HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-08; City Council; 2029; Request for preannexation change of zoneI C?TY OF CARLSBAD, CALIF MIA |! x , , Agenda Bill Mo. *6 0olj- Date May 8, 1973 Referred .To: CITY COUNCIL .... Subject: Request by RANCHO LA COSTA(Ayres) for preannexationa3ubmi tted By: change of zone from County A-l(8) and E-l(A) to R-1-7500, RD-M, P-C *' and C-l on 1106 acres of land located north of Batiquitos Lagoon • D. flWMTMrl- west of El Camino Real, and approval of E.I.R. #114. COMMISSION ^ " Statement of the Matter At their regular meeting of April 24, 1973 the Planning Commission cfid hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider the Final Environmental Impact Report for R.ancho . La Costa, and a request for preannexational change of zone from County A-T(8) and E-l(A) to R-1-7500, RD-M, P-C and C-l on 1106 acres of land generally located north of Batiquitos Lagoon, west of El Camino Real. • • .After hearing reports and all persons wishing to speak, the Planning Commission did deny the request for"preannexational change of zone as shown by Planning Commission No. 894, attached. The Final E.I.R. was accepted as presented by Staff. Exhibit 1. Application/certification of ownership. 2. Staff Report dated April 24, 1973 for Preannexational Zone Change #102. 3. Draft'Environmental Impact Report prepared by South Bay Engineering, 2-22-73.(separate) 4. Final Environmental Impact Report #126 prepared by Staff, 4724-73. 5. Letters commenting on E.I.R.'s — ** 6. Planning Commission Resolution No. 894 Denying request for preannex. chg. of zo«e. 7. Letter of Appeal of Commission denial dated May 1, 1973 fm. South Bay Eng. 8. Report from Planning Commission re: Preannexation Zone request. Staff Recommendations Staff recommends denial as per recommendations stated in staff report attached. AB No. Date: Mav 8. 1973 City Manager's Recommendation SEE ATTACHED SHEET Council Action 8-15--.73 TThe public hearing was continued to June 5, 1973 at the request of the applicant. 6-5-73 The Final EIR was adopted and the appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission was granted, the matter was referred back to the Planning Commission for further report, and that the recom- mendations of the Ad Hoc Committees and Planning Department staff be taken into consideration. 7-17-73 The report back from the Planning Commission was considered by the Council. Resolution #3175 was adopted, announcing findings and decision regarding the zone change, and a first reading was given Ordinance #9357, granting the change of zones. 8-8-73. Ordinance #9357 was given a second reading and adopted. -2- PIZZTCZLJ -*.A^ v**..'-s .•••*„•- ?•*-.- f sr^iii..!!^^ CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Apparently the concern expressed by the Planning Staff and Planning Commission regarding the preannexation zoning request was its prematurity in relation to our General Plan revision. The applicant wishes to develop the western and eastern portions of the property adjoining the Occidental and La Costa developments in the near future. The larger, central portion of the property is contemplated for development at a later date, some perhaps as late as the 1990's. The applicant wishes the entire property placed in a development zone, believing the PC zone proposed for the bulk of the property grants the city adequate control. The Planning Commission desires LC zoning pending General Plan revision. Their office has discussed the proposed zoning with the applicant and his engineer. As a result of these discussions, the applicant has indicated a willingness to modify his zoning request, with the net result of reducing density. However, the applicant still desires development zoning placed on the total area. My recommendation is a compromise between the Commission and applicant's position. My suggestion would allow some initial development in the western and eastern portions of the property which we could service but defer precise zoning on the central part of the property pending General Plan revisions. The various alternate zoning recommenda- tions are tabulated below for your consideration. Plan Staff/ Parcel # Ap.pl i cant Plan Com. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 R-l-7,500 R-l-7,500 RDM RDM RDM RDM RDM C-l C-l PC PC PC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC LC Plan Staff A1ternate R-l-7,500 PC PC PC RDM RDM RDM PC PC PC PC PC Applicant Revised RDM R-l-7,500 R-l-7,500 PC R-l-7,500 RDM & R-l-7,500 PC C-l PC PC PC PC City Mgr. PC LC R-l-7,500 LC R-l-7,500 RDM & LC PC C-l LC LC LC LC Prior to granting specific zoning,testimony should be presented that the developer has coordinated the proposal with the Carlsbad Unified School District. PROOF OF PUBUCAT10H (20I6.S C.C.F.) This space is for ths County Clark's Filing Stamp STATE OF CALIFORNIA, County of San Diego: I am a citizen of the United State* •:.•-: s i- "Co- the County aforesaid; I am over tlv- ,.-.:•• o: c. :y years, and not a party to or mtsro:r--i. r: "•£ -Jc Entitled matter. I am the pri.-,;iDe; ci.jrk ..- •.-•- -• Proof of Publication of •jf the ..The Blade Tribune a newspaper of general circulation, prinrej vi.nJ pi.o:i;n-3d daily except Sat. & holloas Oceansidein the City of .... . County of San Diego, and whirh rev.-;i:>«-' • oec'~ adjudged a newspaper of genera1 > rc1.^- •, *r.e Superior Court of the Cour^y i:.* ^>.-,' .. •" ; ' -•' California, under the date oi March 19 5? Case Number. 1713^9 ' ---...* of which the annexed n a u,/ •(.•.! '.•>", '•- • • '<••*• ;"-'' srnaliar indn nonpareil;, hri.- I'^c," L i.u t , •v;" regular and entire Issue of ..-no new^LMt-e • r'0' , • uny suppleiinerit ih^ieoi Of rrv3 '•: ' '^-.i-x; .' .",-- :.> WJT: ....Hay.A,....1973 all in the year 19 I certify (or declare) under penalty of parjurv Hiat the foregoing is true and correct. Dated at Oceanside , . . ,California, this day or ; 73 Signature Lisa Beadles Free cooies of this blank form may be sei.jred Irom: CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER SERVICE BUREAU, INC. Since 1934 Legal Advo.'i^inq Clearing i :ou.e 2IO South Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. 9001 'i Telephone: 625-214I Please request GENERA!. Pfcr! .-f \-..'•'.- . - -- •.-.•- -.<-. NOTICE OF APPEAL Pasta Clipping of Notice SECURELY In This Space NOTICE OF APPEAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CUy Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the Council -Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, May 15, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. to consider an appeal of the decision of the Plann- ing Commission in denying a Pre-Annexa- tlonal Change of Zone from County A-l (8)and t-1 (A) to R-l-7500, RO-H, P-C and C-l City of Carlsbad Zoning, located on property located north of Batlquitos Lagoon and west of El Camino Real, more particularly described as follows: All that land in Sections 22, 26, 27, 28 and 35, in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San .Bernardino Base and Meri- dian, in the County of San Diego, State of California and more particu-larly described in application on file in the office of the City Clerk. Also being considered for Public Hearing will be the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTon above described property. Apellant, fiancho La Costa Ayres, CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Publish: May 4, 1973 NOTICE OF APPEAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, on Tuesday, May 15, 1973, at 7:30 P.M. to consider an appeal of the decision of the Plann- ing Commission in denying a Pre-Annexa- tional Change of Zone from County A-l (8) and E-l (A) to R-l-7500, RD-M, P-C and C-l City of Carlsbad Zoning, located on property located north of Batiquitos Lagoon and west of El Camino Real, more particularly described as follows: All that land in Sections 22, 26, 27, 28 and 35, in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meri- dian, in the County of San Diego, State of California and more particu- larly described in application on file in the office of the City Clerk. Also being considered for Public Hearing will be the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT on above described property. Appellant: Rancho La Costa/Ayers. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL Publish: May 4, 1973 MEMORANDUM June 5, 1973 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: RANCHO LA COSTA (DONALD B. AYRES) PRE-ANNEXATION ZONING SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT. The Planning Commission, at its April 24, 1973 meeting, heard the Request for Pre-Annexational Zoning on the Rancho La Costa (Donald B. Ayres) holdings. The Planning Commission denied the. applicant's request on the basis that the request was premature in light of the ongoing program to revise the General Plan. The Com- mission also felt that although the concept was valid, the timing of the zoning request, and subsequent development proposals were ill-timed. There were also questions relating to the availability of public and school facilities to the 414 acres of property which the applicant has designated for development (Parcels #1, 2, 3, 5 & 6). Provisions for public service or the availability of school facilities have not been precisely defined. The Planning Staff recommendation to the Planning Commission was to deny the applicant's orginial request, and as an alternative, approve zoning on a portion of the property's 414 acres with the balance being placed in the P-C (Planned Community) Zone without adoption of a Master Plan. The City Manager's recommendation to the City Council was a similar recommendation with portions of the prop- erty being placed in the L-C (Limited-Control) Zones instead of in the P-C Zone. The applicant has agreed with the suggested changes. Therefore, the Planning Department wishes to make the following representations: 1. The Master Development Plan is not to be construed as the Master Plan for the P-C Zone. The Master Development Plan designates the parcels which the applicant wishes to place in specific zoning districts. Staff and the Applicant (Mr. Ayres) fully recognize the necessity of addtional planning on the larger percentage of his holdings. This is especially true when the current program of General Plan Revision is under way. Therefore, as additional plan- ning information becomes available thru the General Plan Revision, the Staff and the Applicant may apply requirements to the subject property which are consistent with the City's General Plan. Mr. Ayres will then submit a Master Plan for the P-C Zone when additional information is available. 