HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; 2074; Buena Vista Circle drainage problems, /iH^CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALI^JR^IA •Agenda Bill No. frff*/*/* ^ * Date July 3, 1973 Referred To: Subject:Submitted By: Buena Vista Circle - drainage problem Public Works Director Statement of the Matter See attached report. Exhibit A f Staff Recommendations tfo. ^ • . Da£e;"*r July 3, 1973 City Manager's Recommendation .-".:•' This problem clearly points out two failures of public policy: 1) .Failure of the C-ounty of" "Sari Diego to have an adequate subdivision " ordinance at the time Buena Vista Circle was developed. . • ~ • - » 2) Failure of the'city of Carlsbad to have.a public improvements- ordinance at the time the adjoining property was developed. "* * - The Public Works Director'-s report wil'l point" out possible technical/ solutions to the problem. I am unable to comment-on specific possible- solutions as the report wil-1 fo'llow this agenda bill. However, this problem and others- that will follow should-point out the urgent necessHy for a public improvements ordinance as recommended some two years ago and so vigorously opposed by'development interests. Without such an ordinance, which is- nearly universal in Cal ifor.nia ^ cities, Carlsbad will either create unnecessary problems for. axrstmg areas and their residents or create a needless burden on the taxpayer. Funds so desperately needed for fire station.?, parks, road improvements, etc. should not be diverted to resolve problems created 6y development of-vacant property which are .properly part of the cost -of developing .. "'the property. .• Council 'Action . * •. .. ' • 7-3-73 T.he City M-anager was directed ±o contact arid discuss the situation 'with the owners of -the Townhouse Apartments", and- inform the owners of the Council's position . that t'he Council feels' tftai the drainage from hisobuf Iding isacaadihg anr unnatural gathering of "water and :; request that the correction be made .at the .owners expense, in accord- ance with City plans, through an easement/provided by the'residents:. o Buena Vista Circle Carlsbad, California 92008 24 June 73 Mayor David M Dunne, Vice Mayor 2'IcComas and Councilmen of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: Ra; Protest Petition dated 14 May and filed 21 Hay 73 WS, the residents of Buena Vista Circle, an established community of 18 lots with only lif- lots improved since 19^8 respectfully request CUR elected-officials to pro- tect our zonal rights from intrusion andtrespass. We like to feel that Our elected officials represent Our interests as a part of the City of Carlsbad with concern ana understanding relative to the best practical methods to correct the imposed drainage problem caused by erection of the 50 family Jefferson Street Townhouse apart- ments WITHOUT COST TO THE BVC RESIDENTS. Many of our residents are in their 70s and 80s in need of peaceful retirement without distressing violations. A 6' i-tire fence surrounds the BVC area extending from shore to shore on the lagoon setting it ,uy.L;:. (. as an R-l-10,000* zoned area,apart from the contiguous R-3 properties. It partially protects, .as a buffer, the wildlife sanctuary recently acquired by the State of California to be supervised by the Fish & Game Commission. In 1972 the Circle residents became alarmed due to the extensive man-made changes in the topography of the lot being prepared for 50 family townhouse apts fronting on Jefferson Street in an R-3 /.one, and, later, the complete blacktopping of the area conveying the pollute-d run-(Sff into an open catch basin into an open ditch to an ease- ment over 500* distant between lots 3 and ^ thence into the lagoon. The blacktopping adversely changed normal evaporation and seepage into the R-3 lot soil; instead, the drainage has been conveyed through 4-converging pipes to a central point in the R-l ' Circle IN DIRECT VIOLATION OF ZONING PRINCIPLES. This work was performed without consideration for or consultation with the residents of BVC, as though we had no voice in the matter and"had better take it and like it". Our voice is NOW raised in protest for prompt relief at NO COST to the BVC residents who did NOTHING to -create the situation and*received absolutely NO BENEFIT. We direct our VOICE to the City Fathers to PROTECT our R-l zoned residential rights and remove the abomination and blight from Our Circle. The residents are of the firm opinion that the R-3 lot fronting on Jefferson Street should have been properly connected to the Jefferson Street sewer line, as present- ly, car washes, drains, sprinklers cause abnormal polluted daily run-off into/super- saturated open ditch creating extensive insect breeding-ground in Our R-l area, which will become aggravated as the summer heat daily reaches 90 and 100 degree heat. This is not a simple case of storm drain from a higher level; instead, it is a daily accumulation of made-made poltaterl wash water through man-'made • directed drains into open ditchesto run wherever the water can find a low spot to collect and dilute by evaporation resulting in odors and unhealthy living conditions.involving private pro- perty. The apartment area has been sealed from all possible normal absorption, seepage and evaporation by.'»