HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-26; City Council; 911-1; Environmental Quality Act of 1970TO F Agenda Bill No. Referred To: C A R L S B A D, C A L Z P"O %s Date; October 26, 1972 subject: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT OF 1970 Submitted By: City Attorney Statement of the !tatter Draft ordinances presenting procedures for implementing the requirements .of the Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as recently interpreted by the California Supreme Court in the case of Friends of Mammoth vs,- Mono County Board of Supervisors. Mi Exhibit Draft Ordinance No. �150 (To be distributed at Oct. 30 meeting) Resolution 3015 - AdL ting Enviromental Impact Assessment form. Resolution 3016 - Ado: ing guidelines for Enviromental Protectirin Ordinance. Resolution 3017 - Adopting a form for preparation, by applicant of a draft E.I.-S. Report. Staff Recommendations City Attorney recommends adoption. s / AB No. Date: October 26, 1972 City Manager's Recommendation Ccncur with City Attorney's recommendation. Council•Action 10-30-72 This matter was deferred for further study, to be presented at the adjourned regular meeting of November 2, 1972. 11-2-72 - Ordinance No. 1150, an urgency measure to provide for procedures to implement the Environmental Quality Control Act of 1970 was read in full and adopted. Resolution #3015, adopting environmental impact assessment form was adopted. Resolution #3016 adopting guidelines for environmental protection ordinance was adopted. Resolution #3019 adopting a fee schedule for processing- activitied under environmental protection ordinance was adopted. Resolution #3017 adopting a form for preparation by applicant of a draft EIR returned to staff for revision. 11-8-72 Resolution #3017 and attachments adopted. -z- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3o 31 32' ORDINANCE NO. 1150 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE as an Urgency Measure of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California to provide for proce- dures to implement the Environmental Quality Control Act of 1970. WHEREAS, this ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority vested in the City of Carlsbad by the terms of California Government Code Sections 36934 and 36937; and WHEREAS, the California Legislature has enacted the Environ- mental Quality Control Act of 1970; and WHEREAS, the California Supreme Court on September 21, 1972 in the case of Friends of Mammoth, et al, vs. Board of Supervisors of Mono County et al, interpreted said Act as being applicable•to private projects for which a City permit or other entitlement is necessary; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad currently does not have any procedures providing for the implementation of said Act to said proj- ects; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has deter- mined that the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, !safety, and welfare urgently requires the adopt ion of an ordinance to be effective immediately to provide procedures for complying with the requirements of said Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: SECTION 1. Applicant. This ordinance shall be known as the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and shall apply to all permits, licenses, approvals, or other entitle- ments for any of the following activities: A. Zone Change B. Variance C. Special Use Permit D. Grading, Excavation, Fill and Dredging Permits l I E. Street Improvement Permit 2 F. Building Permit 3 G. Approval of Specific Plans or Precise Piaiis 4 H. Approval of Planned Developments and Planned Unit 5 Developments. g i. Tree Removal Permits (in the public. right-of-way) 7 J. Approval or Execution by the City of Carlsbad of any 8 Encroachment or License Permit 9 K. Conditional Use Permits 10 L. Community Redevelopment Projects 11 M. Parcel Maps 12 N. Supplemental Use Districts 13 0. Drill Sites Within Any Oil or Water Drilling District 14 P. Sewer and Water Connections. 15 Q. Advertising Signs & Structures 16 R. Tentative Subdivision Maps 17 S. Any other private activity which requires a City t 18 entitlement which could have an effect on the environ- 19 ment 20 SECTION 2. Prohibition. No permit, license, approval or 23- other entitlement shall be given for any of the items listed in ,22 Section 1 until the requirements of this ordinance have been ful-• 23 filled. 24 SECTION 3. Referral of Application - Director"s_ Endorsement. 25 The City Planning Director is responsible for the enforcement of this 26 ordinance; No permit, license or other entitlement shall issue for 27 any of the activities listed in Section 1 until the activity receives 28 an endorsement from the Planning Director that the requirements of 29 this ordinance have been satisfied. 30 All City departments responsible for the issurance of a per - 31 mit, license, or other entitlement for any of the activities listed 32 in Section 1 shall refer any applications therefor,tq the;:Planning 2 I Director for his' review and determination of whether.'or not the pro- 2 posed activity is subject to the previsions of this ordinance. 3 SECTION 4. Exceptions. The following activities are deter- 4 mined to be in most cases of trivial and insignificant effect on the 5lenvironment and are exempted from the provisions of this ordinance: 6 1. Accessory structure to any existing structure or mobile 7 home, such as residential swimming pools, fences, patios, 8 carports, etc. 9 2. Interior improvements or alterations within any existing to structure. 11 3. Conventional single family dwellings in established, 12 developed areas on normal building sites. 13 4. Construction pursuant to a subsidiary permit (e.g. mechan- 14 ical, plumbing, electrical) where the principal permit has 15 heretofore been issued: 16 5. Building permits in a developed industrial or commercial 17 zone where the proposed use meets all of the environmental 18 standards established by code for such zone and no new 19 streets, utilities, or other improvements are required. 