HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-10; City Council; 2043; Tentative Map CT 73-12 on property located on the north side of Jerez Court between Gibraltar Street and the westerly terminus of Jerez Court Applicant Donald R Gray Construction Company' CiTY OF CARLSBAD, CAL Agenda Bill NO. 3,0 43' Date Ma^ 10'» 1973 _.i- --II-LJMJ i. ^ i_rr_ Referred Jo: CITY COUNCIL -- _ - Subject: TENTATIVE MAP NO. CT 73-12 on property Submitted By: .located on the north side of Jerez Court between • Gtbralter Street and the westerly terminus of Jerez PLANNING COMMISSION Court. APPLICANT: Donald R. Gray Construction Co. t PROJECT NAME: Jerez Court. • Statement of the Matter • The Planning Commission, at their regular meeting of May 8, 1973, considered the request for approval of a Tentative Map for the development of a 24 unit condominium project on 1.6 acres of land, located on the north side of Jerez Court between Gibralter Street and the westerly terminus of Jerez Court, to be known as JEREZ COURT. Resolution No. 900 was adopted by the Planning Commission approving the Tentative • Map subject to the seven conditions outlined in the Resolution. Since this approval, there is a 1.2 acre parcel which is to be used as open space. A revised tentative, map plan has been included in this packet. Exhibit 1. Affidavit'of Ownership 2. Staff Report dated May 8, 1973 3. Resolution No. 900 4. Applicant's Exhibits as revised 5. E.I.R. information 6. City Council Resolution Staff Recommendations Staff's recommendation is for approval as outlined in the report dated May 8, 1973 with the exception that the revised plan be the one approved. - n May 10, 1973AS No. • Date: ^ City Manager's Recommendation Concur with recommendations of PIanning. Commission Counci1'Ac tion .6-5-73 Resolution #3139 approving the Tentative Map o'f CT 73-12, Jerez Court, was adopted. -2- .'PLICATION FOR APPROVAL TENTATIVE TRACT MAP EXECUTED AT (City! . DATE Ma'rch 30Y 1973' ' (State) OWNER AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED AGENT: Donald R. Gray Donald R. Gray Construction Co. , Inc. (Print Name) .(Signature) 15445 Ventura Boulevard (Mailing Address) Sherman Oaks, California 91403 (City and State) (Area Code) (213) 783-8387 {Telephone Number)~ SUBSCRIBED'AND SWORN TO BEFORE HE THIS (Notary Public) DAY-OF OFFICIAL SEAL CURTIS R. CLARK WOTflii, e./U.IC CALIfOKNIA MIN^IHAl OFFICt til SAN DltGO JOUNTY . My Commission -Expires M;y 18, 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS FOR MAYS, 1973 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION TENTATIVE TRACT CASE NO. DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION The applicant DONALD GREY, is requesting approval of a one (1) lot subdivision to allow development of a 24 unit condominium project on 1.6 acres of land, located on the north side of Jerez Court between Gibralter Street and the westerly terminus of Jerez Court. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The subject Tentative Map is a portion of the La Costa Master Development Plan adopted by the City Council on August 1, 1972. Tentative Map as proposed is in conformance with the recommended R-2 densities as indicated in this Master Plan. A more complete description of the project in its relation to surrounding land uses and La Costa developmental concepts may be found within the zone change-Master Plan (MP-6) information concerning the La Costa Plan. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CONSIDERATIONS The Planning Director has determined that this development will not have a significant environmental impact, and therefore, no further environmental considerations are required to be made. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that this tentative map, Carlsbad Tract 73-12 be approved for the following reasons: 1. The tentative map is in conformance with the La Costa Master Development Plan as adopted by the City Council on August 1, 1972. 2. The tentative map is in keeping with the adopted Carlsbad General Plan. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1, AH Improvements shall be \r\ confonmance wtth the City of Carlsbad Design Criteria and Standards. CT 73-12 Page 2. 2. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts providing services. 3. All on-site fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with fire department standards and requirements. 4. Park-in-Lieu fees and/or park land dedication shall be granted to the City prior to recording of the final map. Parks and Recreation Department shall make the determination as to which lands will be accepted as dedication. 5. The development shall meet all requirements of the Department of Public Health. 6. All utilities, including provisions for cable T.V. shall be placed underground. 