HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-12; City Council; 1070; Application for Pre-annexational Zone ChangeT,t?E CITY OF CARLSPAD, CkLIFWUIA I/ -,. . . dg'enda Bill L.lo./df/3 ' /Q70 Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL Date March 12, 1973 xbject: APPL.ICATION FOR PRE-ANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHAN&bmitted By: FROM COUNTY A-l-8 TO CITY P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) AND PLANNING i, ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN AND AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL COMMISSION i PLAN ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD I- l-l P I n r, CL 1 LL b L nw, LitPwm-e . m - , - Statement of the Matter . The Planning Commission considered the subject matter at their regular meeting of February 27, 1973. They approved the appli- cation subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report, (l-8), leaving the approval of Condition No. 9(RE; Sewer Charges) to the discretion of the City Council.since these charges are subject to Council approval. -. - Exhibit :: Application '. Staff Report Feb. 27, 1973 3. Resolution No. 836, announcing findings and decisions (Zone Change) :* Applicant's Exhibits 6: Resolution No. 840, announcing findings and decisions (Gen.Plan.Amend.) City Council resolutions #3086, 3087 and 3088. 7. Ordinance #9347. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends approval as outlined in the referenced report. A :*- - -i ’ -. ‘.‘ . AB No. Date: March 12, 1973 l City Manager's Recommendation Concur with recommendation of Planning Commission and recommend staff condition number 9 regarding sewer service charge be deleted, If the City Council adopts a sewer service charge for the area, then such charge would be levied if a sewer connection was made subsequent to adoption of the charge by the City Council. Agreement to an unknown charge prior to-action by the City Council is inappropriate. Council Action 3-20-73 The request for a pre-annexation Zone Change was approved, and Resolution #3086 was adopted announcing findings and decision. A first reading was given Ordinance #9347. Resolution #3087 was adopted, approving the Specific Plan, and Resolution #3088 was adopted, amending the General Plan. 4-3-73 Ordinance #9347 was given a second reading and adopted. -2- - A.- &-*,*.--&..&a.-*, ~~~S’JJRU:TIo>~s TO APPLICANT : * 7., : -- i. Colnpiete Parts A,B,C,IJ k..d E. 2. Filing Fee $lOO.Oq plus $5.00 for each additional lot or parcel. ;. Make check payable to City of Carlsbad. Date o’f Hearing 4. Information to be type written. . \ .. .1 - .’ * . PART A--.----------------------GENERAL -J-NFO~“‘JJION Name of Applicant Sys terns Capital Corporation Telephone 757-1200 Ext. 2Oi . Applicant’s Mailing Address c/o Hughes Aircraft 2020 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, Calif. Location Of Property by Street South of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino Real . 4 1 . PART B-m----------------- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach:-Eo this application one copy of a complete legal description of the property for which a change of zone is requested. PART C --------I---------------------- REQUEST . . Change of Zone from County A-1-8 to City ‘P. M. PART D --------------------______L_____C Attach to this application ' Ii& 0 (AthI A:;PIA) COPIES of a map prepared by a registered civil engineer, architect or licensed land surveyor which shows the exact boundaries, dimensions and bearing of each line of the property for which a reclassification is-requested; names and .widths of.bordering streets; location and width of alleys and/or easements. . PART E------------------------AppLIC~TlS STATEMENT IAttach separate sheet if area for statement is not sufficient) . 1. 2, Does public necessity require the proposed change? Is,there a real need in the,community for more of the types of uses permitted by the Zone requested than can be accommodated in the areas already zoned for such uses? The existing industrial zoned property does not have ready access to utilities as the subject property does.. Also, this property is not in the path of anticipated airport expansion. .Is the property involved in the proposed reclassification more suitable for ' the purposes permitted in the proposed zone than for the purposes permitted 1 in the present classification?. ..,m.' Yes. f' . . tf 1. . 3. ,* 4. would the USeS permitted by the proposed zone be-'etrimental in any way to:surrou?ding properAc-T- No . This development will C-ante the area - = and set a high standard for future adjacent development. What were th'e original deed restrictions, if any, concerning the type and Class Of uses permitted on the property involved? Give the expiration date of these restrictions. r - . l None! . The fo llowing spaces are for signatures of owners whose properties lie within a radius 3f the of 300 feet of the property prqposed to be reclassified and who approve change (attach- extra sheets if necessary). :ao.on Ma? ' Name * Address ' Lot Block Tract I . . ,I ’ . 