2. Density as proposed by the Applicant is the same, 5.26 d.u./ acre as currently recommended by the existing General Plan, if the entire 1100 acres is compared to projected units. However, the General Plan recommendation is 7 d.u./acre in the easterly and westerly one-third of the subject property, MEMO-JUNE 5, 1973 RANCHO LA COSTA -PR ANNEXATION ZONING and the middle one-third has a recommended 2 d.u./acre. The Applicant's proposal, although matching the recom- mended General Plan density for the 1100 acre parcel, necessitates General Plan Revision because the General Plan density (2 d.u./acre) is being exceeded by the Applicant (4 d.u./acre) in the middle one-third. 3. The stipulation of time in the Environmental Impact Report, and the Applicant's Supplemental Report (attached) points to a time frame when an actual population is living, or is planning to build on the subject property. It is important to begin the planning process as early as possible. 3-5 years planning and permit approvals are not uncommon when proposing a development which will be occupied and require service. Therefore, it only seems reasonable in areas where service demand is going to be placed, zoning be assigned to the properties which may be available for de- velopment at the present time or in the near future, and that Master Plans and Specific Plans be developed for the remaining portions,700+ acres, and as additional planning information becomes available. The Planing Department would recommend the recommendations as presented by the Council Ad-Hoc Committee (Vice-Mayor McComas and Councilman Chase)and concurred with, in principal, by the Applicant, City Manager and Planning Department, be approved. The Applicant has submitted a. request for General Plan Amendment to the Planning Department and this will be processed in the normal manner oo, ^V A V Planning Director \ ^ July 12, 1973 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: AYRES PREANNEXATIONAL ZONING REQUEST On July 10, 1973 the Planning Commission was presented a report which described the City Council action regarding the subject application. After presentation by the Planning Director, the Planning Commission submits the following recommendations to your body for consideration. In as much as the Ayres holding is premature for the most part, the Planning Commission is of the opinion that the areas where zoning is requested are logical. The Planning Commission concurs with the City Council's action, with one (1) exception. The area requested to be rezoned RD-M on the western side of the Ayres holdings should be placed in a P-C zone without a Master Plan. The area on the eastern side of the Ayres holdings should be zoned as requested, except the zoning boundaries should be coterminous with boundaries of the proposed Rancho La Cuesta subdivision map. The Planning Commission would urge the City of Carlsbad to establish the position that much of Carlsbad is being planned with zones and master plans in areas where the necessary information is not available, thereby constituting somewhat premature development. Until such time as the General Plan revision is completed, additional applications should be discouraged. DONALD A. AGATEP,\ Planning Director \ t. 0? THl- 11 II 11 II 11 TWT 11 To T*t- Q.TY TH*- Tf+i* M c.-/ P-C ToTAC " ., ,,) 10 " " To or THt- THfif A-S j i AT" /VO do^T" Tc of- "TO of Or 3. /r OF K t-O.fr ^ THt ^ "" -":>'>:£>, , 231^^1 ' /- -?V'- X tJ - ---V ^ :~ CW^NV^y^-l-.-AJ '•• N V; \ •- : • V • « -^-?* - •*?^-AV»'-:^^?*V^v//i\^;?,\liri^^if.v?/?>>::-•"• fV--""' --fc :v:--^'fe^%^%:/\ "feS-^/'^ •-. \--5\\\: .. m-. \&^&?&&'^'• \?f%3r':*;- «fe'' v^U-m:/ 7vw^^::'4^:^vU^: xV-wHJt^-,. - * -?.^\\ • .*•?.: ••.••<*••,\\)!'t \\'/aP.'^ Jw-- ••:;:-.)A :l-i.^^'^r s o xr T ;nr 23 TEJON PLACE PALOS VERGES K CALIFORNIA 90^74 APPROXIMATE") (21 3t 375-255G 772-1555 ONO L. QUIGLEY R.C.E.LIK1EL^> SEPAPiATa (213) 375-'2S56 RAYMOND L.OUIGUEY FRO'M L. A 772-1555 DON AL D E. DAWS ON CONSULTING ENGINEERS SOUTH BAY ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3O4 TEJON PLACE PAL.OS VERDES ESTATES , C A LI FORM IA OO274 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO :,;.... MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN RANCHO LA COSTA, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP May 30,;1973 INTRODUCTION This report provides data to accompany the Master Development Plan prepared for Rancho La Costa, a limited partnership, owners," relative to their 1100- acre annexation to the city of Carlsbad. The land is variously proposed for zones and densities (see Figure 1) and this report provides supplemental information as required by :- Carlsbad Title 21.38.050. . The Draft Environmental Impact Report of February 22, 1973 also provides background data relative to the answers provided below. Y Paragraph numbers below refer to Title 21.38.050 subparagraphS. >A (1) TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ' '• , .'* ?f- •The Master Development Plan was prepared on a topographic map of the area. Because of the large acreage involved, the scale "was 1" = 400' and the topographic map contours were five-foot intervals. (2) PRELIMINARY REPORT DESCRIBING PROPOSED PROVISIONS FOR STORM • DRAINAGE. SEWAGE DISPOSAL, HATER SUPPLY AND OTHER UTILITIES Refer to Draft Environmental Impact Report dated February 22, 1973. Storm Drainage . Water will continue to be drained down the canyons to Batiquitos Lagoon. Except as specially provided in areas to be maintained in a rural style, drainage will be affected along streets to catch basins and thence to storm drain pipes or channels. Hydrology studies will be used as necessary to size pipes or channels, Sewage Disposal • Service is established in the western area by Carlsbad Municipal System and in the eastern area by the Leucadia County Water District. : .'c^r'>"-••'"<•!* p^:T'''<::::':\;- p-c TOTAL |IOO± CDRD-K &P.U./AC .j • -v -.• .• .„ '• '"'• ' •• SMCXV/{n6 PROPOSED ZOHE.5 fi- DIVELUH6 D£O2>ITY . (AChEAaE5> \T f H JC.-iM ?!_ •' f SOLID L(r\El 5EPAMTES DASHED UIJIE.^ SEPAPxATE- The dividing line and terminal line'., are subject of current discus- sion between R. Hansen, Leucadia; Hunter Cook, City of Carlsbad; and engineers from South Bay Engineering Corporation. Capacities to meet the growth schedule of the area are expected to be sufficient. The areas outside of the annexation to the north which are in the natural sanitation drainage shed are included in the plans. The trunk lines along the Batiquitos Lagoon area will generally lie in both, the proposed San. Diego County Park Area and probably within the California Coastal Zone Conservation Act "Permit Area".' Application to the California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission will be made as. may be required. • '- •'• i Water Supply Carlsbad Municipal Water District is currently supplying this area. The apparent demand of about 1,800,000 gallons/day which will be required at ultimate development (20 years) appears to be within their capacity to supply. (3) ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL FACILITIES About 30 acres of supportive commercial area are proposed. This is based on the ASCE guideline of 4-10 acres for a neighbor- hood shopping center of which one or two may be necessary and por- tions of a community shopping center which in its entirety would require 10-30 acres. : • • ' -i • .;• r-f- ^; ASCE Urban Planning Guide, November 9, 1969. (4) DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM The Master Development Program as outlined here contemplates the orderly growth and development.of a residential area with such associated city, institutional and commercial services as are needed to service the population. It is not expected that the existing owner, per se, will perform the development. Some portions of the area may be developed by owner-related groups while the balance will be performed by independent developers. Conveyance methods will vary. Initial proposals (see Tract No. 72-34) are for conventional fee simple single family residences and duplex condominiums. Subsequent units will be in accordance with market needs. Current plans do not envision the creation of "Homes Association" groups. Accordingly, landscaping, open spaces and parks are initially expected to be dedicated to the city and so maintained or will be privately held. As market conditions or developer preference change, a different approach may be contem- plated. (5) TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE As specified in Title 21.38,050 (5) a tentative time schedule is shown in Figure 2 which shows the "approximate date by which each unit of development shall be completed". This estimate i.s based on physical completion of the projects. It is, of course, subject to considerable variation. Final occupancy of residential areas or lot subdivisions may be many years later. Often lots are held as investments or are passed along in families. Environmental Impact Report Chart, Figure 2 relates to land occupancy. (5) TENTATIVE TIME SCHEDULE (continued) The attached chart Figure 2 relates to one possible project phasing completion plan in terms of-subdivisi on. It should be