HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-09; City Council; 926-2; Request for Authority to Purchase VehiclesC I T Y , ...... 0 F ,tl/lM, CAR u SD AD. 1r 1-t-3 CA L•I F'O RN I A Agenda Bill No. 926 -Supplement# 2 Referred To: City Council Date: __ A_p_r_i_1_9_,_1_9_7_3 __ Subject: Request for Authority to Purchase Vehicles Statement of the Matter submitted By: Jerome N. Pi eti Purchasing Agent A recommended change to City Council Policy No. 9 was submitted for Council consideration and approval on March 7, 1973, Council requested it be presented a copy of the proposed Administrative Order which would implement the recommended change to Council Policy No. 9. AccordiRgly, the recommended Administrative Order is herewith submitted. Exhibit (1) Recommended Administrative Order. staff Recommendations \ \ 1 I i \ - ,I ( d ,--.... AB No, Date: February 28. 197;, Citg Manager's Recommendation Concur with Staff recommendation. 3-14-73 Recommend this matter be continued until the City Council of April 3, 1973 to allow the staff sufficient time to compile necessary data for City Council consideration. Council Action 3-7~733 Matter continued to March 20, 1973 and City Manager to provi~e the Council with a list of assignment of vehicles for the Council's review. 3-20-73 This matter was continued to April 3, 1973 at the request of the staff. 4-1$-73 The City Council adopted the amended Council Policy No. 9 as submitted and approved the Administrative Order as to form. The Council requested that they be presented with a list of the individual employees assigned a vehicle. -2- ' . ' ;1 I ROUGH DRAFT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. To: All Departments From: City Manager April 9, 1973 Subject: Automotive Vehicle and Equipment, Procurement, Operation and Maintenance Enclosure: (1) Vehicle Assignment List References: (a) City Council ..:-·olicy Number 9 1. Purpose. The purpose of this order is to implement City Council Policy Number 9. It is intended to prescribe procedures for all City- owned automotive vehicles and for the maintenance of City-owned equipment. The procedures established are designed to provide maximum availability of safe, serviceable equipment and to maximize service life at the lowest practical cost. It is further intended to eliminate duplication of maintenance service. 2. Background. To date, because of the limited size and scope of the City organization, there has not been formalized consolidation instruction ~ \ covering operation and maintenance of City-owned automotive vehicles. 1- As th~ amount of capital outlay funds increases for the acquisition of vehicles, it becomes increasingly important that administrative guidance be provided. Accordingly, tho Administrative Order has been prepared and issued. 3. Acquisition. All automotive vehicles and equipment acquired by the City will be purchased by the City Purchasing Agent. a. To initiate vehicle or equipment purchase, the Purchasing Agent will insure the following· requirements have been met, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. (l) The item has been included in the budget for the current fiscal year as an item of capital outlay equipment and the budget has been approved by the City Council. (2) The specifications have been approved by the head of the acquiring department and by the head of the Mechanical Maintenance Division, Public Works Department. 2. (3) The vehicle specifications shall normally be standard specifications previously approved by the City Council. Exceptions to the standard specifications and specifications for non-standard items shall be approved by the City Council prior to bidding. :(,4) All vehicles will be purchased following the formal contract bid procedure prescribed in Section 3.28.100 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. Only after a vehicle has gone to bid and no response has been received may a vehicle b~ considered the subject of single source acquisition. b. Upon receipt, all new items of automotive equipment will be delivered to the Mechanical Maintenance Division of the Public Works Dept. for inspection to ensure the equipment complies with specifications. c. Upon completion of the receiving inspection, the vehicle will be assigned as the City Manager may direct. 4. Assignment. All City-owned automotive vehicles ~-•ill be assigned in one of the following categories: a. Pool. There shall be at least one vehicle assigned as a pool vehicle. The scheduling, control and maintenance of the pool vehicle(s) shall be the responsibility of the Purchasing Agent. The keys to the pool vehicle(s) will be retained by the Purchasing .I . ...., ---..------ -' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 3. Agent and he shall be responsible for coordinating the use of the vehicle. b. Departments. Vehicles assigned to a Department shall be the responsibility of that Department Head to ensure scheduling, control and maintenance. Departmental assignments of vehicles place a requirement upon the Department Head to determine the most economical and efficient usage. c. Individual. Certain City positions require ready access to tranGportatibn on a continuing basis. Therefore, the City Manager may, at his discretion, assign vehicles to individuals currently filling specific positions. These assignments are shown in Enclosure (1). d, Automobile Allowance, In certain instances where the City Manager determines it to be in the oest interest of the City, Staff personnel may use personally owned vehicles. In these instances, the City Manager, with the consent and approval of the City Council, will budget for and authorize payment of automobile allowances. 