7. It is strongly urged that the applicant work together with the Encinitas and San Dieguito Union High School Districts to deve-op some mutual agreement regarding the impact on schools due to this development. ^PROVED ..7 ,J. IT. KING,/ ^ Jr. Planner f o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 900 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO A SUBDIVISION MAP (CT 73-12) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF JEREZ COURT BETWEEN GIBRALTAR STREET AND THE WESTERLY TERMINUS OF JEREZ COURT. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did receive a verified application from DONALD R. GRAY CONSTRUCTION CO., requesting approval of a Tentative Map to provide for development of a 24-unit condominium project on 1.6 acres of land, located on the north side of Jerez Court between Gibraltar Street and the westerly terminus of Jerez Court, and more particularly described as : Lots 370, 371, 372 and 373 of La Costa South Unit No. 5 per Map No. 6600, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, State of California; and WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been declared to have a "non-significant" impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the Tentative Map as submitted, and the reports of the various reviewing agencies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did find that the subject Tentative Map does substantially comply with the City of Carlsbad subdivision regulations, and the State of California Subdivision Map Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, of the herein described Tentative Map, CT 73-12, subject to the following conditions: 1. All improvements shall be in conformance with the City of Carlsbad Design Criteria and Standards. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts providing services. 3. All on-site fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance w.ith fire department standards and requirements. 4. Park-in-lieu fees and/or park land dedication shall be granted to the City prior to recording of the Final Map. Parks and Recreation Department shall make the determination as to which lands will be accepted as dedication. 5. The development shall meet all requirements of the Department of Public Health. 6. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV shall be placed underground. 7. The applicant shall work together with the Encinitas and San Dieguito Union High School Districts to develop some mutual agreement regarding the impact on schools due to this development. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of May, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Dominguez, Dewhurst, Forman, Palmateer, Norman, Jose and Little NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: E.W. Dominguez, Chairman DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary f Y 0 F CARL S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1972 ENDORSEMENT OF COMPLIANCE - APPLICANT R, TYPE OF PERMIT . MAP FILE NO.£T 73-12 ADDRESS AND LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY - I declare that I have examined the file relating to the above captioned activity and have determined that all pro- ceedings required for compliance with the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 are complete. DONALD PLANNING DIRECTOR Dated: / - J-4444 • ^-VROHMEHTAL IMPACT ACS£5*% I Carlsbad Tract 73-12 V .^ v j Date: March 29, 1973 Name of Applicant: Donald R. Gray Pennit Applied For: Location of Proposed Activity: The site is located on the•northerly side of Jerez Court at the intersection of Gibralter Street in La Costa South Unit No. 5, Map No. 6600. I. Background Information. " . . .. . 1. Give a brief description of the proposed activity. . The applicant proposed to regrade the existing lots in his project, and construct three condominium buildings with eight units in each building. All parking will be on-site. Access tothe covered . parking structures will be by a driveway on Gibralter Street and a driveway on Jerez Court. No parking structures will have direct access to or face the public streets. 2. Describe the activity area, including distinguishing natural and mamnade characteristics. The activity area is comprised of four graded lots in La Costa South- Unit No. 5. The site is located at the southeast corner of the La Costa Golf Course and southerly of the westerly terminus of. San Marcos Canyon. The site is surrounded by similiarly zoned and graded lots except of the portion that'is adjacent to the Golf Course. f"* APPENDIX J. ' ' • -\,...^ ; "**"•*<* 11. Environmental Impact Analysis. Answer the following questions by placing a check in the appropriate space. Yes . No_ 1. Could the project significantly change present land uses in the vicinity of the activity? X • 2. Could the activity affect the use of a re- creational area, or area of important aesthetic value? . x 3. Could the activity affect the functioning . . of an established community or neighbor- hood? .. x . 