HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-27; City Council; 1056; FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT'-THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA • Agenda Bill NO.' /$, ~fe /03& Date Feb. 27. 1973 Referred To: CITY COUNCIL Subject:FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR TRI-CITY AUTO DEALERS" ASSOCIATION Submitted By: PLANNING COMMISSION " Statement of the Matter * The Final Environmental Impact Report for Tri-City Auto Dealers' Association was considered at the regular meeting on February 13, 1973. The analysis as presented by Staff, based on environmental information submitted, was accepted/approved and recommended to the City Council. Exhibit 1. Final E.I.R. - Analysis by Staff 2 E.I.R. - Prepared by E.J. Olinghouse Staff Recommendations Staff recommends acceptance of Final E.I.R DATE AB No.Date: Feb • 27, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation It appears any environmental impact due to this development has already occurred and further development would have a favorable result due to landscaping and park development. Approval of the final E.I.R. is recommended. Comments in the E.I.R. directed to adjacent properties should be considered at such time as E.I.R.'s on those properties are heard. Council Action -2- cnv OP CARLSBAfl ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR TRI-CITV AUTO VEALERS ASSOCIATION TO: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR TRI-CITV AUTO DEALERS' ASSOCIATION PREFACE: The. £nte.nt ofa the. e.nvi.h.onme.ntat impact fie.pofit i.A imp£<ic*.t -in the. u)o/id<ing o$ the. "Ca£<i£ox.nia Envyin.onme.ntal. QuaX-i-ty Act" o& 7970, aA Jit pe.tita-inA to e.nv<iionme.ntat quality be-ing a po&-it<iv<i ua£ue to human ne.e.dA both in the. pne.be.Yit and -in the. £utu./ie.. Many appJioac.he.& to the. dt&c.<jLi>£*.on o& •du.bj'e.ct O.H<LOJ> c.onta<ine.d wi.th<in the. e.nv<ifionme.ntaJt -impact fie.po^tt ne.Qte.c.t to i.nc.on.pon.ate. tk<it> i.nte.nt a* the. j{oca4 o& the.*.*. fitLpotit and osLe. have. the. sie.Au£t<ing e.fi£e.c.t o$ placing a Qtizatix. i.& on motie. qu.anti.tat<ive., economic, and "on A-ite." (7iea.4aA.e4 ofi <impac.tA . It i.& the. opinion o& the. Aeu^cew agency that the. diafit >ie.potit pJie.patie.d by E. J. 0£i.nghouAe. ^on. the. Auto Ce.nte.fi px.oje.c.t provide.* a good example o$ an approach which u.t-itize.6 the. inte.nt and n\e.aning o{> the. taw, to ac.hie.ve. a moie. hot-itt-ic. and qualitative. aAAe.AAmc.nt o/ the. pSLOJe.c.t'A impact. The, £cttou)i.ng ^-inat x.e.pox.t pA.epaA.ed by the. Ptanni.ng Ve.pax.t- me.nt i.4 m2.-te.ty an e.ndox.Ae.me.nt and Au.mmax.