1 * * We‘, the-undersigned property owners herewith request that our respective properties which are included in the reclassification petitioned for, be reclassified arid for the reasons above enumerated. (This space is for signatures of owners of property actually included in the proposed reclassification. Attach extra sheets if necessary.) No.on . Map Name, Address Lot Block Tract , I OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT See Attached STATE OF CALTFORNIA) COUNTY DF .SAN DIEGO)- SS CITY OF 1 I, (we), being duly sworn, depose and say that I (we) am (are) the owner(s) of part (or all) of the property involved and this application has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the City Planning Commission as printed herein and that the foregoing information thoroughly and completely, to the..best of my (our) ability, presents an argument in behalf of the application herewith submitted and that the statements and information above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the,best of my (our) knowledge and belief. . Telephone Number ', Signed Mailing Address: Subscribed and sworn to be.fore me this day of a-. Filing Clerk or Notary Public This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and found to be complete and acceptable for filing with the City PJanning 2ommission. Receipt No. BY 1 4 ’ OWNER’S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUN'I'Y OF LOS ANGELES) ss CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS ) I, (we), being duly sworn, depose and say that I (we) am (are) the owner(s) of part (or all) of the property involved and this application has been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the City Planning Commission as printed herein and that the foregoing information thoroughly and completely, to the best of my (our) ability, presents an argument in behalf of the application herewith submitted and that the statements and information above referred to are in all respects true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. Telephone Number BR2-9194 Signed: Thonmas R. Martin, Dean Martin, Jeanne Martin, Martha Ro#k Berke, by Subscribe if d and worn to before me the attorney-in-fact of each. Montgomery Newman, $!35C cf:i:L i:: El+j., ;:r.‘criv ‘Ii’1 CA sy717 Andrew Ollstein, Claire Ollstein, Simon k-I. Zentner,,“yra’nc’es Zentner, - Bevwaaith8 ~~r~~~t~~~~-~~~~a~tl~t~a~. HabId Plant -,19 72. Subscpfbed and sworn to br;fore me this ti )-II - day of 4uGm- ’ i Harold Plant, for himself 197-c DAVID B. COHEN - CAL!FORNIA LOS AWGELZ; COUNTY My Commission Expires Sept. 25, 1974 Page 1 of 2 - . Mailing Address: Mads Bjorn Bjerre c/o Samuel Berke and Company Certified Public Accountants 9350 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, California 902 12 This is to certify that the foregoing application has been inspected by me and found to be complete and acceptable for filing with the City .Planning Commission. . , Receipt No. BY For the City Planning Commission . ‘Page 2 of 2 . * 'I ; STAFF REPORT/ME.- ,? A $1 D U i4 Fahr LdI ;ary 27, 1,973 TO: PLANNI!jG COMMISSIOFl FROM: PLANNIPlG DEPARTME?IT SUSJECT: APPLICATION FOR A PRE-ANNEXATIONAL CHANGE OF ZONE FRrlY COUNTY A-l-8 TO CITY P-M (PLArl'MD IYDUSTRIAL) AND ADOPTION OF A SPECIFIC PLAN A!4D AYEND"lE?JT TO THE GENERAL PLAN ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMIQIO REAL APPLICANT: SYSTEMS CAPITAL SORPORATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- General Discussion:---- The applicant requests this pre-anexational rezoninq and adoption of a Specific Plan to allow construction of a manufacturing facility of 50.2 acres located South of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino Real. The General Plan recommends low density residential development of 3-7 units per acre on the property. However, the applicant is re- questing an Amendment to the General Plan to allow industrial use. The pronerty,also, is on the outer edqe of an area disignated for industrial use and lies within the noise zone of Palomar Airport Road. Adjacent property to the k!est and South is zoned County A-1-8. Prop- ert.y to the East is zoned A-l-3, and oroperty to the North, Commercial. The applicant's ultimate goal is to annex to the City of Carls.bad. However, because it is not physically possible to be contiauous to the City at this time (aeoarated b.v approximately 600 feet) an apoli- cation is also being filed with the County. lJater and sewer services are available to serve the developemnt of this property. The Specific Plan indicates construction of three buildings (A,8 !k C). Suilding A (56,qgO sq. ft.) is to be built at the present time. Buildings B and C are to be built sometime in the future and, therefore is a schematic representation of relative snacial locations. Consideration at this time, therefore, is primarily for the anoroval of Building A and general site design. Construction of Ruildings S and C will be subject to future Planning Department review. T h e buildinas have a combined total floor area of 250,000 square feet, adequate parking area to accommodate maximum emoloyment canacit.?, and landscaping as will provide visual and aesthetic variation. The applicant requested a reclassification from County A-I-(9) to Count.y (".?) in September, 1472. That request was aoproved by the Hoard Staff EG::-t/Xt-:-z:~um \ Systems Ssoit.al-.or?oration G *, Februar;; 27, 19/J ?age 2 of Super.+isors action on November 22, 1972. (See attached Sin Oierro County Planning Department Report dated September 14, 1972) Additionally, an Environmental Imoact Report was prepared and oresented to the County Board of Supervisors for consideration on November 21, 1972. That statement (report attached), prepared by the Director of INtegrated Regional Environmental Management (I.R.E.M.) project, presented the following findings: The proposed industrial facility will have the following envi ronment- a? effects: 1. Changes in present and presently olanned land uses in the area. 2. Filling of part of a small canyon, resulting in partial destruction of a relatively rare scrub oak and wooly-leaf manzanita association. 