HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-15; City Council; 2037; CT 73-22 Tres Verde Condominium Located at 2348 La Costa AveTY OF CARLSBAD, * ^^^ .. ^M^Agenda Bill No. &&3/ Date May 15, 1973 r Referred To: Subject: Submitted By: Carlsbad Tract 73-22 (Tres Verde) Condominium located at 23^8 La Costa Avenue Public Works Department Statement of the Matter . 1) Tentative Map was considered 'at the regular meeting of the planning commission held on May 8, 1973, and approved. 2) Engineering staff has completed checking the final map of Carlsbad Tract No. 73-22 for conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and applicable local ordinances of the City of Carlsbad. Exhibit Final Map (Wai 1 Exhibit) Certification of Ownership E.I.R. Information — Letter from S.D. County to Mr. Chase approving Tentative Map in 1972 Planning Commission Resolution No. 902, Approving Tentative Map. »J £**^iJL &> 3/3 S, a Staff Recommendations Adopt a resolution No. *3/*7 approving the Tentative Map of Carlsbad Tract No. 73-22, subject to the conditions of Planning Commission Resolution No. 902. Adopt a motion approving the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract No. 73-22, subject to the conditions of the Tentative Map and normal fees and deposits. AS fro. W * .. l>*t*r May 15, 1973______ f . City Manager's Recommendation Concur. Council 5-15-73 Resolution #3134 was adopteds.-approving the tentative map.for Carlsbad Tract 73-22 (Tres Verde), and-the final map was- ap-proved subject to the conditions imposed by Resolution #3134. - 'T_X 0 F C A R L . N D ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1972 ENDORSEMENT OF COMPLIANCE - APPLICANT B>F'> TYPE OF PERMIT_ FILE NO. C~T ADDRESS AND LOCATION OF PROPOSED ACTIVITY ? /-A I declare that I have examined the file relating to the above captioned activity and have determined that all pro- ceedings required for compliance with the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 are complete. PLANNING DIRK-TOR >*>--'- / ^-n /*—_» —-»Dated: "N, S^^^F Di"tCTO" OF PLANNING StCRCTARY OF THC COMMISSION BASIL JACK LAMB ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Ross W. D*ILY. CHAIRMAN FALLtROOK STANLEY F. GlZICNSKI, V 1C t-C H Al * LA JOLIA ELEANOR ANDCRSONCHULA VIST A ALBERT (_. HOCANSOLAHA BCACH WARREN K. HOOPER EL c AJON DONALD LYNNCHULA VISTA C. J. MARTINVISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT 207 SAN DIEGO COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92101 (7141 239-7711 - CXT. 1328 March 8, 1972 Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Chase 2348 La Costa Avenue La Costa, California Gentlemen: There is enclosed for your information and files a copy of the Resolution of Approval for Tentative Map No. 3097 , as adopted by the County Planning Commission on March 3, 1972. Yours very truly, SAN DIEGO COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Dan C. Cherrier, Secretary By Bud Gray, Deputy BG:gvb Enclosures cc:Engineer: Land Development Engineering, 3071 El Cajon Boulevard, San DieRo, California 92104 Board of Supervisors County Engineer Department - Attention Mr. Rogers (2) County Engineer Department - Attention Mary La New Department of Sanitation and Flood Control - Attention Mr. Hoffmaster Health Department Federal Housing Administration State Department of Real Estate RESOLUTION OF T1IE SAN DIEGO COUNTY ) PLANNING CO>!mSSIONr AITROVINC ) TENTATIVE MAP NO. 3097 ) Tres Verdes ) WHEREAS, Tentative Map Mo. 3097 of a propound subdivision of the property generally described as: Lots 2 and 3 of La Costa Oreens , Map 6708, San Diego County, California was filed with this Commission pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act and the San Diego County Subdivision Ordinance on January 19, 1972; and WHEREAS , the subdivider proposed to file a final map of said subdivision; and WHEREAS, this Commission has considered said tentative map and recommendations of its staff, the County Engineer, the Director of Public Health, the Director of the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control and the Rancho Santa Fe Fire District with respect thereto, and has determined that the conditions hereinafter enumerated arc necessary to insure that the subdivision and the improvement thereof will conform to all ordinances, plans, rules, standards and improvement and design requirements of San Dieg'o County: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED as 1. Said tentative map complies with the requirements of said ordinances. 