITY OF CARLSPAD, CAL IF~RN IA /i- ,j - 3te September 5, 1972 R'eferred To: f II Subject: Submitted By: Change Order #1 H i g h 1 a nd D r i ve Pub1 ic Works Director -- Staternent of the Matter The contractor, Don Hubbard Construction, began work oti this project on August 22 In tfieprocess of boring th'e manhole excavations, an trench line for/the sewer. This abandoned water line did not appear A field investigation and engineering analysis of the problem was made and a meeting held with the contractor. A lateral relocation of the sewer line was discussed but since the manhole bores have been completed, construction costs of relocating the manholes and recompacting the loose fill in the existing manhole bores, was weighed against the cost of removing the abandoned line. The contractor agreed to remove the abandoned line at a cost.of $1.10 per lineal foot, not to exceed $3,500.00. The matter was also discussed with our 1911 Act Bond Counsel and he concurs that a change order for additional costs due to this unforseen problem is in order. 'abandoncd 12" riveted steel line was discovered in the proposed on any City plans or records. -. . Exhibit 1) Change order No. 1, Contract No. 1011 2) Letter of isnstruction to the contractor 'Staff Recomnenda t ions Adopt a mot ion adding change order No. 1 to Contract 1011. APPROVED BY. CIN COUNClC .. . . Exhibit "A" I Date: September 5, 1972 AB No. .. .. .- - City Nanaqcr's Rccomr?~?nc?a tion '. .. . Concur. .. .. .. .. .- .. . .. CounciZ' Action .. .. -. . ... .. .. .* :. - L* . . CITY OF CARLSBAD PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDER Change Order No, 1 Date Septem,er 5, 1972 Contract No. 1011 Contractor I s Name Don Hubbard Purchase No. Budget No. AD-2-1969 Project Name and No. Highland Drive Sewer- Project No. 69-9 Act ion Additions: The following additional work is required due to the discovery of an abandoned steel water main in the proposed sewer trench 1 ine. Remove 3180 L.F. of 12" riveted Steel pipe @ $1.10/ L.F. - not to exceed $3,500.00 Tota 1 Add i t iona 1 work $3,500.00 Deduct ions: Total Deductive Work -0- TOTAL CONTRACT ( i ndrease)(- +$3,500.00 Date *ova 1 October 24, 1972 Pub1 ic Glorks Director D. M. Dunne , Mayor Steel Pipeline in Hishland Drive Sewae 1. In checkinq oh excavation near my home, there is no sian of iron ninelines whatsoever. The question I raise is how much of that pipeline are we paying for to Hubbard; it should be somewhat less than the total lenath of the project. 2. I also noted no construction on this sewer line between Basswood and Chestnut; is this exempt or already sewered? D. M . DUNIiE, Mayor