20, 6. Lot line adjustments. 22 7. Additions and alterations to existing residences. 22 8. Utility connections not involving extension of existing• 23 mains. 24 9. Parcel,Splitsin Rrl zones in developed areas. 25 (a) The Planning Director shall determine whether or not a parti- 26 cular activity is within one of the above exceptions. If he so 27 determines he shall execute a declaration of negative environ- 28 mental effect. Such declaration shall be posted for five (5) 29 business days on a bulletin board located in the public portion 30 of the Planning Department. Such declaration shall contain the 31 name of the applicant, the address or location of the proposed 32 activity and a brief description of the proposed activity. - 3 - a 1 u 3 4 5 6 7 8 9', 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26' 27 28 29 30 31 32 s f (b) The Planning Director may determine that, notwithstanding the f fact that the activity is within an exception, it may have a significant effect on the environment for reasons such as: scope or scale of the activity, proximity to the beach, prox- imity to a lagoon, proximity to a flood plain or any other rea- son which in the judgment of the Director may involve a matter of environmental significance. If he so determines the nega- tive declaration will not be executed and the activity will be subject to the ordinance. (c) The applicant will be notified by mail of the Planning Director' determination. The decisions of the Planning Director are final unless appealed. (d) The City Council may by resolution exempt other classes or cate- gories of construction from the provisions of this Article if ,the Council determines that said classes or categories of con- struction have a trivial or lesser effect upon the environment. The Planning Director may from time to time recommend such ac- tion to the City Council. Adoption of any such resolution shall' be done at a public hearing before the Council, notice of which shall have been published once in the official newspaper of the City at least ten (10) days prior to the date of hearing. SECTION 5. Appeal. The determinations made by the Planning Director pursuant to Section 4 and the correctness of the negative declara- tion itself may be appealed by any interested party to the City Coun- cil. The appeal shall be made in writing to the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the mailing of the decision of the Planning Director or the expiration of the period for the posting of the negative dec- laration whichever is later. A fee of $50.00 shall be paid to the City Clerk at the time the appeal is filed. The Clerk shall mail a notice of hearing upon the appeal to the applicant, post one on the Council Chamber door and publish it once in a newspaper of general circulation in Carlsbad at least ten (10) days before the hearing date. - 4 - F� 1 I The City Council shall hear the appeal and aiay appizove, 2 conditionally approve, modify, or disapprove the negative declara- 3 tion or the decision of the Planning Director. A determination of 4 exception will constitute an endorsement of compliance and will 5 allow the activity to be processed in accord with other applicable 6 provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. A determination of in- 7 elusion will require the activity to comply with the Environmental .8 Protection Ordinance. 9 SECTION 6. Exemptions. 10 (a) Prior Compliance. The Planning Director may exempt 11 an activity from the requirements of this ordinance in those 12 cases where the activity has already been processed in accord 13, therewith in connection with some other permit, license, or en- 14 titlement for the same activity and if he determines, that no ad- 15 ditional environmental effects are involved.or could result from 16 that activity. If he so determines, the activity shall be proces- 17 sed with a negative declaration as provided in Section 4. This 18 determination by the Planning Director may be appealed to the City 19 Council as provided in Section 5. 20 (b) Emeroencies. The Planning Director steal-1 exempt 21 -projects undertaken in conjunction with emergency relief measures 22 and other activities necessary to protect life and property dur- 23 ing time of flood, fire, earthquake, windstorms, and other.dis- 24 asters. He may also exempt activities involving replacement 25 or rehabilitation of structures and facilities destroyed as a 26 result of such disasters provided no major structural changes are 27 involved and the replacement is initiated within 12 months. 28 SECTION 7. Environmental Impact'Assess'ment. The applicant 29 for any of the entitlements described in Section 1, not otherwise 30 exempted by Sections 5 or 6, shall submit to the.Planning Director 31 a completed Environmental Impact Assessment form. The Council 32 shall by resolution adopt such a form which will solicit suffi- _ 5 _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 :8 9 10 11 12 13, 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 cient information regarding the activity to allow the Planning Director to determine whether or not the activity proposed by the applicant may have a significant effect on the environment. The Planning Director may require the applicant to furnish to a reasonable extent any other information he determines to be neces- sary to said determination. SECTION 8. Evaluation of Environmental'"Impact'Assdssment. The Planning Director with assistance from other departments or officers as appropriate shall review each activity for which an Environmental Impact Assessment form has been filed. He shall evaluate all information regarding the activity and shall deter- mine whether or not the activity as proposed may involve a signif- icant effect on the environment. The City Council shall by reso- lution adopt guidelines which shall be followed by the Director in making said determination, If it is determined that the activ- ity may have a significant impact on the environment, an