HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-30; City Council; 915; Standing Operating Procedure for StudiesI ~ I I I .• /17) --T ll E C I T Y 0 F CARLSBAD, , Agenda B~ll No.~ October 30, 1972 Date: _________ _ :Referred To: City Counci 1 Subject: Submitted By: '' Standing Oper:ating Pro.cedure for 'Stupies Jerome N. Pi'eti Administrativ~ ln~ern· Statement of the Matter .Both the Legjslati~e and Administrative brancfies of the City government require ever increa~ing amounts of information upon which to base difcis-ions-. Much of this. reqµi red info.rmation comes from studies -com- mi ~sion~d by botn ~ranches of government. At present there is no method of control' or procedure for these studies. The enclosed Standing OP,erating Procedur:e is proposed as ·a ·me·tpod of-standardizing preparati9n, -pro~edure,_ ·format and distribution. Exhibit 1. · ~rqposed City Council Policy Statement No. 14'. 2. Pr6posed Standing Operating Procedure fo~ Studies. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends adoption of the proposed St~nding Operating Procedure. ... 'J: :j 'I I j J - AB No. Date: City Manager's .Reco:nmenaation Con'cur with· Staff recommend a ti o:,, i Couhcil'Action ,o-30-7f -Deferred for fu~ther ~tudy~ 11-2.1-72 -Council adopted ~he Proposed Stand13rd Operatln,g Procedure for the Admin. and City Gov. branches of Cit_y.' •· -2- .. ,, i L ! .i ; l i ·, ! ;i 'I ·1 ,1 i! :1 i :i i CITY OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ·Specific Subject: ADMINISTRATION Standing uperating Procedure for City Studies Date Issued 11-21-72 Effective Date 11-21-72 Cancellation Date Suoer-sedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: To state a City policy establishing a standard method for conducting studies. STATEMENT OF POLICY: 1. Studies shall be of two categories: A. Legislative -the production of data/information requested by the City Council. B. Administrative -the production of data/information for the City Manager or a Oepartnent Head which requires more than one man day's labor by two or more departments. 2. Study definitions and statements will be the responsibility of the City Manager. 3. Study assignment will be made by the City Manager subject to the approval of the City Council for legislative studies. 4. Unless otherwise provided, reproduction and distribution of com- pleted studies will be the responsibility of the City Manager. PROCEDURE: Study preparation, method, and format will be as vrescribed by the City Manager in an Administrative Standing Operating Procedure for Studies. ' \ ' '1 ll i l ,_ l \ 4 l 4 I, ) ,, ! l J ' l r: d ... ---------- CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR STUDIES I. Purpose. The purpose of this Standing Operating Procedure is to serve as a guide for the preparation of studies and reports. It provides a recommended procedure to be used in gathering, examining and reporting information. It further provides a recommended format as an aid in organizing and presenting information. II. Problem Definition. When a staff member is assigned a study, a precise statement of the problem is required. Such a statement pro- vides direction and limits to the investigation. The verbalization of the problem is a function and responsibility of the City Manager. III. Study Assignment .. Study assignment will be made by the .City Manager by means of an appointing memorandum. The memorandum will include a problem statement, priority, deadline and directions as to scope, depth and coordination desired. The priority assigned will be reported to the City Council and may be ch~nged as the Council directs. Studies will be numbered consecutively by calendar years, i.e., 1-72. As~ignment numbers will be issued by the City Manager and reported to the City Council. IV. Control. Upon assignment to conduct a study, the staff officer designated will begin a Study Control Sheet in duplicate. One copy will be retained by the responsible individual and the other copy will be retained by the City Man~ger. Study Control Sheets will be up- dated not later than the close of working hours Wednesday preceding a regular City Council meeting. V. Procedure. Standard procedures listed helow will serve to pro- vide direction and to assure that decision makers receive all essential information. - A. Study definitions 1. Legal definitions related to the pro bl em 2. Definitions established for the study B. Review of prEvious research done on the subject C. Examination of the current situation existing in the City which may include: 1. Organization 2. Methods of operation 3. Procedures 4. Budgets 5. Costs 6. Examples of documents, etc. relating to the study D. Examination of similar and adjacent situations E. Analysis of information produced 1. What facts are provided by research to this point? .. Identification of possible courses of action for problem solution G. Analysis of possible courses of action 1. What would each course of action provide to the City? H. Comparison of courses of action 1. Advantages provided the City 2. Disadvantages incurred by the City I. Conclusions J. Recommendations 2 VI. Format. A standard method for presenting studies makes them and more understandable. The following format is easier to read recommend<:!d as such studies: A. Cover a means of aiding decision makers when they receive The cover would present a "bare bones" resume of the investigation to include -- 1. Date 2. Name of study by short title. Exa~ple: Water Rate Study 3. Name of investigator or study gro~p 4. Problem statement 5. Study con cl us ions 6. Study recbmmen~ations B. Introduction 1. Identifying information a. Date of report b. Date study authorized c. Study number d. Study long title. Example: A Study to Determine the Amount and Method of Increasing Water Rates and Ready- to-Service Charges fbr the City of Carltbad Water System e. Title of investigator 2. Statement of the problem 3. Method of conductirig study 4. Study definitions and/or assumptions C. Discussion l. Discussion 2. Statement of facts 3. Identification of courses of action 4. Analysis of courses of action 5. Comparison of courses of action D. Summary 1. Conclusions 2. Recommendations E. Enclosures VI!. Distribution. A. Copy, Reproduction and Distribution 3 Once a study is completed, the staff officer concerned will submit the final report to the City Manager for required copying, reproduction and distribution. B. Presentation Completed and reproduced studies would be presented to the Mayor and City Council as part of an Agenda Bill. In this manner study results become part of the permanent record of City business. C. Filing Upon completion of Council action, or at the direction of the Council, all study reports will be forwarded to the City Clerk for inclusion in the official files of the City. STUDY CONTROL RECORD Study Title Study Number Date Assigned Date Completed l. Statement of the problem 2. Review of previous research Priority Date Due Date Submitted 3. Examination of current situation 4. Examination of similar situations 5. Analysis1ofi dfif6njatd~n ,~ 6. Identification of courses of action 7. Comparison of courses of action 8. Conclusions 9. Recommendations 10. Report preparation 11. Report reproduction 12. Report distribution 13. Comments: :l 4 '"'. l l ! ! I l I ( i > J I l ! l ' : i I d