emphasized that the development process from inception to complet- ion may take several years. Hence, beginning dates on project areas precede completion by such a time period. The development unit in reality is an area with only an approximate boundary. Development Unit Completion Year A 1974 B 1976 C 1980 4213} 375-2556 'FROM L. A. "772-1555 RAYMON D L. QUIGLEY DONALD E. DAWSON CONSULTING ENGINEERS SOUTH BAY ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3O4 TEJON PLACE PALQS VERGES ESTATES, CALIFORN IA 9O274 x—_^ / _ May 1, 1973 Honorable City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen : Pursuant to Section 21.52.080 of Title 21, the City of Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, we respectfully appeal the decision of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission on Zone Change No. 102 heard at the April 24th meeting of the Planning Commission. That decision was a complete denial of any pre-annexational zonina. Zone Change No. 102 was filed by Rancho ational Zone Change from County A-l (8) RD-M, P-C and C-l on approximately 1100 north of the Batiquitos Lagoon and west La Costa for pre-annex- and E-l (A) to R-l (7,500) acres generally located of El Camino Real. This Zone Change was requested in conjunction with (a) annexation of the 1100 acres, (b) a draft Environmental Impact Report covering the area and (c) a Master Development Plan for the property. This project has been in planning and design since early its conception. The City of Carlsbad staff have been the planning of Rancho La Costa for over one and one 1970 at involved with half years. The pre-annexation zoning requested was based upon the above mentioned planning. At this stage, two developments are in the design phase; one being located at the eastern end of the property (parcels 2, 5, 6, 7 & 8 of the attached sketch), the other at the northwestern end (parcels 1 and 3). In these two areas, sufficient information is available to request a specific zoning of RD-M, C-l and R-l (7,500) for the proposed eastern development (Tentative Tract No. C.T. 72-34) and a specific zoning of R-l (7,500) and RD-M for the specifically proposed development at the northwestern portion of the property. While specific zoning is now requested for the two areas subject to early development (as discussed above), the major portion of the property would be best served by placing it in P-C zone. This would allow great latitude in residential planning for the area, in which variety and atmosphere could result. The concept of P-C zoning is the encouragement and enhancement of neighborhood growth. SOUTH BAY ENGINEERING JRPORATION CIVIL & CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 1, 1973 Re: Zone Change No. 102 Page 2 Discussion with the City of Carlsbad planning staff both prior to and subsequent to the April 24, 1973 commission meeting indicates that they concur with this request (excluding C-l zoning on the east). The staff recommendation to the Planning Commission was : "The Planning Commission should consider the alternative of: 1. Allowing the RD-M Zone as proposed on parcels 5,6 & 7 [Tentative Tract No. C.T. 72-34] to occur. Services are potentially available in the vicinity of the developed portion of La Costa. 2. Allow the R-l-7500 parcel (parcel 1) of Exhibit "A" to develop, provided provisions for all public services can be made in conjunction with the adjoining Occidental Petroleum holdings and the Alta Mira development. The balance of the property outside of the identified parcels 1,5,6 & 7 be placed into the P-C zone to allow for coherent and comprehensive planning in conjunction with the existing program to revise the General Plan". In light of the study and planning for this project over the past two years; in light of acceptance of Environmental Impact Statement No. 114 covering the planning of this project and in light of the City of Carlsbad Planning Department staff recommendation, we respectfully appeal the City of Carlsbad City Council to grant: 1. Zoning of R-l (7,500) on parcel 2, RD-M on parcels 5,6 and 7 and C-l on parcel 8 of the attached sketch. 2. Zoning of R-l (7,500) on parcel 1 and RD-M on parcel 3 of the attached sketch. 3. Zoning of P-C on parcels 4,9,10,11 and 12 (being the remainder of the Rancho La Costa annexation) of the attached sketch. Very truly yours , SOUTH BAY ENGINEERING CORPORATION )onald E. Dawson Vice President DED:st Enclosure rnvfcSX^ v--." ".•-' - ' i"" ' /— * JZ£~£.^ ,-Oki.^L- TOTAL.noo+ nv, :)--'<5-^ -H, A ' / -M- ;' pTr A'. /(. i " *- •/*/ t>,,.A.;.7^sJ v r S PROPOSED 3O4 TpJON PAL5>8 VE«O€S ESTATESAPPfSOXIMATTE-7) SOLID LIKt 5EPAftATE5 »inT. DAMMED tUIE^ SEPAhATE. rVUMC»EP£D 2DHE CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS FOR APRIL 24, 1973 TO:PLANNING COMMISSION PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE CASE NO. ZC-102 DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION The Applicant, RANCHO LA COSTA, a limited partnership, is requesting a preannexation zone change from San Diego County A-l (8) and E-l (A) to the City of Carlsbad Zones R-l (7500) RD-M, P-C and C-l, on 1121+ acres of land area, generally located north of Batiquitos Lagoon and west of El Camino Real. The subject property has been presented to LAFCO for annexation (Ref. South Carlsbad Annex No. 1.15". Applicant has submitted the following zone change request: Zone Density No. of Acres P-C R-l-7500 RD-M C-l Sub-Total S.D.G. & E. Easements 675 136 258 20 1089 32 1121 +Acres The applicant has supported his zone change request by the following statements: 1. SUCH a zone change is warranted because "the property is suitable for residential purposes in accordance with the General Plan." 2. SUCH a zone change will be in the interest of furtherance of public welfare because "most of the land is now unusable for other purposes". 3. THE permitted uses in this proposed reelassification will not be detrimental in any way to surrounding properties because "surrounding properties are, in general, vacant." 4. THE property in this application is more suitable ANALYSIS/Ranr^" a Costa-Ayres April 24, 19, 'Page 2 for the proposed zone because "this land, except for small portions, is not suitable for agriculture because of soil and terrain". 5. THE adopted General Plan of the City of Carlsbad recognizes the property described herein for "residential and commercial" use of land. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY The property under consideration consists of 1121 + acres of land area, located north of Batiquitos Lagoon and west of that portion of Carlsbad known as La Costa. The property is currently in the County of San Diego and is presently utilized for agrarian purposes. The Terrian is hilly with the majority of the ridges following a north- south direction, with extreme slope conditions describing three rajrttural drainage channels across the subject property. DESCRIPTION OF SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING 1. Land Use - The surrounding land use to the north is agri- cultural and industrial, to the west is agricultural, to the south is the Batiquitos Lagoon, which is proposed for a San Diego County Regional Park. To the east of the subject property in Rancho La Costa is a combination of low and medium density residential uses and com- mercial development. 2- Zoning - The property directly to the north is zoned County E-l(A), the property to the south and west zoned A-l(8)and to the east is zoned R-l-(7500), RD-M and C-2 (the La Costa Country Club). ZONING REVIEW The applicant proposes to place portions of the property in to actual developmental zones (RD-M, R-l-7500 & C-2) and the balance of the property into P-C without Master Plan. It should be noted that by placing some 414 acres into developable zones, the applicant, or sub- sequent property owner, need only file a tentative map to start a developmental program. Development could conceivably occur in a di- verse and incoherent manner. The balance of the property, 675 acres, would be placed into the Planned Community (P-C) without a Master Plan The Master Plan is proposed to be prepared within one year of zoning approval, and would also allow the City adequate time to assess the proposed General Plan Revision and the applicability of that revision to the proposed development. It is likely that a portion, approximately 100 acres adjacent to El Camino Real, could develop within the immediate future because the potential availability of service exists in the developed portions of La Costa. A second but marginal parcel which could also develop is that portion of property adjoining the existing City boundary to the ANALYSIS/Rancho ( ^sta-Ayres .April 24, 1973 Page 3 west and adjacent to the Occidental Petroleum Land & Development Co. holdings, and adjacent to Alta Mira, which is currently under construction. The balance of the property should be placed in a P-C zone and included in the Master Plan. AFFECTS ON THE GENERAL PLAN The adopted General Plan designates the subject property for a com- bination of Estate and Low-Density Residential, and a small portion of Neighborhood Commercial and Tourist-Resort Land uses. The appli- cants' proposal is consistent with the existing goals and provisions of the GeneraL Plan, whereas the PC zoning district is the tool that provides both the City and the developer the flexibility to establish interrelated land uses during the conceptual planning phases, and during General Plan Revision. A point of clarification must be made at this time. Annexations have historically combined the functions of zone change and master plan adoption, however, each process requires a distinct action on behalf of the City, and the dovetailing process occurs at the master plan stage. It is the intent of the Planning Department to separate these functions to provide adequate time for the developer to prepare a master plan for the entire 1121+ acres. The recent revision of the P-C zoning ordinance provides for Master and Specific Plans to be placed on the property within one year of assigning the zoning de- signations. Albeit, the applicant has indicated a density of four (4) dwelling units per acre on the P-C portion of this zone change request, and the General Plan recognizes that particular area for a maximum density of two (2) units per acre, we need not consider the density proposal at this point in time. The Master Plan requirement of the P-C zone will establish, among other things, the acceptable density provision. Therefore, in view of the permitted uses of the requested zoning districts as applied to the land use designations of the General Plan, the Planning Department finds that they are con- sistent with the goals and objectives expounded therein. