HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-05; City Council; 876; CT 71-02 Occidental Carlsbad Leucadia Encinitas Ponto Sewer Agreement South of Encina Water Pollution Control FaciltiyTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 'Agenda Bill No. Referred To: te Sept 5, .;cad ia-Enci ni tas Sewer Agreement -South of Encina Water Polluti9n Control Faci1i ty Submitted By: Public Works Director Statement of the Matter As a condition of Carlsbad Tract 71-2.1 (Lakeshore Gardens Mobile Homa Park), located at Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas, the developer is required to construct a 27" diameter sewer line, (see Exhibit (1), Planning Commission Resolution # 6^6, ^Mobile Home Park Conditional Use Permit, Condition #9). The communities of Leucadia and Encinitas have requested that the 27" line and appurtenant structures be oversized to 39" to accomodate sewage from these communities. An agreement has been prepared (Exhibit (2)) regarding the limits of ownership, construction liabilities, maintenance responsibilities, etc. This agreement was approved by the Leucadia County Water District Board of Directors on 8-2^-72. Exhibit (1) Planning Commission Resolution # 6k6 (2) Occidental-Carlsbad=Leucadia-Encinitas Sewer Agreement. Staff Recommendations Adopt a motion approving Occidental-Carlsbad-Leucadia-Encinitas Agreement in regard to construction of sewer pipeline south from the Encina Water Pollution Control Faci1ity, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. ^PROVED BY CITY PATE AS No. City Manager's Recommendation Concur Council'Action Da te: Sept 5, 1972 1 2 3 .4 5 6 7i 8 9! 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 i 17 18 19 20 21 22 j H24! 25! i26; 271 I 28! 29 i 30 j: i 31: 32 i PLANNING COMMISSIOH RESOLUTIOM NO. 646 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERM IT,• SUBJECT TO ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, FOR A MO_B_I_LE_ HJLMjE _PAjUi, LOCATED AT POINSETTIA LANE BETWEEN INTERSTATE 5 AND THE A.T. .AND S. F. RAILROAD . • . WHEREAS, pursuant to the proyi.s i pn.sv, of .Ordinance {jlo...9.060 ,•;,.. the Planning Commission did on November 25., - 1 9.69 ,. ho 1 d a duly noticed public hearing to consider theapplicatiort of H. B. DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, for a Conditional Use 'Permit for. the purppse • of a I lowing' the construction of a mobile home park on property located at Poinsettia Lane between lngerstate'5 and the A.T.6S.F. railroad,' on the following described property:" Those portions of Section 28 and Fractiona.l Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, in the County of San Diego, State'of California, being Portions of Parcels 24 and 30, Book 214, Page 170; and Parcel 5, Book 214, Page 150 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist, which make the granting of a Conditional Use Permit necessary to carry out the provisions and genera! purpose of Ordinance No. 9060: 1. The proposed mobile h'ome park constitutes & good use of the land. 2. The granting of the proposed land use will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the vicinity and'zone in which the Conditional Use Permit will be granted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby grant a Conditional Use Permit on said property for the purpose of allowing the construction of a mobile home park, subject to the following conditio.ns and Iim i ta t ions : XX XX Exhibit (1) /*""«•», li2j 3! ...4 5 6 'I. • i 8 9 10 11 12^ 13! 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ! 27- 28 29 i 30 31 32! 1 . 3. k. 5. XX -2- That approval of the Conditional Use Permit shall be subject to approval of the Planned Community and.Commercia I Zones bytheCityCounciland, asfollpws: • .a.. That those areas ,.. for. wh i ch a .C.ond i.ti.ona.l Use. Pe cm i t f o.r a mobile home, park have been approved, be developed in conformance with Site Plan sA-land A-2. ••••'•• . • b. That the mobile home parks be developed iri conformance. with the State.of California Administrative Code, Title 25, Housing and Community Development, Chapter 5, Mobile Home Pa rks; ' ' • c. That all areas shown as GREEN areas on the.Site Plans be landscaped in conformance with City Ordinance No. 9181, and it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to assure maintenance of said areas; d. That Site Plan Area A-l be an adult-type park and that Site Plan Area A-2 be a family-type park; e.. That each mobile home park be encompassed by a six-foot (6 ft.) high, decorative masonry wall; That development plans be subject to review by the Planning Department, prior to issuance of any building permit, to insure conformance with Site Plans A-l and A-2; That a concept of architecture be adopted for the project and that all elevations for the project be subject to review by the Planning Department; . rr» /-LfV*^4 •jp-C**>~* * ' VV^T That a Reco£d>-&l£-*!'S'u'Tvey be filed, covering the entire area to be annexed, prior to issuance of any permits for grading orbuilding; That all street improvements be completed adjacent to improved property prior to the Building Department's issuance of an authorization to occupy said improved property, except that Poinsettia Lane Westerly of Avenida Encinas may be deferred until the Planned Community Zoning West of the railroad is XX l! I 2! 