4. Could the activity result in the displace- ment of community residents? • X. 5. Are any of the natural or man-made features in the activity area unique, that is, not . • . found in other parts of the Coun.ty, State, ornation? ' • X 6. Could the acti vi ty si gni f i cantly affect a historical or archaelogical site or its setting? _ X 7. Could the activity significantly affect •the potential use, extraction, or con- servation of a scarce natural resource? ; __ _ ' _ X_ 8. Does the activity area serve as a habitat, food source, nesting place, source of water, etc. for rare or endangered wildlife or fish species? „___. _ ^L 9. Could the activity significantly affect fish, wildlife or plant life? • . _ . ________ _ X 10. Are there any rare or endangered plant . species in the activity area? • . ' / • 11. Could the activity change existing features • of any of the city's lagoons, bays, or tidelands? X • . Yes Ngi 12. Could the activity change existing features of any of the City's beaches? . X 13. Could the activity result in the erosion . or elimination of agricultural lands? x 14. Could the activity serve to encourage - development of presently undeveloped areas or intensify development of already developed areas? •_ X 15. Will the activity require a variance.from established environmental standards (air, water, noise, etc)? X_ 16. Will the activity require certification, . . . authorization or issuance of a permit '. by any local. State or Federal en- ... " . vironmental control'agency? x 17. Will the activity require issuance of a variance or conditional use permit by the City? x 18.Will the activity involve the application, use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials? ' X_ 19. Will the activity involve construction of facilities in a flood plain? _ X 20. Will the activity involve construct!- of facilities on a slope of 2.5 per d on cent or greater? 21. Will the activity involve construction . of facilities in the area of an active . fault? X . 22. Could the activity resuit in the generation of significant amounts o f n o i s e ? • . ; x 23. Could the activity result in the gen- . eration of significant amounts of dust? X 24. Will the activity invol ve' the burning of brush, trees, or other materials? X 25. Could the activity result in a significant change in the quality of any portion of the region's air or water resources? (Should note surfaces ground water, off-shore) " ' X i Yes fro 26. V/ii;^ >re be a significant C!K ^ to exisciw?f' land form? • . X (a) indicate estimated grading to be done in cubic yards. (b) percentage of alteration to the present land form. (c) maximum height of cut or fill slopes. 10 feet 27. Will the activity result in substantial increases in the use of utilities, sewers, drains or streets? : . ' X III. • State o f N o Sigm'ficant Environmen t a 1 E' f f ects^ If you have answered yes to one or more of the questions in Section II, but youthink the activity will -have no significant enviro- mental effects, indicate your reasons below: •' ..•-• •' .-•-- "27) The streets and other public utilities in this'area are not presently being " used. This will be the first building in this area, therefore, it will substantially increase the use of public facilities in this area. IV. Comments or Elaborations to Any of the Questions in Section II ~(lf additional space is needed for answering any questions., attach additional sheets as may beneeded.) Signature: '_'-r-~ .- -- ^> (Person colrFpl eting report) Date signed: ^ 4*~/-73 Conclus ions (To be completed by the Planning Director) Place a check in the appropriate box. Further information is required. It has been determined that the project will not have significant environmental effects. ' •• .. It has been determined that the project could have significant environmental effects. An environmental impact statement must be submitted by the following date, Date Received ^•^S.V^V-\G7~-~S^ U r--'"/ * '^ ''• l;''<' -'^•r^ >"- Jv^lfeiSH;)) C =^li^^;;Vr^llifelS£:Vy -.-.-•xJ v ' j »1 - ••• ' 1 r-' ...«X .. ', ; .--.-• N-~ «.• V •-•-'• ..v-.r->N^' ^H^iiw^-.oH»&f^rtmm&s?,»"-» ' / '•' -• I / ••'* i f Vj"" I1•- s -1 •: <^ > -J-• *V ^ "j A //, u ^/: •f^v//7 /•• ^l~-l 1i:',\ ' /<;»_. '. *--.^-v^^^V •^;/-i^ fj ^^ \\ o, V i ^f^ t-f \ ^^ftTCi^N^ W"^ Y ^ to?!n%c^c\^%^^^^7&^»i^v^^V/M^;'-S^l^i^^^®^•-;-~-^-A / / TT^TA ^>:-D A rs>r-<,">- = -i—^4—±i-*3L**zZ?^&L^jr'®!ir^ ^^7 \v^°<^^-x V^^rPV-^P^tTP^^^ \r~^^S^~Ci^iVt >j'iA!ft-'^'^"~'f:p "' '•'.fc--r'v^t^^^j::; ^vJ^y/>-- 0^^%^/w^.T^WJ^^^^^F-®^^(K l^Sti^'fY^^^w v UMION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 2151 NEWCASTLE, CARDIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 714-753-6*91 April 5, 1973 . l? P 1? T v t? nI2i Li Hi 1 V Hi U APR e 1373 CITY OF CARLSBAD Department Mr. Donald A. Agatep Director of Planning City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Agatap: I have been asked to comment on Carlsbad Tract Nos. .73-12..and 73-15 that is a proposed condominium project in the La Costa area. All school facilities in the San Dieguito Union High School District are extremely overcrowded and operating on an extended day schedule. The Board of Trustees has adopted a policy calling on the financial assistance of developers