HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-20; City Council; 1025; Annual Street Resurfacing & Sealing ProgramTHE - CITY CF CARLSPAD, CALIFOR?IIA -- - +l Agenda Bill ':o. -_ 26 3s Referred To: Date Feb. 20, 1973 Subject : Submitted By: Annual Street Resurfacing and Sealing Program Public Works Director Contract No. 1013 - Statement of the Matter Plans and specifications have been completed for 1972-73 street resurfacing and sealing program. Most of the streets included in.the program were approved by the Council on Dec. 5, 1972. Additional streets were added to the sealing program as a result of availability of revenue sharing funds. Miscellaneous drainage and pavement failure repair prior to resurfacing is also included. The Council requested that we investigate whether Highland, Park and Hillside Drives should be included. Park Dr. is next on the priority list for a cap, and has been included. Highland Dr. does not require structural treatment and, therefore, has been included in the slurry seal portion. Hillside Dr. was recently resurfaced and does not warrant further action at this time. The Engineer's estimate for the contract is $60,000. The estimate for drainage and pavement failure repair is $15,000. The latter work will be accomplished as a maintenance item prior to construction. Funds are available as follows: Acct. #W-5024 $30,000 Acct. #1-113-4.1 20,000 Revenue Sharing 25,000 $75,000 - Exh i b i t 1. Sketch showing streets to be resurfaced (revised). 2. Sketch showing streets to be sealed (revised). 3. Plans, specifications and Engineer's estimate (available in office of 4. Resolution no. 3070. City Engineer). -- Staff Recornmenda t ions Adopt Resolution no. 3070: 1. approving plans and specifications, and 2. authorizing City Clerk to advertise for bids to be opened at 2:OO PM on March 21, 1973. I- C Date: Feb. 20, 1973 AB No. . .. . .. '. . City Manager's Recommendation .- . Concur. *. . .. .. Council' Action 2-20--73 Resolution #3070 was adopted, approving. *plans and specifications * for the annual street resurfacing and sealin'g p'rogram, with the . inclusion of Park Dr. for capping, Highland Dr. for slurry seal ' and the exclusion of Hillside Dr. . .* I '. .. .. .. .. -2- s SCALE l'-tOw' STREET RESURFACING OVERLAY PROGRAM (A.C. Cap) - Street - Fran Tons S.F. - To . - 175,000 1,632 ' Carlsbad Blvd. Tierra Del Oro Manzano 91.800 490 Val ley Elm Basswood Jefferson Magnol ia Sandra 24.750 262 Grand Ave. State St. Jefferson Chestnut El Camino Real Monroe ' 76,840 455 TOTALS 610,390 4,666 EXHIBIT 1 9 SCALE I’=zQK)’ STREET SEAL PROGRAM F rcm - To Area-SF ’ Carlsbad Blvd. Elm Redwood 226,786 Elm Avenue 1-5 Clsbd Elvd 175,460 Roosevelt St. Grand Post Office 28,980 Harbor View AI I 11,900 Cynthia Lane AI 1 13,080 Ealdwin Lane A1 I 10,800 Davls St. A1 I 24.100 Davis Place AI 1 6,120 Valley Place AI 1 9,520 Trieste Orive 50’ N/Strmberg end 24,000 Catal ina Drive Chestnut Southerly 3,600 Stranberg Circle All 6,800 Cameo Road A1 1 32,300 Donna Or ive Jan i s Gaylc 23,900 Linda Lane A1 1 . 22,800 8ueM Place All 19,800 Yvette Way A1 1 17,000 Ann Orive AI 1 ’ 18,560 Street - - Sandy Place AI 1 5.400 .EXHIEIT 2 --- 8 9 lo l2 l3 .' I -= Annual Street Resurfacing and Sealing Program have been prepared, and WHEREAS, said plans and specifications have been filed with the office of the City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad and are incorporated herein, and 1 ' that it is necessary and in the public interest to resurface and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad has determine I RESOLUTION NO, 307'0 15 t l8 l9 *' 21 22 23 24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON CONTRACT 1013, THE ANNUAL STREET RESUR- -- FACING AND SEALING PROGRAM NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specification as presented are hereby approved and the City Clerk of the City is authorized and directed to proceed to publish in accordance with law, notice to bidders calling for bids for the service herein above described, in accordance with the specifications herein above referred to, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held February 20, 1973 by the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. 30 31 1 ATTEST: / I I DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California 6