8 9 11 i I •13; 14: 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 "I -25: 26! 27 i .28; 29; 30 j 31 32 10, 11 12. 13. developed or until, in the opinion of the City Engineer, .traffic warrants construction; • • . " That all improvements be constructed as required by the Sub- division O.rd i.nance and th.e C i ty- Eng i neer ; ..;. •:.-.., •"••." That vehicular access rights to Poinsettia Lane be dedicated to the City, except at street intersections; That prior to issuance of permits for'grading.pr building,a report prepared by a consulting traffic engineer and showing projected ultimate traffic volumes on streets within the annexed areas, shall be. submitted to the 'City; That sewer service be provided by the City of Carlsbad and that all trunk lines be constructed to ultimate size by the developer; That the City and the developer shall enter into a Reimburse- ment Agreement, covering construction of the trunk line from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to Poinsettia Lane. The developer shall be reimbursed as follows: a. Water Pollution Control Facility to Northerly boundary -- 100 percent; b. Northerly boundary to Poinsettia Lane -- Difference between cost and cost to construct a line of sufficient size to serve the total development (based on City Engineer's estimate.) That the developer be relieved on any requirement to construe the sewer trunk line between Poinsettia Lane and the Souther- ly boundary and, that the developer's total reimbursement be I reduced by the estima ted cost to construct an eight-inch (8 in ^ sewer line in that area; That water service shall be provided, by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District; That all streets shown on the Project Site Plan be dedicated to the City, according to a schedule approved by the City Eng i nee r ; I XX 2 3 4 5 6 7 a! •I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26: 27 j 28; 291 i 30 j ! 31 i 321 14. That details concerning responsibility for construction of a' grade separation across theA.T.SS.F-.r'ailroad at Poinsettia Lane, be arrived at between the developer and City staff., for approval by the City Council,, prior to annexation. 15. That the developer fund 25 percent (equivalent to one leg) of the cost.of a traffic signal on Poinsettia Lane at Carls- bad Boulevard; construction to take place at such time as traffic warrants; .. 16. Fire hydrants and water mains to supply \hern shall be con- structed as follows and any deviation therefrom ' sha11 be' approved by the Fire Chief and City Engineer; (1) The standard minimum size of mains used for hydrant supply: a. For residential districts (the mobile home park to be considered as a high density, residential district -- 8-tnch; 6-inch to be used only where it completes a good gridiron and in no case in blocks 600 feet or more in length; • b. For mercantile districts, 8-inch and 12-tnch; the former to be used only in sections where it completes a good gridiron, and the latter for long lines not cross-connec ted;"' (2) Hydrants - as per specifications on file with City Engineer and the Water Department: a. Residential area, one to each 120,000 square feet, not to exceed k$Q feet apart; b. Mercantile areas, one to each 80,000 square feet, not to exceed 350 feet apart; c. On-site as well as off-site hydrants within the an- nexed area, will be required. The location of ail hydrants shall be approved by the Fire Department. i XX 1 2 3 ..4 5 6 7 8 9 10! ii| ! 121 13' 14: 15 16 ii 17 18 19 20 21 22j 23 i 24 25 • j 26! 27 28 29 30; 31 32 -5- . 17. Road widths for those areas zoned Planned Community, shall be considered at the time their respective.Specific Plan and Tentative Haps are reviewed. Street widths for those other streets are as follows:.. .,.".-.• . •. . . . a. Poinsettia Lane, from Carlsbad Boulevard to Batiquitos Road, will be a major arterial highway, 102 feet wide, with an 1'8-foot wide median divider; b. Avenida Encinas, from the North boundary to the South boundary, will be a modified collector street, 100 feet wide, with a minimupi 16-foot median d-ivider through a majority of the property; c.' The median dividers on both streets shall be landscaped by the developer in conformance with a plan approved by the City Planning and Engineering Departments. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 25th day of November, 1969, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: AEGROVED BY .PLANNING COMMISSION NOES: PATF M't ABSENT: E. H. JOSE, JR., Chai rman ATTEST: D. K. DEWHURST, Secretary XX XX XX XX POWER OF ATTORNEY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA rilll.ADKI.I'IIIA. I»,\. Enoto all men bp tfjege presents: That the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, having its principal office in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pursuant to the following Resolution, which was adopted by the Board of Directors of the said Company on June 9, 1953, to wit: "RESOLVED, pursuant to Articles 3.6 and 5.1 of the By-Laws, that the following Rules shall govern the executionfor the Company of bonds, undertakings, recognizances, contracts and other writings in the nature thereof: (1) "Such writings shall be signed by the President, a Vice President, an Assistant Vice President, a Resident Vice President or an Attorney-in-Fact. (2) "Unless signed by an Attorney-in-Fact, such writings shall have the seal of the CoVnpany affixed thereto, duly attested by the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary or a Resident Assistant Secretary. When such writings are signed by an Attorney-in-Fact, he shall either affix an impression of the Company's seal or use some other generally accepted methodof indicating use of a seal (as by writing the word "Seal" or the letters "L.S." after his signature). (3) "Resident Vice Presidents, Resident Assistant Secretaries and Attorneys• in-Fact may be appointed by the Presidentor any Vice President, with such limits on their authority to bind the Company as the appointing officer may see fit toimpose. (4) "Such Resident Officers and Attorneys-in-Fact shall have authority to act as aforesaid, whether or not the President,the Secretary, or both, be absent or incapacitated; and shall also have authority to certify or verify copies of this Resolu- tion, the By-Laws- of the Company, and any affidavit or record of the Company necessary to the discharge of their duties. (5) "Any such writing executed in accordance with these Rules shall be as binding upon the Company in any case as though signed by the President and attested by the Secretary." does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint E. LEE SMITH III., JAMES GILMORE, JOHN C. TWEEDIE and EDWARD T. REITER, all of the City of Santa Ana, State of California its true and lawful agent and attorney -in-fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any and all bonds and undertakings in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust, and in the performance of contracts other than insurance policies, and executing and guaranteeing bonds or other undertakings, required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law required or permitted. All such bonds and undertakings as aforesaid to be signed for the Company and the Seal of the Company attached thereto by any one of the said E. Lee Smith III., James Gilmore, John C. Tweedie or Edward T. Reiter, individually. And the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Company, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Philadelphia, Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, in their own proper persons. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said M™ M....SINCLAIR f Vice-President, has hereunto subscribed his name and affixed the corporate seal of the said INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA this 27th day of .March 19....Z.2... [PANY OF ,TH AMERICA • (SEAL)Vice-President STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA ) COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA \ On thig z 'tn .day of March _ A. D. 19 .72., before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in and for the County of Philadelphia, duly commissioned and qualified, came HU.GH...M.. SINCLAIR , Vice-President of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and, being by me duly sworn, deposeth; and saith, that he is the officer of the Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the corporate seal of said Company, and the said corporate seal and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instru- ment by the authority and direction of the said corporation, and that Resolution, adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company, referred to in the preceding instrument, is now in force. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at the City of Philadelphia, the day and year first above written. ires Dec. 15th, 1975 Notary PublC. Assistant Secretary of INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, do hereby certify that TTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect. have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secretary, and afnxe<jTEr^ corporate seal of day of PRINTED IN U b A .-? OCCIDENTAL-CARLSBAD-LEUCADIA-ENCINITAS AGREEMENT IN REGARD TO-CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER PIPELINE SOUTH FROM. THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into, this '24th day of August ^ , 1972, by and among OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM LAND AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("Occidental") , CITY OF CARLSBAD ("Carlsbad") , LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ("Leucadia") , and ENCINITAS SANITARY DISTRICT ("Encinitas"). RECITALS A. Occidental has employed Salkin Engineering Corporation to design sewer siphon inlet and outlet structures, sewer siphons and a 27-inch sewer pipeline from a point within the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility in the City of Carlsbad to a point ap- proximately 7,400 feet southerly of the siphon outlet structure* B. Leucadia and Encinitas have requested the redesign of both structures and pipeline from the outlet structure to a point approximately 2,415 feet south of the outlet structure so as to increase the size of both structures and the pipeline to 39 inches to provide capacity for Leucadia and Encinitas. C. The cost of construction of the original structures and the 27-inch line is to be borne by Occidental and the cost of over- - •. ' • / -".-•.• sizing the structures and line from 27 inches to 39 inches is to be borne by Leucadia and Encinitas. D. Both structures shall be sized to handle the ultimate capacity of the 39 inch pipeline. They shall have stub-outs for a 16 inch and 18 inch siphon. The 16 inch and 18 inch siphons from the junction stub-outs are to be constructed by Leucadia and En- cinitas at their expense. The 16 inch siphon shall be constructed -1- prior to the time Leucadia and Encinitas connect to the 39 inch pipeline. The 18 inch siphon shall be constructed at a time prior to the time at which the combined sewer flow rates of Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas exceed the combined maximum" capacities of the 16 inch, 18 inch and 24 inch siphons (the latter two siphons are to be constructed by Occidental for Carlsbad as part of the original project). When the 16 inch and 18 inch siphons are con- structed, the stub-outs and siphons shall be the property of Leu- cadia and Encinitas. IT IS, THEREFORE, AGREED BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOLLOWS.: Section 1. Construction of Sewer Facilities. Occidental shall cause to be constructed the sewer facilities described above (with the exception of the 16 inch and 18 inch siphon). The pipe- line and structures shall be constructed in accordance with speci- fications approved by Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas. Plans for the pipeline shall be subject to the approval of Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas. No construction shall be started until required changes or corrections, if any, have been incorporated in the final plans and the final plans have been approved by Carls- bad, Leucadia and Encinitas. No changes shall be made in the ap- proved plans without the consent of Occidental, Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas. Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas shall be allowed to inspect the facilities at all stages of construction, however, primary responsibility for inspection shall rest with the City of Carlsbad. The facilities shall be constructed in strict conformity with the approved plans and specifications. Construction of the facilities shall commence by September 15, 1972, and shall be com- pleted by January 15, 1973. Section 2. Payment for Oversizing. The cost of the construc- tion of the. structures and pipeline shall be borne by Occidental, except for the cost of oversizing which shall be borne by Leucadia -2- and Encinitas. Leucadia and Encinitas shall pay the cost of over- sizing the portion of the pipeline that is increased in size from 27 inches to 39 inches and the inlet and outlet structures as fol- lows : ... ". a. For the cost of engineering, survey, and all other incidental expenses, Leucadia and Encinitas shall pay $1,500.00, as follows: Leucadia $1,050.00; Encinitas .