HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-25; City Council; 922; Tentative Map Request for approval of a 35-lot single family residential development on property located on Avila Avenue and Neblina Drive Laguna Riviera Unit No 9 Applicant - L R Partnership•"•'-- O O*~n F r A R T. .<? R a n . *•* - ; THE CITY *~b F CARLSBAD, ***CALIF'ORNIA Agenda Bill No. <%H. Date: October 25. 1972 •Referred To, CITY COUNCIL su&ject.-TENTATIVE MAP - Request for approva.l of a 35-1 otsubmit ted By: '" single family residential development on PLANNING property located on Avila Avenue and Neblina COMMISSION Driv-e, LalL_31leaUn^l\lo. 9, Appl icant;L.R. Partnership Statement of the Matter This matter was considered by the Planning. Commission at their regular me-eting of October 24, 1972. The Planning Commission recommends approval by City Council. The documents itemized below complete this application for your further review and hearing. Exhibit 1. Application 2. Staff Report 3. Department Sketch 4. Resolution 842, announcing findings and decisions 5. Applicant's Exhibits 6. Resolution 301-8 approving tentative map. 10-21-72 Memorandum from Planning Department. Staff Recommendations Staff recommendations are more completely outlined in referenced staff report. AB N°' ' . Date: City Manager's Recommendati_p_n Council'Action 11-8-72 - -Continued to meeting of November 21, 1972. . 11-21-72 Resol.3018 adopted title only further reading waived -2- MEMORANDUM TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR A TENTATIVE MAP, LAGUNA RIVIERA #9 APPLICANT: L. R. PARTNERSHIP On November 7, 1972, the City Council approved a request to continue the subject application to November 21, 1972. The continuance was to allow adequate posting of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) per requirements established by the City of Carlsbad Ordinance 1150. The subject EIA was posted November 10, 1972 and a certificate of compliance will be issued November 17, 1972. To date, there has not been any adverse public input. Therefore, by November 21, 1972, the subject application will have complied with all city ordinances. FMingQ:e ^-/f'7^ Hearing Date x-'S? U^i, sO^ APPLICATION FOR O ls Fees Piid & /-?<y, 3*~ Receipt No. 3$ & ' "*> APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP . PROPOSED NAME OF SUSP I VIS ION lAGUMfl. RIVIERA UMIT^ #9 GENERAL LOCATION IAGUW. RIVIERA TOTAL ACREAGE 10.555 NUMBER OF LOTS 35 .MINIMUM LOT AREA (Sq.Ft.) ...7500.MINIMUM FRONTAGE TYPE OF SUBDIVISION (Residentia1,ComM, Ind'l) Residential PRESENT ZON'E R-l-7500 PROPOSED ZONE HI 7500 NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED Avilla Avenue and Neblina Drive PRE-FILING CONFERENCE HELD (Date) 60 REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OR SURVEYOR WHO PREPARED MAP : Raymond R. Ribal Civil Engineer, License # RE 1136 (Name) •(Jit lei 770 S. Brea Boulevard, Brea, California 92621 THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION TO THE ZONING OR SUBDIVISION REQUIRE- MENTS-ARE HEREBY REQUESTED: fGive reasons for modffteatTons; attach separate sheet if additional space fs required] None - Lani is already covered by an existing precise plan. OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY, =65 .By. ootis CName) ures ) Elm Avenue. Carlsbad. CA (Address) (Address} (Name)(Address! 325 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA —(Address] Jerry,?. Rombotis (Note: This Application will be filed with 20 blueltnc prints and and I browline transparency of the Tentative Map, prepared according to the specifications of Ordinance No.9050 and amendments thereto, together with supplementary Information and fees as required by s,iid ordinance.) PROPOSED TENTATIVE MAP LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 9 REQUESTED BY: JERRY ROMBOTIS DATE:SEPT. 19,1972 STAFF REPORT/MEMQWNDUM .TOBER 24, 1972 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE MAP - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A 35-LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON AVILA AVENUE AND NEBLINA DRIVE APPLICANT: L. R. PARTNERSHIP Report submitted by: City Manager, Fire, Engineering, Building, Parks & Recreation and Planning Departments General Discussion: Subject Tentative Map is a resubmittal of the Tentative Map approved by the City Council on July 15, 1969, which expired on July 15, 1970 This request is for approval of a 35 single family subdivision with a minimum of 7,500 square feet per lot to be located on Avila Way and Neblina Drive. Subject Tentative Map is in conformance with the Precise Plan of Laguna Riviera, which was adopted by the City Council in 1966. The applicant has submitted an environmental impact statement which was prepared to satisfy FHA/VA requirements. They have also submitted environmental background information as recommended by the City of Carlsbad Planning staff. The revised Council Policy #11 (Oct. 19, 1972) suggests that the applicant need only to sign the City of Carlsbad hold-harmless agreement. Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of the Tentative Map for the following reasons, but subject to conditions 1-25. Reasons of Approval : 1. The subject Tentative Map is in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan. 2. The Tentative Map is in conformance with the Precise Plan of Laguna Riviera, which was adopted by the City Council in 1966. 3. The subject Tentative Map is a resubmittal of the Tentative Map approved by City Council on July 15, 1969, Resolution No. 1636. STAFF REPORT/MEMORANDUM OCTOBER 24, 1972 Conditions of Approval: 1. That Parcels A, B, and C of Exhibit A shall not be a part of this Tentative Map, and that Specific Plans be submitted for approval prior to their development. 2. That the street designated on the Tentative Map as "Neblina Drive" and "Neblina Avenue" be designated as one or the other on the Final Map. 3. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall be supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. 4. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 5. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench in any part of this subdivision. 6. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the subdivision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 7. Standard six-inch (6") fire hydrants shall be installed as may be required by the Fire Chief or City Engineer. 8. The subdivision design as proposed, generally complies with the standards of the City of Carlsbad. Lots 288 and 289 appear to have 55 feet, plus measured tangent to the setback line. Since they appear to have in excess of 10 percent of the required area, they shall be approved as submitted. 9. Proposed street widths as submitted are satisfactory; one- half of Park Drive shall be dedicated on this development. 10. All distribution utility facilities within the boundaries of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required by ordinance. 11. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by ordinance. 12. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior to issuance of building permits on any of the lots. 13. Location, grade and details of the proposed improvements as indicated upon the Tentative Map, will be subject to revision as required for improvement plans, and approval of the map will not imply acceptance as submitted. 14. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans and specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 15. The design of the stf.eet paving shall be based on tests of the subgrade material and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 16. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streets. Concrete cross-gutters shall be six (6) feet wide and located as required for drainage. STAFF REPORT/MEMO JDUM OCTOBER 24, 1972 17. Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet in width and located contiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 18. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices shall be installed. 19. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets and conduit to satisfactory discharge points. Adequate drainage facilities shall be constructed as required by the City. 20. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and appurtenances with four (4) inch diameter service laterals for each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. 21. Water mains, including one (1) inch diameter services to each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. The developer shall replace existing water mains as required and shall pay costs incidental to providing water service to the property. It is noted that the existing water main must be replaced and easements exchanged before certain lots are usable. 22. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as required by City standards. 23. The existing park (Unit No. 3) may constitute a par.t of any land required by City Ordinance to be dedicated for recreational and park facilities as a condition of approval of Final Subdivision Map. If said park does not meet all the requirements of City Ordinances at the time of approval of a Final Subdivision Map, dedication of additional park land, or in lieu thereof, the payment of fees shall be made to the City. 24. The subdivider shall furnish the U.S. Post Office, Carlsbad, California 92008, with a copy of the Final Subdivision Map. 25. Complete plans and specifications shall be submitted as required for checking and approval, before construction of any improvements is commenced. The subdivider shall have the original drawings revised to reflect as-built conditions, prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the City. JONALD A. AGATEP Acting Planning Directo sll 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 o PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 842 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP FOR LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 9 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on September 18, 1972, a Tentative Map, to be known as Laguna Riviera Unit No. 9 submitted by L R Partnership, owner and subdivider, on property located on Avila Avenue and Neblina Drive. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the Tentative Map as submitted, comprised of thirty-five (35) lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tentative Map be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That Parcels A,B, and C of Exhibit A shall not be a part of this Tentative Map, and that Specific Plans be submitted for approval prior to their development. 2. That the street designated on the Tentative Map as "Neblina Drive: and "Neblina Avenue" be designated as one or the other on the Final Map. 3. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall be supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. 4. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be sewerec by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 5. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench in any part of this subdivision. 6. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the subdivisior so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 7. Standard six-inch (6") fire hydrants shall be installed as may be required by the Fire Chief or City Engineer. 8. The subdivision design as proposed, generally complies with the standards of the City of Carlsbad. Lots 288 and 289 appear to have 55 feet, plus measured tangent to the setback line. Since they appear to have in excess of 10 percent of the required area, they shall be approved as submitted. 9. Proposed street widths as submitted are satisfactory; one- half of Park Drive shall be dedicated on this development. !0. All distribution utility facilities within the boundaries of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required by ordinance. LI. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by ordinance. 2 12. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior to issuance of building permits on any of the lots. 4 as indicated upon the Tentative Map, will be subject to revision as required for improvement plans, and approval of the map will not imply acceptance as submitted. 6 14. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans and specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 8 10 11 12 tiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 13 18. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 o 13. Location, grade" and details of the proposed improvements 15. The design of the street paving shall be based on tests of the subgrade material and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 16. Type "6" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streets. Concrete cross-gutters shall be six (6) feet wide and located as required for drainage. 17. Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet in width and located con- shall be installed. 19. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets and conduit to satisfactory discharge points. Adequate drainage facilities shall beconstructed as required by the City. 20. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and appurtenances with four (4) inch diameter service laterals for each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. 21. Water mains, including one (1) inch diameter services to each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. The developer shall replace existing water mains as required and shall pay costs incidental to providing water service to the property. It is noted that the existing water main must be replaced and easements exchanged before certain lots are usable. 22. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as required by the City. 23. The existing park (Unit No. 3) may constitute a part of any land required by City Ordinance to be dedicated for recreational and park facilities as a condition of approval of Final Subdivision lap. If said park does not meet all the requirements of City Ordinances at the time of approval of a Final Subdivision. Map, dedication of additional park land, or in lieu thereof, the payment of fees shall be made to the City. 24. The subdivider shall furnish the U.S. Post Office, Carlsbad, California 92008, with a copy of the Final Subdivision Map. 29 [25. Complete plans and specifications shall be submitted as 30|required for checking and approval, before construction of any improvements is commenced. The subdivider shall have the original drawings revised to reflect as-built conditions, prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the City. 