3. Some increases,.in exhaust emissions and noise levels in the area. 4. Increased demand for public services in the area. 5. Potential significant increases in sub-regional demand for housing, transportation, and public services and facilities. "Nevertheless, it appears that the facility, as proposed, is the most environmentally sound use of the subject property due to its proximity to Palomar Airport. In addition, the facility can potentially create considerable economic benefits for the region." Provisions of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 contains provisions for Environmental Impact Reports which have been considered by "1ead"Agencies. Inasmuch as the Environmental Impact Report was presented to the County of San Diego, and findings were made by that Agency, the Planning Department considers the Lead Agency action as sufficient and, therefore, will not require additional en- vironmental information at this time. However, as each successive stage of development is presented to the City, Additional environmental information may be required. The 1R.E.M. Environmental Impact Report does indicate that the proposed expansion of the plant facilities may have significant impacts upon the local demands for housing, transpor- tation and services. Therefore, as the character of the land uses in the vicinity of the Plaomar Airport and the subject site changes, a reassessment of potential environmental impacts would be desirable. Recommendations: It is the staff's recommendation that this application be approved for the following reasons and subject to the followinq conditions: Reasons for Approval: 1. The proposed development would not adversely affect the surrounding properties. Staff Repz-tl'I:e-sc?-.L;r:TI I _ .-r Systems Capital :rooration February 27, 19i.3 ? ‘3 age 2. The proposed development would be in the best interest of the City of Carlsbad. Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant shall participate in the installation of a fullly actuated traffic signal at El Camino Real for the proposed 40 foot driveway along the southerly property line. Such participation shall be based on the proportionate share of the warrant traffic (as defined in Section 9 of the California State Division of High- ways traffic manual) on the southerly road generated by the appli- cant. The applicant shall be reimbursed for the additional pro- portionate share of traffic generated by future development bordering the southerly street as may be authorized by law. 2. The 40 foot driveway shall ultimately be built to City street standards and the southerly 50 feet of the property shall be offered for dedication to the City by the developer. 3. The applicant shall construct full improvements satisfactory to the agency having jurisdiction over the public street at the time construction is begun, and offer for dedication to the City additional right-of-way along El Camino Real to provide an ultimate 63 feet half width on the westerly side. Construction of these improvements may be phased, with the requirments for frontage improvements from just northerly of the main entrance to the northerly property line as a condition of occupancy. 4. Channelization of traffic flows, signing and striping shall be provided by the applicant. 5. Final approval of any subsequent development shall be subject to staff approval. Application for the construction of Buildings I3 and C shall require plan submitted to the Planning Department for review. Included in these plans shall be building locati.ons, landscaping and sprinkler plan, elevations, parking provisions, and additional sup- portive environmental impact information as deemed necessary by the staff. 6. Vehicular access rights to El Camino Real and the future street bordering the southerly property line shall be dedicated to the public except at locations to be mutually acceptable to the applicant and the City of Carlsbad. Left turn movements onto El Camino Real from the amin entrance driveway subject to periodic review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 7. Installation of public improvements called for in the conditions of this report may be deferred according to a schedule approved by the City Engineer, subject to the execution of a future improvement agreement. Staff RE-r-7 .., = -- 1-z-1-7 + Page 4 . . Systems .15;itaT ;;crsration . -: February 27, 19. a. Land: -:ape and sprinkler plans shall be presented to the Ci?v of Carlsbad for approval. These olans shall include recommenda:ions as outlined in the E.I.R. approval b.v the Count.y of San r)ie!cro. 9. At the time of Council Hearing on this application the City is in the process of developing an ordinance to provide for a sewer service charge to be levied on all properties to be annexed to the City in order to insure that such properties receiving sewer service will bear a part of the cost of the system.. Rather than delay annexation and approval of this application until the charge becomes effective, applicant desires to make payment of such charges a condition of approval in order to go forward with the project. There- fore, the applicant or his successors in interest for the subject property will pay the sewer charges applicable to the subject property when the ordinance becomes effective on the same pro rata basis as will be paid by other similar situated properties upon this annexation pursuant to the ordinance. Planning Director \ k \ ..I_ -2% - # ‘, ?\ 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7 8 9 IC 11 14 12 3.4 1: 1E 17 lx 1s 2c 21 21 2: 24 2: 2E 2’i 2f 2s /. 