Environ- mental Impact Report will beprepared and processed as provided in this ordinance. If it is determined that the project will have only a trivial or insignificant impact on the environment, the Director shall execute and post a declaration of Negative Environ- mental Effect as provided in Section 4. In addition, public notice of said determination shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad at least once during the posting period. The applicant shall be notified in writing by mail of the Director's decision. The decision is final unless appealed within the prescribed period A negative impact determination will result, in the absence of an appeal, in the execution by the Director of the Endorsement of Compliance. The activity will then be processed in accord with the other applicable or dinances of the City of Carlsbad. SECTION 9. Appeal. The determination of the Director may be appealed by any interested party to the City Planning Commis- - 6 - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 •3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 r sion. Appeals' shall be i i led with VIE Director accompanied by a fee of $50.00 within ten (10) days of the mailing of the Direc- tor's decision or expiration of the period for posting of the negative declaration whichever is later. The Director shall mail a notice of hearing to the applicant, post a notice on the Council Chamber door, and publish it in a paper of general circulation in the City at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. The Planning Commission may approve, conditionally approve, modi- fy, or disapprove the negative declaration or the Director's de- cision. The decision of the Commission shall be mailed to the applicant within ten (10) days of the hearing. The decision may be appealed to the City Council within ten (10) days thereafter and is final unless so appealed. Appeal to the City Council shall be processed in accord with Section 5 of this ordinance. A final decision for the negative declaration will consti- tute an Endorsement of Compliance. A final decision finding a potential significant environmental effect will require prepara- tion of an Environmental Impact Report. SECTION 10. Preparation of Environmental Impact Report Environmental Impact Reports shall be prepared by the Planning Director. The applicant shall prepare and submit a draft Environ- mental Impact Report to the Director which shall be used, together with the Environmental Impact Assessment form and other relevant information in the preparation of a preliminary report. The City Council shall by resolution adopt policies, guidelines and regula;� tions relating to the preparation of draft Environmental Impact Reports. Applicants shall comply with said resolution. The Plann- ing Director may require the applicant to submit to a reasonable extent additional information necessary to the completion of the, report. He may call for assistance from other departments, other governmental entities and the public as he determines necessary - 7 - 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 i 28 29 80 31 82 Ito a full and complete report. The Planning Director, when all information is on file, shall prepare a preliminary Environmental Impact Report. SECTION 11. Preliminary Report. The preliminary report shall be mailed to the applicant and a copy shall be available to the public. Notice of completion of the report shall be posted on the Council Chamber door and notice thereof shall be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Carlsbad. The public copy of the report shall be available for ten (10) days after the giving of said notice. The Director will accept written comments on or objections to the report during the period of public availability. After the, expiration of the ten (10) day period, the Director shall prepare the Environmental Impact Report. The Council may by resolution prescribe guidelines for such report. The report will include and take into consideration all the facts submitted and any public in.;. put received. SECTION 12. Planning Commission Hearing. The final En- vironmental Impact Report shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Planning Commission. The Secretary shall set the matter for hearing on the Commission agenda. Notice of the date of the hear- ing shall be mailed to the applicant, posted on the Council Cham- ber door and published once in a newspaper of general circulation ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing. The Commission shall make a report and recommendation on the activity to the City Council. SECTION 13. Consolidation. The.'Planning Commission may consolidate a hearing on an Environmental Impact Report with any other hearing held by the Commission on the same activity. In such case the Commission shall fully consider the report before taking action on the other aspects of the activity before them. SECTION 14. Notice of Council Nearing. The City Clerk - 8 - 1! 2 8, 4 6 61' 7' .8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 "I 19' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 82 Ighwll set the ;enort for public hearing before the City Council. Notice, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing date, shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation, posted on the Council Chamber door, and mailed to the applicant. SECTION 15. Council Hearing. The Council shall hold a public hearing on the Environmental Impact Report. The hearing may be consolidated with any other Council hearing regarding the same activity. The Council shall first evaluate the report before otherwise acting regarding the activity. In evaluating whether or not to grant the permit, license or other entitlement applied for in connection with the report, the Council shall weigh an, adverse environmental effects against any positive effects and any benefit to the City and the public which could result from the proposed activity. The Council may disapprove an activity if they find that the