$450.00. The entire sum shall be due and payable to Salkin Engineering Corporation at the time the plans are approved. Any engineering changes requested by Leucadia or Encinitas and performed by Salkin Engineer- ing Corporation after the date of approval of this Agree- ment shall be paid at the rate of $25.00 per hour for engineering plus costs for blueprints, mileage or other incidental items. Any modifications shall be approved by all parties signatory to this Agreement. b. Leucadia shall pay 67% and Encinitas shall pay 33% of the cost of oversizing the siphon inlet and out- let structures and the difference between the 27 inch unit price and the 39 inch unit price, which cost is hereby fixed as $20.93 per foot (including the cost of oversizing the inlet and outlet structures and the cost of constructing 40 feet of 16 inch and 40 feet of 18 inch diameter siphon barrels across the existing out- fall) multiplied by the length of the 39 inch pipeline actually installed. $27,520.20, which is the estimated total cost based upon the design length of the pipeline, shall be deposited with Occidental by Leucadia and Encinitas upon commencement of construction. The final cost, adjusted for the length of the 39 inch pipeline actually installed, shall be paid to Occidental (or -3- refunded by Occidental in the event the deposit ex- ceeds the installed cost) by Leucadia and Encinitas upon completion of construction. c. Leucadia and Encinitas shall pay the entire cost of the manhole in La Costa Boulevard where the Leucadia-Encinitas pipeline joins the Occidental pipe- line. The cost of the manhole is hereby fixed as $1,000.00 (shared: Leucadia $670.00; Encinitas $330.00). Section 3. Bond. Occidental shall file a good and sufficient bond in an amount not less than the estimated cost of the work and improvements (including the facilities described in this Agree- ment and all other work and improvements done under the same con- struction contract) securing payment to the contractor, his sub- contractors and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials for the improvements. The form of the bond shall be as specified by Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas. Section 4. Dedication of Pipeline. Upon completion of the structures and the 39 inch pipeline in accordance with the approved plans and specifications/ and acceptance thereof by Carlsbad, Leu- cadia and Encinitas, Occidental shall convey it to Carlsbad, Leu- cadia and Encinitas, who shall take title to and own the structures and the 39 inch pipeline- as~,follows: Leucadia - 40.3% % \: ' \ ' • • . Encinitas - 19.7% j x Carlsbad - 40.0% The costsof maintaining, operating and repairing the inlet and outlet structures, all siphons, and the 39 inch pipeline shall be borne 40.3% by Leucadia, 19.7% by Encinitas and 40.0% by Carls- bad. Carlsbad shall manage the maintenance of the foregoing faci- lities (by contracting with San Diego County or in some other man- -4- ner acceptable to Leucadia and Encinitas) and will bill Leucadia for 40.3% and Encinitas for 19.7% of the maintenance costs. (The 27 inch pipeline south from the 39 inch pipeline shall be owned, maintained, operated and repaired 100% by Carlsbad.) Section 5. Warranty. Occidental shall, and hereby does, war- rant workmanship and materials for the structures and pipeline for a period of one year after the date of acceptance of the pipeline by Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas. Occidental shall repair or replace any and all such faulty workmanship or materials (includ- ing settlement of backfill) , together with any other work which may be displaced in so doing, within a one-year period from the date of acceptance of the work by Carlsbad, Leucadia and Encinitas with- out expense whatsoever to' Carlsbad, Leucadia or Encinitas, ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse or neglect excepted. Section 6. Easements. This Agreement is contingent and condi- tional upon the receipt of grants of easement to Leucadia and En- cinitas (at no cost to them) covering property in which the sewer facilities are to be located in all instances where the facilities are not to be located in dedicated streets. The legal descriptions and title conveyed must meet with the approval of Leucadia and Encinitas (as evidenced by policies of title insurance which shall be procured) . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been signed by the parties on the date indicated below: Dated : 9^* Jj?<ffi» 7 4^» OCCIDENTAL PETROLEUM LAND AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 'Dated : ATTEST: L -5- /*<**. Dated: Dated:AUG9.Q 197? LEUCADIA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT By - _ ^, /7 - ,- -^ .' ENCINITAS By_ By_ r- ,<!',' DISTRICT 'S}'',•'•'"^, .''*•' If \^>», ——. i .. -6-