3c 33 3: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, 836 A RESOLUT = ES’jyMEND --.!;,SE 0: Ah.2 ,;;,opT PALOMAR A ON cc TSE C I-I-Y OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION s, :;:>?‘jJ,;i TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF A PREANNEXAJIONAL 3: GM COUNTY ~4 -8 To CITY P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) ON OF A SPECIFIC PLAN ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF RPORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did schedule for hearing on September and said hearing did not continued to October 10, dates to enable the appl 26, 1972 the application of SYSTEMS take place on that date for lack of 1972. The hearing was continued aga icant to complete new Environmental CAPI-I’AL CORPORATlOl a quorum and was n on the following mpac t Report requirements and to conform with conditions set out in Staff Report: December 12, 1972 and January 23, 1373, and; WHEREAS, on February 27, 1973 the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did hold a Public Hearing to consider the application of Systems Capiti Corpora t on for a pre-annexational change of zone from County A-l -8 to Ci ty P-M (Planned Industrial), and adoption of a specific plan, on property located south of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino, more particularly describe< as follows: All that portion of Lot “G” of Ranch0 Agua Hedionda in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, and more particularly described in application on file in the Office of the Planning Department. WHEREAS, the applicant has met the requirements of Ordinance No. 1150, the C ty of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972, by submitting the environmental impact report to the County of San Diego. The City of CArlsbac has accepted the information Agency. WHEREAS, at said pub1 submitted by the County of San Diego as the Lead c hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, al 1 persons who desired to be heard, said Commiss on did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the recommendation for approva 1 of a Pre-Annexational Change of Zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Ordinance No. 3060: 1. The proposed development would not adversely affect the surrounding properties. 2. The proposed development would be in the best interest of the City of Carlsbad. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City ff Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend to the City Council: (a) Adoption of Zor.e Change for Systems Capital Corporation. (b) Adoption of Slecific Plan for Systems Capi ta1 Corporation, subjec. -l- t I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 sa 19 2c 21 2% 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall participate in the installation of a fully actuated traffic signal at El Camino Real, for the proposed 40 foot driveway along the southerly property line. Such participation shall be based on the proportionate share of the warrant traffic (as defined in Section 9 of the California State Division of Highways traffic manual) on the southerly road, generated by the applicant. Applicant shall be reimbursed for the additional proportionate share of traffic generated by future development bordering the southerly street as may be authorized by law. 2. The 40 foot driveway shall ultimately be built to City street standards and the southerly 50 feet of the property shall be offered for dedication to the City by the developer. 3. The applicant shall construct full improvements satisfactory to the agency having jurisdiction over the public street at the time construction is begun, and offer for dedication to the City additional right-of-way along El Camino Real to provide an ultimate 63 feet half width on the westerly side. Construction Of these improvements may be phases, with the requirements for frontage improvements from just northerly of the main entrance to the northerly property line as a condition of occupancy. 4. Channel ization of traffic flows, signing and striping shall be provided by the applicant. 5. Final approval of any subsequent development shall be subject to staff approva 1. Application for the construction of buildings B and C as indicated on “Exhibit A”, shall require plans submitted to the Planning Department for review. Included in these plans shall be building locations, landscaping and sprinkler plan, elevations, parking provisions and additional supportive environmental impact information, as deemed necessary by the staff. 6.Vehicular access rights to El Camino Real and the future street bordering the southerly property 1 ine shall be dedicated to the public except at locations to be mutually acceptable to the appl icant and the City of Carlsbad. Left turn movements onto El Camino Real from the main entrance driveway subject to periodic review by the Traffic Safety Commission. 7. Installation of public improvements called for in the conditions of this report may be deferred according to a schedule approved by the City Engineer, subject to the execution of a future improvement agreement. 8. Landscape and sprinkler plans shall be presented to the City of Carlsbad for approva 1. These plans shall include recommendations as outlined in the E.I.R. approval by the County of San Diego. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Condition #9 as outlined in Staff Report dated Feb. 27, 1973 (relating to sewer service charges) was not recommended. The Planning Commission referred action on estabiishing appropriate sewer charges to the City Council. The Planning Commission would recommend approval of the project with or without Condition #9. The inclusion of which will be at the d iscretion of the City Council. x x x x -2- L 1 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 2 Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, held on the 27th day of 3 February, 1973, by the following vote; to wit, 4 1 AYES: Commissioners Jose, Norman, Forman, Little, Dewhurst & Palmateer 5' NOES: None 6 ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez. 7 . . 8 9 10 11 NNALD K. DEWHURST, 12 Vice-Chairman 13 " ATTEST: 14 15 IL6 I 17 DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary. S8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ' 28 29 I 30 31 i 52 -3- 11 RESOLUTION NO. 840 2i A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAPLSBAD RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN 3 AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN FOR SYSTEMS CAPITAL 4! CORPORATION CHANGING RESIDENTIAL LAND USE FROM.LOW DENSITY (3-7 UNITS/ACRE) TO INDUSTRIAL LAND USE ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PPLO"?AR AIPPDRT ROAD AND 5 WEST OF EL CAMINO PEAL 7 WHERE/?S, said Planning Commission did on the 27th day of 2 February, 1973, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed 9 by law, to consider the request of Systems Capital Corporation for 10 an Amendment to the General Plan. 111 The Carlsbad General Plan is hereby amended to change residen- 12 it ial land use from low density (3-7 units/acre) to industrial land I31 use on property located south of Palomar Airport Road and west of 14 L k 1 Camino Real, more particularly described on file in the Office 16 f the City Planning Department. 16 I WHEREAS, the applicant has met the requirements of Ordinance 17, 150, the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 18 972, by I submitting an environmental impact report to the County 19pf San Diego. The City of Carlsbad has accepted the information 2o submitted by the County of San Diego as the lead agency. 21 WHEREAS, at said public hearin! the said Commission received 22 the recommendations, objections, orotests, and comments of all 23individuals and parties who desired to be heard; 24 1 WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did find the following facts 25 nd reasons to exist which make said Amendment necessary to carry 26 ut the intent of the General Plan: P 27 I . The proposed development would not adversely affect the 28 / 1 surrounding properties. 29 . The proposed development would be in the best interest of the 30 / 31 j City of Carlsbad. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that said Amendment to the 32,eneral Plan is hereby recommended to be approved. I’ I’ I’ . I’ . !: !: !j !j s s il il I’ 1' AND FINALLY PESOLVEC that this Pesolution be forwarded to the AND FINALLY PESOLVEC that this Pesolution be forwarded to the 2 City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. 2 City Council for its attention in the manner prescribed by law. 3 3 PASSED, APPROVEC, AND ADOPTEC by the Planning Commission of PASSED, APPROVEC, AND ADOPTEC by the Planning Commission of 4i'the City o 4i'the City o f Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of f Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 27th day of 5 February, 5 February, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: 1973, by the following vote, to wit: 6 6 AYES: AYES: Commissioners Dewhurst, Jose, Norman, Forman, Palmateer, Commissioners Dewhurst, Jose, Norman, Forman, Palmateer, 71 71 Little Little NOES: NOES: None None 8'1 8'1 ABSENT: ABSENT: 9 9 Commissioner Dominguez Commissioner Dominguez 3.0 ' 10' IL= I IL= I 12 12 EDMOND hl. .DOblINGUEZ, Secretary EDMOND hl. .DOblINGUEZ, Secretary 15ATTEST =ATTEST 14 14 15 15 16 16 DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 I 23 I 24 ' 24 ' 25 25 26 j 26 j 27 i 27 i 28 28 2g I 2g I (1 (1 30 I/ 30 I/ I I 31 I 31 I 32 i 32 i . RESOLUTION NO. 3086 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING PREANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FROM COUNTY A-l-8 l-0 CITY OF CARLSBAD P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL), ON PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. (Systems Capital Corp.) 6 WHEREAS, on the 27th day of February, 1973, the Carlsbad 7 City Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 836, which is 8 herewith referred to and made a part hereof; and 9 WHEREAS, on March 20, 1973, a duly advertised Public Hearing 10 was held in the manner prescribed by law to consider a Preannexa- 11 tion Change of Zone from County A-l-8 to City of Carlsbad P-M 12 ,(Planned Industrial) on property described as: 13 14 15 16 All that portion of Lot "G" of Ranch0 Agua Hedionda in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, and more particularly described in application on file in the Office of the Planning Department; 17 and, 18 WHEREAS, the City Council received all recommendations and 19 heard all persons interested in or opposed to the proposed change 20 of zone; and 21 WHEREAS, the applicant has met the requirements of Ordinance 22 No. 1150, the"City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance 23 of 1972:' by submitting the environmental impact report to the 24 County of San Diego. The City of Carlsbad has accepted the in- 25 formation submitted by the County of San Diego as the Lead Agency. 26 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 27 does HEREBY DECLARE FINDINGS AND RESOLVE that the findings of the 28 Planning Commission contained in the aforementioned Resolution 29 No. 836, constitute the findings of the Carlsbad City Council. 