adverse consequences outweigh the positive aspects of the activity. The Council also may approve, conditionally ap- prove or modify the activity, and also may refer it back to the 'Planning Commission for further study. SECTION 16. Fee Schedule. The Council may,by resolution adopt a fee schedule for the processing of the activities subject to the ordinance, and for the processing of any report or appeal thereunder. SECTION 17. Mailing of Notice on Request - Clerk_. The City Clerk shall mail, on a continuing basis, copies of all no- tices of appeal, notices of hearings, and other notices resulting from this ordinance to any individual or group who files a writtRn 1 request therefor. Such requests shall be made annually. A fee of $60.00 shall accompany each such request. SECTION 18. Mailing of Notice on Request=Planning Director The Planning Director shall mail a copy of any negative declara- tions on a continuing basis to any individual or group so request- ing in writing. Such requests shall be made annually and shall - 9 - 1 -2 a 4 5 6 7 :8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 81 32 be accompanied, by a fee of $60.00, SECTION 19. Limitation of Time for Bringing Legal' Action. Any action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void.or annul any decision of matters listed in this ordinance or concern- ing any of the proceedings, acts or determinations taken, done or made prior to such decision, or to determine the reasonableness, legality or validity of any condition attached thereto, shall not be maintained by any person unless such action or proceeding is commenced within thirty (30) days alter the date of such decision. Thereafter all persons are barred from any such action or proceed- ing or any defense of invalidity or unreasonableness of such de- cision or of such proceedings, acts or determinations. No permit, license, or other entitlement shall be issued for any activity requiring an environmental impact analysis or an environmental impact report until the expiration of a thirty (30) day period following the date of completion of the final action re• quired for compliance with the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 20. Planning Director - Representative. The term "Planning Director" as used herein shall mean the Planning Direc- tor of the City or his designated representative. SECTION 21. Nothing in this ordinance shall preclude the City of Carlsbad from taking such other action in respect to the approval, conditional approval, denial of revocation of building permits as is deemed necessary by the City Council to obtain full compliance by the City with the requirements of the Environmental Quality Act of 1970. 10 - FEW 2 8 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 1x � 12 13� 14 `5 i 16 17 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 27 28 29 SO 81 82 EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published -once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen (15) days after its adoption. INTRODUCED, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. EST: GAR, T E.-ADAMS;(City Clerk -Alr) -11- DAVID M. DUNNE, r t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3015 A n .OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC . OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESS- MENT FORM, PURSUANT TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD EN- VIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Ordinance 1150 provides that the City Council shall', by Resolution, adopt a form for an environmental impact assessment which will solicit sufficient information to allow the Planning Direc- tor to evaluate the.environmental effects of a proposed activity, and WHEREAS, said form has been prepared. NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that. Resolution No. 3015 adopt king an Environmental Impact Assessment Form attached hereto, and in- corporated by,reference herein, was PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at an adjourned, regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held ion the Znd day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: ATTEST: 7t If i AR AV (SEAL) (SEAL) AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and -Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ADAMS,(Gity clerk AVIVM�FIE Ma —ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMr,ENT Date: Name of Applicant: Permit Applied For: Location of Proposed Activity: I. Background Informa`iion. 1. Givp a brief description of the proposed•activity. 2. Describe the activity area, including distinguishing natural and manmade characteristics. .1-. APPENDIX B. ,— I1. Environmental Impact Analysis. Answer the following questions by placing a check in the appropriate space. Yes 1. Could the project significantly change present land uses in the vicinity of the activity? 2. Could the activity affect the use of a re- creational area, or area of important aesthetic value? 3. Could the activity affect the functioning of an established community or neighbor; - hood? 4. Could the activity result in the displace- ment of community residents? 5. Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unique, that is, not found in other parts of the County, State, or nation? 6. 'Could the activity significantly affect a historical or archaelogical site or its setting? 7. Could the activity significantly affect -the potential use,. extraction, or pon-. nervation of a scarce natural resource? 8. Does the activity area serve as a habitat, food source, nesting place, source of water, etc. for rare or endangered wildlife or fish species? 9. Could the activity significantly affect fish, wildlife or plant life? 10. Are there any rare or -endangered plant species in the activity area'? 11. Could the activity change existing features of any of the city's lagoons, bays, or tidelands? . No Yes No 12. Could the activity change exi.sting features of any of the City's beaches? 13. Could the activity result in the erosion or elimination of agricultural lands? 