HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-29; City Council; 958; Tentative Map for CT 72-33 for 94-unit, 3 lot Condominium Development of Property Located in La Costa South Unit 1 2500 Navarra Drive Praver Brothers•THE CITY Agenda Bill No. OF W C A R L S B A D , Referred To: City Council AL-IFOKNIA Date: November 29, 1972 Subject.- TENTATIVE MAP FOR A 94-UNIT, 3-LOT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT NO. 1, 2500 NAVARRA, CARLSBAD TRACT 72-33. — Submitted By: PLANNING COMMISSION Statement of the Matter * The Planning Commission, at their regularly scheduled meeting of November 28, 1972, considered the proposed Tentative Map for a 94-unit, 3-lot condominium development on property Icoated in La Costa South Unit no. 1, 2500 Navarra, to be known as Carlsbad Tract 72-33. After a short discussion, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 857 recommending approval to the City Council . The documents itemized below complete this application for your further review and hearing. Exhibit 1 - Application 2 - Staff Report, dated November 28, 1972 3 - Department Sketch 4 - Resolution No. 857, announcing findings and decisions 5 - Applicant's Exhibits 6 - Environmental Impact Assessment 7- Resolution No. 3028, approving the Tentative Map Staff Recommendations Staff recommendations are more completely outlined in referenced staff report. C D AB No. Date: City Manager's Recommendation Council Action 12/5/72 Resolution No. 3028 was adopted, approving the Tentative Map for a 94-unit, 3-lot condominium development on property located in La Costa South Unit No. 1, 2500 Navarra, Carlsbad Tract No. 72.33. -2- Filing Date . Hearing Date ^Z/T k&'<X& Receipt No. ^Jx /?6 APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE MAP . PROPOSED NAME OF SUBDIVISION 2500 Navarra CAfcL'bfbAO TZACf "7 2. -'ib''* GENERAL LOCATION At end of existing cul-de-sac (Navarra Drive) in La Costa South r Unit 1 _ TOTAL ACREAGE 4.22- Acres NUMBER OF LOTS 3 MINIMUM LOT AREA (Sq.Ft.) _ ' MINIMUM FRONTAGE 67'- TYPE OF SUBDIVISION (Re s i den t i a ] , Com '• 1 , lnd'1) Condominiums PRESENT ZONE ^ft^ RO K * A^PROPOSED ZONE .^-3- g_OK " rf^~^---'— '-1--1— •^™~-1 "- ' "• ^ ^ .-r.^V-^-Bf-™ -- ^ NAMES OF NEW STREETS PROPOSED No public streets proposed PRE-FILING CONFERENCE HELD CDate) REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OR SURVEYOR WHO PREPARED TOUPS ENGINEERING, INC. MAP: By; Richard G. Grabhprn _ Vice President 5252 Balboa Avenue/ San Diego, California 92117 _ __.__ " CAddress) ' ~~~ THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION TO THE ZONING OR SUBDIVISION REQUIRE- MENTS ARE HEREBY REQUESTED: CGive reasons for mod i f tea t ions ; attach separate sheet if additional space Ts required] • _ None _ - _ ___ _^___ RECEIVED nni i Q 1972 CITY Of CARLSBAD Planning Department OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY (.Signatures) 9744 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 203 Praver Bros . Investments Beverly Hills, California 92012 " CA d d r e s s) ). \ LAddress) INamel • (Add res si SUBDIVIDER (Signature) 9744 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 203 _ _ Beverly Hills , California _92JQ12 PRAVER BROS^lsrblSTMENTS fN'otc: This Application will be filed with 20 bluelinc prTnts and and 1 brow line transparency of the Tentative Mop, prepared according to the specifications of Ordinance M o . 9 0 5 0 and amendments thereto, together with supplementary information and fees as required by > ,-• i d ordinance.) STAFF REPORT/MEMORflQuM fQfEMBER 28, 1972 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TENTATIVE MAP FOR A 94-UNIT, 3-LOT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED.IN LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT NO. 1, 2500 NAVARRA, CARLSBAD TRACT 72-33 APPLICANT: PRAVER BROTHERS INVESTMENT Report submitted by: City Manager, Engineering, Fire, Building, Parks & Recreation and Planning Departments General Discussion: The applicant proposes to develop a 94-unit condominium project at 2500 Navarra Drive in the La Costa Master Plan area. The total project area involves 4.22 acres in an RD-M zone, and will develop at a'density of 22.3 dwelling units per acre. The La Costa Master Plan allows a density of 43 dwelling units per acre. All grading, provisions for utilities (gas, electric, water) and improved public access was accomplished by a subdivi- sion granted by the County of San Diego. Additional restrictions for architecture, landscaping, and density are contained in the C.C. & R.'s administered by the La Costa Land Company. These restrictions are on file in the Planning Department. The proposed tentative map creates two lots for residential purposes and a third lot (lot #3) as a common ownership lot that will contain a parking structure and a recreational facility, The applicant proposes to provide 133 parking spaces on site and 36 spaces on the street within the development. City of Carlsbad parking requirements require 169 spaces on site for 94 dwelling units. (38 two-bedrooms and 56 one-bedrooms) Recommendations ; The staff recommends approval of the subject application for the following reasons and subject to the following conditions: Reasons for approval : 1. The proposed development complies with the provisions of the RD-M Zone. 2. The proposed development is in conformance with the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Ordinance 9050. Page Two Staff Report 2500 Navarra Conditions of Approval: 1. A landscaping plan per RD-M requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review. 2. All fire hydrants and fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with Fire Department requirements. 