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CONSIDERATION The applicant has submitted the required Environmental Assessment. Zoning districts other than P-C would provide the potential for a significant change in the environment, if the physical configuration of the lot would permit the development of the permitted uses con- tained in the zoning district. The P-C zone itself requires that a master plan be filed on the property within one year from the time of grafting the zone. The filing of the master plan on the P-C portion of the proposed annexation will require an additional in-depth Environ- mental Impact Report which addresses itself to specific circumstances (grading, density, traffic flow, etc.) of the proposed development. The same approach will be taken with the R-l, RD-M and C-l portions in that, at the time of the required subdivision (to permit feasible development) an in-depth environmental review will be initiated. ANALYSIS/Rancho 'a, "osta-Ayres April 24, 1973Page 4 After placing the requested zoning on the property it is difficult to significantly develop the property without either obtaining a grading permit or subdividing the land. Each of these City entitle- ments requires that an Environmental Impact Report be submitted. It is at this point in time that an adequate and meaningful Environ- mental Assessment can be made. A direct correlation of the benefit derived to the amount of negative expenditures, is difficult to ascertain at the zone change stage. At this instant, we can be assured that if the property develops, some types of City services will be required. However, the scope and scale of such services would only be speculation, based on the maximum potential of the zoning district. The problem that confronts the Planning Department is one of gathering sufficient evidence to make an adequate determination. It is quite evident that the development of this 1121+ acres will have a substantial effect. However, definitive proposals for development must be pre- sented in order to assess its absolute environmental impact. The Planning Commission should be aware that the applicant has agreed to prepare a Master Plan of development for the entire 1121+ acres, and will submit the additional Environmental Impact Information at that time. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission deny the request for zone change as submitted in this application for the following reasons: a. The pending development of 414 acres of real property could adversely effect the City's ability to provide adequate service. b. The City is currently developing its General Plan Revision to be consistent with State Law, and decisions on the absolute pro- visions of land use should not be considered until the recommendations of that revision program are available. The Planning Commission should consider the alternative of: 1. Allowing the RD-M Zone as proposed on parcels 5,6, & 7 to occur. Services are potentially available in the vicinity of the developed portion of La Costa. 2. Allow the R-l-7500 parcel (parcel 1} of Exhibit "A" to de- velop, provided provisions for all public services can be made in con- junction with the adjoining Occidental Petroleum holdings and the Alta Mira development. The balance of the property outside of the identi- fied parcels 1,5,6, & 7 be placed into the P-C Zone to allow for co- herent and comprehensive planning in conjunction with the existing program to revise the General Plan. DONALD A. AGATEP,^\ Planning Director CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS FOR APRIL 24, 1973 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT #126 (Ayres) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The limited partnership of Rancho La Costa (DONALD B. AYRES) is proposing to annex some 1106+ acres of its holdings to the City of Carlsbad. The property is generally located between El Camino Real and Lagoon Lane, and northerly of the Batia'jitos Lagoon. The partnership submitted an annexation request to LAFCO under "South Carlsbad Annexation 1.15" On December 4, 1972 LAFCO consented to the applicants' request for annexation. The applicant has been working with this staff since the spring of 1972 to develop and prepare for the Planning Commission a program which will allow for the orderly and logical assimilation of the subject 1100+ acres into the City of Carlsbad. The impacts as presented in the draft report concern the effects of the proposed annexation and zone change upon all facets of the environment as required by Carlsbad's Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972. The report addresses, to a great extent, the definition of and the potential impacts upon the natural environments of flora, fauna, topography, hydrology and to some extent, the impacts of the proposed action upon Public Services. There was discussion in the Environmental Impact Statement which was submitted for the proposed "El Camino Glens" development, regarding the potential of an Urban Hucleas forming in the vicinity of La Costa. That nucleus was reviewed as separate and distinct physically, economically, socially and culturally from the centeral core of the presently acknowledged and older, portion of Carlsbad. The annexation of, and the development of the subject 1100+ acres represents an extension of that theory in that the proposed property is, by Draft E.I.R. definition, a residential and residential oriented commercial development.(Ref: Pg. 5 of Draft EIR). Therefore, the major impetus of the significant Environmental Impact would be one of assessing the potential of developing 1100+ acres of land, including 5988 dwelling units, and the relationship of that development to the surrounding lands, and the relation of both to the balance of governmental re- sponsibilities in serving "urban" portions and outer "suburban" portions of Carlsbad. The aspects of the departmental analysis which therefore deserve the greatest amount of emphasis are: 1. the impact on government for providing service. 2. the impact on the General Plan. ACCEPTABILITY OF THE DRAFT REPORT: The Draft Report for "Rancho La Costa (Donald 8. Ayres) has been determined to meet the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Impact Ordinance of 1972. The report as submitted did consider all aspects of, and the potential impacts of, the proposed development upon the natural environment. As outlined above, the major emphasis will be placed upon the requirements levied upon the City for service (water, sewer, schools, administration, etc) and the ability of the Planning Process through the General Plan to satisfy those requirements. FINAL REPORT: 1. Project Description: A synopsis of the project description as presented in the Draft Report, pages 1-15, indicates a development that will ultimately (20 yrs) provide: P-C 675 acres 3000 d.u. RD-M 258 acres 2308 d.u. R-1-7500 136 acres 680 d.u. comm'l 20 acres 1089 acres 5988 d.u. Average d.u./acre = 5.6 The proposed project represents an approximate ultimate population (15,500) about equal to the existing City population of 17,250. Assuming the time frame re- presented in the Draft E.I.R., absorbtion into the City will not occur for at least a minimum of 20 years (pages 12-14 of Draft EIR). Additional information relating to the project description is contained in the Draft EIR. 2. Environmental Setting Without the Project: The background information presented above in conjunction with information contained in the Draft EIR provide an adequate basis for discussion of the Environmental setting for the purposes of this report. (Ref pgs. 16-32) Additional note should be taken to page 31 which suggests soil suitabilities of orchard, row crops and pasture on 77% of the project property and 23% suitability of watershed. The statement that there are no known faults in the region (Page 32) is questionable since the County of San Diego and the Integrated Regional Environmental Management Regent (IREM) has identified a fault trace or a crustal shift along the southern shore of the Batiquitos Lagoon. This structural anomaly is in ths process of Page 3. being assessed by Lanpman and Associates in conjunction with the preparation o^ the Geologic Hazards portion of the General Plan, Therefore, any extention of the i:fault tract" which has a north/south orientation, to the north or south, is not known at this time. 3, Indenity Environmental Impacts: The Draft EIR (Pgs. 33-48) identify the basic environmental impacts. Additional discussion is warranted on the impacts of the proposed project upon Governmental Service and upon the General Plan. The ensuing remarks address these impacts - in a general way - with the intent being to insure that any decision-making body has sufficient information to adequately assess the proposed action. These impacts are usually described as "macro" or larger scale problems which lie beyond the specific project site and may only be mitigated by an adequate planning process, and through comprehensive agency coordination. They are specific in nature but pertain to long-range cumulative impacts which