HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-12-12; City Council; 981; APPRAISAL SURPLUS WATER PROPERTIESc a x, 1 F-0 H a CJ!RLSbh % J Decenber 12 k.' i, .F; CITY@ QP Date: Agenda ail1 No. TP/ ..Referred To: .. Su33ittecZ 1 '2 William C. ! Subject: ZiPPR\ISAL SURCLUS VEITER P29PXRTIES Asst. to c/: .. * , seatcn~nt of the ??ztter -. - . surplus Water Depaqtnent properties have been determined. to be following: 1. Bonsall property--11;62 akres - 2. 3. idIesa Reservoir. site "Sufip" property at Foussat'and Mission Road - 4. CAty Reservoir site $2--Arland and-Buena Vista Drive. Two reputable 1ocal.Licensed real estate brokers have bid' $1,450.00 and 1,650.00 respectively to appraise the four parcel - -i Exhibit staff ~econnonda teens - This appraisal is n'eeded to establish a firrn base price to offe these properties for bid. This will preclude discussion of "in -house" appraising. - .- 2. .. C. . - Decezber 12, I! a Date : e. ib. , * f' AB No. # n .. 3. . . City Manager's Recommendation The City Manager concurs with staff recommendations. . .. .. .I Co unci 1 A c ti on . 12-19-72 Authorization was given to retain a local real estate brc for appraisal of 4 arc-els of surplus water.property., fc the bid amount of $ P 450.00. .. . -2- t m 1) ___ .. sLI,21 p r/ 7-Lw7- - __ __ _... __ m P - /<$i J 5 &/ $ ,' ' :$ D, <: Pj n $/./,I & - - - -_- - __ __ __ __ .. A5SESSa/?- .Ir . /do- 270_-/3 - -__ ____ _ - . - _._ -_ - -_ - _- /& I- 0 R 1"s pn T/ (r Id &: 7-j4 , /iJ &-a /fRc/"--/ &?LJNT L" p - /i' 55/,'<', c: .',k '3 :ZP#iL L- J-k 4,-: I -J BfJf'Jl L- 670 fL / '"1 4 //;//7 -> c1 - -- - 4- > /?cot 6' i' TIL /.- LJL L-0 .__ - __ _.__ - Dcc, 5: :;-)Q53 -. . - - . .- fccc/=,Dt-o -3/15-/-? 2 - - - _._ . -__ __ . _. -- 7% c 7 -75- 3 -- - - ._ - ._ .______ - - - -_ __ __ - __ - - ._ - . - - /sT dt:rzK/(JX/w! J~~~~- LL.-Z~~~~--. eo. ._ __ - __ - __ - . -f?6. Bcx /c$T .- -~- ~- -- __ -- - Sh fiJ.J.4 ~- Afv,!] c4. --~~ ~_ - --. _ __ ___. - ._ - __-. _- - -~__ - X? ) 5 5-1 PL - /k /I * 7- ..- j f -* *- 72 6, J-) 5 - -- - __ -_ ;3,;. .I ./ 1 /, [ r':. 'r *<'7 24 L' .r'z _ 2: l,'c- /J - - //=.A F4k? e/-- -"&-/ -_ ---. -I- - z ,? 1 A .I - - ___ . - -- - .. ..*- - ___ ._ __.__ __ -_ - - /ST- jjmLE/c-/d 7j7;g- ;-L jT;;;"VfT - PA Y& _. - &Acd TAXt'S DfiL 6) d.8 K,/722 -4 l- . - - - - -__. _ ___ ~/?c-uc-,/;Gu - LCW 1 ?-.F iiF F;-:, Pic= 1" LY - - -- - __ __ ~ -- ---_ ~ - -~~- ~ __.. - - - - __.__ -- __ -- - -.-- ---- -~._ ___- ~ _.___ - ___-_ ________. . - --.. - - - ._ - _. ___ I - - ____ _. --- - .- -- ---_ - ____._ . ..>~uti? Gzt~: CA gCLu3 AND WHE*+ .F~ECD?OED m.\iL io r-city Clerk -7 City of Carlsbad -3-e ::r,.., DEr: zi 1; OFF f 5li;i SAN r3lz~0 c! HARLEY w. L 'J Li ',t BO //; ' ,, Exhibit "A" That portion of the easenent granted to the Carlsbac' ~utual !47ateir Company, recorded i.n the Office of the liecorder, San Diegc Ccunt~ California, January 2, 1945, in Book 1794, Page 205 of Official - Records, lying 10.00 feet on each side of a line described as f 0 1 lows : Commencing at the intersection of the westerly line of Lot "I" of Rancho Aqua Hedionda, in the County of San Diego, State of Califo according to map thereof No. 823, filed November 16, 1896, record of said county: and the cer,ter line of rvlonroe Street as shown on map of Thun Lands No- 1681, filed Decercber 9, 1915, records of sa county: said point of intersection being also the most northerly corner of Bellavista, accor2ing to map