5. Mainter.ance. Maintenance of City-owned automotive vehicles and mechanical equipment, except the Fire Department equipment, is the responsibility of the Public Works Director through the Mechanical Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department. a. Procedures. Mechanical maintenance procedures will follow one of the following four procedures. (1) Operator I..::3pection and Service. Operator inspection ancl service shall consist of inspection and detection of such malfunction of the equipment that could render the unit -~ ---______,.-----,.....,.---------~ .,....,........--~--.-------.. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 4. unsafe and/or unuseable. Form MM-2-73 will be used by the operator to report discrepancies directly to the Mechanical Maintenance Division. In addition, operator service will include servicing (i.e., water, f\.;el, air, and battery) as required. (2) Scheduled Inspection and Sexvice. Equipment shall be periodically inspected by personnel of the Mechanical Maintenance Di\•ision for safety and sarviceabili ty as follows: (a) Safety. Each item of equipment shall be inspected for safety at intervals not to exceed 6 months or 6000 miles (520 hours fc~ material handling equipment), whichever comes first. The safety inspection will include but not be restricted to the items contained in the Preventative Maintenance Service and Inspec~ion Form MM-1-73. To avpid unnecessary down-time, the safety inspection shall be pe;.f::;rmed at the time of the scheduled preventative main- tenance service. However, when the time or mileage/hours interval of these inspections does not coincide, adherence to the prescribed interval for the safety inspection is required. All deficiencies noted shall be corrected before returning the equipment to an operational status. (b) Serviceability. In addition to inspecting equipment for safety as prescribed herein, vehicles will be inspected and serviced in accordance with th~ time interval prescribed in the applicable ma,1ufacturer' s maintenance, service and repair n,.:"lua l. Intervals may be adjusted (more frequent) 'I ,d ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 5. if required by local operating conditions. A monthly schedule for serviceability check (preventative main- tenance) will be published by the Mechanical Maintenance Division and distributed ~o all departments and divisions. Department/division heads will ensure compliance to the schedule and availability of equipment. Corrective adjustments and repairs performed during serviceability inspections shall be generally limited to those items prescribed by the manufacturer and only to the extent necessary to restore the equipment to the optimum degree of serviceability consistent with achieving the highest degree of cost effectiveness. A copy of each serviceability inspection will be forwarded to the department/division concerned. (3) Unscheduled Maintenance Service. Unscheduled maintenance is to correct operator-reported deficiencies that occur between scheduled inspections and services. Unscheduled maintenance shall be generally limited to the correction of only those specific items reported as deficient by the operator to respon- sible department/division head. However, unreported deficiencies noted at the time of an unscheduled service (particularly those affecting safety or those having a material cost not exceeding $25.00) shall be corrected before the equipment is returned to operational status. Unscheduled maintenance corrections ex- ceeding $25.00 material cost must be authorized by department/ division head concerned. The Shop Repair Order (MM-3-73) will be initiated when equipment is delivered for re~air and upon completion of service a copy of the completed form will be j \ ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. forwarded to department/division concerned. (4) Acceptance and Pre-service Inspection. Upon receipt of equipment by the Purchasing Agent and prio::-to delivery to 6. an operating department/division for use, equipment will be inspected by the Mechanical Maintenance Division against the procurement spec5.fications to assure compliance by the manu- facturer. The op~rating department/division will participate in this inspection; a report of this inspection will be made to the Purchasing Agent and operating depar~ment. Equipment at this time will be entered into the Preventative Maintenance Program and assigned a Record Folder which will he maintained by the Mechanical Maintenance Foreman. Safety devices, decals, specialized equipment, property number, etc. will be installed prior to delivery to operational status. b. Maintenance Records. For each piece of equipment, a Record Folder will be maintained in the Mechanical Maintenance Office, containing: l) MM-1-73, Preventative Maintenance Service and Inspection, 2) MM-2-73, Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report, 3) MM-3-73, Shop Repair Order, 4) MM-4-73, Lube Record, 5) MM-5-73, Repair History Card, and 6) MM-6-73, Inspection Check List. The Mechanical Maintenance Foreman shall insure that all cards are up to date. c. Maintenance Cost Accounting. The Public Works Director shalJ maintain records on maintenance costs reflecting: (1) Direct Labor Cost which will show the time expended to the nearest quar.ter hour, computed at the wage scale of the mechanic who performed the work. The ho11 rly wage scales shall be pro- vided by the Payroll Section, Finance Department.. ......