HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-29; City Council; 955; Amendment to Title 21 of Municipal Code•THE CITY -OF CARLSBAD- CAL-IFORNIA Agenda Bill NO. L pate.- November 29, 1972 Referred To: CITY COUNCIL subject: Amendments to Title 21, Sections 21.58.020, submitted By: 21.06.010, and 21.06.090, and the Addition of Planning Section 21.52.150, and Chapter 21.39 including Commission Sections 21.39.010 through 21.39.020. Statement of the Matter The subject recommended amendment to Title 21 - Zoning originated with the Planning Commission via Resolution of Intention No. 87 adopted on November 14, 1972. This amendment emphasizes the need for greater flexibility on the planning for lands outside the urbanized portion of the City and properties within the County of San Diego which may be subject to annexation. The proposed changes recommended to the City Council would provide this flexi- bility in the proper planning of the undeveloped portions of the City for both the City and developer. Exhibit 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 851 2. Staff Report Dated November .14, 1972 Staff Recommendati cms The staff recommends public hearing on this matter as required and Amendment to Title 21 in line with the Commission's resolution. No . .Date City Manager's Recommendation Counci1'Action " 2 " 1 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 851 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDMENTS TO 3 TITLE 21, SECTIONS 21.58.020, 21.06.070, 21.06.010 AND 21.06.090, AND THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.52.150 AND 4 CHAPTER 21.39 INCLUDING SECTIONS 21.39.010 THROUGH 21.39.020, 5 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Title 21, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the Planning Commission did on November 8 14, 1972, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the following amendments to Title 21, Sections 21.58.020, 21.06.070, 10 21.06.010 and 21.06.090, and the addition of Section 21.52.150 11 and Chapter 21.39 including Sections 21.39.010 through 21.39.020. 12 1. Section 21.58.020 Expiration. Any permit or variance granted 13 by the Planning Commission or City Council becomes null and void 14 if not exercised within the time specified in such permit or 15 variance, or if no date is specified, within one year from the 16 date of the permit or variance. 17 To Be Revised to Read: specifi 18 Section 21.58.020 Expiration. Any permit, variance or Plan 19| approval granted by the Planning Commission or City Council 20 becomes null and void if not exercised within the time 21 specified in such permit, variance or approval, or if no 22 date is specified, within one year from the date of approval. 2. Section 21.06.070 Classification of Annexed Lands and 24 Unclassified Property. Any un-prezoned property which is 25 annexed to the City and any property within the City limits,which 26 is unzoned is automatically zoned\R-l-l_Oy Unincorporated territory 27 or property adjacent to the City may be prezoned for the purpose of 28 determining a zone which will apply to such property in the event 29 of subsequent annexation to the City. The method of accomplishing 30 such prezoning shall be the same as that for changing zones on 31 property within the City. Such zoning shall become effective at 32 such time as the annexation becomes effective. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 To Be Revised to Read: Section 21.06.070 of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is hereby amended changing the zoning classification "R-l-10" to"L-C". 3. Section 21-06.010 Names of Zones. In order to classify, regulate, restrict and segregate the uses of land and buildings, to regulate and rest ct the height and bulk of buildings and to regulate the area of yards and other open spaces about buildings, and to regulate the density of population, twelve classes of zone are by this title established to be known as follows: R-A - Residential Agricultural Zone R-l - One-family Residential Zone R-2 - Two-family Residential Zone R-3L - Limited Multiple-family Residential Zone R-3 - Multiple-family Residential Zone R-W - Residential Water Way Zone RD-M - Residential Density-Multiple Zone R-T - Residential Tourist Zone R-P - Residential-Professional Zone C-l - Service Commercial Zone C-2 - General Commercial Zone C-M - Heavy Commercial-Limited Industrial Zone "M" - Light Manufacturing Zone P-M - Planned Industrial Zone P-U - Public Utility Zone P-C - Planned Community Zone To Be Revised to Read: Section 21.06.010 of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is hereby amended changing the phrase "twelve classes" to "seventeen classes" and adding the phrase "L-C - Limited Control Zone" immediately following (beneath) the phrase "P-C - Planned Community Zone". 4. Section 21.06.090 Area zoning symbols. Where a number follows the zoning symbol on the zoning map it shall represent the number of thousands of square feet of each zone as herein defined. If no number follows the zoning symbol, the areas prescribed in the article governing such zone shall apply. To Be Revised to Read: Section 21.06.090 Area zoning symbols. Where a number follows the zoning symbol on the zoning map it shall represent the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 minimum lot area required in lieu of the minimum area established in each zone as herein defined. If the number is a thousand or larger, it refers to square feet. If the number is a hundred or less, it refers to acres. If no number follows the zoning symbol, the area prescribed in the article governing such zone shall apply. 5. Add Section 21.52.150 to read as follows: Section 21.52.150 Review of Zone Changes. Zone changes, 'other than those initiated by the City, shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission one year after the reclassifi- cation has been granted. In those cases where the new zoning has not been utilized within the one year period, the Planning Commission shall consider whether the property should revert back to its original zone, remain as currently zoned, or be changed to a more appropriate zone. The Planning Commission may grant one extension not to exceed one year. 6. Add Chapter 21.39 including Sections 21.39.010 through 21.39.020 to read as follows: Chapter 21.39 L-C Limited Control Zone Section 21.39.010 Purpose - Permitted Uses. This zone is created as a limited control zone to allow the City to properly review development on any un-prezoned property which is annexed to the City and any property within the City limits which is unzoned. This zone is intended as an interim zone and shall be changed when proper studies can be conducted to determine the appropriate zone classification for the area, and by following the procedures as defined in this ordinance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The uses permitted are intended to be those that are found to be essentially consistent with the existing uses of the area. The following uses only shall be permitted in the L-C (Limited Control) Zone: 1. Any use permitted in the R-A Residential Agricul- tural Zone and, further, all provisions of the R-A Zone shall apply unless otherwise provided for in this chapter; 2. All other proposed uses shall be permitted only upon approval of a specific plan in conjunction with a reclassification of zone. Section 21.39.020 Minimum lot area. The minimum required area of a lot in the L-C zone shall be not less than five acres. WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the approval of the amendments necessary to carry out the purpose of Title 21, Sections 21.58.020, 21.06.070, 21.06.010 and 21.06.090, and the addition of Section 21.52.150 and Chapter 21.39 including Sections 21.39.010 through 21.39.020 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: 1. The provisional zone would place a time limit on development, thus avoiding restrictions on a piece of property for an indefinite period of time and the possibility of adversely adjoining properties. 