thereof No. 2152, filed March 7, 1929, records of said county; thence south 28'39' East along the easterly line of said Bellavista 397.56 feet to an angl.1 point; thence continuing along the easterly line of said Bellavis South 26'11' West 520.04 feet to a point; thence South 63O49' Eas 425.00 feet to the most southerly corner of land conveyed to R. id Poindexter, by deed recorded July 26, 1941 in Book 1221, Page 14 of Official Records: thence Sorth 26'11' East 1121.25 feet along the southeasterly line of said Poindexter's land: thence North 58O14'25" East continuing along the said southeasterly boundary of Poindexter's land, a distance of 177.91 feet to a point of beginning of the center lire of the easement recorded January 2, in Book 1794, Page 205 of Official Records; thence leaving the sa southeasterly boundary of Poindexter's land and through land conv to Donald A. Briggs Farm Prozuce by deed recorded October 13, 194 Official Records; thence South 8O18'40" East 1750.90 feet to a po thence south 23'27'20" East 540.08 feet to a point; thence south 3O03'40" West 2802.68 feet to a point; thence south 40°25'20" Eas 14.53 feet to the TREE POIFT OF BEGINNING of the easement to be quitclaimed; thence continuing South 40'25'20" East 282 -89 feet t an angle point at the southwesterly extremity of that certain lin having a bearing of North 45'51'10" East 511.07 feet, said line as shown in the description of land conveyed to Donald A. Briggs Farm Produce b:y deed reccrc'ed October 13, 1944 in Official Record Said 20.00 foot wide strip shall be extended and shortened so tlia the northerly end thereof shall terminate on. the easterly side li and its southerly prolongation of that certain course havifig a bearing of South 3O03 '40" >Test. -. . * * t. ._-- . .- - im GE/JaTE-5 mE7-10w OF OJA 7-CP (=:Ji?5&rj.fu7 ecQY 70 .(3 c c3'L// ?x:[ A iec-0. /74q /-wGE2c25 C8.E //Z,+5 /q TT/3cM*4 1 /E& A 0 * I. am LI'I 1. vi LIlL<IIaD)LuJ - Inter-Of fi cc Correspondence -- --- _-___I__I_l_l__ -_I_- -- -- -- _I_- - --------__-- I_ 4- CITY CLERK -l_l--l -- '1'0 : FROM: Enqineering Department SUBJECT: QUITCLAIM DEED OF WATER LINT November 15, 19 -- EASEMENT - LOCATED SOUTH OF _I__-. ---------- - CLEARVIEW DRIVE --. ---I_ __- -I__.. -___- MZSSPGE : The City Council on November 8, 1972 by motion, authorized the Mayor to execute subject Ccitclaim Deed. Please have the Mayor execute the attached document. After execution, contact Pannonia Investment Corp. , 10229 Calif Avenue, South Gate, California 90260, and they will reco.rd subj Quitclaim Deed in the Recorder's office. Please have Pannonia furnish the Engineering Department a copy of the recorded docurr i/ --_- / dL.G Attachmcnts:Quitclaim If reply requested, Deed check here: NA Signature Dick SpreKeY - ,%3PLY: -- Date : -- -- -_-I__--- -- - 8 .~ " 1. ' I. m 5 ditp of Carl$bab 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbab, California 92008 !iovmber 3.5, 7,372 Pannonia It~~t?~t~ient Corporation L I11;le~rood. Cal ifcrnia 93303 /< 3433 llest 139th Street Gent1 ellien: E:icIosed is a fiifly exacuted Quitclaim Deed from the City of Carlsbad to Psnnonia Investment Corporation, as author- ized at a regular neeting of the City Council on FJovenber 8, 1'372. Nhen the recorded Jocur:lefit is returned to you !1o~i1b you please send us a copy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Yours truly, c 0 P v Virginia M. Smith Deputy City Clerk Enclosure