14. Could the activity serve to encourage development of presently undeveloped areas or intensify development of already developed areas? 15. Will the activity require a variance from established envi'ronmeritalstandards (air, water, noise, etc)? 16. Will the activity require certification, authorization or issuance of a permit by any local, State or Federal en- vironmental control agency? 17. Will the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the City? 18.Will the activity• involve the application, use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? 19. Will the activity involve construction of facilities in a flood plain? 20. Will the activity involve construction of facilities on a slope of 25 per cent or greater? 21. Will the activity involve construction of facilities in the area of an active fault? 22. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of noise? 23. Could the activity result in the•gen- eration of significant amounts of dust? 24. Will the activity involve the burning of brush, trees, or other materials? 25. Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any portion of the region's air or water resources? (Should note surface, ground water, off -shore) Yes No 26. Will .here be a significant cha,.,e to existing land form? (a) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards._. (b) percentage of alteration to the present land form. (c) maximum height of cut or fill slopes. 27. Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilities, sewers, drains or streets? , III. State of No Significant Environmental Effects If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions -in •Section II, but youthink the activity will have no significant enviro- mental effects, indicate your reasons below: IV. Comments or Elaborations to Any of the Questions in Section II. If ad itional space is needed -for ans— ver any questions, attach additional sheets as may be needed. signature: " Person completing report Date signed: V. Conclusions (To be completed by the Planning Director) Place a check in the appropriate box. [] Further information is required. [] It has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. [) It has been determined that the project could have significant environmental effects. An environmental impact statement must be submitted by the following date, BY: CANNING DIRECTOR (Or Representative) Date Received: III2 3 4 5 6 7 8 •9 10 11 12 13 14{ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3C 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3016 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSDAD ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR DETERPiI:Ii;6, pURSU.",ttT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORDINANCE, WHETHER OR NOT A PROPOSED ACTIVITY INVOLVES A SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1150 provides that the City Council shall adopt guidelines to be utilized by the Planning Director in determining whether or not'a proposed activity may have a significant impact on the environment;. and WHEREAS, said guidelines have been prepared, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The following shall constitute the City of Carlsbad guidelines, for determining whether or not a•proposed activity will.have a sig- nificant impact: 1. The determination of what is significant and what consti- tutes the environment is to a degree subjective. However, the following factors taken together will provide a frame- work for making such judgements: a. Does the project significantly change present uses of the project area? The project area includes the immediate location of th project as well as more remote areas that may be directly or indirectly affected by construction and/or operation of the project. b. Will the project affect areas of historical, archaeo- logical or aesthetic value? The setting of such sites includes surrounding areas, the nature of which are important to the understanding and enjoyment of the site itself. r 1 2 3 5 II e' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • 14 15 16 17 48 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 XX 29 XX 30 XX 31 XX 32 XX c. Will the project accelerate the development of ad- joining non -urban_ areas? Examples include the introduction of facilities such as streets, roads, water mains or sewerage lilies in such a manner as to facilitate development or intensification of the use of an area. d. Will the project alter the character of existing communities? Exampies include but are not limited to: - Changes in traffic patterns - Effects on access within the community to commercia establishments, schools, parks, etc. - Introduction to activities not presently found within the community e. Could the project significantly affect the potential use extraction or conservation of a scarce natural resource? Examples include but are not limited to: Developments which effectively preclude the extrac- tion of the region's rock, sand, gravel, or other mineral resources Uses which effectively preclude the multiple use of regional natural resources in scarce supply Activities which tend to diminish the supply or availability of regional natural resources that are in scarce supply f. Are any of the natural or man-made features in the project area unique, that is, not found in other part of the City, County, State, or Nation? - Unique features include those areas, structures, biological phenomena, etc., that exhibit distin- guishing characteristics not found in other areas, or only in a small number of other areas. Such features can be either good or bad for human healt safety, comfort, or convenience. -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 18 9 10 111 12II 13'I 141 15' 16, 171', 181 19I 20I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 mo 2. Significant environmental effects can be either positive or negative. Significant affects also include environ- mental consequences of both a short range and long range nature. Short range effects (e.g. siltation during con- struction of waste water treatment facilities) should not be given greater consideration than long range effects, (e.g, changes in land -use which may occur as a result of the project). ' 3. Significant environmental effects can also result from the cumulative effect resulting from a number of similar small activities in one area and such projects should be evaluated in the context of the entire City-.. PASSED-, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 2nd day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES' None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: MAReARPr E. ADAMS, ity Clerk (SEAL) 4YAVID M. DUNNE, a H ti 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13" 14 15 16 17 18 19' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3017 n nESO UT-T" OF THE PTTV rAIINrTI AF TUr n n6ov�.v� Avn vi i... vt . vv......... CITY OF CARLSBAD ADOPTING A FORM FOR THE PREPARATION, BY APPLICANT, OF A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1150 requires that the City Council. adopt guidelines, policies and regulations for the preparation of a draft Environmental Impact Report, and WHEREAS, such a form for such a draft report has been prepared and is ready for adopting, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Draft Environmental Impact Report Form attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is hereby adopted. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at an adjourned meeting of the City Council held November 8, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis and Frazee. NOES: Cmn. Chase. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: AR R r E. ADAMS; Oity Clerk (SEAL) DAVID M.�`DUNNE, Mayor ----- , F DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FORM A. THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED ACTION: The primary, secondary and other effects must be considered in this section. The list included in Appendix "A" should serve as a beginning guideline for the many environmental factors that must be considered. The effects should be considered for the project and areas of local, regional and state concern. (1) Project Description. Describe the proposal by name, specific location, (including location on a USGS 1:24,000 topographic map, and- 1,2400 site map where applicable.), purposes, authorizing ducu- ment (if applicable), current status (to include: existing, proposed, adjacent zoning, existing and proposed land use, densities, number of bedrooms), cost, construction methods, relation to the overall project, previous or projected phases, and appearance (include elevations, perspectives, where necessary to insure clarity.) (2) Environmental Setting- Without the Project. Describe the area and general environment of the project ---ecology, geology, economy, aesthetics, land use and other relevant information. Discuss the environmental setting without focusing only on the immediate area at the risk of ignoring important community and regional aspects critical to the assess- ment of environmental impacts. The applicant should consider the relationship of the project to drainage systems, lagoons,, and the coastline_ Discuss the interrelations of related types of projects and any alternatives that are under construction or in operation by another agency or organization. (3) Identify Environmental Impacts. Discuss environmental elements which result from actions of the proposed project. A thoughtful assessment of the environmental elements under both a "with" and"without the project" conditior could aid in the determination of the environmental impact. For example, the filling of a marsh or wetland would involve the obvious conversion of aquatic/marsh areas by altering water flow. The introduction of roads or buildings and addition of impenetrable surfaces and resultant change in ground water characteristics, curtailment of certain commercial uses, disruption of water based recreational pursuits, conversion of wildland aesthetics to less desirable aesthetics, possible loss of migratory fly -way resting area, possible loss of duck hunting grounds, possible loss of a unique species habitat, etc. Such impacts shall be detailed in an objective manner to provide a basis for a meaningful comparison of the cost and benefits involved. Both quantitative and qualitative information should be included (e.g., acres of habitat lost, number of ducks nesting, value of wild area vs developed area.) Care must be taken not to rely too heavily on the use of quanti- tative information,_ and ignore the more difficult questions involving more qualitative and subjective judgements, which may turn out to be more important. B. ANY ADVERSE ENVIRON14ENTAL EFFECTS WHICH CANNOT BE AVOIDED SH ULD THE PROPOSAL BE IMPLEMENTED. Discuss the unavoidable adverse effects and the implications thereof. This should include not only the pollution of land, water -2- and air, but also the adverse effects on species, communities and ecosystems. In addition, the possible adverse effects on man should be considered, resulting from urban congestion, noise, threats to health - emotional, physical and mental, and the more intangible effects of loss of diversity and variety on the environ- ment, loss of aesthetic qualities and the general loss of "quality" in our environment. C. MITIGATION MEASURES PROPOSED TO MINIMIZE THE IMPACT. Discuss the alternative measures to mitigate or eliminate the pptal impact. This would include discussion of DOS IV's alternative strategies, features, or design that could minimize the adverse environmental impact. For example, erosion problems might be ell minated or reduced by doing grading only during the drier months. Or alternatively, plans could be made to plant and establish solid growths of the proper vegetation to retard erosion. } Environmental degradation should always be balanced against bene- ficial factors of the project. D. ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION. Discuss the alternatives to the proposed action, Include the local and regional alternatives and the various benefits/costs according to them, whether they be social, economic or environmental. Provide the information needed by the reviewers to establish the merit of said project. In addition to different alternatives, it should include a complete discussion of the various alternatives for conducting the proposed project while still meeting a majority of the projected needs. The discussion of alternatives should be as complete as possible in listing and evaluating the various impacts, - 3- ,w• beneficial and/or detrimental. If for any reason a road is being resurfaced, can utilities be undergrounded? Sewers redone? Bike paths added? etc. The alternatives should also examine the priority for various projects, and include the priority status of the proposed project. E. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCAL SHORT-TERM USES OF MAN'S ENVIRONMENT AND THE MAINTENANCE AND ENHANCEMENT OF LONG-TERM ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTIVITY. Discuss the use and abuse of renewable and non-renewable resources. The applicant must show who is paying the'"environ- mental cost," the people who presently gain the benefits or future generations who may only be left with the cost. Most significant resources have a long-term effect since there may be a limitation on choices for future generations. For example, filling estuaries may provide additional land space for development but prohibit the future choices of alternative uses, eliminate a rare species habitat, unbalance erosion and significantly increase the rate of siltation in a lagoon, and perhaps most important of all, may establish a precedent that will assure the eventual destruction of the entire estuary. F. ANY IRREVERSIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES WHICH WOULD BE INVOLVED N THE PROPOSED ACTION SHOULD BE 1MPLPT4EVTYD­. Discuss any irreversible or irretrievable effects on the environment. This would include land use; a subdivision precludes the continued use of agricultural lands. Removal of a tree, where it can eventually be replaced would not be con- sidered an irreversible change; however, the destruction of an archeological site or a rare species would be. The change of use that the project may encourage must also be carefully con- sidered. For example; a highway may have little environmental -4- impact directly, but may by improving access and transportation, generate major impact that is irreversible. G. THE GRO14TH ?NDUCINNGG IMPACTSt OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY UPON H. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE AREA I4HICH MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY r.. ruc oononcFn ACTIVITY. i t t ' 4 I -5- APPENDIX A The following formsshall'be completed by the applicant for any project which is deemed to have a significant impact upon the environment and which by the foregoing sections of this ordinance requires preparation and submittal of a full EnvironmentalImpactStatement. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: Definition: Systems pertaining to geologic, hydrologic and atmospheric processes and the probable effects of each. How to assess impact of physical Systems: Each category should be evaluated as in it's existing state, and the changes that may occur in each respective phase of development. The responses should be a one or two word statement. -, e.g.: Land form Soil stability 1. GEOLOGY: A. Land Form (Unique physical. features i.e. Mountains, bays, lagoons, etc) B. Soil Type/Soil Stability C. Soil Expansive D. Bedrock Stability (dip/slope) E. Hazards: 1. Seismic susceptibility 2. Subsidence 3. Mudflow ^, 2. HYDROLOGY: A. Flood P1ain10-50-100 yr. (Indicate on a Map) B. Aquifer, Aquifer recharge, percolati Imprmeable surface? C. Drainage and runoff, increase from impermeable surface? D. Channel stability E. Water resources - fresh F. 1' " --salt G. �� '' - brackish H. " - irrigation I'� " - industrial J. "at- domestic (APPENDIX A) PHASE Existing Developmental Knol7s—,-valleys Graded terraces Expansive soil Compacted soils O erational Grade terraces Compacted soils on, BIOTIC SYSTEMS: (continued) 1. FLORA PLANT A—Phytop ankton -- Redwood B. Corridor C. Barrier D. Vegetative Cover 1. Economic 2. Non -Economic E. Endemic (Native) 1. Economic 2. Non -Economic F. Scientifically valuable (Rare and/or endangered) G. Pest species H. Successional change I. Man induced 1. Economic (Flowers, Ag 2. Non -Economic 2. FAUNA ANIMAL ooplankton -- Elk B. Habitat and Migration are C. Economic species D. Endemic (Native) species 1. Economic 2. Non -Economic E. Scientifically Valuable (Rare and/or endangered) F. Pest species, vectors G. Domestic 1. Ecnomic 2. Non -Economic H. Non -Domestic 3. Ecosystem Stabilit Plant An' 1. Site 2. Localized area 3. Community 4. Region 5. State 6. Nation 4. Other PHYSICAL SYSTEMS: (continued) K. Water quality: Physical characteristics " " Chemical characteristics it Biologic characteristics L. Pollution existing M. Pollution expected N. Ocean characteristics: 1. Waves (wind, tsunami) 2. Tidal action 0. Other effects 3. ATMOSPHERIC: A. Air resources B. Inversion C. Air quality: CO , CO, NO SO Hydrocarbon, orianic, pa�ticulates,etc. D. Photochemical smog E. Smog F. Clarity G. Weather modification: Temperature H. " •" Precipitation I " It Humidity J. 1190 Wind K. " It Odor L. Other BIOTIC SYSTEMS: D,efinition:'Pertaining to flora (flowers) and fauna (animals) and the probable effects on each. How to assess impacts of development: Each category should be ,valuated as to the existing state and the changes that may occur daring , or as a result of the developmental phase or operation phase. The responses should identify the appropri- ate plant or animal species and the potential impact on them. APPENDIX B HUMAN/GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEMS IS THE PROPOSED PROJECT IN CONFORMANCE WITH: (yes -no) City Rpaional County State Federal a. Goals b Policies c. Precedents d Plans 