the City must deal with through some form of advanced planning process which identifies and adheres to an objective set of Goals and Policies. a. Impact on Governmental Systems The Draft EIR (Pages 38-47) addresses the impacts upon those functions normally identified as being the responsibility of the jurisdictional body. The requirement to deliver services to the projectural population of 15,000 individuals places a great burden upon the local governmental entity,especially if the pro- posed development is to have residential identity. The City does not have at the present time viable courses of action which would allow the provision of school facilities. This is evidenced by recent attempts by the Carlsbad Unified School District to pass "tax over-ride and/or Bond issued" . The subject property is completely within the jurisdictional boundaries of the District. Road systems are basically identified on the City's existing General Plan, however, it is desirous to comprehensively plan the major circulation network so as to maximize efficiency and minimize the unnecessary natural system impact which has been vogue in the past. This is especially true for grading and location. The requirements to provide Governmental Administration have, at this point, been identified but programs or plans have not yet been refined to enable this "second urban nucleus" to progress in an orderly manner. To this point, discussion has centered around the total concept of the proposed development. It is important to consider what the impact of a "developing" zone versus a "non-developing" or holding_zone, is going to be upon the existing ability of the City to provide service. The applicant proposes to develop parcels 1 and 2 as R-l-7,500; parcels 3 - 7 as RD-M (Ref Pg. 10 & Fig. 1). In the City, these zones require approval of Tentative Maps in order for development to occur. The threat of immediate development then is dependent upon housing market con- siderations, availability of sewer, water, schools, police and fire protection. It would be assumed that in order for development to occur, the City would con- ceivably have the capacity to meet those demands. As already noted, the Carlsbad School District is overcrowded, and the Leucadia County Water District Sewer capacity is at threshold level. Any development which would occur on the western boundary of the property site, would of necessity require pumping due west into the existing system or would gravity feed to a new line along the southern perimeter which is not completely designed. On the other hand, the "non-developing" zone may be defined as Planned Community (P-C) zone without approval of a comprehensive master plan, pursuant to requirements of the P-C Ord. as revised. The property owner has expressed his desire to properly assess and prepare a Master Plan within the one (1) year time frame as allowed under Ordinance. Therefore, emminent development could not take place without first having the advantage of the current program to revise the General Plan. b. Ijnpact upon the General Plan : Specific consideration should be given to the program currently underway that will revise the existing General Plan and at the same time, add the state mandated elements of "Geologic Hazards", Open Space, Conservation, etc. Development of the subject property prior to the adoption of these elements would preclude the consideration of the factors defined by law as components of these elements, and may result in the unnecessary depletion of natural resources. Although basic circulation and density recommendations are contained within the existing General Plan, the proposed development does represent alternative circulation routes and density patterns which should have the benefit of the G.P. Revisions' recommendations. Another General Plan impact often under emphasized by Planners and decision- makers alike is the more generalized relationship between service demands of the existing inner-city and those of the high/new growth areas on the urbanized periphery. If for example, concentration of capital expenditures in peripheral growth areas are made disporportionately and at the expenses of Capital Improvement demands in the inner city, the improvement of the quality of the inner city's environment may be underemphasized and therefore represent a significant depreciation of the existing City's environment. Planning then involves the necessary and logical coordination of both responsibilities for the benefit of the entire population, as that population may now exist or at it may exist in the future. Development then should only occur at such time as Capital Improvement Programs are developed as part of the General Plan Revision. ' . It should be noted, that there are areas within the project site which could develop in the immediate future and may not significantly effect the City's ability to provide service (Parcels 5 & 6 as identified on Pg. 10 & in Fig. 1 and to a lesser degree Parcel #1) 4. Any Adverse Environmental Effects Which Cannot Be Avoided Should The Proposal Be Implemented. The Draft EIR lists the result of urbanization on the project site and In the general vicinity will: 1. create a loss of visual open spaces. 2. cause a disappearance of the rural atmosphere prevalent in the area. 3. increase traffic flow. It should also be noted that increased populations increase proportionately the absolute demand for schools, sewer, government, etc. 5. Mitigation Measures To Minimize Any Significant Impacts: Mitigation is the proposed action a property owner, developer or legislative body can take to minimize or erradicate the adverse aspects of a proposed de- velopment. The Draft EIR on Page 49 addresses some of the mitigating measures. As an adjunct to those mentioned in the Draft report, the City by law, must offer mitigation: a. The draft EIR on Pg. 51 outlines the tax levies placed on the subject property for the last 15 years and measures that requirement against revenues generated. Historically, agricultural lands have been assessed proportionate to "highest and best" use philosophy, which thru time would ultimately lead to urbanization because surrounding development has forced transition to urban (residential £ commercial) land uses. This is known fact in the Santa Clara Valley, San Luis Rey Valley, San Fernando Valley and other like urbanized areas where property value was identified in economic terms. Therefore, the connotation of "highest and best" become an economic one. In principle however, "highest and best" should relate to social, political and economic consideration. Therefore, because possibly of the lack of a program to plan for agriculture as a resource or viable land use, property value was placed disporportionate to actual economic rent derived under reasonable circumstances, thereby forcing thru time,development. As a mitigative measure, the City could and should develop implementable programs which through the General Plan process allow for agriculture, open spaces and the conservation of natural resources at they may be defined. b. The suggestion that P-C could be used on a portion is realistic and a desirious way in which to develop. Consideration should be given to utilizing the P-C concept on the entire parcel of 1100+ acres. This approach offers the City the ability to coherently plan for growth by absolute review, through the Master Plan, and then Specific Plan/Tentative Map stages. This would be in contrast to the proposal of employing "developing zones" which would have the capacity of imrnenent development by approval of a Tentative Map. 6. A1ternatiyes to the Proposed Action : In addition to the utilization of the P-C concept as previously outlined alternatives are presented on Pgs. 50-52 of the Draft E.I.R. 7. The Relationship between the Local Short-Term uses of Man's Environment and the Maintenance & enhancement of Long-Term Quality: The Draft EIR states the short-term as 100 years and then implies the long-term as being 100-200 years. This assessment is subjective and not realistic in that the lav; (California Environmental Quality Act of 1970) stipulates " special attention should be given to impacts which narrow the range of beneficial uses of the environment or pose long-term risks to health, welfare or safety . . . ." By only assessing the long-term effects as residentially derived, choices in the future, long-term, may be precluded". If development is allowed to proceed without prior consideration of the preservation of resources, the impacted relationships to governmental services or to General Plans, present or future, the choice of alternatives by future generations would be precluded. 8. The Growth Inducing Impacts of the Proposed Activity Upon the Neighborhood and/or Community. The growth inducing impacts, contrary to those identified on Page 54 of the Draft EIR, are those impacts created by this project which are part of the larger trend in converting non-urban areas to urbanized communities/neighborhoods. The effect on the community is basically that of increasing a second "urban nucleus" within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City. That nucleus evolving around the La Costa area and more generally in the area south of Palomar Airport Road. 9. Agencies Contacted and Presented With The Draft EIR For Comment: 1. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2. San Diego Coast Regional Commission 3. County Parks and Recreation Department 4. State Fish and Game Department 5. Agriculture Department 6. Corps of Engineers The combination of the Draft EIR prepared for Rancho La Costa (Donald B. Ayres) by South Bay Engineering Corporation, and the foregoing report as submitted by the Planning Department, represent the Final Impact Report for Rancho La Costa and meets the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ord. of 1972 (Ord. 1158). The Final Report on the proposed annexation and zone change re- presents only the basic, generalized information necessary to make an adequate decision. As each phase develops within the subject property, additional information will be necessary to address specific developmental proposals as they relate to this report and as they relate to the additional requirements of grading, design and specific demand of public services. The Department recommends that this document, Draft E.I.R. and Departmental Analysis, be accepted as sufficient to meet the requirements of Ordinance 1158. DONALD A. AGATEP, Planning Director DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME REGION ? 350 Golden Shore Long Beach, California April 16, 1973 Mr. James D. King Planning Department City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. King: Thank you for the opportunity to reviev; and submit comments on your Draft Environmental Impact Report of the Rancho La Costa Annexation. Our review has revealed that certain aspects of the project will be of concern to us in protecting the fish and wildlife resources of Batiquitos Lagoon. Discussions on page 33 which relate to silting of the lagoon and storm runoff to the lagoon containing fertilizer and pest- icides are inaccurate. We feel that construction activities ivhieh denude steep sandstone slopes would cause heavy siltation to occur in the lagoon. It is also presumptuous to state that the effect occurring from. fertilizers and pesticides will be minor if it is actually unknown. We foresee potential problems from the drainage of water from this area during and after grading and construction activities. Every effort should be made to reduce siltation caused by construction activities. No construction should commence' prior to or during rainfall months. After the area has been developed, the potential for increased storm runoff will exist. We recommend that adequate safeguards be implemented to prevent wildlife habitat , particularly the aquatic ecosystem, from being harmed by the proposed development. Robert D. Montgomery Regional Manager Region 5 cc: Chief of Operations WAS - Region 5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY COS ANGELES DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 271 1 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 9OO53 SPLED-E 19 April 1973 -Mr. Michael C. Zander Assistant Planner City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Zander: This is in response to your letter of 2 April 1973 in which you requested Corps of Engineers comments on the draft environmental impact report for Rancho La Costa Annexation, Carlsbad, California. The proposed plan does not conflict with existing or authorized plans of the Corps of Engineers. Therefore, we have no comment to make regarding the report. Any development that would eventually encroach on Batiquitos Lagoon should be coordinated with this office to determine whether a Department of the Army permit would be required. Mr. Walter S. Boyle, Chief, Waterways Control Section, Operations Branch, telephone (213) 688-5607, should be contacted. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this draft statement. Sincerely yours, ^GARTH A. FUQUAY Incl w/d \** Chief, Engineering Division PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 894 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION DENYING A REQUEST FOR A PREANNEXATIONAL CHANGE OF ZONE FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY A-l(8) and E-l(A) TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ZONES (R-l-7500) RD-M, P-C and C-l, ON 1121+ ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL, FILED BY RANCHO LA COSTA. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 24th day of April, 1973 hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a preannexational change of zone application filed by RANCHO LA COSTA, from County Zoning A-l(8) and E-l(A) to City of Carlsbad zoning R-l(7500) RD-M, P-C and C-l, on 1121+ acres of land generally located north of Batiquitos Lagoon and west of El Camino Real, more particularly described as: All that land in Sections 22, 26, 27, 28 and 35, in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, AND, WHEREAS said applicant has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972", and presented an Environmental Impact Report at a duly noticed public hearing held on April 24, 1973, and said report was accepted as presented; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to exist which make the dental of a preannexational change of zone necessary to carry out the provisions and general purpose of Title 21: 1. the pending development of 414 acres of real property could adversely effect the City's ability to provide adequate service. 2. the City is currently developing its General Plan Revision to be consistent with State Law, and decisions on the absolute provisions of land use should not be considered until the recommendations of that provision program are available. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad that it does hereby recommend denial to the City Council of the requested preannexational change of zone and adoption of an amendment to Title 21 on said property from A-l(8) and E-l(A) to City zoning R-l-7500, RD-M, P-C and C-l. XX -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PASStD, APPROVED AND ADOPTED AT a regular meeting of the City Planning Commission, held on the 24th day of April, 1973, by the following vote, to wit; AYES: NONE NOES: Commissioners Little, Forman, Norman and Palmateer ABSEMT: Commissioners Dominguez, Dewhurst and Jose. ROBERT T. LITTLE, Chairman Pro-Tempore ATTEST: .DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary. -2- -^-''* """^' \A^'/^ p" ^ -*?;.T .'..--••! .^•-- ?:;T} H'-'-r-gH ^*'^^^-} -.^;,Y^--''rv ^uTD^'^ ^T^^^V fc^^'Vxi^ |r,_^^ -\->—<,^::-^sn jt-'^a.^^n * i* ~*^3»g £0^:^a-'J-?r-i->! C o-4i v o Theddors G. Schoppe (H. Gault) ll.Q 3, I^rookhurst Street ' ( Anaheim', CA 92804 Theddore G. Schoppe (Roberson) 710 S. Brookhurst Street Anaheim, CA 92804 Jack & Patricia A. Sudduth Base Little Creek Norfolk, VA 23501 Robert F. S Cheryl Kevane 4405 Alamo Drive San Diego, CA 92115 Robert C. & Bona W. Stillman 580 "G" Street Brawley, CA 92227 Robert L. Downs Et Al 380 Union Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Gordon D. & Mary J. 01ton P. O. Box 496 Redondo Beach, CA 91777 Eunice Larson 8244 Bainbridge Solon Road Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022 William Casselman 4937 Oakwood Avenue La Canada, CA 91011 Marguerite M. Wood c/o Marguerite Jack Box 396 Del Mar, CA 92014 Ronald L. & Mary K. Roesch 1166 Las Pulgas Place Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 George R. & Audra C. Ferrey 615 Mar Vista Drive Solana Beach, CA 92075 Dean & Jeanne Martin c/o Palomar Street Venture 9350 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Robert L. & Nina Whitney 2236 Winrock Avenue Altadena, CA 91001 Alieene M. Hudson 9929 Young Dr., Apt. B Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Hugo J. Hanson 210 Roundtree Way San Rafael, CA 94902 Ethel E. Swenson Et Al c/o Ethel Bryant 14356 Cerecita Dr. E. Whittier, CA 90604 Batiquitos II - 20 c/o Byron F. White 2330 1st National Bank Bldg. San Diego, CA 92101 Paul W. & Joan M. Dunn Patrick W. & Lorraine C. Sweeney Donald B. s Doris Dunn 530 Broadway, Suite 1030 San Diego, CA 92101 Cal-Pacific Properties, Inc. c/o R. K. Miller 5359 Chelsea Street La Jolla, CA 92037 Elgie Powers 12411 Pasadena Street Whittier, CA 90601 Mary E. Bressi 6670 El Camino Real Carlsbad, CA 92008 A L J Enterprises No. 1 2^00 Nrw/ajo Road Bl-Cajdn, CA 92020 Gilbert & Mollie Epstein 436- Van Nuys Blvd. ([if3 Van Nuys, CA 91401 Marshall & Beatrice E. Goldbej ( 260 E. Chestnut, Apt. 4704 Chicago, Illinois 62521 Henry & Kitty Lichtenstein 713 N. June Street Los Angeles, CA 90038 Irvin s Barbara Zeavin 7080 Hollywood Blvd., No. 1107 Los Angeles, CA 90028 Mortimer C. & Agatha Winski 104 Valentine Court Michigan City, Ind. 46360 Stanley s Marian J. Praver 10639 Lindamere Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90024 Rancho La Costa, Inc. Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Antoinette Cullen La Costa Villa 29 Carlsbad, CA 92008 C. A. Larsen Construction Co. 3040 Hancock Street San Diego, CA 92110 Karl H. S Olga Landes 315 W. 70th Street New York, N. Y. 10023 Alfred J. & Sophia M. Natkin 9402 Endicott Houston, Texas 77035 Thomas A. & Joan C. Read 2301 Portsmouth Houston, Texas 77006 St. John Knits 8541 Lankersheim Blvd. Sun Valley, CA 91352 R. Philip & Geraldine C. Smith 7184 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Moe S Anne R. Kaplan c/o M. S. Click, CPA 405 N. Camden Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Robert M. & Alice A. Salvarezza 110 Braemar Drive Hillsborough, CA 94010 Ralph & La Vernea Blomquist 2170 Century Park E. Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90667 Gordon R. Ledingham 3795 - 30th Street San Diego, CA 92104 Charles A. & Willa M. Babbitt 3924 Palos Verdes Drive North Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Marjorie A. Wells c/o Daniel Wells 7204 Estrella De Mar Carlsbad, CA 92008 Irwin Adler 141 E. 56 reet Norman D. & Enid Rom 9355 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Stephen & Dorothy M. Hays 7210 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Irwin S. & Lucille L. Neiman 221 - 140th Street N.E. Bellevue, WA 98004 C. M. Waters P. O. Drawer 5697 Alexandria, LA 71301 M. B. Dalitz c/o J. A. Donnelley, Esq. 2655 Fourth Avenue San Diego, CA 92103 Albert & Mildred Carmosino 6240 S. Ivy Street Englewood, CO 80110 Samuel N. & Rebecca Wolf 7185 D, Estrella De' Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert E., Jr. & Marie Gray 8541 Lankersheim Blvd. Sun Valley, CA 91352 John S. & Lorna W. Brittan 4640 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028 William B. & Geraldine Randall 2035 Playa Road Rancho La Costa, 0k- Hans s Jetta Zimmerman 2013/Po'C-M Top Drive 'u,' Hawaii 96822 Allyn D. Fortier .