._•-. BLACKTOPPING. This is NOT just a case of curbs and gutters under the 1911 Act. It is an intrusion by permitted trespass through a city owned parcel of land, which, lies within the BVC separated by a perimeter wire fence and hedge separating this parcel from the Jefferson Street lot. Apparently, the City of Carlsbad permitted the storm sewer con- nection to be made in violation of established codes. This is a case of deliberate alteration of the topography by heavy earth moving machinery changing the' grade and earth to accommodate 2 _ 25 family apartments joined by gigantic cross-piatforms. Ironically, the parcel of land on which the drainage basin has been dug is a definite part of the original BVC tract in 19^8, and, rightly, should serve the best interests of the Circle residents. See Map 2*4-92. The treatment of drainage in this specific in- stance is contrary to sanitary standards within iacprporated cities, especially in this Year 1973. We anticipate that Our City Fathers will correct this engineering nonstroeity by plac- ing this subject drainage UNDERGROUND using proper methods and techniques AT NO COST TO THE CIRCLE RESIDENTS, who in no manner contributed to or benefited from this highly- irregular installation * (Over) c Candidly, it is difficult for the affected residents to UNDERSTAND WB£ this in- stallation was panaifcted ay accredited'engineers using primitive methoas employed in rural areas. It is our right 'to know when departures from the norm ars contemplated, which affect' adjoining property owners to learn their reactions; thereby,, clarifying the issues to avoid costly corrective actions. Communication and civic courtesy to taxpayers is essential to promote civic coopera- tion. It is our hope to always be found cooperative, when justified, through the dissemination of comprehensive information prior to the execution of an irregular plan or act. The BVC residents have not had proper knowledge by proper authorities in this specific instance. Wo place confidence in our electedileadsrs to hand down a just decision and amicably close this unpleasant and depreciating matter, which has weighed heavily on our minds, in the hope of successfully solving the unsavory problem. Most siaeapely fo# the GOOD OF OUR FAIR CITY Gilbert Lee Southwell Resident of Buena Vista Circle Resident of Buena Vista Circle End of Trail ?3 On this date at 0800 hours, a clear sunny morning, polluted drainage showing in- sect life, was seeping into the ground on privately owned Lot ?fo. 18 in front of 2^11 BVC. A 9* wide flow of drainage was observed in front of 2390 BVC at the mailbox and beyond. Standing water was across the Circle approximately 5 inches deep. Green slime was evident and many insects were active on the water. Drainage was backed-up to the Ball property to the East of the apartment " site . The Ball property showed marked seepage through the apartment wood and cement block-- fences. Considerable drain- age was evident in the rear yard of Lot Mo. 10 owned by Mrs Archbold seriously inter- ferring with her garden due to super<-saturation;from apartment installation. The drainage, obviously, is more aggravated in the early morning. PSS It should be noted that barbed wira, ILLEGAL within corporate city limits, has bean used to repair the original 6' wire fence creating a personal injury haz- . ard. The original j>* fence was to have remained intact, permanently, as was the . hedge, which shielded the fence from view. Both should be replaced, as originally installed for safety and zoaal purposes. ' • It is our confirmed opinion that "someone" made a costly ill-advised raistaka and NOW let that "someone''^ honorably, come forward and correct the -grievous error, '.-Which.' .has caused tha residents much consternation. Based on the fact that WE wars informed bye tbe Engineer's Office many months ago that WHEM the street was opened the storm sewer would be connected underground. At another time a City Official stated after inspecting the installed open ditch drainage, "You have my sympathy 100$ and have some things in mind." Everyone, who has viewed the drainage across from Lot No.. 7 has indicated amaze meat and voiced disapproval, that such a connection would pass inspection in this day and, age. Another official stated, If this drainage is an acceptable installation with- in City Standards, then "I am disillusioned". We are endeavoring to be open and candid with Our City Officials in an effort to settle this matter in & wholly amicable atmos- phere. '-This information at this 'time should serve the best interests of ths City and should be helpful in solving this complex problem of responsibility in the best inter- ests of the resident-taxpayers. We, the BVC residents, do not wish to embarrass the City; however, let it be known, WE insist that CUR RIGHTS 33 HONORED AND PROTECTED. PLEASE THEMK - PRGFGUMDLY. o The 1-iayer, Vice Mayer, Councilman, ^ City Manager, City Engineer and, ) other Officials ,\ 1200 Bin Avenue . /;,>^ Carlsbad, California -92008 , ^'\ Gentlemeni '*.