HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-17; City Council; 896-1; Connon Road Improvement AD-1-1970THE CITY OF CARLSFAD, CALIFORNIA 4- 45- < Date OCt, 17, 1972 --- Referred To: Subject: Submitted By: . Cannon Road Improvement AD-1-1970 Director of Public Works 1 Agreement for Construction Staking I - -- Statement of the Matter The agreement with the engineer of work (Associated Engineers) for the subject project did not include engineering work during the construction phase of the project, It was anticipated that the City would furnish the construction surveying, but the office work load in the Engineering Department has precluded this possibility. The only alternative is to contract with an engineering firm to perform this phase of the work. Inasmuch as Associated Engineers is familiar with this.project, it is my opinion that they are qualified to do 'the best job. is reasonable and within the limits for the type of work. Their proposal The cost of this work ($8800) has been included in the engineering estimate for the district, and will be assessed to the property owners in the district. . _- Exhibit- 1. Letter from Associated Engineers dated Sept. 22, 1972. 2 , Agreement with Associated Engineers. Staff Recommendations -. - Adopt a motion authorizing the Mayor'to sign the agreement with Associated Engineers on behalf of the City, AB No. 896 c Date: October 17, 1972 .. -. City Manager's Recommendation .- .. Concur. .. .. .. Counci 1 * Ac ti on -. . 10-17-72 - It was agreed t.his matter be continued inti1 the meeting of October 19, 1972. . . 1-0-19-72 This matter was continued until October 30, 1'972, at which . time a public hearing will. be held on the project. 10-30'72 This matter was continued to the ajourned meeting .to be held NovembBr 2, 1972,. No decisiq.n was made- follbwing the close of the hearing relating tooprotests. to.execufe the Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Associated Engineers, and that the work be done for a cost not to exceed the amount of $8,800. 11 -2-72 A motion was made that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized . .: .. . . .. -2- WAYNE P. LILL W W ROBERT E. MILLS ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS CIVIL ENGINEERING 224-2467 3904 GROTON STREET SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 September 22, 1972 Mr. Tim Flanagan Principal Civil Engineer City of Carlsbad . ,»-'-.• ccv> 1200 Elm Avenue '^ »'» ^ Carlsbad, California 92008 ••.iS" Subject: construction Surveying - Cannon Road Refer: Your letter of September 15, 1972 Dear Sir: As discussed, we propose to perform the construction surveying set forth in the reference letter for the lump sum amount of $8,800.00 Also, as this is apparently to be a 1913 Act Improvement and the City will have funds on hand from sale of bonds, we would appreciate payment in.increments as follows: INCREMENT NO. 1 - Grade Stakes $ 3,000.00 INCREMENT NO. 2 - Utility Stakes $ 3,000.00 INCREMENT NO. 3 - Street Monuments $ 2,800.00 TOTAL $ 8,800.00 (Item 5 of the proposed Agreement should be revised per the above) Yours very truly, Wayr^e P. 'Lill WPL:m Enclosure: Copy of letter of Sept 15, 1972 Copy of proposed Agreement (580) AGREEMENT -- CANNON ROAD FROM CARLSBAD BLVD. TO 600' EAST OF INTERSTATE 5 This agreement is made and entered into on this 2nd day of November , 1972, by and between ASSOCIATED ENGINEERS, hereinafter referred to as "Engineer", and the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as "City". REC I TALS C i ty proposes to construct certa in street improvements on Cannon Road from Carlsbad Blvd. to 600' east of Interstate 5, as shown on City drawing No. 157-1. Engineer has submitted a proposal to perform construction engineer- ing services in connection with this project to include the following: 1) Establish construction and permanent street centerl ine. 2) Provide rough and final grade stakes for centerline and qua rterpo i nt . 3) Provide final grade stakes for curb 1 ine. 4) Provide grade stakes for sanitary sewer, storm drain, and water 1 ine construction. AGREEMENT 1) City engages the Engineer to furnish the services hereinafter mentioned at and for the compensation herein stipulated and the Engineer accepts said engagement upon terms hereinafter set forth. 2) Engineer shall: a) Establish the construction centerl ine within 30 days b) Furnish grade stakes as required by the contractor upon after execution of this agreement. (3) three days advance notice. c) Furnish ties for permanent well monuments for the contractor's use in setting monuments and for the City's records. 3) City shall provide Engineer with: a) Existing field survey data. b) Consultation as needed. c) Advance notice for field work. - Page 2 4) City reserves the right to terminate the agreement at any time by written notice to the Engineer. In the event the City terminates this agreement, it shall reimburse the Engineer a portion of his fee based on actual costs and percentage of work done as determined by the City Engineer. 5) In consideration of the performance of the above described engineering services, City agrees to pay the Engineer a fee of $8800, payable as follows: 35% upon completion of grade staking; 35% upon completion of utility staking; and 30% upon completion of final monuments. In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of this day and year first hereinabove written. DAVID M. DUNNE, MAYOR CITY OF CARLSBAD Approved as to form: LEWIS A. MOE, CITY ATTORNEY Attest: ASSOCIATED ENG I NEERS MARGARET E. ADAMS, CITY CLERK BY: NORA K. GARDINER, Deputy