HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-24; City Council; 1028; TAXES CITY LEASED AT&SF PROPERTY41 CITY J F CARLSBAD,CALJTFOKA/XA Agenda Bill Wo Date: January 24, 1973 'Referred To: Subject: TAXES ON CITY LEASED-A.'T.S S.F. PROPERTY Submitted By: WiHiara C. Baldwin Asst. to C/Mgr. t eno n t of The .Santa Fe Railway again is requesting that we pay the taxes on the depot and the alley -park-ing parcel between 'State Street and the railroad tracks, Elm and Grand Avenues. The Railroad !s first request was in the amount of $1,980.00 for the 1970-71 tax year. I contacted the State Board- of Equilization and after several meetings , they have reduced the taxes for 1972-73 'to $1,766.03. Exhibit 1. Letter from A.T.& S.F. Railway 2.- Copies of leases with changes requested (payment of taxes) 3. Letter from State Board of Equalization. Staff Recommendations From discussion with the City Attorney we find that the master lease does provide for the payment of taxes on the improvements. However, if the Council does_not agree to pay these taxes, the Santa Fe has 'a provision for a 30 day .notice of cancellation of the leases. The previous City Council refused a similar request two or three years'ago.. The Santa Fe'dropped their request for payment at that time., ' * Pate: January 24 f 1973 Ci ty Manager's Re common da^i_o n . • Should we continue to refuse to pay the taxes on this property, the . A.T.& S.F. Riii.lv/ay Company may very well cancel our lease. In this case the Chamber of Commerce would be dispossessed from their offices. Our basic problem seems to be with the State Board of Equalization rather than 'with the railroad which is simply trying to recover costs engendered by our lease of the property. I would suggest we pay the taxes and en- deavor to have the State Board of Equalization set a more realistic valua- tion on our leasehold, which is really simply an effort to preserve and maintain a building of local historical importance-. If you wish to pay the taxes on this property it .will be necessary to appropriate $1,767 from the General Fund Reserve to Account 1-104-R.5, -General Government Buildings-Rental of Land, and Buildings. Payment of these taxes-and-our budgeted contribution ($22,000) to the Chamber of Commerce will make the total City allocation to the Chamber $23,76.7. This is about the largest small city Chamber contribution in California. During budget discussions for fiscal year 1973-74 mutual efforts should be made- to assist them to'become more self-supporting financially and gradually reduce our contribution to a more typical level. Council'Action -2- Ths Atcli!3Dii,T-opB-ka and Santa ?5 Hallway Company A Ssn'3 fs Industries Company 121 East Sixth Stresf, Los Angeles, California 90014, Telephona 213/628-0111 Ext.22529 June 11, 1973 Files: H-62001 & AX-70428 Mr. William C. Baldwin Assistant to the City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Baldwin:, » We note that we have received no response from the City to our letter of February 21 and tracer of April 2 concerning the status of supplemental agreements amending contracts, Santa Fe's Nos. 57016 and 68228, covering sites which the City has under lease from Santa Fe. I am sure you can understand that we feel it essential that this matter be resolved as quickly as possible. Therefore, while we have attempted to answer all questions that have been raised, I am wondering if there are additional questions that you might have which are responsible for the delay in completing this matter. If this is the case, perhaps a meeting would help to clarify this matter. Mr. Bentlcy will be pleased to come to Carlsbad to meet with you and would suggest either June 19 or 20 at 10:00 a.m. Please advise which of these dates would be 'satis- factory to you. In the event neither date is satisfactory, would appreciate you suggesting a date and time that would be satisfac- tory. * Yours very truly, D. G. Ruegg, General Manager By W. D. Bentley 7 Supervisor of Contracts The Atchison,Tcpeka ssrJ Santa Fe Railway Company — A Santa Fe Industries Company 121 East Sixth Street, Los Angeles, California 90014, Telephone 213/628-0111 . Ext. 22529 June 27, 1973 Files: H-62001 & AX-70428 Mr. William C. Baldwin Assistant to the City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbai, California 92008 Dear Mr. Baldwin: I appreciate very much the opportunity to meet with you on June 20 in an effort to clarify Santa Fe's position regarding the payment of taxes on those sites which the City has under lease from Santa Fe. As I explained to you when the State Board of Equalization places a parcel of leased railroad property in the non-unit category, it results in an increase in taxes on that particular parcel. Attached are copies of the Exhibit A prints from the contracts we have with the City on which is shown outlined in red that portion of the leased property which the