>l)>t This is to inform you that as residents from a former, private, select f residential, community that you are destroying a fine community and irritating- residents «fca want to do all we can to keep this area a. fine selecfc eorataffiifcyv You also are bringing into oar conmanity, pollution, and a disease infected spot, by not doing something about the large pipes tfcat drain dirty water into our street, Buena Vista Circle, which should not be. It isn't our fault because someone, in building that apartment didn't use theix head and put the pipes where they shouLeba't be-- *4ioever. heard of, potting, pipes ^above- the graan£-abor«-'tliay «xil&-ast.0n2f Ip&raewsr, faofe, to drain their sewage1 onto otar streetil "linere they should be is underground! I can't for the life of me understand just how your City &ngi- neers passed that inspect ion.' You certainly raust have a re- tarded group of Cii^r Engineers to allow this to pass* To me, it is illegal and should be tonr ap immediately and put right I 1*8 are people who caretwhereyand how we-live - even if you don'ti You all want to be paid in good money and yet you :p.ve us counterfeit worfaanship so, why shouldn't we pay* our taxes in counterfeit money?! You wouldn't accept that, but, you think we should accept counterfeit work. When we pay out 5000 money, we should-—~4- receive exactly the same in workmanship. I am referring to the large apartment about two doors across the street from us. -4ie water drains out onto the street, and lays there to create mosquitoes that will bring infection. Host of the residmts on this Circle are elderly people who have enjoyed living here, but, can't say the same for it now, You bring all these apartments in here in a residential area, and we have to put up with it. You knowy we r.ay taxes tool Another thing, they pit "only a"chickeh wire fence across the back of the apartment, that--separates the apartment from our }i street whereas we understood there was to be a cement block wall. The chicken wire fence is no good - the boys and girls climb over it, bending it to pieces, bringing all the children onto our area. They should be made tic keep inside of Ithe apartment grounds, -^d, by putting a cement block wall there, th<y would be. I don't see why we hav-e to be put under all this stress and ctrain from something that wasn't our faultU • i - 'f ' >' 1 thought we hired Engineers, Officials and a Idayor to super- " vice,and see that a city is run properly. If you don1t dp your job rijiht, then, you are going to have a lot of \js ople leaving your city, so that the kind of^ people rcu want, will r ' ) live here ar.d be satisfied with your'slip-shod kird of manage- '} r.isr-t" W certainly dorJt. Cordially, 2361 Buena Vista Circle '</^,VL'y^A» . Carlsbad, California 92008 :ir. t; iirc. MEMORANDUM June 29, 1973 TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Buena Vista Circle Drainage Complaints Several letters, and a petition from residents of Buena Vista Circle, have been received by the City complaining about the Jefferson Townhouse Apartment complex (more specifically the recently installed on site drainage system and the adequacy, or inadequacy, of a fence between the complex and the right of way of Buena Vista Circle (see enclosures 1). While it is apparent that these residents may wish to discuss fencing at the Council meeting of July 3, 1973, this memorandum will be devoted to the drainage complaint. The Jefferson Townhouse apartment complex was constructed under authority of building and grading permits issued by the Building Department in February, 1972. An inspection of the grading plan (and verified by the City's contour maps- see enclosure #2} shows that, prior to grading, the property sloped from Jefferson Street westerly to Buena Vista Circle at about a 3% grade. (The drop in elevation from Jefferson Street to Buena Vista Circle is 15 feet i) The drainage system that was approved included on-site catch basins and drain pipe which collected roof drains, parking lot runoff and other surface runoff. This system was designed as an on-site underground system which "daylights" into the public right of way. This type of system is considered standard engineer- ing practice, not only in Carlsbad but also in most other Cities. This is a