HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-05; City Council; 2057; Elm Avenue Water Reservoir CondemnationTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD,CALIF' ORNIA Agenda Bill No Date: June 5, 1973 'Referred To : Subject: Elm'Avenue Water Reservoir Condemnation Submitted By: Public Works Director Statement of the Matter - As and required by construction Section 65402, the proposed of the Elm Avenue water reservoiralSlulOn 0 T • IctnQ TOi UMVJ v*wii.juiwv*u-iwii w i \* • • ^- i_im i»* *~ 11 v* u n w » *» • .««•». . •*• has been submitted to the Planning Commission for their report as to the conformity of the proposed project with the General Plan. The Planning Commission has adopted Planning Commission Resolution No. 910 finding that th'e location, purpose and extent of the acquisition of the property for reservoir purposes and of the authorization and construction of the reservoir conform'with the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad. The attached City Council Resolution is offered for your consideration in light of.the Planning Commission action. Exhibit 1. 2. 3. 4. City Council Resolution No, 1832 Planning Dept. Analysis City Council Resolution No. Planning Commission Resolution No. 910 Staff Recommendations Adoption of City Council Resolution N o . *3/ *?¥• supplementing Resolution No. 1832 providing for the condemnation of tertain property for water reservoir and related right-of-way purposes. AB NO .Da te: June 5, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff recommendation Council Action• • — 6-5-73 Resolution #3144 supplementing Resolution No. 1832 providing for condemnation of certain property for water reservoir and related right-of-way purposes was adopted. -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 •27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1832 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR RESERVOIR AND RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Carlsbad, A Municipal Corpora- tion of the State'of California, hereinafter referred to as the CITY, by its City Council, as follows: ! 1. That the CITY hereby finds and determines as follows: a. That there are located in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, the following described parcels of real property: Parcels 15-A and 15-B, more particularly described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 2. That the public interest and necessity require the ac- quisition by CITY of a fee simple interest in Parcel 15-A for reservoir purposes. 3. That the public interest and necessity require the ac- quisition of a perpetual right-of-way easement in Parcel 15-B for street and highway purposes. 4. That the public interest and necessity require the con- struction and completion in Parcel 15-A of a reservoir and in Parcel 15-B of a section of public street and certain utilities. 5. That the taking of said estates and rights in Parcels 15-A and 15-B are necessary for "said acquisition, con- struction and completion. 6. That the uses to which said estates and rights in said Parcels 15-A and 15-B are to be applied are uses author- ized by law. 1. That the City Attorney of CITY is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of CITY to acquire said estates and EXHIBIT "A1 PARCEL 15-A All of that portion of Lot 7. of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 7, being also the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 32; Thence South 89° 11E 20" East, along the north line of said Lot 7, a distance of 353.62 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the portion to be described. Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 24° 15' 57" East, a distance of 156.94 feet to the southeasterly boundary of Grantor's property being a point on an 892.00 foot radius circular curve, concave southeasterly (from said point the center of said curve bears South 49° 33f 44" East); Thence northeasterly along said curve, and said Grantor's boundary, an arc distance of 206.00 feet, through an angle of 13° 13' 54", to the north line of said Lot 7; Thence North 89° II1 20" West, along the north line of said Lot 7, a distance of 214.98 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the portion described. PARCEL 15-B ' All of that portion of Lot 7, of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 7, being also the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 32? Thence South 89° II1 20" East along the north line of said Lot 7 a distance of 303.94 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement to be described; Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 24° 15* 57" East a distance of 200.85 feet to the southeasterly boundary of Grantor's property, being a point on the arc of an 892 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly, (from said point the center of said curve bears South 52° 48* 16" East); Thence northeasterly along said 892 foot radius curve, through an angle of 3° 14' 32" for an arc distance of 50.48 feet; Thence North 24° 15' 57" West a distance of 156.94 feet; Thence North 89° II1 20" West a distance of 49.68 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement described. And Grantor does also grant to Grantee the right to extend and maintain drainage structures and excavation and embankment slopes beyond the limits of said right of way where required for construction and maintenance.', 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -27 28 29 30 31 32 rights in Parcels 15-A and 15-B under the laws of eminent domain of the State of California, and to pay the cost of said acquisition from City funds. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council held March 16th , 1971, by the following vote, to w it: AYES: Cmn. Dunne, MeComas, Jardine, Castro and Lewis. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. 3AVID M. DUNNE, Mayor ATTEST: MARG.X&ET E. ADAMS,1 City Clerk EXHIBIT IV STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss. M u. r .AdamsI, M.a.r..g ar.e.t....E.^./, City Clerk of the City of Carlsl>ad, County of San Diego, State of California.1832 hereby certify tliat I have compared the foregoing copy with the original .R.6.S..Q.]..U.jt..l.P..D.S.... passed and adopted by said City Council, at ...?.....!?..?!". ...... meeting thereof, at the time and by the vote therein .•Stated, which original ...... .l>.F..?..P..'.M.r.l..9..1.. is now on file in my office: that the same contains a full, true / /and corr/fct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. ; \ \ Witness uiy hand and the seal of said City of Carlsbad, this ...1.9.. day of ......... M.a.Y.. >.....]..? .73 .ill' / • (-SEAL) CITY Of CARLSBAD PLANNING .. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS FOR MAY 25, 1973 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER SYSTEM PROJECT, CONFORMITY TO ADOPTED GENERAL PLAN DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The City of Carlsbad Water System Project of 1969 has a two fold objective: a. to replace and redesign portions of an inadequate water system (more succintly defined in "Water System Engineering Study" of January, 1966). b. to meet impending community growth patterns as indicated in the City of Carlsbad General Plan of 1965. The project consists of the construction of three (3) reservoirs having storage capacity of six million gallons (mg), the construction of replacement or new v/ater transmission mains to transport water under projected pressures of 40 to 100 p.s.i., and ancillary projects designed to regulate arTd meter water flows. Location of the three (3) reservoir sites is predicated upon sound engineering principle, (defined in "Water System Engineering Study" of Jan. 1966 and "Preliminary Report, Water System Improvement City of Carlsbad", May, 1969), and the necessity to meet daily demands for water, and to provide adequate water for fire protection in the developing and redeveloping commercial and higher density portions of the City. Hydraulic Elevations are established at 240 feet, 350-feet and 430 feet above sea level. These elevations are required to maintain positive gravity flows and adequate water pressures throughout the water system. The sites selected are determined to be the most logical locations to meet these design require- ments. The reservoir locations are necessarily at the higher elevations in the residential portions of the City. GENERAL PLAN CONSIDERATIONS: In as much as the City of Carlsbad General Plan of 1965 indicated the special needs for water supply in commerical, industrial and agricultural areas, and to meet rapidly increasing residential demands. -1- i \JJ X The General Plan places emphasis on the expansion and redevelopment of commercial and higher density areas, especially in the presently defined downtown. The need therefore, is to provide sufficient water capacity to meet the potential increased fire protection demands associated with in- tense and high value development. Replacement of old transmission mains and construction of adequate storage facilities are needed to meet residential and other community water demands projected by information extrapolated from the General Plan. It can be assumed therefore, that in order to meet water demands of the seventies and to possess a modern system to meet those demands, the water system improvement project is necessary to maintain or increase a portion of the City of Carlsbad Environmental quality. The locations, transmission lines and ancillary facilities are designed to meet these demands. The Water System Project, therefore, meets the following Goals and Objectives of the General Plan: 9. It maintains a sound and orderly growth for the future of the City of Carlsbad. b, It enhances residential livability. c. It assists in modernizing and expanding the downtown business district. It may be concluded that the City of Carlsbad Water System Project is consistent with the Goals and Objectives of the General Plan. DONALD. A. AGATEP, planning Director -2- Q < COrn ; 5 <E z "! 8 aui Z CN <r 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 §ill is 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 910 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, REPORTING AS TO THE CONFORMITY OF THE CARLSBAD WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (CONTRACT 1000 ) -WITH- THE. .GENERAL PLAN OF. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. ............ WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has undertaken a program of improvements to its water system known as the Carlsbad Water System Improvements (Contract 1000) consisting of the acquisition of four parcels of property, the construction of three water reservoirs and a pumping station thereon and the improvement, replacement and repair of various water lines; and WHEREAS, the City of Carlsbad has adopted a general plan which is applicable to said properties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402, City Staff has submitted a report to the Planning Commission analyzing said properties and the public improvements thereon in relation to their conformity with the Carlsbad general plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered said report and all other evidence relating to said project and is fully informed in the premises; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, California, FINDS, DETERMINES AND DECLARES, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That the real property which the" City proposes to acquire and condemn for the Elm Avenue water reservoir site and related right-of-way purposes is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is more particularly described as follows: 1 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 o 14 O3 «CO 00£ ° 15^ tt wQ- < 0 5° si9 ° z 1Z s. Ul SO C > Pm t < t a o zo 8 ?