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be for- warded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its atten- tion in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 24th day of October, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Jose, Dominguez, Forman, Norman and Little NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Palmateer and Dewhurst ATTEST: ELMER H. JOSE, JR., Chairman EDMOND W. DOMINGUEZ, Secretary o, BUILDERS 6? DEVELOPERS KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 325 Elm Avenue, Post Office Box 1155, Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 729-7911 October 19, 1972 Mr. Don Agatep Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Re: Laguna Riviera Unit #9 Dear Mr. Agatep: ¥e are enclosing herewith the following information which is "based upon your Preliminary Environmental Impact Statement policy: 1. State Highway Questionnaire; 2. Site Description; 3. Project Description; and h. Additional Information as Required on Page U, Sub-section C. We realize that the City is in the process of adopting a different questionnaire than the one as submitted; however, due to the fact that curnew subdivision is on the Planning Commission agenda on October 2U, 1972, we are submitting the preliminary form to you at this time. If additional questions appear on the later adopted questionnaire, we will be happy to provide information as may be required. Very truly yours, KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. JLR:mb Enclosures c BUILDERS fi? DEVELOPERS KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 325 Elm Avenue, Post Office Box 1155, Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 729-7911 PROJECT DESCRIPTION - LAGUMA RIVIERA UEET #9 This project is a single-family R-l subdivision consisting of 35 houses plus offsite grading. This is the sixth unit of Laguna Riviera, Three more units plus other areas which have existing planned community zoning are yet to be built. All water supplies for the development will be supplied by the City of Carlsbad's new water system. This system is designed to handle this demand. Sanitary sewers will be installed within the development and con- nected to the City of Carlsbad's existing system. Trunk lines exist within the area and their capacities are sufficient for this development. All grading will be done under and in compliance with FHA Data Sheet 79-G &nd in accord with all local ordinances. All cut and fill slopes will be planted and maintained with approved erosion control materials. Storm water and run-off will be handled by drainage facilities that have been installed in prior units of Laguna Riviera. All local roads and collector streets within the area of Laguna Riviera Unit #9 have been designed for the traffic that will be generated within this subdivision. The housing itself will be frame, stucco and wood siding, dwellings having three, four and five bedrooms. They will have two and three baths; roofs will be wood shingle, wood shake or rock. The price range will be from $3^,000.00 to $39,000.00. This development will provide vitally needed housing at a competi- tive price at a location which is adjacent to existing population areas. BUILDERS 6? DEVELOPERS KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 325 Elm Avenue, Post Office Box 1155, Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 729-7911 SITE DESCRIPTION - LAG-UNA RIVIERA UNIT # 9 FLORA - The site is covered by a sparse layer of grass and scrub brush. There are no trees existing on the site. It is a rela- tively barren area which is unsuitable for agriculture. Develop- ment of this project will lead to increased planting and a large variety of species. FAUNA. - The fauna consists of squirrels, rabbits, field mice, lo- cal native birds and bugs. These species are common to the Coastal area and almost all survive development and continue to thrive. This is borne out by the previous units in this development. TOPOGRAPffiT AM) GEOLOGY - The land is gently rolling except for several steep and heavily eroded gullies. The soil generally consists of from four to five basic soil types, some of which are expansive clays. The expansive clays will be removed from the surface during grading operations. All of the soils are of the late Marine Series. CjLJMATE - Laguna Riviera is in the Temperate Coastal Zone. IAW USE - The proposed land use is compatible with the adopted general plan and surrounding neighborhood. POPULATION - Based on our recent developments in this area (El Camino Mesa and Laguna Riviera Unit #5) we would project 70 to 75 adults plus approximately hO children in this development. These figures coincide with the Estimate of School Age Students as published by the Carlsbad School District, 5/lVTU ECONOMY - Due