case of water running downhill. The property upstream was improved and water was deposited in the public street. This is not unusual and certainly preferable to depositing the flow on private property such as occurs on many of the hillside lots throughout the City (Seacrest, Carlsbad Highlands, Highland Drive etc.). It is our opinion that the outlet system installed is an adequate substitute for the standard curb outlet D-9 (see enclosure), which would have been required had there been existing curb, gutter, and sidewalk on Buena Vista Circle, (see attached) We also feel that under our existing City ordinances, there i s no way to require off-site improvements (or even on-site frontage improvements) unless the project is a subdivision. There ? s a nuisance problem with the drainage on Buena Vista Circle Memo To City Manager Re: Buena Vista Drainage Page 2 but that street is not unique. Our Street Superintendent estimates that 90% of theCity streets that do not have curb and gutter have major and minor drainage problems. Enclosure k is a map showing some of these areas. A similar situation which is handled by local residents is on the low side of Spanish Village constructed in late 1969 by the Bee Cee Company. Drainage from the upper lands is conveyed through an open ditch of minimal slope to the street. The ditch requires periodic cleaning. This is handled by the homeowners. A rough estimate indicates that if the City were to take on the task of eliminating all these problems it would cost in excess of $1,000,000. While some Cities have been able to finance construction of major drainage improvements through General Obligation Bonds, the most common way to finance is through Assessment Districts. With regard to the drainage problem on Buena Vista Circle, severa courses of action could be taken: 1) An Assessment District could be formed whereby the benefiting properties would be charged for their fair share of the cost of a drainage system (or curb and gutter and sidewalk or?) 2) The existing roadside ditch could be graded downstream (a corrugated metal pipe would be required across the roadway) until the ditch 1ldayl i ghts". Cost of this is about $1,500. 3) A storm drain could be installed from the existing ponding area northwesterly to the lagoon. This would require a 12' wide drainage easement, a Coastal Commission Permit and about $3,000 - $3,500. It is my recommendation that the City not become involved in solving problems which are local in nature. If, however, it is the Council's desire to assist with local situations, then a formal Council Policy should be adopted outlining the extent to which the Council wishes to participate and sufficient funds should be budgeted to allow correction of a significant portion of the existing drainage problems. HUNTER T. by Tim Flanagan Pri ncipal Civil HTC/TCF/mac Encl: 1) Petition and other correspondence 2) Contour map 3) Standard Drawing D-9 M Map Typical Drainage Areas 17 ;-i*y 73 Mayor Dime, Council-nen, City K-'umror, City 1200 h,lr, /.venue, Carlsbnd, California 9200°, Ler,i-;rt: Attn: Mr H-i.-iter T Cook and O In response to your letter 1'4 Hay 73» I aonrecinte your evidenced concern dur- ing your recent on-site-inspoctiori of the inadequacy of the drainage system into the Circle from the 50 Jefferson St Townhouse Ao.trtments. Your letter deserves a candid answer to got the matter off dead-center and pro- ceed to earliest correction hy proper methods, as discussed with yourself and Mr Soano at various times. The proper solution to the Jefferson development run-off and most.agreeable to the Circle residents is to install an underground ^system leading unpolluted drainage to the lagoon by the shortest course at (no cost to the resident^ who in no manner created or contributed to the daily drainage probleini~^is"the drain- age flows from R-3 zoned Jefferson Street area over an expansive blacktopped pavement conveyed through converging pipes into the Circle. This crude unsani- tary system disposes of drain water caused by rainfall, car washes, sprinklers and other excesses resulting in standing water DAILY to the lagoon outlet over 500' distant between lots 3 and ^. Beuna Vista Circle is an established community zoned R-l-10,000' consisting of Ifc families with planned ditches to handle NOT MORE THAU 18 families; therefore, the added 50 families from Jefferson Street zoned R-3, obviously, is an imposition NOT acceptable to the Circle property owners. The 50 apartments were built on re-graded land changing the natural drainage by altering the topography and aggravated by laying blacktop over the area prevent- ing normal seepage and absorption plus evaporation thus accelerating the run-off into an open cesspool, presently, green with slim conducive to breeding insects such as gnats and mosquitoes making life out-of-doors unbearable as well as un- healthy. This is