3. All improvement plans shall conform to City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans. 4. Improvement plans for water and sewer shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad and the responsible special service district. 5. Street lighting on Navarra Drive shall conform to require- ments set by the City of Carlsbad. Donald A. Agatep, Plannnng Directornn Date: November 13, 1972 Name of Applicant: Praver Bros. Investments Permit Applied For: Tentative Map Location of Proposed Activity: Westerly terminus of Navarra Drive ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT I. Background Information. 1. Description of Proposed Activity. The applicant proposes to construct 94 condominium units on 4.22 acres fronting Navarra Drive in the La Costa Master Plan area. Utilities, including gas, underground electric, and full street improvements already exist. The three lots to be subdivided have been graded. Deed restrictions on the three lots will regulate the architecture of the structures and will require landscaping provisions for the developments. Zoning (R-3) was granted under the County of San Diego and transferred to the City of Carlsbad when the La Costa area was annexed to the City. Further information regarding regulations for architecture, landscaping, off-street park- ing, and building maintenance is on file in the Planning Department as part of La Costa's CC & R provisions. 2. Description of Activity Area. The area containing the proposed activity is a developing neighborhood consisting of condominium projects on subdivided lots. Construction is presently under way for several condominium projects in the neighborhood. These developments were issued building permits under the County. Navarra Drive is a Cul-de-sac street with lots boarding both sides of the street. The subdivision is surrounded on the North, West, and South by the La Costa Golf Course, which offers the neighborhood abundant open space area. A minimum of grading is required for the condominium sites since architecture is adapted to the existing landscape in the neighborhood. 11. Environmental Impact Analysis. Yes No_ 1. Could the project significantly change present land uses in the vicinity of the activity? X_ 2. Could the activity affect the use of a recre- ational area, or area of important aesthetic value? 3. Could the activity affect the functioning of an established community or neighborhood? 4. Could the activity result in the displace- ment of community residents? 5. Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unique, that is, not found in other parts of the County, State, or nation? 6. Could the activity significantly affect a historical or archaelogical site or its setti ng? 7. Could the activity significantly affect the potential use, extraction, or conservation of a scarce natural resource? 8. Does the activity area serve as a habitat, food source, nesting place, source of water, etc. for rare or endangered wildlife or fish species? 9. Could the activity significantly affect fish, wildlife or plant life? 10. Are there any rate or endangered plant species in the activity area? 11. Could the activity change existing features of any of the city 's bays, lagoons, or tidelands? 12. Could the activity change existing features of any of the City's beaches? 13. Gould the activity result in the erosion of agricultural lands? Yes No 14. Could the activity serve to encourage development of presently undeveloped areas or intensify development of already developed areas? 15. Will the activity require a variance from estab- lished environmental standards (air, wster, noise, etc.)? 16. Will the activity require certification, authori- zation or issuance of a permit by any local, State, or Federal environmental control agency? _ 17. Will the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the City? 18. Will the activity involve the application, use, or disposal or ptentially hazardous materials? 19. Will the activity involve construction of facil- ities on a slope of 25 per cent or greater? 20. Will the activity involve construction of facil- ities in a flood plain? 21. Will the activity involve construction of facil- ities in the area of an active fault? 22. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of noise? 23. Could the activity result in the generation of significant amounts of dust? 24. Will the activity involve the burning of brush, trees, or other materials? 25. Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any portion of the region's air or water resources? (Should note surface, ground water, off-shore) 26. Will there be significant change to existing land form? (a) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubid yards. grading has been completed (b) percentage of alteration to the present land form. NA ._ (c) maximum height of cut or fill slopes. NA ._ 27. Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilities, sewers, drains or streets? III. Statement of No Significant Environmental Effects If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions in Section II, but you think the activity will have no signif- icant environmental effects, indicate your reasons below: Under 14. above The area in the vicinity of the activity is a newly developed residential neighborhood. Presently, several constructions of condominiums are in progress. Since, the subdivided area is a lot sales type of subdivision, and all streets and utilities are constructed, an intermittant pattern of development is occuring. The existence of the necessary utilities is thought to be a primary source of encouragement for development, while the actual construction of condominium projects would have a secondary effect on growth in the area. All new projects in the vicinity will, therefore, have some effect on encouraging further development until