< "^ o 16 17 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Parcel 15-A All of that portion of Lot 7, of Section 32 Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 7, being also the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 32; Thence South 89° 11' north line of said Lot 7}feet to the TRUE POINT OF portion to be described. 20" East, along the a distance of 353 BEGINNING of the 62 Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 24° 15' 57" East, a distance of 156.94 feet to the southeasterly boundary of Grantor1 property being a point on an 892.00 foot radius circular curve, concave southeasterly (from said point the center of said curve bears South 49° 33' 44" East); Thence northeasterly along and said Grantor's boundary, an of 206.00 feet, through an angle to the north line of said Lot 7; said curve, arc distance of 13° 13'54" Thence North 89° IT 20" the north line of said Lot 7, 214.98 feet to the TRUE POINT of the portion described. Parcel 15-B West, along a distance of OF BEGINNING All of that portion of Lot 7, of Section 32, Township 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey approved, described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 7, being also the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said Section 32; Thence South 89° 11' 20" East along the north line of said Lot 7 a distance of 303.94 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement to be described; Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING South 24° 15' 57" East a distance of 200.85 feet to the southeasterly boundary of Grantor's property, being a point on the arc of an 892 foot radius curve, concave southeasterly (from said point the center of said curve bears South 52° 48' 16" East); 2. Q < CO "- < a> Ou! "> - i£i|O c > ° t>"" 1 2 § ^ §> °i-?3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Thence northeasterly along said 892 foot radius curves through an angle of 3° 14' 32" for an arc distance of 50.48 feet; Thence North 24° 15' 57" West a distance of 156.94 feet; Thence North 89° 11' 20" West a distance of 49.68 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement described. And Grantor does also grant to Grantee the right to extend and maintain drainage structures and excavation and embankment slopes beyond the limits of said right of way where required for construction and maintenance. 3. That the real property for the Ellery water reservoir site is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is more particularly described as follows: Parcel "1" - Parcel Map No. 878 File No. 171312 July 3, 1972 4. That the real property for the Skyline water reservoir site is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is more particularly described as fol1ows: Parcel "1" - Parcel Map No. 880 File No. 171314 July 3, 1972 5. That the real property for the Buena Vista pumping station is situated in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, and is more particularly described as follows: Assessors Parcel 156-200-16 6. That the location, purpose and extent of the acquisition of said real properties for said public improvements and of the authorization and construction of said public improvements conform with the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad. 3. o I g Sjl §^ o „ O > o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on the day of , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: E. W. DOMINGUEZTChairman ATTEST: DON AGATEP, Secretary 4. «n _<n § BJ < S)0 <O u" 5° i £fc t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I 17 S 18 1 19o 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3144 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SUPPLEMENTING RESOLUTION NO. 1832 PROVIDING FOR THE CON- DEMNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FOR WATER RESERVOIR AND RELATED RIGHT-OF-WAY PURPOSES. WHEREAS, on March 16, 1971, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad adopted Resolution 1832 authorizing and directing the condemnation of certain real property for water reservoir and related right-of-way purposes; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad on May 25, 1973, duly and regularly passed and adopted Resolution No. 910 finding , determining, declaring and reporting among other things that the location, purpose and extent of the acquisition of real property for said public improvement and of the authorization and construction of said public improvement conform with the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad; and WHEREAS, this City Council has considered all the facts relating to said project and is fully informed in the premises and deems it appropriate to supplement Resolution 1832 in several respects; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct. 2. That said proposed public improvement is planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the 1. 01 <-> 3du.Q O o =H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .11 12 13 14 I 15 \\ 16 si i7 yj O l§ 18 *~ CO535 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 City Council on the 5th day of June , 1973, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Cmn. McComas, Lewis, Chase, and Frazee. NOES: None. ABSENT: Cmn. Dunne. GLENN E. McCOMAS, Vice-Mayor ATTEST: . ADAMS, <City Clerk (seal) 2.