not the accepted way to convey polluted drainage in this modern era of 1973. The Circle residents ask the City Officials and the Builders of the Jefferson St Apartments, "How would you like this unsightly, primitive, muck-producing cesspool in front of your residences?" May we anticipate earliest positive correction placing the drainage from the 50 apartments UNDERGROlMD,where it belongs,based on nodern engineering methods in incorporated residential areas. ed The Circle, literally, has been surround/by Jefferson Street and Laguna Drive apartments and WE HAVE NOT OBJECTED, despite intrusions, litter, garbage, eggs etc thrown onto our properties by tenants, and, candidly, we have not objected to modern day progress in providing housing for paople, BUT wo do object to their drainage being conveyed into and through our R-l-10,001 ditches, which we wish to retain for , draining OUR PROPERTIES, as originally designed and approved 6/14/48 according to Plan^A Profile Roads, County of San Diego, Buena Vista Gardens, Carlsbad, California. Reference; See Protest Petition signed by BVC residents dated 5/1^/73* The Mayor, Council etal are invited to inspect BVC for firsthand evaluation. GLS/gs Enclosure #1 (a) , -9* / // x^ ^^^^Cr^^l^A •••^^>. Enclosure #1 (b) May 23, 1973 Ms. Paxley 2UOO Puena Vista Circle Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Runoff from Apartment House Dear Ms. Baxley: Your Better of May 16 to Mayor Dunne has been referred to me for comment. We are presently working with the developer of the apartment house complex to see what can be done to relieve the runoff problem. I wlU keep you posted on our progress.* If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ca11 me. Very truly yours, "ORIGINAL SIGNED BIT HUNTER T. COOK" HUNTER T. COOK Public Works Director HTC/mac • , Enclosure #1 (c) MRS. HARRY ARCHBOLD 2390 Buena Vista Circle Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 -x Fj^^^f--^'— _ . . l^^O^v——*-^Yi^f^r- *>~-~ . .. ln. nt comr <-.- h. W ^e li^i^^Hf^^^cir^ical cnaractoxi-^c- o street). . to the develop A .ci^JU ^-(di-* "J^^^tf-Lr M^ Enclosure.#1 (d) c > ARCHBOLD Star Pine Cottage2390 Buena Vina CkcU cariibad, Calif. 92001 c 3uuna Vista Circle Carlsbad, California 92008 29 May 73 Mayor Dunne, Vice Mayor McComas, City Engineer Cook 1200 Elm /.venue Carlsbad, California 92008 Gentlemen: Supplementing the 1*4- May 73 protest oetition signed by 21 bona fide residents of Buena Vista Circlerequest action taken to implement recommended underground solution, as the ooen ditch is daily draining water from the 50 apartments R-3 area into this R-l-10,000 area contrary to acceptable provisions. This date water was visibly flowing over 500' from the 50 Jefferson Street Town- house Apts saturating public and private property creating insect breeding muck in 75 degree heat. It may be possible through negotiation to change a surface access sidewalk 7* easement, presently serving WO PURPOSE, to an underground 7* easement to convey storm water from the apartments underground across the street direct to the lagoon via the shortest route. This change, I believe, can be accomplished and I offer my services in obtaining permission from the property owners of Lots 6 and 7» Map 2^92. This possible solution has been discussed with Mr Joe Spano about a week ago. A direct drain would be the plausible solution. 2nd Subject: Specific attention is directed to the 6* rear property line fence between the apts and the public property AGAIN has been reduced to 4' by bending the corner allowing access to the Circle PLUS the fact that the installed barbed wire is ILLEGAL and presents a personal injury hazard. This fence requires profession- al workmanship with a rigid supporting top rail and cross-bracing to permanently strengthen the fence. Earliest relief is necessary, as this inadequate storm drain was installed over four months ago at which time it was determined to be unsatisfactory to the resid- ents of this established residential community; furthermore, it has become com- mon knowledge that this mediocre installation has not been officially approved. Request acknowledgment Your RECEIVED JUN - 1.1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department G L Southwell Enclosure #1 (e) ^>rjj»- "~S 2U.11 Buerxa Vista Circle Carlsbad, California 92003 24 June ?3 Mayor David M Dunne., Vies Mayor KcConias and Councilman of CarH-sbad 1200 5,l:?i Avenue Cirlsbad, Ciilifornia 92003 Gentlemen: Re; Protest Petition dated 1^ May and filed 21 May 73 WE, the residents of Buena Vista: Circle, an established cGrur.urd.ty of 18 lots with only l^r lots improved since 194-3 respectfully request OUR electad-officials to pro- tect our zonal rights iron intrusion aaatraspass* >/e like to feel that Our elected officials represent Our interests as a part of the City of Carlsbad with concern and understanding relative