-izati.on o£ the. dx.a{,t e.nvi.x.onme.ntat impact x.e.pox.t pA.epaA.ed by Tx.i.-Ctty Auto flea£eA..i ' htAoc-iat'ion. The. dx.a&t x.e.pox.t, a-6 4u.6irK.tted, meet6 the. -inte.nt, Aequx.Aement4 and gui.de,ti.ne.A o£ the. State. LOM and the. gu.-i.de.Line.& omtt-ine.d Ln Re-6 . Wo. 3077 o& the. Ci.ty o& CatttAbad Env-lx.onme.ntat Piote.ctlon Act o& 1972. It JLt> t>u.gge.Ate.d that the. dtiafat pA.epaA.ed by MA.. 0£<Lnghou.Ae. be. A.eu^.ewed jJoA. a moA.e complete e-6 4 me.nt oft tke, pioje.c.t'A -impact* . SECTION \ - RELATIONSHIP TO 1NTEMT OF I Aft/ , the. Atate.' & pot^icy -i& to develop and maintain a hi.gh-qu.at,ity e.nv<ix.onme.nt both now and Ln the. ^ujtu.A.e by Aeqiu.A.tng goueA.nmen^a£ agenc/ce4 at ait £e.ve.£& to develop 4tandaA,d4 and pA.ocedaA.e-6 whi.c.h c.on&-ide.fi quat-Ltat-Lve. faac.to>it> a4 we.U a4 econow^c and te.chni.cat fiactou i.n en^aA-cng the iong-te.sun piote.ct<lon and e.nhance.me.nt o$ e.nv<LsLonme.ntat quat-ity. Each agency oft the. btate. J.A fi<L&pon&-ibte., thx.ou.gh -it* ptanni.ng , jJoA. the. -impte.me.ntati.on o$ the.&e. poti.c-i<L& . In mo&t tocat and county gove.ft.nine.ntat agcnc-ie.* the. compsie.he.nt'ive. ge.ne.siat ptan <i& the. pAx.maA.i/ ve.hi.cte. thx.ou.gh wk-ich iacfi Atate. mandated AeQLu.A.ewent4 aA.e <impte.me.nte.d. The. mo&t vtabte. ptan <i& one. wh-ich at-iti.ze.-f> a &y&te.ma.tic approach (JoA, ^nteAA.e£at^.ng plan goat* and pot-ic-ie.6 w<ith actu.at px.acti.ce.. The. taw &tat<L& that the. "inte,x.x.e.tat-ion-!>h-ip o & poti.c-ie.-f> and px.acti.ce.A i.n the. manage.we.nt o& Yia.tu.nat Ae-4oaA.ce4 and a'a4te di&po&at x.e.qu.-ix.e.'f, Ay&te.matic and conce.X.te.d e.fc&ox.t* by public and px.i.vate. i.nte.x.e.At£ to enhance enu-tA.onmenta£ quat-ity and to contx.ot e.nv-ix.onme.ntat pottut-ion." A-6 A.ep'te-6 en-ted in the. tiipont Aubmitte,d by Tfii.-C.itu Auto Ve.ate.stA' ±.±Aoci.ation, a. Ay&to.mati.c anatyAiA inv o tv e.A inte.fi- tiQ.JLa.t4.YiQ cusifie.nt psiacti-ce.A and poticie.A ojj att te.ve.tA o & gove.sinme.nt afi&e.cte,d by on. ha.vi.ng j ustiA di cti o n ove.fi the. psioje.ct 'i a.tJiy Ca^t^bad' 4 pn.a.c.t-ic.<L& and pot-ic-ie.*) , a com- ana£t/4-c4 oj( what e^ec£6 can fae expected on an£t- c<Lpat<id && a. fi^&Uitt ofi the. ptLOje.c.t, di.Ac.uAA4.on o£ the. need faoti <Lvatu.at4.on o<{ pab£-cc va£ue4 conceA.n-c.ng pioje.c.t i.m and the. A.e.comme.ndati.on o£ m<it4.gati.v<i m&aA(Juie.£ and that doutd attow the. AponAox. agency to 2.^e.c.t-Lve.ty u.nde.x.take. At&pA toward a. c.ompJie.he.nA<Lve. app/toacn to ptan.vi4.nQ ne.e.dA . Se.zt4.on 2 - ANALYSIS OF IMFORMATIOM The. e.nv4.n.onmdntat impact n.o.poit AULbm4.tte.d by Tsi4.