State Board of Equalization has classified in the non-unit category. That area shaded blue has not, as yet, been placed in the no>n-unit category. Also attached is a breakdown of the 1972-73 taxes as assessed by the SEE on these leased areas. You will note that $213.93 has been assessed against the blue shaded area. As I advised you, since this area is still carried in the unit category, we would have payed these taxes even if the property had not been under lease to the City. Therefore, we are not requesting that the City reimburse us for these taxes, and will not do so so long as the area remains in the unit category. However, the remaining taxes in the amount of $1,835.44 were additional taxes incurred as a direct result of our making the area available to the City and we feel it is only equitable that the City reimburse us for these additional taxes, particularly since we are making this property available rent free to the City. I have taken the liberty of making additional copies of both the prints and the tax breakdown. I am also attaching a copy of the letter our attorney, Mr. R. B. Curtiss, addressed to Mr. Kenneth C. Frank, League of California Cities, in response to a question he had raised — 2 — regarding the situation at Carlsbad. While responding to your particular situation, this letter very well outlines Santa Fe's policy regarding matters such, as this. Primarily, so long as we are not faced with additional tax burden, our property will be made available rent free to public agencies for beautification and park purposes where such use does not interfear with railroad operation or prospective plans we might have for the property in question. We will, however, expect to be reimbursed for any additional taxes we might incur, and as I told you, the State Board of Equalization does not appear to be inclined to give consideration to leaving these areas in the unit category where they lie outside what might be considered a normal width operating right of way. If you should have further questions regarding this matter, I would appreciate very much hearing from you. Very truly yours, D. G. Ruegg General Manager By W. D. Bentley 7 Supervisor of Contracts • >, i j ."•' . - • /*' S "\ Tfeo Aec?32r;C?i,Tr>-.:cr:^. anft Sasita Ke n^IIway Company *<•-.»... ..i^.--, i Si. V rf. V/ ^,..,, i " * . . .••-.. . . 5 — A Santa fo Industries Company A 121 Cast Sixth Street. Los Angeles, California 90014, Telephone 213/628-0111 June 15, 1973 120-4 RBC Mr. Kenneth C. Prank Staff Assistant • • League of California Cities . 1108 "0" Street Sacramento CA 95814 Dear Mr. Frank: Apparently your letter of June 12 addressed to me in , San Francisco crossed my letter to you of June 13 regarding the Santa Fe's policy regarding landscaping of railroad rights of way. The situation in Carlsbad is different from the usual situation in which a portion of an operating right of way is permitted witnout charge to be landscaped by a public agency. The Carlsbad property is a sizable parcel rectangular in shape which is leased not just for landscaping but for a public park, public parking and a City museum which occupies an old railroad station which, incidentally, was donated to the City without charge. By entering.into the leeise the Santa Fe incurred a direct and immediate increase in taxes on the property because the property was then assessed by the State Board of Equalization as non-operating property and separately taxed on a basis equi- valent to local property taxation. We do not consider it un- reasonable where we enter into a lease for public purposes of this sort to expect the local agency at least to reimburse us for property taxes on the property so that we are not actually out of pocket in entering into the arrangement but are only coming out even. This is a valuable piece of property which could probably be devoted to a commercial use which would produce a substantial income to the Santa Fe. Furthermore the tax burden was created as a direct result of entering into the lease. In other similar situations our policy has been the same as with the City of Carlsbad. The policy referred to at the March 8 meeting and reiterated in my June 13 letter relates to landscaping licenses or leases of operating right of way entering into which does not increase our tax burden. Operating properties are assessed by the State Mr. Kenneth C. Frank - 2 - • Juno IS, 1973 Board as a unit v;ith a value being placed upon our overall operation in California and spread over the entirety of the operating properties. V?here the Board, however, treats a railway property as non-operating or non-unit there is an immediate and direct tax increase because we pay taxes equivalent to county taxes on the non-unit property and have no reduction in our overall unit or operating property tax. So far as I know up to now the Board has not eliminated from the unit strips of right of