to the best practical methods to correct tha imposed drainage problem, caused by erection of the 50 family Jefferson Street Townhouse apart- ments WITHOUT COST TO TEE 3VC RESIDENTS. Many of our residents are in their 70s and 80s in need of peaceful retirement without distressing violations, A 6* wire fence surrounds the B7C area extending from shore to-shore on the lagoon setting it ,;:>•--::. t- as an R-l-10,000* zoned area,apart frora the contiguous R-3 properties. It partially protects, .as a. buffer, the wildlife sanctuary recently acquired by the State of California to be supervised by the Fish & Game Commission. In 1972 the Circle residents became alarmed due to the extensive man-made changes in the topography of the lot being prepared for 50 family townhousa apts fronting on Jefferson Street in an R-3 zone, and, later, tha complete blacktopping of the area conveying the polluted run-off into an ot>en catch basin into an open ditch to an ease- ment over 500* distant between lots 1 and 4 thence into the lagoon. Tha -blacktopping adversely changed normal evaporation and seepage into the R-3 lot soil; instead, the drainage has been conveyed through 4 converging pipes to a central point in tha R-l ' - Circle IN DIR3CT VIOLATION OF ZONING PRINCIPLES. This work was performed without consideration for or consultation with the residents of BVC, as though we had no voice in the matter anoV'had better take it and like it". Our voice is KQW raised in protest for prompt relief at 50 COST to the BVC residents who did NOTHING to 'create the situation and received absolutely l-IQ BSi'iSFIT. >fe direct our VOICE to tha City Fathers to PROTECT our R-l aoned residential rights and remove the abomination and blight from Our Circle, The residents are of the firm opinion that tha R-3 lot fronting on Jeffarson Street should have been properly connected to the Jefferson Street sewer line, as pgesent- ly,car washes, drains, sprinklers cause abnormal polluted daily run-off into/super- saturated open ditch creating extensive insect breeding-ground in Cur R-l area, which will become aggravated as the summer heat daily reaches 90 and 100 degree heat. This is not a. simple case of storm drain from a higher level; instead, it" is a daily accumulation of made-made pollster! wash water through man-made • directed drains into open ditchesto run wherever the water can find a low spot to collect and dilute by evaporation resulting in odors and unhealthy living conditions^involving private pro- perty. The apartment area has been sealed from all possible normal absorption, seepage and evaporation by»*v»BLACKTO??ING, This is MOT just a case of curbs and gutters under the 1911 Act. It is an intrusion by permitted trespass through a city owned parcel of land, which, lies within the SVC separated by a perimeter wire fence and hedge separating this parcel from the Jefferson Street lot. Apparently, the City of Carlsbad 'oermitt-ed the storm sewer con- nection to ba made in violation of established codes. This is a case of deliberate alteration of the topography by heavy earth moving machinery changing the' grade and earth to accommodate 2. - 25 family apartments joined by gigantic cross-platforms. Ironically, the parcel of land on which the drainage basin has been dug is a definite part of the original BVC tract in 19*^3, and, rightly, should serve the best interests of the Circle residents. See Map 2-1-92. The treatment of drainage in this specific in- stance is contrary to sanitary standards within incarcerated cities, especially in this Year 1973. We anticipate that Our City Fathers will correct this engineering mo.istrocity by plac- ing this subject drainage u iiDERGEQU elD using proper methods and techniques AT NO COST TO THE CIRCLE RESIDENTS, who in no manner contributed to or benefited from this highl; irregular installation* (Over) Enclosure # 1 (f) •2. Candidly, it is difficult for the affected residents to UNDERSTAND WhJ this in- 3r,,i3-latiori was permitted oy accrsditedfengineers "using priniiiiv*j rns'.i.nads'empioyect in rural areas. It is our right to know whan departures from the norm are contemplated, which affact- ad joining property owners to learn their reactions; thereby, clarifying the issues to avoid costly corrective actions. Communication, and civic courtesy to taxpayers is essential to promote civic coopera- tion. It is our hope to always be found cooperative, when justified, through the dissemination of comprehensive information prior to the execution of an irregular plan or act. The BVC residents have not had proper knowledge by proper authorities in this specific instance. We place confidence in our electedileadar-s to hand down a just decision and amicably close this unpleasant and depreciating matter,- which has weighed heavily on our minds, in the hope of successfully solving the unsavory problem. Most siaeas«ly fo* the GOOD OF OUR FAIR CITY Gilbert Lee . Southwell Resident of Buena Vista Circle Resident of Buena Vista Circle End of Trail PS On this date at 0800 hours, a clear sunny morning, polluted drainage showing in- sect life, was seeping into the ground on privately owned Lot Ifo. 18 in front of 24-11 BVC. A 9' wide flow of drainage was observed in front of 2390 BVC at the mailbox and beyond. Standing water was across the Circle approximately 5 inches deep. Green slime was evident and many insects were active on the water. Drainage was backed-up to the Ball property to the East of the apartment 'site. The Ball property showed marked seepage through the apartment wood and cement block.