in providing temporary . and other facilities to accommodate the students generated from the many new dwelling units currently under construction within the district. At present, there is no high school site in that portion of the San Dieguito area that is located within the boundaries of the city limits of Carlsbad. It seems apparent from the rapid growth in that area that school facilities will eventually be required for students living in that area. A school site had been selected when that particular area was part of the County of San Diego but has since been eliminated by the city of Carlsbad. San Dieguito High School District remains opposed to any additional housing units within that area of the school district until some provision is made for a site and other school facilities that would serve the students that would be generated from those dwelling units. I have been supplied with a map from the Rick Engineering Company that has located some potential school sites in the area. Until such time as the sites are made available and the district is financially able to provide the facilities, we must oppose further housing developments. Sincerely, William A. Berrier Superintendent bfs cc: Mr. David Thompson, President, Board of Trustees Mr. John Daily BOARD OF TRUSTEES: ADMINISTRATION: David H. Thompson, President O. B. Sholders, Vice President William A. Berrier, Superintendent Douglas M. Fouq'jet, Clerk Robert A. Morton, Assistant Superintendent E. Donald Frick Don W. Mitchell John J. Dally, Business Manager nr—i "'"i : .1 j <. .: i WQODSIDES/KUBOTA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CUNCULTINO ENGINEERS 2965 Roosevelt St. • P. O. Box 1095 • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (714) 729-1194 April 9, 1973 RECEIVED Mr. Donald A. Agatep «pp Director of Planning *rM U WJ City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad, California 92008 Planning Department Subject: Carlsbad Tract 73-12 Lots 370-373 La Costa South No. 5, Map No. 6600 Carlsbad Municipal Water District Dear Mr. Agatep: This office has reviewed the subject tract and has the following comments: 1. The subject subdivision is within the retail service area of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. 2. This project will be required to comply with the rules and regulations for water service to condominiums of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact this office. ry triily yours , John R. Pierce Project Engineer cc: Carlsbad Municipal Water District JRP/sp In Orange County, Santa Ana 7334 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 o 14 CD _..2 I is*< . OIL y 5 IfiQ O | ^ -1-0 °t >£ 50^ 17 LL • 5<v. w z "! 8 d -[ QUJ Z tN rf -LOo K "~ mHO co cc<o o 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO, 3139 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-12) FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 24-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT ON 1.6 ACRES OF LAND, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF .JEREZ-COURT-BETWEEN-.GIBRALTAR STREET AND THE WESTERLY TERMINUS OF JEREZ COURT. WHEREAS, on the 8th day of May, 1973, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 900, recommending to the City Council that Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 73-12) be conditionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 5th day of June, 1973, considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said Tentative Map has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been declared to have a "non- significant" impact on the environment; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, that Tentative Map CT 73-12, is hereby approved, subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. All improvements shall be in conformance with the City of Carlsbad Design Criteria and Standards. 2. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts providing services. 3. All on-site fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with fire department standards and requirements. 4. Park-in-lieu fees and/or park land dedication shall be granted to the City prior to recording of the Final Map. Parks and Recreation Department shall make the determination as to which lands will be accepted as dedication. 5. The development shall meet all requirements of the Department of Public Health. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 6. A]] utilities, including provisions for cable TV shall be placed underground. 7. The applicant shall be encouraged to work together with the Encinitas and San Dieguito Union High School Districts to develop some mutual agreement regarding the impact on schools due to this development. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 5th day of June, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. McComas, Lewis, Chase, and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cmn. Dunne. GLENN E. McComas, Vice Mayor ATTEST: // MM<&& MM^AR^T E. ADAMS, Ctity Clerk (sealf 2.