the entire subdivision is built out. It is believed that the affirmative answer to question 14 will not have a negative impact, since the pattern is established and no ill effects are present from that pattern. A proper assessment of the environmental impact in terms of services can not be made until a significant population resides in the neighborhood. Since, construction is rappidly taking place, a significant population (one where service demands are tangible) will exist within a short period of time. That population will occur without this proposal, however, via the construction already in progress. IV. Comments or Elaborations to Any of the Questions in Section II. This proposed activity requires the Environmental Impact Assessment at an intermediate point in the development process. Preliminary planning and zoning approvals have already been granted, therefore negating any question as to the use of land proposed in this activity. SIGNED BY: / .« E ft'o n J,,/ 01 i ng ho^Ji s e DATE: V. Conclus ions (To be Completed by the Planning Director) Further information is required. /\ It has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. It has been determined that the project could have significant environmental effects. An environmental impact statement will be submitted on BY: Pla"nni 'Director or Representativ< DATE RECEIVED: 11/I $/7*2- o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 857 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARLSBAD CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 72-33 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission did receive on November 28, 1972, a Tentative Map, to be known as Carlsbad Tract 72-33, submitted by Praver Brothers Investment, owner and subdivi- der, on property located in La Costa South Unit No. 1, 2500 Mavarra WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did consider the Tentative Map as submitted, comprised of three (3) lots; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the reports of the various City agencies and utility companies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Tentative Map be approved for the following reasons, and subject to the following conditions and limitations: Reasons of Approval: 1. The proposed development complies with the provisions of the RD-M zone. 2. The proposed development is in conformance with the City of Carlsbad Subdivision Ordinance 9050. Conditions of Approval: 1. A landscaping plan per RD-M requirements shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review. 2. All fire hydrants and fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with Fire Department requirements. 3. All improvement plans shall conform to City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans. 4. Improvement plans for water and sewer shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad and the responsible special service district. 5. Street lighting on Navarra Drive shall conform to requirements set by the City of Carlsbad. XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 o AND FINALLY RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad for its attention, in the manner prescribed by law. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission, held on the 28th day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Dominguez, Dewhurst, Forman, Little, Jose, Norman NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Palmateer ELMER H. JOSE, JR., Chairman ATTEST: EDMOND W. DOMINGUEZ, Secretary RESOLUTION NO. 30281 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING THE TENTATIVE 3 MAP FOR A 94-UNIT, 3-LOT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN LA COSTA 4 SOUTH UNIT NO. 1. CARLSBAD TRACT 72-33. 5 (Praver Brothers Investment) 6 7 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad 8 on the 28th day of November, 1972, recommended to the City Counci that the tentative map for a 94-Unit, 3-lot condominium develop- 10 ment, on property located in La Costa South Unit No. 1, Carlsbad 11 Tract 72-33, be approved; and 12 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 13 5th day of December, 1972, considered the recommendation of the 14 Planning Commission; 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of 16 the City of Carlsbad that the City Council does hereby approve 17 said tentative map for a 94-unit, 3-lot condominium development 18 on property located in La Costa South Unit No. 1, Carlsbad Tract 19 72-33, subject to the following conditions: 20 1. A landscaping plan per RD-M requirements shall be 21 submitted to the Planning Department for review; 22 2. All fire hydrants and fire protection appurtenances 23 shall be constructed in accordance with Fire Department require- 24 ments; 25 3. All improvement plans shall conform to City of 26 Carlsbad Engineering Design Criteria and Standard Plans; 27 4. Improvement plans for water and sewer shall be 28 approved by the City of Carlsbad and the responsible special 29 service district; and 30 5. Street lighting on Navarra Drive shall conform to 31 requirements set by the City of Carlsbad. 32 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the subdivider shall furnish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the U. S. Post Office, Carlsbad, California, with a copy of the final subdivision map. AND FINALLY RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to place a copy of this resolution in the usual course of mail, addressed to the subdivider at his address as shown on the tentative map. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 5th day of December, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. MVID M. DUNNE, Mayor City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California ATTEST: E. ADAMS, CCity Clerk (SEAL) -2-