HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-28; City Council; 926-1; Request for Authority to Purchase Vehiclesi ' .. ---.....---------v -- ,:::;;. • ,T H E r CITY OF CARLSBAD, CA L·I F 0 0 RN I A Agenda Bill No.9.2fi..._Supplement 1 ~eferre~ Tn: City Council Subject: Request for Authority to Purchase Vehicles Statement of the Matter Date: February 28, 1973 Submitted By: Jerome N. Pi eti Purchasing Agent - Admin. Assistant This supP,lement to Agenda Bill 9'26 constitutes a continuation of City Council deliberations regarding acquisition, operation and maintenance of City owned motor vehicles. The attached Exhibit 1 is a recommended change to City Council Policy No. 9, Exhibit 2. The intent is to state Council Policy more generall'y with greater administrative latitude for the City Manager while at the sam~ time providing the option for comment to the Council. The City Manager ~ould implement Council Policy by Administrative Order which can be modified as day to day operatio Jl requirements demand. The request to the Council is to approve the recommended changes to Council Policy No. 9. Exhibit 1. Recommended City Council Policy on Vehtcle Usage. 2. Council Policy No. 9 of August 1 ,' 1972. Staff Recommendations Staf~ recommends approval of proposed change to Council Policy. l ____,,..-- ,------------------------------r------------ CITY-=~ CARLS 8i1D , , .-,licy flo.9 (Page 1 of 2) (,; COUttCll POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Date Issued: 8-1-72 1---.;;...a.~a.._;;..;;;..;;:...;:;... _____ -' Effective Date: 8-1-72 , ..... S .. Vh'l · pec1f1c Subject: e, 1c e usage · personnel. by'City Cancellation Date: Sunersedes tlo.: Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Divisioa Heads, Employee Bu)letin Board5, Press, File 'PURPOSE: To establish a City Council policy regarding assignment of city-owned ,• vehicles to city personnel, and the permissible usages of these velJicles. STATEMENT OF POLICY: 1. It is the intent of the City Council that those cit'y employees, specifically designated by the City· Council, be provided transportation to carry out their duties on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. To accomplish this end, 'it is the intent of the City Council ·that certain personnel may be assigned a city-owned vehicle for twenty-four (24) hour usage. It is further the intent of the City Council that those city-owned vehicles be operated only by the employee to who~ the vehicle is assigned or by other authorized cit~ personnel. It is the intent -of the City Council that.at no time shall any city-owned vehicle be operated by anyone other than an authorized city employee acting on city business. No personal usages are to be permitted. 2. The folloJin~ personnel may be assigned a city-owned vehicle full 3. time at the Council's discretion: A. City Manager B. Assistant to or Acting City Manager C. Public Works .Director D. Chief Building Official E. Fire Chief F. Police Chief· The following personnel may 6e assigned a city-owned vehicle full time at the discretion of the City Managpr: A. Engineering Field Inspector5 ·B. Bui 1 ding Inspectors C. Assistant Fire Chief D. Assistant Police Chief E. Street Superintendent F. Water Superintendent G. P. & R. Director The• following· personnel may have ·use of a city vehicle as. available from a one (1) unit car pool which shall be established at the City Hall: A, . B' c. n City Clerk Finance Director Purchasing Officer I ~h~, .. i:1n 1' ·---------.--------- cou:ICIL POLICY ST/\TEMcNT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION ,...."llicy No9 (Page 2 of 2} Date Issued: 8-1-72 Effective Date : 8-1-72 """"" ' Specific Subject: Vehicle usage by City personnel. Cancellation Date Suoersedes No. Copies to: C 0 1 1 ·t~ ~oun~ild, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and v1s1on rlea s, Employe·e Bulletin Boards, Press, File . . 1 • (continued} E. City Treasurer ' .. (l) It is recogn'ized by t!,e City Council that from time to time many of the city employees, and elected and appointea city officials, may need transportation to attend meet- ings, conferences, seminars, etc., and ~tis the intent that this transportation be provided from the car pool at the dipcretion of the City Manager. 5. The construction divisions of the City Departments, i.e. Water, Sewer~ Sanitation, General Maintenance, Parks, Street Departments, which Mquire a twenty-four (24) hour emergency standby personnel sh.all be authorized at the discretion oi the City Manager, to provide such city employees who are on ejer~ency .standby with a city-owned vehicle during their full standby period. . 6. The City Council recognized that there may be circumstances under which it would be advantageous to the City of Carlsbad to provide a car allowance to a qualified employee in lieu of a city-owned -vehicle. The City Manager shall be responsible for any such decisions, subject t~~ouncil ratification. 7. It is the specific ihtent of the City Council that a minimum number of city-owned vehicles,consistent with the safe and economical operation of the city government, be assigned and used on a twenty- four (24) hour basis. . . . 8. The City Manager will be directli respousfbli for implementing and maintaining effectiveness of the forego,ng policy. ' ~ l I I