2. Said tentative map of the proposed subdivision is approved subject to the following conditions which shall be complied with before a final map thereof is approved by the Board of Supervisors and filed with the County Recorder of San Diego County: a. The final map or maps of this tentative map shall be filed within one year from the date of the adoption of this resolution of conditional approval unless prior to that date, the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors has granted a one year tine extension for the filing of said final map or naps. b. Prior to the approval of the final map, the subdivider shall obtain the approval of the Lcucadia County Water District and the Department of Sanitation and Flood Control of the County of San Diego of the plans and specifications for the installation of a sewer system serving each lot within the subdivision and connected to said district's sever system, and shall, install or agree to install said newer syste.n as a subdivision improvement and dedicate said sower system to the public. TM 3097 , -2~. c. That changes in grade and street alignment be made as may be required by the County Engineer. d. That all surface waters originating within the subdivision and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands shall be disposed of by a drainage system satisfactory to the County Engineer. e. That all drainage, easements be. improved by a culvert or drainage channel of adequate size, whichever is required by the County Engineer. Where a drainage channel is required, such channel shall be lined with a suitable material as specified by the County Engineer. f. That additional drainage easements and drainage structures be provided or installed as may be required by the County Engineer. g. That the plans and specifications for the improvements of all streets, rights-of-x;ay, and drainage easements and all culverts, drainage structures and drainage channels meet with the approval of the County Engineer. h. That a 5-foot wide standard sidewalk be placed adjacent to La Costa Avenue. i. That Portland cement concrete cross gutters be installed where water crosses the roadways. j. That the exact depth of imported base material shall be based on soil tests approved by the County Engineer. k. That the subdivider shall install a street lighting system conforming to San Diego County standards. 1. The subdivider shall deposit with the County of San Diego through the County Engineer, in care of the Public Works Agency Cashier, an Energizing Fee sufficient to maintain and operate the street lighting system until tax revenues begin accruing from this subdivision for those purposes. m. The final map shall include the entire area shown on the tentative map and shall not be filed as units. Lot numbering on the final map shall conform to lot numbering shown on the tentative map. n. That a certification shall be placed on the final map regarding condominium conditions and shall conform to x^ording by County Counsel, indicating that there will be a maximum of 36 duelling units constructed. o. That no buildings be shown on the final maps. TM 3097 -3- p. That prior to filing the final map, the. subdivider shall have complied with Section 11587 of the Business and Professions Code by furnishing to the County Engineer a certification from each Public Utility and each Public Entity owning easements within the proposed subdivision, stating that: (1) they have received from the developer a copy of the proposed final map; (2) that they object or do not object to the filing of the map without their signature; (3) that in the case of a street dedication affected by their existing easement, they will sign a "subordination certificate" or "joint-use certificate'1 on the map when required by the governing body. q. That-the subdivider shall deposit with the County of San Diego through the County Engineer, in care of the Public Works Agency Cashier, a Filing Fee sufficient to process a special district or service area formation or annexation with the State Board of Equalization pursuant to Section 54900 et. seq. of the Government Code. 3. The protection of the public interest requires that the subdivider, contractors, builders, lot or parcel owners and other persons, firms and corporations concerned with the development of said subdivision conform to the following specifications, and all permits required by the County of San Diego will be issued pursuant to such specifications: a. All domestic water supplied to this subdivision shall come from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. b. All buildings constructed in this subdivision shall be connected to the public sewer system of the Leucadia County Water District. c. Sewer and water lines shall not be laid in the same trench in any part of this subdivision. d. Proper drainage shall be maintained throughout this subdivision so as to prevent ponding and/or storage of surface water. On motion of Commissioner Daily , seconded by Commissioner Ferguson , this resolution is passed, approved, and adopted by the Planning Commission of the County of San Diego, California, at a regular meeting bald on this 3rd day of March , 1972 , in the County Administration Center, San Diego, California, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Gizienski, Anderson, Daily, Hogan, Lynn, Ferguson NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Hooper c 1 2 3 4 8 9 XO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 902 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTINGS FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO A SUB- DIVISION MAP (CT 73-22) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LA