to the fact that sales prices of Laguna Riviera Unit #9 are in the upper price range, we would assume that this development would have a positive effect upon the local economy. o, BUILDERS 6? DEVELOPERS KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 325 Elm Avenue, Post Office Box 1155, Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone 729-7911 October 19, 1972 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AS REQUIRED FOR EMVIROMMEKTAL IMPACT REPORT - IAGUMA RIVIERA UNIT #9 Adverse environmental facts which cannot "be avoided should the proposal be implemented; The major adverse environmental effects are as follows: 1. Stripping of native vegetation in preparation for grading; 2. Increased run-off due to impermeable surfaces; 3. Increased waste material; and h. Increased sewer useage. As mitigation for the above detrimental environmental effects, we should like to point out the following: 1. As to grading, all cut and fill slopes will be hydroseeded with an approved seed mixture. This will consist of flower- ing shrubs, trees and native grasses per the following spe- cifications: 12 Ibs. per ac. Striplex semibaccata 15 Ibs. ' " Lotus corniculatus 7 Ibs. ' " Eschscholzia californica 20 Ibs. ! " Eriogonum fasciculatum 3 Ibs. ; " Pennisetum villosus 3 Ibs. ' 1: Cistus ladiniferous 7 Ibs. " " Eucalyptus camaldulensis 6 Ibs. " " Acacia saligna 2. Increased run-off will be handled in already existing storm sewers that will reduce erosion in the long run. 3. All solid waste materials are handled by the County's cut- and^-cover waste disposal at Palomar Airport. h. All sewage for this unit will be handled by the City's Las Encinas treatment plant which is an ultra-modern facility already designed to handle this increased flow. Additional Information as Required for Environmental Impact Report - Laguna Riviera Unit $9 Alternative to the Proposed Action: The alternative to this development is to leave the land in its present state which is barren and unproductive. The land is not suited for agriculture. Its only use at the present time is for illegal motorcycle riding and as a dump by irresponsible neighbors. Short-Term vs. Long-Term Productivity; The land at present does not have any significant value to the environment and it is not apparent that this situation would change in the foreseeable future. The development would provide vitally needed housing while at the same time implement the General Plan of the City. Temporary loss of ground cover would be more than balanced by increased plant- ing as housing is developed and occupied. Irreversible Environmental Changes: There are no major environmental changes which would occur upon development of this project. KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. JLR:mb LACUNA RIVIERA ESTATES', UNIT 9 O C. Climate: \ • • 1. Air resources - basin • 2. Inversion . 3. -Air .quality - CO., CO, NO , SO, Hydrocarbon, organic, parciculates, etc. . 4. Photochemical smog }• 5. Smog • ' • , 6. Clarity 7. V7eather modification:T°11 Precipitation .' •11 " • Humidity11 'Wind11 . " Other Noise . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . D. Ecology: O 1. Flora: '• Phytoplankton~-> redwood • Vegetative cover Economic species Endemics . ', • • . . . • Scientifically valuable .. ' Pest species Sucessional change .'. ' Other ... 2. Fauna: Zooplankton—*, elk {'.'• . • **' *. Economic species ';.'* Endemic species: ' • .• Scientifically valuable.c}:c-:5. Pest species, vectors Other 3; Ecosystem stability 4. •Pacific ' • 5. Habitat suitability 6. Ot'vsr e.g. -1 o 0 0 • 0 o o 0 • 0 0 0 C ' 0 0 . 0 •' 0 0 c* o •• 0 0 . n • • • 0 0 0 '. o. 0 0 Atta "~ . ~D» Q* o 0 0.' 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 • 0 .1 p • . 0 P' 0 + 0 , . 0p • 0. + ; MINOR • . ;AffiJft% N0 ijk 9 tf £' $ •MINOR. ' MINOR. • MINOR MINOR . MINOR MINOR MINOR 0 0' 0 •0 0 0 . ' ' ^ '0 p . • ' . • + . + 0 • • . . + p p ' • + MINOR • , . • MINOR- / " • X X X ' X X• x i . o 0' • . Q • 0 0 0 • r - X X - _ . o •+• o. .- b 0 . •' ! 0 LACUNA RIVIERA ESTATES, UNIT 9.CHECKLIST X. NATURAL SYSTEMS; A. Geology: u 1. Soil stability ' •• ; • / 2, Soil expansive . • .* '3. *'Boclroclc stability, (dip/slope?) ' . 4. Hazards: faulting, seismic susceptibility 5. Hazard: subsidence, tnudflow 6. Economic or subeconomic mineral resource (oil, gold, etc.) 7. Economic or subeconomic non-mineral resource (gravel, geotherraal, etc*) • ' 8. Erosion potential, (beach .erosion, channel, slope, s heet?) B. Hydrology: . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 0. 9.' 10. 11. 12. 13. 15*. 16. II II Flood pla.in 10-50-100 j •(Indicate on Map C) Aquifer, aquifer recharge, percolation, impermeable surface? Drainage and runoff, increase from impermeable surface? • • ' Channel stability Water resources - fresh ' . " " — salt?l - brackish - irrigation - industrial •11 " .