-----y - - ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 7. (2) Parts and Material Cost which will show the actual cost of a part, component or materials used to repair or maintain a vehicle. Any other costs such as indirect labor, indirect materials or overhead costs shall be computed at the direction of the City Manager. 6. Inventory. The City shall maintain a current inventory of all City- owned automotive vehicles by Departments. The Purchasing Agent/Admini- strative Assistant will be responsible for maintaining the inventory. He shall ensure that Vehicle Titles and/or Registrations on file in the City Clerk's Office coincide with the inv&ntory list which will reflect the following: a. Identification Number b. Engine Number c. Manufacturer d. Model -Year e. Purchase Cost f. Date of Acquisition g. Registration/J.icense number 7. Disposal. All City-owned automotive vehicles will be disposed of in the best interests of the City as determined by the City Council. The following criteria shall serve as a guide in determining whether or not a vehicle shall be disposed of. In no case will a vehicle be disposed of based only on the above criteria. The condition and future service- ability of the vehicle will be a judgement requiring final approval of the City Manager prior to recommendations to the Council. 'l 7 :1 l .. !I :1 '! :;i 'I ,1 :i r ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 8. a. Passenger cars, Compact pickup truck, Pickup truck to 3/4 ton. (1) 5 years or 50,000 miles, or (2) Cumulative maintenance cost~ exceed 50% of the purchase price of the vehicle. b. Trucks, 3/4 ton and greater. (1) 8 years or 50,000 miles, or (2) Cumulative maintenance costs exceed 50% of the purchase price of the vehicle. c. Heavy Equipment. (1) Accumulative repair total exceeds 50% of acquisition cost, or (2) Single repair cost exceeds current value. d. Small Equipment. (1') Accumulative repair plus sipgle repair exceeds acquisition cost. 8. Reports. The City Manager shall submit reports as requested by reference (a). The Public Works Director shall submit to the City Manager a quarterly report to include the following information on each vehicle: a. Total mileage b. Total maintenance direct labor costs c. Total maintenance parts/material costs d. Total repair direct labor costs e. Total repair parts/materials costs .I ~I ,. INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT OF CITY OWNED AUTC:mTIVE VEHICLES The following personnel are assigned vehicles in accordance with paragraph 4C of the Administrative Order No. A. City Manager B. Assistant to the City Manager c. Public Works Director D. Chief Building Official E. Fire Chief F. Police Chief G. Planning Director Enclosure (1) ---------#ti···"'Jil,~---------"""---------- CI11 OF CARLSBAD COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT General Subject: ADMINISTRATION Specific Subject: Vehicle Usage by City Personnel Policy No. Date Issued Effective Date Cancellation Date Suoersedes No. Copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department and Division Heads, Employee Bulletin Boards, Press, File PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to provide City Council guidance to the City Man~ger pertaining to the acquisition, operation and main- tenance of City owned motor vehicles. STATEMENT OF POLICY: 1. The City Manager will develop and promulgate standard motor vihicle specifications for purposes of new vehicle procurement. Once approved by Council, the City Manager will report changes or exceptions to the standard specifications by memorandum. 2. The City Manager will prescribe motor vehicle assignments based upon position requirements. Such assignments to be reviewed periodically by the City Manager and reported annually to the Council by memorandum prior to the beginning of each fiscal year • . 3. The City Manager will prescribe operation and maintenance procedures for City owned motor vehicles. Such operation and maintenance procedures are to provide for determination of economic operation and maintenance costs and will be reported 1n summary by memorandum to the Council periodically. 4. The City Manager will be guided by the generally stated precepts stated above, seek to maintain a City owned vehicle inventory as small as possible consistent with meeting municipal needs. To this end, a current vehicle inventory will accompany periodic reports prescribed in paragraph 3 above. I ~-~-----,,-------- -,- VEh~CLE/EQUIPMENT PREVENTATIVE. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE MONTH OF MAY, 1973 DATE DUE VEHICLE AND/OR AT SHOP DIVISION LICENSE # TYPE l Utilities W-007 3/4 PU 2 Pool Car Z-015 4 Dr. 7 Parks P-001 1/2 PU 8 Parks P-004 1~ FB 9 Parks P-015 Sprayer Street S-033 Patch Truck ... _ 10 Utilities W-012 1/2 PU 14 Planning Z-001 4 Dr. Street s-032 3/4 PU _, -, 15 Utilities W-013 1/2 PU Police A-014 Cycle 16 Utilities W-072 Generator 21 Utilities W-029 1/2 PU Parks P-010 Chipper 1' 22 Parks P-030 3/4 Util. l " - Utilities W-075 5 T 24 Street s-010 saw 25 Street S-004 Skip Loader 29 Street S-011 Saw St:i:eet s-022 Welder En9·ineering Z-006 Courier Street Z-064 Courier 30 Parks P-009 Tractor Bldg. Z-008 4 Dr. Bldg. Z-011 Courier 31 Parks P-005 Tanker PLEASE HAVE VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE ON DUE DATE