>. O. Box 816 Encinitas, CA 92024 Serapio F. Alvarez c/o Evangeline Lopez 308 Jacaranda Street Orange, CA 92667 Alvin S Beatrice Broido 7228 Estrella De Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 La Costa Land Co. Costa Del Mar Btii«t. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Raul C. & Maria Mendivil 1045 Gladys Avenue San Gabriel, CA 94110 Neil S Miriam Rosenstein 708 N. Canon Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Rancho La Costa Drawer A Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Harold Thompson P. O. Box 576 Carlsbad, CA 92008 John W. Cunningham 7234 Estrella De Mar Carlsbad, CA 92008 David B. Thompson P. 0. Box 576 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert Landers 7240 Estrella De Mar Carlsbad, CA 92008 John C. Lyman Route 1, Box 398 Encinitas, CA 92024 Harold 5 Dorothy Thompson P. O. Box 576 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Sidney & Esther Gillman 2069 Playa Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Alie Occidental Petroleum Land & Development c/o Occidental Petroleum Corp. 5000 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93309 Charles J. & Alice M. Kramer P. O. Box 117 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Robert E. S Evelyn M. Weidner 537 Ocean View Avenue Encinitas, CA 92024 Tabaj:a Sho Et Al 2096^ Alta Vista Drive Vista, CA 92083 Albert K. & Polly R. Smith 11224 Memorial Drive Houstonr Texas 77024 George A. Hillebrecht, Inc. Route 1, Box 641 Escondido, CA 92025 James I. & Mary I. Kuromi Et Al 2819 Fletcher Drive Los Angeles, CA 90039 Edward M. & Ellandra Rose 605 N. Sierra Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Jean L. Kraus c/o Marshall Setterlund 511 First Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Andrew S Christa McReynolds 2316 Calle Chiquita Street La Jolla, CA 92037 Robert P. Benfield P. 0. Box 389 San Pedro, CA 90733 James R. S Jean L. Owen c/o Marshall Setterlund 511 First Street Encinitas, CA 92024 Albert P. & Marion R. Graff P. O. Box 674 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92C67 Richard M. & Marilee Hawkins 2009 Victoria Drive Santa Ana, CA 92706 Graham M. s Edith A. Kraus P. O. Box 74 Graeagle, CA 96103 Emma G. Hoppe 11901 Sunset Blvd., Apt. 211 Los Angeles, CA 90049 RESOLUTION NO. 3175 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ANNOUNCING FINDINGS AND DECISION REGARDING CHANGE OF ZONE FROM L-C (LIMITED CONTROL) TO RD-M, R-l-7500, AND P-C, FOR 1106 ACRES OF LAND, GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD,EAST OF 1-5, AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. WHEREAS, ON April 24, 1973, a duly advertised Public Hearing was held before the Planning Commission in a manner prescribed by law, to consider a preannexational change in zone from San Diego County A-l(8) and E-l(A), to City of Carlsbad zoning C-l, RD-M, R-l-7500 and P-C, on property generally located south of Palomar Airport Road, east of 1-5 and west of El Camino Real, described as Exhibit "A", attached hereto; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, adopted Resolution No. 894 recommending Denial of zone change which is herewith referred to, and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972", and an Environmental Impact Report was filed and discussed at a duly noticed public hearing held by the Planning Commission, and was approved as presented;,and WHEREAS, on June 5, 1973, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad held a public hearing on the appeal of said Denial, received all recommendations and heard all persons interested in or opposed to the proposed change of zone and indicated their intent to grant said appeal and referred the matter back to the Planning Commission for report; and, WHEREAS, on July 2, 1973 the subject property, also known as "South Carlsbad Annexation No. 1.15" was annexed to the City of Carlsbad and zoned L-C (Limited Control) pursuant to the requirements in the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance, and; WHEREAS, on July 10, 1973 the Planning Commission was presented a report describing City Council action regarding the Ayres Preannexational zoning request and submitted the following findings to the City Council for their consideration: -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 WHEREAS, the area requested to be rezoned RD-M on the western side of the Ayres holdings should be placed in a P-C zone without a Master Plan. The area on the eastern side of the Ayres holdings should be zoned as * requested, except the zoning boundaries should be coterminous with boundaries of the proposed Rancho La Cuesta subdivision map, and; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission would urge the City of Carlsbad to establish the position that much of Carlsbad is being planned with zones and Master Plans in areas where the necessary information is not available, thereby constituting somewhat premature development. Until such time as the General Plan revision is completed, additional applications should be discouraged, and, WHEREAS, notwithstanding, the Planning Commission recommends the City Council of the City of Carlsbad grant the zoning on subject property for the following reasons: 1. It designates potential zoning and densities for a large area of our undeveloped land, thereby providing some positive basis for planning circulation patterns in this and nearby areas. 2. It will create some positive positions for use in finalizing the General Plan which is now under consideration by our City. 3. Through coordination with the developer regarding construction schedules, it will assist in the projection of future budgets in the service areas - fire, police, maintenance personnel and equipment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ctty Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: »* 1. That the above recitations are. true and correct. 2. That the City Council finds that the zone change described herein, (a) is consistent with the General Plan as it applies to contiguous properties within the City of Carlsbad. (bj[ is consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan, and, That the approval of the proposed change of zone classi- fication is necessary to carry out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Municipal Code. 3. That the City Council of the City of Carlsbad intends to adopt an ordinance to effectuate the proposed change of zone, as follows: -2- . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ' Parcel 1 (RD-M, 8 DU/AC). The westerly half of the north- easterly quarter of Section 27, T12S-R4M." 1 Parcel 2 (R-l-7500, 5 DU/AC). Land in Section 26, T12S-R4W lying between the 100'easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954 and th,e 150' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company in Document 145345 recorded October-15, 1953 in Book 6301 page 162 and north-westerly of a line between the intersection of the northerly line of the 150' easement to San Dieqo Gas and Electric Company recorded in Document 145345 October 16, 1953 in Book 6301 page 16.2 with the north-south centerline of the south-westerly quarter of Section 26 and the inter- section of the north-south centerline of Section 26 with the southerly line of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954. Parcel 3 (R-l-7500, 5 DU/AC). The northerly half of the south-easterly quarter of Section 27, T12S-R4H. Parcel 4 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in Sections 27 and 22 T12S-R4W lying northerly of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49341 recorded April 16, 1954 which crosses this land in a north-westerly - south-easterly line, excluding therefrom land zoned C-l. Parcel 5 (R-l-7500, 5 DU/AC). Annexed land in the easterly half of the south-westerly quarter of Section 26 south- easterly of a line between the intersection of the northerly line of the 150' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company recorded in Document 145345 October 16, 1953 in Book 6301 page 162 with the north-south centerline of the south- westerly quarter of Section 26 and the intersection of the north-south centerline of Section 26 with the southerly line of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company ' per Document 49S41 recorded April 16, 1954. I Parcel 6 (RD-M, 8 DU/AC). Annexed land in the westerly half j of the south-easterly quarter of Section 26 lying west of i El Camino Real and south of the 100' easement to San Dieao | Gas, and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded Aprili 16, •- 19 5 4. I • Parcel 7 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in the easterly half | of Section 35, T1,2S-R4W lying west of El Camino Real. j Parcel 8 (C-l). Annexed land in Section 26, T12S-R4H lying . north-easterly of the south-westerly line of the 100' ease- ment to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954 abd westerly of El Camino Real. Parcel 9 (P-C, no M.P., combined with £4). A parcel of land 700' X 400" lying 700" along the north-south line of the easterly quarter of Section 22, T12S-R4W and extending 400' easterly from said line, the 700' being bisected by the centerline of the proposed 102- collector road proposed for this area. Parcel 10 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in Section 22 and 27, T12S-R4W lying southerly of the northerly line of the 100' casement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954. Parcel 11 (P-C, no H.P.). Annexed land in the westerly half Of the south-westerly quarter of section 26 lying southerly of the northern line of the 150' easement to San Dieqo Gas and Electric Company recorded October 16, 1953 in Book 6301 page 162. Parcel 12 (P-C. no M.P.). of Section 35.Annexed land in the westerly half -3— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Counci7 held on the ]7tn fay Of july, 1973, by the following vote, to wit; AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee NOES: None. ABSENT: None. AVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: MARWRW E. ADAMS, ( CITY cl/ERK (SEAL) -4- . EXHIBIT "A" - Page 1. