HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-25; City Council; 914; Revenue Sharing - Recommended Expenditures*> : TEE CITY OF CARLSBAD,CALIF' ORNIA Agenda Bill No.Dates Oct. 25. 1972 Referred To: subject: Revenue sharing - Recommended Expenditures submitted By City Manager Statement of the Matter The Federal Government has advised us that we will receive $143,000 in reve- nue sharing funds in fiscal year 1972-73. It is necessary for the City Council to determine the best possible usage for these funds. After your determination, Federal regulations required that your decision be pub- lished in the local press to advise residents of the City Council's use of the funds. Exhibit Attached memorandum dated 10-25-72 to City Council. Staff Recommendations o AS No. ' . Date: October 3, 1972 City Manager's Recommendation V. Approve adjustments in the City Attorney's budget accounts as .recommended in memo of 9/12/72. • 2.- Authorize transfer of $8,091 from General Fund Reserve to City Attorney's budget. •• : . Council'Action 10-3-72 'The Council approved adjustments in the CA's budget account as recommended, 'and authorized transfer of $8,091 from the General Fund Reserve to the CA's. budget. October 25, 1972 Honorable Mayor Dunne and Members of the City Council REVENUE SHARING - RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES The following expenditures are recommended consistent with available Federal guidelines as to permissible expenditures of revenue sharing funds. They stress one-time capital outlays this year. It is my be- lief that this is a long-term program. In any case, it is approved initially for a five-year period. Under these circumstances it is my suggestion that most long range commitments of revenue sharing funds be withheld until 1973-74 budget considerations. This will allow the City Council to consider all revenues of the City vs. existing and anti cipated service needs. In my opinion, our five most important unmet needs' are/in, the. areas of police protection, fire protection, recreation facilities, street im- provement and transportation. Our Federal grant has resolved our most immediate needs for police protection. However, possible relief for the General Fund by use of revenue sharing funds should be considered. Qur police grant drops from 1/4-3/4 this year to 1/2-1/2 in 1973-74; 3/4-1/4 in 1974-75 and no funding in 1975-76. These recommendations include fire, recreation facilities, and transportation. Since street Improvements (as of this date) are apparently not approved,use of reve- nue sharing funds in lieu of P.E.P. funds in the Police Department is suggested to release P.E.P. funds for street maintenance personnel. Finance Department 1 Accountant (6 mos.) Desk, chair, adding machine Pol ice Department 2 Patrolmen (6 mos.) Fire Department Overtime (ambulance duty) Ambulance and related equipment Fire Engine^ Fire Station #3 Construction Fire Station #3 Furniture $5,268 600 $5,868 $10,536 3,000 13,000 41,697 46,000 4,000 $107,697 Existing P.E.P. positions Existing engine. Cash instead of lease purchase, relieves General Fund of lease payments for fire engine, increases amount of spendable/loan- able G.F. Reserves. Honorable Mayor Dunne and - 2 - October 25, 1972 Members of the City Council Public Works Street Division ?. Mai ntenancemen (6 mos.) (P.E.P.) Mechanical Maintenance 1 Equipment Mechanic Helper (8 mos.) (P.E.P..) Transi t Operational Deficit $ 3,899 Parks & Recreation Laguna Riviera Park Improvements 10,000 Library Books 5,000 TOTAL $143,000 The preceding recommendations do not dwell upon some of the complicated fund transactions that are involved and influence these recommendations. The types of expenditures recommended also permit the City Council more latitude in future years (1973-74 onward) in the event present expendi- ture categories for revenue sharing are broadened or are better defined by the Federal Government. This is a complicated matter and I would appreciate the opportunity to expand the memorandum by oral explanation. Within guidelines the City Council has considerable discretion on expendi ture of revenue sharing funds. Any changes you wish to make are per- fectly acceptable. However, I would appreciate sufficient direction to return to your Nov. 8 meeting with a budget amendment for review and ap- proval . B. ARNOLD - CITY MANAGER JBArhl