-C4.ty hato Ve.ate.siA1 AAAC. , pA.epaA.ed by E. J. Ot4.nghou.Ae., coueA.4 the. fiottow-ing ax.e.aA in eac/t 0(f -c^4 A.e4pec^-cue 4ec^-con^, and o-tneA. A.eqa-cAemen^4 Ojf X:ne oA.d/cnance withi.n i.tA te.xt: psioj'e.c.t de.Ac.ii.pt<ion, ptioje,c.t aA.ea i.mpac.t, impact on geneA.a£ p£an, mit4.gati.ve. me.aA une-A , and atte.x.native. choic.e.A . 5-i.nce ^fie £and i.A atsi&ady -temoued ({A.om agsiicu.ttu.siat psiodu.cti.on and the, 50-acsie. Ai.te. haA been gA.aded and the. {isLAt phaAe. o<J con4iA.ttc- tion andeA.way, no pub tic agency -c-6 tike.ty to satufin the. tand to cuttivatian. Any adveA.4e impact to the. psioje.ct Ai.te. i.t can be. conAidzsi^d to have. atsie.ady take.n ptace.. TheA.e^oA.e, the, butk o& the. ste.posit de.atA with Ahosit and tong te.<in\ e^ec-t-6 o{, the. Auto Ce.nte.SL psioje.ct on the. human e.nvisionme,ntf and on vi mzaAiitiZA that weight be. takzn to MOSLZ control £/ie fiuSLthzsL asLban-i zat4.cn oft AU.SLX.O undoing tandA Aouth o £ Agua He.d-i.onda. Lagoon. SzctLon 3 - OTHER AGENCY INPUT CompSLe.hznA4.ve. Ptann<ing OsLgan4.zat4.on [CPO] and the. IntzsL- gove.inme.ntal Rzgtonat Env<Lx.onme.nta£. Manage.me.nt (IREM) were contacted $OSL commzntA HQ.Qa.ndi.YiQ th4.A SLZposit. Thz4.SL 4.nput 4.A not A.e.ady at th-i* ti.me., bat wJLLSL be d££tJu.bute.d to you., -tjj A.ece^veci faejJoA.e the, public, he.asu.ng on Feb. J3, 7973. It J.A the. op4.n4.on ofi th<ii> age.nc.y , howe.ve.tL, that the. dx.a£t fKLpoHt Jit> Jin accordance wttk adopte.d poLLc.-ie.^ and pn.ac.t4.c.<L& oft thi&e. agenc-cei . Se.ct4.on 4 - SUMMARIZATIOAf S FIAfAL REPORT T/te Atate. n.<Lt> otu.ce-6 agenct/ gu-cc(e£/cne4 ^on 4.mp£e.me.ntat4.on o$ the. CEQ.A 7970, cfe^ne4 "pJLOj'e.c.t" to Lvic.tu.de.'. "e.nactmznt and ame.ndme.nt oft zoning oH.d<in.anc.e.& , and the. adoption Qe.ne.fiaL plan* oh. e.le.me.nt4 tke.n.o.0^." T/ie "Ptaza. Ve.£ e.nv4.SLO nme.nta£ ^impact Jie,poJit addsL&A -6 e4 JitAo.L^ to the. e.£&e.ctA o£ the. huto Ce.nte.tL px.oje.ct and 4.tt> te.d conve.JLA4.on o£ 5Q acH.e.& oft aQfL4.c.u.Z.tun.at ne.& o u.stce.6 on the. qua£4.ty o£ the. human e.nv4.SLonme.nt. The. SLe.poSLt 4u.gge.AtA that the. ame.ndme.nt o$ the. Jtand UA& zte.me.nt o & thz GznzsLat Ptan 4.A a pSLzd<L eating faactox. -in csLZat4.ng pSLZAznt and pote.nt4.at 6u.tu.siz -impactA on thz human znv-isLonmznt. SuggzAtzd m-it-igatLvz mzaAa^zA and attz^natlvzA «i^y —s1'to SLe.du.ci on e.timinate. poAAibte. on. pn.obabte. fiLi.tu.sie. -impact* ctzd toward action thn.ou.gh the. Ci.ty'A Ge.nzn.at Ptan. mi.ti.Qati.ve. me.a.Au.Sie.A and atte.nnati.ve.A baAi.catty invotve. Ate.pA wLtc.fi can be. take.n by the. City thx.ou.gh advanced and cu.n.n.e.nt planning acti.vi.ti.e.A. 0& Ape.ci.fac Sie.6e.Sie.nce. conce.sini.no the. act£vi.ti.e.A ofi advanced p£ann£ng Ln Ge.ne.sia£ ?