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 All that land in Sections 22, 25,' 27, 28 and 35, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in the County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows: (1) Beginning at the ,intersection of the north line of the south half of Section 26, T12S-R4W with the easterly line of Road Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Rea-1) on file in the County Engineer's Office of said County; (2) thence westerly along said north line to the east line of Section 27, T12S-R4VI; (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) "thence northerly along the east line of Sections 27 and 22, T12S-R4H to the southerly boundary of Rancho Agua Hedionda as said southerly boundary was established May 5, 1913, by decree of the Superior Court of the State of California in and for San Diego County in that certain action no. 16830 entitled Kelly Investment Company, a corporation vs. Clarence Dayton Hillman and Bessie Olive Hillman; thence westerly along said southerly .boundary to its intersection with the west line of Lot 1, Section 22, T12S-R4W according to the U.S. Government Survey of Lot 1 approved April 21, 1890; thence southerly along said west line and the west line of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 22, T12S-R4U and southerly alorrg the west line of the east half of the northeast quarter of Section 27, T12S-R4W to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter; thence westerly along the north line of said southwest quarter of the northeast quartar and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter to the east line of the west half of the northwest quarter of said Section 27; thence northerly along line of Section 27; aid east line to th*e north thence westerly along the north line of said Section 27 to the northv;est corner of said Section 27, T12S-R4W; -5- EXHIBIT "A" Page 2. 1 2 3 4 (9) thence southerly along the west line of said 5 Section 27 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of Section 28, T12S-R4W; 6 (10) thence westerly along the north line of said southeast quarter to the east line of the west half of the northeast quarter of said Section 28, 8 T12S-R4W; (11) thence northerly along said east line .to the north line'of said Section 28; 9 10 11 (12) thence westerly along said north line to the north 12 and south center line of said Section 28; 13 (13) thence southerly along said center line to the north line of the south half of the southeast quarter of said Section 28; (14) thence easterly along said north line to the west line of said Section 27; 17 (15) thence Southerly along said west line to the south line of said Section 27; l fi (16) thence easterly along said south line to th.e west i line of said Section 35; 20 (17) thence southerly along said west line to the south line of the north 20 acres of Lot 1 of said Section 35; 21 (18) thence easterly along said south line to the east 22 line of said Lot 1; 23 (19) thence southerly along east line to the south line of Lot 2 of said Section 35; 24 (20) thence North 60° East and South 82° 51' 38" East 25 along said south line of Lot 2 and along its easterly prolongation to the easterly line of said Road26 Survey No. 1800-1 (El Camino Real); 27 (21) thence northerly along said easterly lin.e to the point of beginning. 29 30 31 -6- 1! 2!I 3! 4 5! 6 I 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NO. 9357 AM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE 3Y GRANTING A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM L-C (LIMITED CONTROL) TO C-l, RD-M, R-l-7500 and P-C ON 1100+ ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF 1-5 AND WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL (Ayres) The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does I ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The generally described real property as desig- nated in Exhibit A is granted a change of zone from L-C (Limited Control) to C-l, RD-M, R-l-7,500, and P-C, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1 (RD-M, 8 DU/AC). The westerly half of the north- easterly quarter of Section 28, T12S-R4W. Parcel 2 (R-l-7500, 5 DU/AC). Land in Section 26, T12S-R4W lying between the 100'easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954 and the 150' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company in Document 145345 recorded October 16, 1953 in Book 6301 page 162 and north-westerly of a line between the intersection of the northerly line of the 150' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company recorded in Document 145345 October 16, 1953 in Book 6301 page 162 with the north-south centerline of the south-westerly quarter of Section 26 and the inter- section of the north-south centerline of Section 26 with the southerly line of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954. Parcel 3 (R-l-7500, 5 DU/AC). The northerly half of south-easterly quarter of Section 28, T12S-R4W. the Parcel 4 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in Sections 27 and 22 T12S-R4W lying northerly of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954 which crosses this land in a north-westerly south-easterly line, excluding therefrom land zoned C-l. Parcel 5 (R- half of the easterly of line of the Company reco 6301 oage 16 westerly qua north-south of the 100' per Document 1-7500, 5 DU/AC). Annexed land in the easterly south-westerly quarter of Section 26 south- a line between the intersection of the northerly 150' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric rded in Document 145345 October 16, 1953 in Book 2 with the north-south centerline of the south- rter of Section 26 and the intersection of the centerline of Section 26 with the southerly line easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company 49341 recorded April 15, 1954. XX 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Parcel 6 (RD-M, 8 DU/AC). Annexed land in the westerly half of the south-easterly quarter of Section 26 lying west of El Camino Real and south of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954. Parcel 7 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in the easterly half of Section 35, T12S-R4W lying west of El Camino Real. Parcel 8 (C-l). Annexed land in Section 26, T12S-R4W lying north-easterly of the south-westerly line of the 100' ease- ment to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954 abd westerly of El Camino Real. Parcel 9 (P-C, no M.P., combined with #4). A parcel of land 700' X 400" lying 700" along the north-south line of the easterly quarter of Section 22, T12S-R4W and extending 400' easterly from said line, the 700' being bisected by the centerline of the proposed 102- collector road proposed for this area. Parcel 10 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in Section 22 and 27, T12S-R4W lying southerly of the northerly line of the 100' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company per Document 49841 recorded April 16, 1954. Parcel 11 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in the westerly half of the south-westerly quarter of section 26 lying southerly of the northern line of the 150' easement to San Diego Gas and Electric Company recorded October 16, 1953 in Book 6301 page 162. Parcel 12 (P-C, no M.P.). Annexed land in the westerly half of Section 35. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30 days after its adoption and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause ft to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen (15) days afterits adoption. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsba City Council held on the 17TH day of July 1973, and an adjournedthereafter PASSED AMD ADOPTED at/ regular meeting of said City Council held on the 8th day of August 1973, by the followin vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Dunne, McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee NOES: None ABSENT: None XX i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: I MARQftRBJTE. ADAMS T City Clerk" (seal) NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF 'CARLSBAD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a public hearing at the City Council Cham- bers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California on Tuesday, Septem- ber 4, 1973, at 7:30 P. M., to consider an application submitted by RANCHO LA COSTA, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, Donald B. Ayers, Gen- eral Partner, in accordance with Title 21 of the Carlsbad Mu- nicipal Code to amend the General Plan, Land Use Portion, of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. To change existing residential estate low density (0-2 d.u./ac.) residential low density (3-7 d.u./ac.) tourist resort and neighborhood commercial (more specifically outlined in Exhibit B on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Depart- ment) to: Residential low density (0-5 d.u./ac.) and residential medium density (0-10 d.u./ac.) and more specifically outlined in Exhibit A on file in the City of Carlsbad Planning Depart- ment. All (approximately 1100 plus or minus acres) property generally located between El Camino Real and Interstate-5, northerly of the Batiquitos Lagoon and generally south of Palomar Airport Road being: Those portions of land in Sections 22, 26, 27, 28 and 35 in Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base & Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of Cali- fornia, and more particularly described on file in the City of CaHsbad Planning Department. CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL PUBLISH: August 23, 1973