- domestic Water quality: physical characterise.- ?s chemical "11 : " . biologic M Pollution existing Pollution expected Other effects Attachment No. 1 . . Page 3 ' o 0 0o 0 0 o n (JOT APHJCAH . • O 6, 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••- . o © 0 . 0 ! o •p ; # 4- + 0 Q **.nj(it i o n 0 p ' 0 0 0 0 0 . ,E, suEDivis]* 1 +_ + 0 0n 0 0 n 0 0 QJ^lfLjilAL A ... ON I*S ON HIC '+ _ 4- 0 MINOR 0 n '0 o 0 o MJ.8jJ.MAi. P iTFW *+* • SV . * . 'n o o • • 0 0 o ' • • . I) •• ' '•.- .1 H GROUND 4- "* t6 X — -, 0.o 0 -0 - 0 p n 'X X ' * • * i • *• LACUNA RlVlERA UNIT 9 II. SOCIAL SYSTEMS: A. Human Ecology: 1. . Physical health •2.. Mental health • 3.. ' Emotional health- 4. Aesthetics - scenic views, design acceptability 5. Archcologic sites 6. Historical sites 7. Services - public, prr< general fire protect police prot< "• health faci'. schools libraries • ~ .water t ' Gcv;agG electricity gas solid v;aste telephone other 8. Recreation - parks _• • bike, foot playgrounds ORV areas open space 'wilderness • • playing fields other 9. Land use - recreation agricultural industrial . ' •' commercial institutional residential ' 1 ,' . . * ' , •. 'ate «• :ion iction Litics . . t • ' . ' . M * • • > .•' trails . ' * * . Ids ' v * 1 . ' • al ffiAN • ;-. •1 .9; • < '" P<>! ' -0' . . o o • o . • 0 , 0 0 . 0 ' 0- 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 .* 0 0 0 . 0 • 0 • ' o . 0 • • 0 0 0 0 o • .0 I 0 ' I- I I ' o •' ' 0 0• + mm • .. 0 .-.' '_ _ .• 0 • 0' • '0 • 0 0 : o • ' o6. :,'o • +. • o- :+_ d 0 . 0 0 ' 0 0 Yt troll men o Page ft (; \ + .• •+. + • . . ^ . .0 • * . + .' + : ' .0-_ • '+ ' +• ^ -. — •o* ' 0 +. • ^ . 0 ; ' + ' • ' _ o • • 0 0 0 •«f •+++ 1 / ;'•,;';' - • * * M * M '. ' . + . •.'*•' .0 • . • " .*<•••• * * • -• • . o •+ -• -f. *l ' , « _ _T^ , ; — j — i^ . -.0 . • • n ' * • * , * • - '. ' + 0 • • b • o: u ^ • - 1 -•• >• - 'I \ = .. LAGUHA RIVIERA ESTATES, UNIT 9 II.- SOCIAL SYSTEMS (Continued) A, Kuiuan Ecology.- . . 10. Circulation - foot • •. . bike car ' . bus truck ; . • train air water 11. Parking - O ' 12. Safety - 13. Economy bicycle motorcycle car bus & truck camper trailer • ••: •' other ' • • fire . • f lood \ . • 'earthquake accident . *• • disease • '• • . • • radiation noise toxic wastes , other tax on site11 off " service costs on sit* " off •« valuation u n o;-ip 1 oymon t employment availabi: \, •„••- accccsibil'.ty type spending generated industrial demand •tourism . . • . . II II $§'•**. \ .0 0' o. o . .0 o • • o 0 • 0 o~. • 0 . 0 .. • . o • : 0 0 0- .':1 • .0 • /•"• ' . p .. •o • *•0 . . 0 . • -.0-' 1 • , • 0o . 0 o o o • 0 0 n +. 0 • 0 *. f •' $. •f ' \ • * 0 0 0 • o . ' • 0-- ' 0 ...Q ..,.'• 0 . 0 — • . o .. 0 • o o • • ' . + +.• •• o .- . . •+ . 0 ' • 0 ,0 . . ' , + .. 0 ;0 0 + • + • + . + + Htiacn + nag + 0 . . s$9.. ' . . * + . + '.'. • + • 0 ' + ' : ' : • 0 •o'. .. 0. + • • +:••: + • • + ' +.+ • • • + + : ' .. ' 0'. + • ' 0o» . . MINOR 0 . •+ " 0_ _' + + .+ + nent+No. 85 + + o' • • • , ! • ••• » * ft. • * * *. ' : x ' ; -^* * •• i . • • x--- . . . . • x 'x -.• •' p0•' x- . .. : •' x i X - . „ • 'X x X i. f • Xo • ; . Y •• A . , •' x- . • . • • . x • •. ' 'x • • . X — ' •• o ' +. ••+ ._ •_ • . 1 „ • _ • ' • o LAGUNA' RIVIERA ESTATES, UNIT 9 II. SOCIAL SYSTEMS (Continued)'- • O A. Human Ecology 14. Population 15. Housing - 16. Community - 17. Education - sizo • density •. dis tribution racial balance • " distribution ethnic . " age " ' ' • sex M family size other supply ' • demand • cost quality type density availability other structure • relocation attitudes boundaries ' unity other availability /• cost quality • • variety V . ••*. demand other.. ' . • I ;. ^ ' O . '''.'. e o. • ' o: . ',•' • • 6- ' . 0 . . o • ••;• 0• . p 0 •" o 0 0 . 0o • -. • o . • ••'. # •' • ' o . . o. •• 6 o • o : ' ••• * • ' t 0 . ' •) Q • - '. o . ! ' 0 .0 • Attac Pa • ' t•• •? •8 * '•" .0- . * o- I 0 • .0 •: ' Q.'-- . 0 ••* .0: 0 n •f + . o- '.+ • + •• • • p..-' o'i ••' o .. • . 0 • . 0 '• •' 0 .- ' . 0 . • 0 • . 0 • . • o- . • o 0 iment No)e 6 *~i1? i < • '+ ' . + •'• • .•+i •f+' ' - • i -4- . + ' Q- ' 0 — -f- «nr 0 + . + + •. + • •+ ri- •+. • 0 o' pf D + 0 : I , 1 •' • |, ; ".I t •' • • • •- • • . . • • « • • * • . .'• ' » •• *i • ' •» • — ". " • . ••' ." -. • • • ••'.'.•. •— . ' • • ' .0 •••.'• . f) •.••••+ • • •._ R .R _ • ' • S * R •„ . R- . « - • • * _ ' * M» . • _ ' ID •>:•> ... o • : ._ • • • • * • • * . • . D To- _ • * • 0 • _ * :;.** • •. • • j • 'LACUNA RIVIERA ESTATES,.UNIT 9 o o .II. SOCIAL SYSTEMS (Continued) • ' V A, Human Ecology ' .18. Government - city . .' ' . special district . . . . county regional • •state federal • ' • quality • . . ' efficiency accessibility . 19. Planning confornance with goals, .... • policies or actual plans of; city ' •. . coun ty ... .-..'.• .. ... regional ...states . • . •* .