£an iKLvi-bi-ovi, the. Jie.posit Au.gge.AtA a "goat- ox.<ie.nte.d" appn.oa.ch -- one. -in wh<ic.h "tin**.de.nt& and d-cveMe Qtiou.pt> &houJi.d be. Q4.ve.n the. oppoJitu.ni.ty to e.xpsie.AA the.*.*. va£u.e.& O.A the.y appty to the. fiutuJte. o$ Ca/tJiAbad". The. n.e.pon.t goe.& on to Au.gge.At a. poAA4.b£e. cou/t4e ofi action that the. c.<Lty weight take. Ln fau.JifaJLJU.nQ Aach c.once.tinA thn.ou.gh c.ou.nci.JL poJUicy, comm<itte.e. <Lppoi.ntme.nt, and a te.C-hni.cal Atady conAi.de.sii.ng agsii.cu.ttu.siaJL JLand uAe. i.n i.tA M.e.JLati.on to the. Ge.ne.siat PJLan. The. sie.posit Au.gge.AtA at&o that cah.z be. take.n to i.nte.QSiat<L va£ue.A e.x.pSLe.AAe.d by the. comm^ttze. j.nto goatA on. po£i.cie.A ofa the. Ge.ne.n.aJL ?JLan aA to avoi.d confat-ictA , The. sie.pon.t goe.A on to di.Acu.AA the. Sie.Ape.cti.ve. siote.A ofa "Aphe.SLe.A ofa i.n£JLu.e.nce.", a "capi.tat •Lmpsiove.me.ntA psiogsLam", agsii.cuttu.SLat zoni.ng, and the. appti.cati.on ofa a "Ape.a.i.fiic p'tan" faosi agsii.cu.ttu.Siat tand lae i.n CaSitAbad to the. Ge.ne.Siat Ptan. The. appsioach ofa cn.e.a.ti.nQ Ape.ci.6-ic ptan Atady Qn.ou.pA to Atudy pan.ti.cu.tan. an.e.a.A of, "conce.si.n" aA a mean/5 ofi mitigating poAAi.bte. fau.tu.n.e. adve.SLAe. -impactA, i.A one. method 06 inte.gsiati.ng the. pabti.c vatu.e.A -into ptanni.no faosi Ge.ne.SLat Ptan fLe.viAion. The. ce.ntn.at the.me. o 6 thiA Aagge.Ate.d approach *c.-i oound on page £v o & the. nz-pont cmde-t the. a*^AcuAA<Lon o <icznce. oft Advene Env-LH.onme.ntat Efifie.ctA". The. fi that "the. pfiobtum o fa anavoi-dabte. and i.tifie.ve.n.Ai.bt<i on the. e.nv<iionm<tnt" , "-LA a mattufi o{ pabt-Lc c^io-cce". "Thfiou.gh pu.b^c-c.omman'Ltif planning, Casit&bad may to ptiobJtumA and take. -6ome 4,n<Lt<iat<ive. faoi the. j.mpoitant£y pe.ihapA , Jin te.tim& o{ a planning pAoce-44, A.& the. n.e.pon.t'& 4u.gge.AtA.on that tie.c.nnt ptann-inQ taw amendment "wh-Lch x.e.qu.JUie. HouA'lng EJte.me.ntA, Con&e.ft\)at4.on Ete.me.ntA, Opzn Space Ete.me.ntA , Wo/t^e Ete.me.ntA , Se.tAmlc. Sa£e.ty Ete.me.ntA, and the. pfio\}J.&<ioYi& oj( AAAe.mbty Bttt 1301 (wh<Lc,h ste.quu.>Le.A pabtic ac-t-ionA to be. Jin c.onfaofimanc.e. wtth Ge.ne.Jiat PtanA), toQe.the.ti u}<ith EnvJ,Jionme.ntat Imapct Re.pon.tA, can be i.nte.QX.ate.d Ln a. conce.Jite.d e,^otit to sie.cogni.ze. and ptan fax. e.nv<ix.onme,ntat qaat-Lty . " The. J.nte.gfLat<ion o^ Aach e.te.me,ntA be.au j.mpotitant Jie.tati.on- Ah<ip to the. e.fi£e.ct<ive. •Lmpte.me.ntat'ion ofa a tong-te.fim compA.e- he.nA4.ve. Ge.ne.tiat Ptan.