HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-19; City Council; 599-1; Contract 1010 - Topics Project EPST 3052Referred To: I__- Subject: Submitted By: Contract 81010-Topics Project EPST 3052 (3) Traffic SiGnaL-Carlsbad Blvd. & Tamarack Ave. Public Works Director Statement of the Matter Sealed bids for the project were received and opened on August 4, 1972. The results were: /l) Smith Electric Supply (Stanton) $48,822-00 2) Wilcox Electric 49,153 .OO 3) Perry Electric 50,041.75 4) Sully-Miller 51,452 , 75 The low bid is 12.9% below the consulting engineer’s egtimate of $56,000.00. The bid results have been submitted to the Division of Highways, and approval to award has been received. The total estimated cost of the Project is: k) .‘-I -t+ j i 1,. - it L.p 3- 01 --, Design Engineering $3,475.00 ’ <? Contract 48 , 822.00 Signs & Striping 2,813 -00 Construction Engineering 5,185.00 Contingencies 722.00 TOTAL PROJECT $61,017 -00 Funding will be as follows: source project budgeted add ’ 1 required $39,503.00 $39,503.00 0 3) City Force Account work 6,029.00 6,029 -00 0 $12,010 . 00 TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUIRED $12,010,00 1) Topics 2) Section 2107 Gas Tax 15,485 .OO 3,475 . 00 Sufficient unappropriated gas tax funds are available for this project. The $39,503.00 of Federal Topics Funds are 1969-70, 70-71, and 71-72 Fiscal Year allocations to the City of Carlsbad and will be completely expended on this project, The Traffic Safety Commission strongly recommends that the Project be expedited. The plans were prepared by VTN, The estimated date of project completion is July 15, 1973. It is expected that the signal will be operational much before that time if controller procurement can be expedited .I Staff Recommendations . Adopt a motion: 1) awarding Contract #lo10 to Smith Electric Supply for $48,822.00 2) directing Finance Director to transfer $12,010 -00 from unappropriated and authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract. Gas Tax Reserves to Account #2-?107-19. I AB Ho. Finance Director's recommendation: .o e.. . Concur. ** .. .. City Manager's Recommendation .- Conc'ur. Council Action 9-19-72 - Contract #lo10 was awarded to Smith Electric Supply in the amount of $48,822. and the Mayor and City Clerk were instructed to execute-the contract; further, Finance Director was directed to tcansfer the sum of $12,010. from unappropriated Gas Tax R-eserves to Acct. #2-.2107-19. .. . '" - .' Ifrn I .. I i -2-