1) General Plan a Housin Element _ b Conservation c Open Space d Land Use. AB 1 O1 e Circulation f Noise Seismic Safety h Safety i Historic Corridor/' Scenic Hwy �) B i0c•lre .P,a.ths 2) S e ific Plan a Garfield Specific Plan b Brady Specific Plan c Other p. Zoning f. Subdivision Map Act Capital Improvements h Land Use Controls i.e. flood plain control ord. hillside ord. grading ord. parks in lieu fees i. School District 1. Special Districts II APPENDIX 6 The following topic areas exemplity the kind of concerns to be considered in the general plan and its eleme,rts. a) Protection, rehabilitation, and enhancement of the environment, both short and long term? I b) Clean air, clean water, and the enjoyment of aesthetic, natural, scenic, and historical environmental qualities? c) Noise and smell in the project area and surrounds? d) Ecological stability and the preservation, at self- perpetuat-ing levels, of representative samples of all plant and animal I communities and examples of the major periods of California history? e) Man and Nature and their productive and harmonious relationships ecological and social diversity, balance, and mutual benefit. f) •Quad-itat+ve -factors-scenic beauty, value of wildness, and other Intangible values despite the real difficulty of including them i in cost/benefit analysis? a g) Economic efficiency, local, state, and national? h) Jurisdictional, administrative, and management conflicts? i i) Public opportunity, freedom of choice, general welfare, recreation, education, etc.? 1 j) Demand, does it fulfill it, exceed it, or is it a self-ful- filling demand? k) Future options? 1) Unique and irreplacable scientific, educational, and cultural items. III APPENDIX B In addition, the factors listed below will be evaluated: a) accuracy of the material in the EIS. b) completeness: materials, alternatives, bibliography. c) public involvement in development, decision -making and review. ` d) reasonableness: project, EIS, alternatives. e) agency involvement in development, decision -making and review. f) innovation and the use of imaginative solutions to old problems. g) evaluation of the avowed priority of the project versus other projects, programs, or expenditures. r 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 .12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 rs 22 23 24 .05 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. 1154 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AC All ClA nilestp.i ijPAr.- icnaVnr, OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY Or CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 115D, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORDINANCE OF 1972 IN ACCORD WITH THE. AMEND- MENTS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL ACT OF 1970 CONTAINED IN ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 889 ENACTED BY THE CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE AT THE 1972 REGULAR SESSION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on November 2, 1972, adopted as an Emergency Measure Ordinance No. 1150 providing procedures implementinq the Environmental Quality Control Act of 1970 as required by the Supreme Court of California in the case of Friends of Mammoth, et al, vs. Board of Supervisors of Mono County, et al; and WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of California has at its 1972 regular session enacted a number of amendments to said Act; and WHEREAS, said amendments, contained in Assembly Bill No. 889 were passed by both houses as an urgency measure, signed by Lieutenant Governor Reinecke, and became effective on December 5, 1972; and WHEREAS, said amendments necessitate some immediate changes in the City of Carlsbad's Ordinance No. 1150 in order that it may be brought into compliance with the State law. NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1150 is amended to read as follrvols: "SECTION 1. Applicant. This ordinance shall be known as the 'City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972' and shall apply to all permits, licenses, approvals, or other entitlements for any of i I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 13 14 15i 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80 31 32 the following activities: A. Zone Change B. Variance C. Special Use Permit D. Approval of Specific Plans or Precise Plans E. Approval of Planned Developments and Planned Unit Developments F. Conditional Use Permits G. Community Redevelopment Projects H. Parcel Maps I. Supolemental Use Districts J. Drill Sites Within Any Oil or Water Drilling District K. Tentative Subdivision Maps L. Any other private activity which requires a discretionary City entitlementwhich could have a significant effect on the environment" 2. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1150 is amended by deleting Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 and by renumbering Items 6 and 9 to Numbers 1 and 2, respectively. 3. Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1150 is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: "(c) Lead Agency. The Planning Director shall exempt any activity which has been processed by another public agency acting as a lead agency under the provisions of the Public Resources Code." 4. Section 14 of Ordinance No. 1150 is amended by deleting the words "ten (10)" and replacing them with the words "five (5)" EFFECTIVE_ DATE: This Ordinance shall be effective immedi- ately upon passaqe. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen (15) days -2- FF 1 of c. r its adoption. 2 INTRODUCED,, PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular adjourned meet- 3 ing of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held 4 on the 12th day of December, 1972, by the following vote, to -wit: 5 6 7 AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. 8 NOES: None. 9 ABSENT: None. 10 11 .12 DTVID M. DUNNE, Mayor 13 ATTEST: 14 15 16 14ARMET E. ADAMS,City Clerk 17 (SEAL) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -3- I