way licensed for landscaping and consequently entering into such licenses does not impose an increased tax burden upon us. If, however, the Board were to do so and we were unsuccessful in persuading it otherwise I have to say that we would intend to ask the local agency to reimburse us for the increased tax burden resulting from the landscaping. , Very truly yours, Robert B. Curtiss RBC mp cc Messrs. Taggart, Vorkink, Bridges, Lyon, Ruegg (BD-59027) >v — THE ATCHISON, TOPEK A AN D SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY OPERATING DEPARTMENT • 121 East Sixth Street, Los Angeles, California 90014 • 213/628-0111 Ext.22528 January 10, 1973 H-62001 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: I shall appreciate your advising when the supplemental agreements to leases, our contracts Nos. 57016 and 68228, covering leases of sites for parking of automobiles and office building at Carlsbad, California, to provide for payment of taxes will be executed by the City and returned for completion by Santa Fe. Very truly yours, D. G. Ruegg, General Manager By Supervisor of Contracts .Ufcj^ -.THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY OPERATING DEPARTMENT • 121 East Sixth Street, Los Angeles, California 90014 • 213/628-0111 Ext.22529 November 6, 1972 H-62001 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: You presently have in effect two agreements with us, dated October 16, 1953, and March 15, 1963, and identified in our records as Contracts Nos. 57016 and 68228, respectively, covering lease of sites for parking of automobiles and office building. These sites are currently being made available to the City for the small amount of $106.46 per year. Even though these sites would produce a substantially greater return to Santa Fe if used for industrial or commercial purposes, as an accommodation to the City and in the interest of being good neighbors, we are willing to continue to make these sites available at no increase to the City insofar as rental is concerned. However, whenever a piece of railroad property is put under lease, the State Board of Equalization classifies such property as non-operative and taxes it separately. This handling amounts to an increase in our taxes, since there is not a corresponding decrease in the taxes paid on the remainder of our property. This tax increase is a direct out-of-pocket expense which for the tax year 1970-71 amounted to $1,980.00 for the two sites under lease. I trust you can agree that it is neither appropriate nor equitable for Santa Fe to assume this additional expense, particularly since we already pay our full share of taxes to the City. Therefore, attached are two copies each of supplemental agreements amending the existing contracts to provide for reimbursement of taxes. Please have these documents executed by the person authorized to sign on behalf of the City and enclose evidence of authority for this person's signature. Return all copies for completion by Santa Fe. Executed copies will be returned to you. Your cooperation and prompt handling will be appreciated. Very truly yours, D. G. Ruegg, Acting General Manager Supervisor of Contracts SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, made as of this 3rd day of October . j 19_72 j between THE ATCHISONj TOPEKA AND SANTA FE - ' ' RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Santa Fe", and CITY OF CARLSBAD hereinafter, whether one party or more, referred to as "Second Party". RECITALS: Santa Fe and Second Party are now parties to a contract dated October 16,—1953 1 Santa Fe's Secretary's Contract No. 57016 } together with any and all modifications, sup- plements and amendments thereto, being hereinafter referred to as "Original Contract", under i which Second Party pays Santa Fe a compensation of $—17 . 74 per year for the use of • a portion of Santa Fe property at or near Carlsbad, San PiJego County, California [__ as a site for parking automobiles. i • i ' The parties desire to modify the Original Contract as hereinafter provided. : ".-' i "'-Z7~. " " -. i ... . • ... . ... -..." _ "'. _"."-'*• \ "' AGREEMENT : / L - It is mutually agreed that effective October 16, 1972 — the compensation section of the Original Contract is hereby changed to read, as follows: "Second Party shall pay to Santa Fe on or before the first day of each period of one year during the continuance of this contract as compensation for the use of the Premises for such period the sum of Seventeen and 74/100--- Dollars (S 17.74 ). Santa Fe may revise the amount of sucn3nnua.1 compensation after the end of each five (5) year period during which this contract may remain in ef- fect, and without affecting the right of either party hereto to terminate this contract at any time as may be provided elsewhere herein." It is also mutually agreed that Second Party shall reimburse Santa Fe promptly upon receipt of statement