2. The limited control classification would allow the City and/or developer to place proper guidelines on undeveloped portions of the City, thus avoiding premature or unwanted development. 3. The provision regarding minimum lot area designation would give the City or developer greater flexibility in the classification of property to be used strictly for estate lots. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby recommend to the City Council the adoption of the Amendments and Additions to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 14th day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Dewhurst, Forman, Norman, Jose, Little NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Dominguez, Palmateer ELMER H. JOSE, JR., Chairman ATTEST: EDMOND W. DOMINGUEZ, Secretary STAFF REPORT/MEMORAN November 14, 1972 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 21, SECTIONS 21.58.020,21.06.070, 21.06.010, AND 21.06.090, ANB THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.52.150, AND CHAPTER 21.39 INCLUDING SECTIONS 21.39 THROUGH 21.39.080. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 87, INITIATED BY PLANNING COMMISSION 010 Intention: There is a need for greater flexibility on the planning for lands outside of the urbanized portion of the City of Carlsbad and properties within the County of San Diego which may be subject to annexation. Present ordi- nances do not adequately protect the City from unwanted or premature development. Therefore, it is the intent of this report to propose some alternatives to the City for their consideration that would give them additional flexibility in planning these areas. Provisional Time Limitation Discussion: Tentative Maps and Conditonal Use Permits currently have time limitations prescribed by law. Also, Section 21.58.020 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes an expiration date on any permit or variance granted by the Planning Commission or City Council. The actions of the City that are not covered by time limitations include Zone Changes initiated by an individual and Specific Plans. Proposed Solution: For Zone Changes initiated for private development, staff suggests that a provisional zone classification be added to the zoning ordinance. This classification would be indicated by the letter "P" in parenthesis immedi- ately preceeding the symbols designating the zone to which the property is changed, i.e. (P) R-2. This "P" standard would simply establish a period of effectiveness in which time certain conditions must be met. In the case of a Zone change to allow a subdivision, the developer would be given a period of time in which to record a final map. For other forms of development, the "P" would be dropped with the issuance of building permits. The normal expiration date would be one year from date of approval with a provision allowing the Planning Commission to grant a one year extension of time if just cause can be shown. If conditions were not met within the allowed time.limit, the property would be reviewed by the Planning Commission and possibly revert back to its original zone. STAFF REPORT/MEMORAN ! Resolution of Intention No. 87 Page Two November 14, 1972 A time limitation on Specific Plan approvals the and Zoning Ordinance by changing the wording could be easily added of Section 21.58.020 to adding "specific plan approval" to permits and variances. Limited Control Zone Discussion: Section 21.06.070 of the Zoning Ordinance preseetly zones all un- prezoned property annexed to the City, and any unzoned property within the City, R-l-10,000. This provision does not gjve the City enough flexibility for the planning of these areas. Proposed Solution: Staff recommends that Section 21.06.070 automatically zoned L-C" and a new zone Zoning Ordinance. be changed to read " classification, L-C,be , . T s added to the The L-C Zone would be a limited control zone that would require approval of a Specific Plan for all uses proposed in that zone. The usestthat"weald be permitted in the L-C Zone would be those uses that are essentially consistent with the existing uses of the surrounding area. The L-C Zone is intended as an Interim zone and would be changed when proper studies could be made to determine the appropriate zone classification for the area. Estate Zoning Discussion: It is desirbble to have a zone classification that allows aonly large (1/2 acre, 1 acre, ete.) estate lots. The existing ordinance allows such a classification with one minor change for classification. Proposed Solution: Section 21.06.090 of the Zoning ordinance could be changed to read: "Where a number follows the zoning symbol on the zoning map it shall represent the minimum lot area required in lieu of the minimum area estab- lished in each zone as herein defined. If the number is a thousand or larger, it refers to square feet. If the number is a hundred or less, it refers to acres. If no number follows the zoning symbol, the areas pre- scribed in the article governing such zone shall apply." Recommendations: The Staff recommends approval of the amendments and additions to Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code for the following reasons: Reasons of Approval : 1. The provisional zone would place a time limit on development, thus avoiding unnecessary restrictions on a piece of property for an indefinite period of time and the possiblity of adversely affecting adjoining properties 2. The limited control classification would allow the City and/or developer to place proper guidelines on undeveloped portions of the City, thus avoiding premature or unwanted development. STAFF REPORT/MEMORAN 1_ Resolution of Intention No. 87 Page Three November 14, 1972 3. The provision regarding minimum lot area designation would give the City of developer greater flexibility in the classification of property to be used strictly for estate lots. 4. In general, the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance would give the City and developer greater flexibility in the proper planning of the undeveloped portions of the City. DONALD A. AGATEP, Planning Director