30 BE IT FURTHER DECLARED AND RESOLVED that the City Council 31 certifies that the approval of the proposed preannexation change 32 of zone classification is necessary to carry out the general il I _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 purpose of Title 21 of the Municipal Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Carlsbad City Council does hereby declare its intention to adopt an Ordinance to effectuate the proposed preannexation change of zone classification. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Carlsbad City Council at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of March , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Chase. of the City-of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California ATTEST: (SEAL) -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3087 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING SPECIFIC PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON 50.2 ACRES SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, TO BE DEVELOPED AS A MANUFACTURING FACILITY PROJECT KNOWN AS SYSTEMS CAPITAL CORPORATION. WHEREAS, on February 27, 1973 the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad held a duly noticed public hearing to con- sider the adoption of a specific plan on property located on 50.2 acres South of Palomar Airport Road and West of El Camino Real to be developed as a manufacturing facility project known as SYSTEMS CAPITAL CORPORATION and more particularly described below; and WHEREAS, on the 27th day of February, 1973, the Car slsbad Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 836, which is incor- porated by reference herein, recommending adoption of said plan; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 1973, a duly advertised public hearin was held before the City Council in the manner prescribed by law to consider said plan for property described as: All that portion of Lot "G" of Ranch0 Agua Hedionda in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 823 filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County; and, WHEREAS, the City Council received all recommendations and heard all persons interested in or opposed to the proposed Specific Plan at said hearing; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environ- mental Protection Ordinance of 1972" in that the applicant has submitted the environmental impact report to the County of San Diego. The City of Carlsbad has accepted the information sub- mitted by the County of San Diego as the Lead Agency. 1 J li 1: 1: 1: l! 1E 1t l'i 1E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counci of the City of Carlsbad DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that the findings of the Planning Commission Resolution No. 836 constitutes the findings of the Carlsbad City Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council certifies that the approval of the proposed Specific Plan is necessary to carry I out the purpose of the General Plan and of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Specific Plan is hereby approved and adopted subject to the conditions listed in the Planning Commission Resolution No. 836, PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 20th day of March , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Count NOES: None. ABSENT: Count ilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis and Frazee. ilman Chase. ATTEST: (SEAL) of the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California -2- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a ‘. . RESOLUTION NO. 3088 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE GENERAL PLAN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL BY CHANGING THE RESIDENTIAL LAND USE FROM LOW DENSITY (3-7 UNITS/ACRE) TO INDUSTRIAL LAND USES. (Systems Capital Corporation) WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission did on the 27th day of February, 1973, hold a duly advertised public hearing as prescribed by law, to consider a request by Systems Capital Corporation for an amendment to the General Plan to chang residential land use from low density (3-7 units/acre) to ,industrial land use on property located south of Palomar Airport Road and west of El Camino Real, more particularly described as follows: All that portion of Lot "G" of Ranch0 Agua Hedionda in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. I 823, filed in the Office of the County Re- corder of said County; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 840 recommending said amendment to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the requirements, the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972", by sub- mitting environmental impact information to the County of San Diego. The City of Carlsbad has accepted the information submit- ted and the environmental impact report prepared by the County of San Diego as the Lead Agency; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 1973 the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to consider said amendment; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the City Council received the recommendations, objections, protests, and comments of all individuals and parties who desired to be heard; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DOES HEREBY RESOLVE that said amendment to the General Plan is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of March , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Chase. of the City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California ATTEST: (SEAL) -2-