-. nation • Attachment Page 7. •;•#•,«* 0 .' Kf/P APPTTOA • .0 . • • o .0- ' • ' 0 . . • o 0 . . • • 0 0 0 0• • o • ' .'. . . .' • • . » . * •' ' • • •" . . . No. 1 • ' • " • . • t . / <# ' • • \ •.o-. - BLE 0 :• Q ' o • 0 ' - -o' l 0• . YTZS N/A N/A' N/A . 0 • 4 • • • • • * • •TL- m Q^J I W ^Si f!jfrs • * • *+ B 0 ' o . ' 0 ' . o • • •••o • •• o • • YES + + + 0 • * ' ' • • • • . • • t , * • '•• • •• • •' • ' 0 ". ' • •o • • • . «0 • "• ' •'•• o • . • 0 • o .'• o . • • ' • : .\ ,• • . • ^m ' • M . ^ 0 •* . • • • •-.'*.. •" •* • "" .•• '. '. ' ' • • • * ' • • • • • '• JNE-: PAG* I ' ' 1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSINQ AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT REGION IX (SAN FRANCISCO) DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE WORKSHEET INSTRUCTIONS: fHEN REQUESTCD, PREPARE AND FORWARD ORIGINAL TO HUD. ADD ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NEEDE9. IDENTIFY PROJECT AND ITEM NUMBER ON ANY ADDITIONAL A. APPLICANT/SPONSOR KAMAR CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. B. PROJECT NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA ESTATES, UNIT -9 C. PROJECT LOCATION CARLSBAD, CA. 92008 0. HUD PROJECT NUMBER (IF KNOBN ) E. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT OR ACTIVITY (DESCRIBE TYPE, PURPOSE, GENERAL SIZE OR SCALE, C03T LEVEL, AND OTHER PERTINENT DESCRIPTIVE FEATURES) This is the 5th unit of Laguna Riviera Estates (299 total lots)to be developed. It consists of 35 Lots. It is near the intersection located at Kelly. & Hillside. They are situated so that a majority of the lots have spectacular views. The houses will sell in the $33,000.00 to $38,500.00 price range. . . • r. ENVinOriiiiEni AL ("PACT vEcn.tr iCiALAnic/ AuVcnSc/ Or PRGrCocu PROJECT. Oft ACTiVtif \IDtfiTiFY LAriu U»£ ASPECTS; ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF THE SITE, JNCLUDIKO NATURAL HAZARDS AND ALL DEVIATIONS FROM APPLICABLE HUD POLICIES AND STANDARDS! POLLUTION ASPECTS) ETC. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT INCLUDES PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, AND AESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS) The proposed development conforms to all HUD policies. Laguna also conforms to the general'of Carlsbad, the adopted specific-plan, and the approved tentative map. A 4+ acre park along with a school site were improved as Laguna 3. There are no natural hazards on the site and sewer and water facilities are adjacent to the site. . ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT •£ AVOIDED (IDENTIFY ANY ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED SHOULD THE PROPOSED PROJECT OR ACTIVITY BE IMPLEMENTED) The proposed development will not cause any adverse environmental effects. All sewerage will be handled by the City of Carlsbad. The development is served by major collector streets and the area is master planned by the City to accept the proposed density. . PAOj H. ALTERNATIVES (OUTLINE PRINCIPAL ALTERNATIVES TO PROPOSED PROJECT OR ACTIVITY) )U (V The land is barren and nonproductive and is not suited for agriculture or other uses. At the present time the only use the land is put to is illegal motorcycle and dune buggy riding. I. SHORT-RUN/LONG-RUN RELATIONSHIPS (WHAT is RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PROPOSED SHORT-RUN USE OF THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE MAINTENANCE OF LONG-RUN PRODUCTIVITY? WHAT IRREVERSIBLE »R IRRETRIEVA3LE COMMIT UENTS OF RESOURCES WOULD BE INVOLVED IF THE PROPOSED PROJECT OR ACTIVITY HERE IMPLEMENTED?) • The land at the present time does not contribute anything to the environment. The development provides vitally needed housing while at the same time implements the general plan of the City of Carlsbad. J* VIEWS OF LOCAL BROU»3 (WHAT ARE THE KNOWN VIEWS OF LOCAL GROUPS TO THE PROPOSED PROJECT OR ACTIVITY' IDENTIFY KNOWN OR POTENTIAL OPPOSITION CROUPS AND THEIR VIEWS) There.to our knowledge is no opposition to the project. The development is accepted within the community as one of its finest residential area. K. CERTIFICATION THE APPLICANT/SPONSOR IDENTIFIED IN BLOCK A HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THE INFORMATION FURNISHED IN THIS DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE WORKSHEET IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BESJt~eF~"XHI3)J^TS) KNOWLEDGE. 7/17/72 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3018 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP FOR LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 9. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad on October 24, 1972, recommended to the City Council that the tentative map for Laguna Riviera Unit No. 9 be approved, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 8th day of November, 1972 considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad that the City Council does hereby approve said tentative map for Laguna Riviera Unit No. 9, comprised of thirty-five (35) lots, subject to the following conditions being performed by the owner: 1. That Parcels A, B, and C of Exhibit A shall not be a part of this Tentative Map, and that Specific Plans be submitted for approval prior to their development. 2. That the street designated on the Tentative Map as "Neblina Drive; and "Neblina Avenue" be designated as one or the other on the Final Map. 3. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall be supplied by the Carlsbad City Water Department. 4. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be sewered by the Carlsbad Public Sewer System. 5. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench in any part of this subdivision. 6. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout the subdivision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. 7. Standard six-inch (6") fire hydrants shall be installed as may be required by the Fire Chief or City Engineer. 8. The subdivision design as proposed, generally complies with the standards of the City of Carlsbad. Lots 288 and 289 appear to have 55 feet, plus measured tangent to the setback line. Since they appear to have in excess of 10 percent of the required area, they shall be approved as submitted. 9. Proposed street widths as submitted are satisfactory; one-half of Park Drive shall be dedicated on this development. -1- c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 10. All distribution utility facilities within the boundaries of the subdivision shall be placed underground as required by Ordinance. 11. Ornamental street lighting shall be provided for as required by Ordinance. 12. A grading plan shall be submitted as required by ordinance prior to issuance of building permits on any of the lots. 13. Location, grade and details of the proposed improve- ments as indicated upon the Tentative Map, will be sub- ject to revision as required for improvement plans, and approval of the map will not imply acceptance as sub- mi tted. 14. All improvements shall comply with the standard plans and specifications of the City of Carlsbad. 15. The design of the street paving shall be based on tests of the subgrade material and shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 16. Type "G" concrete curb and gutter shall be installed in all streets. Concrete cross-gutters shall be six (6) feet wide and located as required for drainage. 17. Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet in width and located contiguous to the curb throughout the subdivision. 18. All required street name signs, barricades and safety devices shall be installed. 19. Drainage improvements shall include standard inlets and conduit to satisfactory discharge points. Adequate drainage facilities shall be constructed as required by the City. 20. Sanitary sewers, including required manholes and appurtenances with four (4) inch diameter service laterals for each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. 21. Water mains, including one (1) inch diameter services to each lot, shall be constructed as required by the City. The developer shall replace existing water mains as re- quired and shall pay costs incidental to providing water service to the property. It is noted that the existing water main must be replaced and easements exchanged be- fore certain lots are usable. 22. Survey monuments and street trees shall be installed as required by the City. 23. The existing park (Unit No. 3) may constitute a part of any land required by City Ordinance to be dedicated for recreational and park facilities as a condition of approval of Final subdivision Map. If said park does not meet all the requirements of City Ordinances at the time of approval of a Final Subdivision Map, dedication of additional park land, or in lieu thereof, the payment of fees shall be made to the City. -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 24. The subdivider shall furnish the U. S. Post Office Carlsbad, California, 92008, with a copy of the Final Subdivision Map. 25. Complete plans and specifications shall be sub- mitted as required for checking and approval, before construction of any improvements is commenced. The subdivider shall have the original drawings revised to reflect as-built conditions, prior to acceptance of the subdivision improvements by the City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to place a copy of this resolution in the usual course of mail, addressed to the subdivider at his address as shown on the Tentative Map. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular adjourned meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 21st day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. JAVID M. DUNNE, MayUr ATTEST: MARQARTT E. ADAMS, (SEAL) ;3