COSTA AVENUE BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND VIEJO CASTILLA WAY (TRES VERDES) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad did receive a verified application from CHASE-TRES VERDES, a Limited Partnership, requesting approval of a Tentative Map to provide for development of ase-unit condominium project on 1.2 acres of land located on the north side of La Costa Avenue between El Camino Real and Viejo Castilla Way, and more particularly describe as : Lots 2 and 3 of La Costa Greens, according to Map No. 6708, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Cali- fornia, August 18, 1970, and filed as Docu- ment No. 147650; and WHEREAS, said application has complied with the requirements of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been declared to have a "non-significant" impact on the environment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did take into consideration the Tentative Map as submitted, and the reports of the various reviewing agencies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did find that the subject Tentative Map does substantially comply with the City of Carlsbad subdivision regulations, and the State of California Subdivision Map Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, that it does hereby recommend approval to the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, of the herein described Tentative Map, CT 73-22, subject to the following conditions: 1. All improvements shall be in conformance with the City of Carlsbad Design Criteria and Standards. r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the respective service districts providing services. 3. All on-site fire protection appurtenances shall be constructed in accordance with fire department standards and requirements. 4. Park-in-lieu fees and/or park land dedication shall be granted to the City prior to recording of the Final Map. Parks and Recreation Department shall make the determination as to which lands will be accepted as dedication. 5. The development shall meet all requirements of the Department of Public Health. 6. All utilities, including provisions for cable TV shall be placed underground. 7. The applicant shall work together with the Encinitas and San Dieguito Union High School Districts to develop some mutual agreement regarding the impact on schools due to this development. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Planning Commission held on the 8th day of May, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Dominguez, Dewhurst, Forman, Palmateer, Norman, Jose and Little. NOES: ABSENT: None None ATTEST: E.W. Dominguez, Chairman DONALD A. AGATEP, Secretary 26 27 28 29 30 31 RESOLUTION NO.3134 2 j A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY j OF CARLSBAD, APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP OF 3 CARLSBAD TRACT 73-22 (TRES VERDE) 4 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad on 5 the 8th day of May, 1973, recommended to the City Council that the 6 tentative map of Carlsbad Tract 73-22, Tres Verde, be approved and; 7 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th 8 day of May, 1973 considered the recommendation of the Planning 9 Commission; 10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 11 of Carlsbad, that the City Council does hereby approve said 12 tentative map for Carlsbad Tract 73-22, comprising one (1) lot, 13 subject to the following conditions: 14 1. All improvements shall be in conformance with the City of 15 Carlsbad Design Criteria and Standards. 16 2. Improvement plans for water and sewer systems shall meet 17 the requirements of the respective service districts providing 18 services. 19 3. All on-site fire protection appurtenances shall be 20 constructed in accordance with fire department standards and 21 requirements. 22 I*. Park-in-lieu fees and/or park land dedication shall be 23 granted to the City prior to recording of the Final Map. Parks 24 and Recreation Department shall make the determination as to which 25 lands will be accepted as dedication. 26 5. The development shall meet all requirements of the Depart - 27 ment of Public Health. 28 6. Al1 uti1ities, including provisions for cable TV shall be 29 placed underground. 30 7. The applicant shal 1 endeavor to work with the Ehcinitas and 31 San Dieguito Union High School Districts to develop some mutual 32 agreement regarding the impact on shools due to this development. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the subdivider shall furnish the U.S. Post Office, Carlsbad, California, with a copy of the final subd ivis ion map. AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to place a copy of this resolution, in the usual course of mail, addressed to the subdivider at his address as shown on the tentative map. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, at a regular meeting held on the t5th day of May, 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen McComas, Lewis, Chase and Frazee. NOES: Councilman Dunne. ABSENT: None. DAVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: (SEAL