therefor, for all general taxes which , are during the term of this contract levied upon or assessed against the Premises, and in the event that such taxes are levied or assessed against a larger parcel of which the Premises constitute only a part, such reim- bursement by Second Party shall be in the amount of such tax equitably or fairly apportionable to the Premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Supplemental Agreement in duplicate as of the day and year first above written. THE ATCHISON. TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY Its_ CITY OF CARLSBAD Its (Second Party) s, Fe Origins.! SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT, made as of this 3rd .fry of October , 19_Z2_, between THE ATCHISON. TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Santa Fe", and CITY OF CARLSBAD hereinafter, whether one party or more, referred to as "Second Party". RECITALS: Santa Fe and Second Party are now parties to a contract dated March 15,—1963 , Santa Fe's Secretary's Contract No. 68228 f together with any and all modifications, sup- plements and amendments thereto, being hereinafter referred to as "Original Contract", under which Second Party pays Santa Fe a compensation of S 88. 72 per year for the use of a portion of Santa Fe" property at or r»»ai- Carlsbad. San Diego County. California as a site for office building. The parties desire to modify the Original Contract as hereinafter provided. I - : 1 ' AGREEMENT It is mutually agreed that effective- December 31, 1972 the compensation section of the Original Contract is hereby changed to read, as follows: 'Second Party shall pay to Santa Fe on or before the first day of each period of one ; during the continuance of this contract as compensation for the use of the Premises for | ; such period the sum of Eighty Eight: and 72/100 Dollars j ' (S 80.72 ). Santa Fe may revise the amount of such annual compensation j after the end of each five (5) year period during which this contract may remain in ef- ». feet, and without affecting the right of either party hereto to terminate this contract at : any time as may be provided elsewhere herein." j It is also mutually agreed that Second Party shall reimburse Santa Fe • promptly upon receipt of statement therefor, for all general taxes which | , are during the term of this contract levied upon or assessed against the • Premises, and in the event that such taxes are levied or assessed against : a larger parcel of which the Premises constitute only a part, such reim- [ • bursement by Second Party shall be in the amount of such tax equitably or fairly apportionable to the Premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Supplemental Agreement in duplicate as of the day and year first above written. THE ATCHISON, TOPEEA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY By : ; Its. CITY OF CARLSBAD By Its (Second Party) . f i STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Valuation Division P. 0. Box 621? Santa Ana, California 92706 ,\ Ax January 12, 1973 GEORGE R. REILLY Firit District, San Francisco JOHN W. LYNCH Second District, Fresno WILLIAM M. BENNETT Third District, San Rafael RICHARD KEVINS Fourth District, Pasadena HOUSTON I. FLOLJRNOY Controller, Sacramento W. W. DUNLOP Executive Secretary IN REPLY REFER TO: for. William Baldwin City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Baldvdn: I write with reference to your lease or leases with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company. Recently, I discussed these leased parcels with the tax department and was informed that the taxes for 1972-73 allocated to the City of Carlsbad are $1,766.03.. I suggest that you contact the real estate department of the A. T. & S. F. Ry Co, if you have any questions. Very truly yours, R Area Office Administrator RPR-.jms cc: Hdqtrs. Hon. John W. Lynch Leases.AB o - 73 ~ '"' &/€* J/.37? \ >':' '< fY "[, f- ' F V M ! R 1 T k * /\ "1_- /\ ii J t,~J ! I f i ATTACH HO TC CONTRACT GETWEEN H 7 AT C H I S O N . T O r E K A A r J 0 S A N T A F E R A ! L W A Y C O M PA N Y AND CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO. CALIF. DECRMoER Ofc DESCRIPTION CORRECT J.W. COWQOY ' *£w6^—-"-.-/-— i ! aoo so' so u-i W ft) 1 W i ?C * - ~ ^ F iS' it i -~5T X -,«T 11 -- -£ /— M W •<vr - -. -L&: <-.„. .-'•=..*. — . — <J ~ £ ^: ^•\ >^p?c,r SCALi:': 5s VT' \rr— — iv \Z - -i-r. „ f O • ' Z * u ft ?v 10 /' r i?/. '-:.. f.;- 7, ___..,_. - » L_ V ?T 1 *"C- 9 -J'x- - ^--J ^ v! '- • •* •! - i; .<- - - '•""j; IN. • a 'j/=. •5 '^ . — •Tr . — TO jT, 7 rai - -VS ^d tvC ^ "~ " Oc-v Z~* ^">\ DIVISION \OO FT. '/<5 5 , :^J 'rll^ /•J - \1 y •- C-T - -''-) -- — . — — f 3 70 / j_-i^' '../•: 71 5T. t 6'~ . I .,z /- . - -y^ -71 — "v -X = — Et 5_^. -*•'** <f\~, i SGJWt L-J M f r X K- ' — — :t-:r O ^ ? " O ' c ^POVCR V-IN3 j ,., """~| " eoo MO'.DCl. JCT. 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