HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-16; City Council; 944; Funds transfer requestT H E CITY OF C A R L S B A D, C A L I F'O R N I A 0 I Agenda Bill No. 944 Date: November 16, 1972 Subject: 7s Request for transfer of funds. Submitted By:. Jerome N. Pieti Purchasing Agent . .. . Statement Of the '.latter: submitted and approved, the Planning Department has undergone changes in function and organization. The number and type of capital outlay items required has changed. Accordingly, it is requested the City Council approve. the transfer of $150.00 from Planning Department Account 4-108-1 .l, Regul ar Salaries, to Account 4-1 08-9.1 , Capi tal Out1 ay, to accompl i sh the changes in capital. outlay items listed .below. . From the time the current budget was proposed, I tems Budgeted and Approved 2 Drafti-ng Tables 2 Drafting Stools 1 Steno Desk .& Chair Total $560.00 100.00 300.00 $96o.00 Exhibit Staff Recommendations 1. Staff recommends approval. 2. Finance Director concurs. .Items Currently Requested 1 Drafting Table $375.00 2 Gen Purpose Desks' 314.00 1 Steno Desk & . Typewriter Return ' 204.00 2. Desk Chairs 109.00 1 Steno Chair 47.50 $1 049.50 - Tax 52.48 Total $1101.98 -- c AB NO. Date: .- -. Ci t y Ma na ger ' s Re commen da ti on .. .. ... Co unci 1 A c ti on Authorization was given for the transfer of funds in the amount of $150.00 from Planning Dept. Acct#4-108-1;1, regular salaries, . to acct. 4-108-9.1 capital outlay for the items listed in this A/Bi 11. '11-21-72 . :: . . .. -2-