-- fence 3, Considerable drain- age was evident in the rear yard of Lot JTo. 10 owned by Mrs Archbold seriously inter- f erring with her garden due to super-- saturation from apartment installation. The drainage, obviously, is more aggravated in the early morning. - -rfa - ?55 It should be noted that barbed wire,/ ILLEGAL within corporate city limits, has been used to repair the original 6' wire fence creating a personal injury has-. ard. The original j5f ;fenca was to have remained intact, permanently, as was the . hedge, which shielded the fence from view. Both should be replaced, as originally installed for safety and zonal purposes. " __ • It is our confirmed opinion that "someone" made a costly ill-advised mistaka a.id NOW let that "someone" shonorably, come forward and correct theligiievous error, •-•which'. has caused the residents much consternation. Based on the fact that WE were informed by. the Engineer's Office many months ago that WK£-j< the streat was opened the storm sewer would be connected underground. At another time a City Official stated after inspectin the installed open ditch drainage, "You have my sympathy 100-5 and have some things in nind." Everyone, who has viewed the drainage across from Lot >To.. 7 has indicated anas rsent and voiced disapproval, that such a connection, would pass inspection in this day and, age. Another official stated, -If this drainage is an acceptable installation with in City Standards, than "I am disillusioned". We ara endeavoring to be open and candi with Cur City Officials in an. effort to settle this matter in a wholly amicable atmos- phere. '-This information at this 'time should serve the bast interests of the City and snould be helpful in solving this comolex problem of responsibility in the bast inter- ests of the resident'-taxpayars. . We, the BVC residents, do not wish to embarrass the City; however, let it be known, W5 insist that CUR RIGHTS Bi HG;IOR2D MD PROTECTED, PLEASE TEE:"< - PROFC ..• • •):'€•-.*,.<,' •••*,.•.;•• -;: '),*-J City l-ina-sr, -^v - cthar Official3 1200 Eln Avenue Carlsbad, California sr.d •92003 7!:is is to infom you that as residents from a forr.er, private, select, residential, cominity that you are destrcr/ir.g a fine corr.uniiy, and irritating residents who want to do all wa can to keep this area a fine select comunity.. You also are bringing into our conrainity,pollution>and a disease inf.acted spot,by not doing something about the large pipes that drain dirty water into our street, Euena Vista Circle, which should not be. It isn't our fault because sorsone, in building that apartnent didn't use their head and pit the pipes i-ihara they shouldn't be - whoever heard of putting pipes _above- the ground where-they could-not only be- seen:, but, to drain thair sevage: onto our streetli Where they should be is undergroundi I can't for the life of ne understand just how your City ~r.gi- reers passed that inspection' You, certainly nmst have a re- tarded group of City Engineers to allow this to pass* To me, it is illegal and should be torn- up immediately and put right! Me are people who carelwhere/and how we-live - even if you don'ti You all want to be paid in good noney and yet you give us counterfeit worfcanship so, why shouldn't we pay our taxes in counterfeit money?! You wouldn't accept that, bat, you think we should accept counterfeit work, "-hen we pay out 3000 noney, we should t receive exactly the sane in wor!c-£.r.ship. I an referring to the( large apartment about two doors across the street fron us. Ahe water drains out onto the street, and f lays there to create r.osquitoes that will bring infection. Host of the residents on this Circle are elderly people who have enjoyed living here, but, can't say the sane for it now. You bring all these acartner.ts in here in a resid3r.tial area, and i:e hzve to put up with it. You know, we r.ay taxas tool Another thing, they put "only a crllck en" Y.Irs "f cr.ce across the back of the apartment, that..separates the apartn=r.t fron our street whereas we understood there was to be a corsnt blcck wall. The chicken wire fence is no good - the boys arx: girls clirb ever it, banding it to pieces, bringing all ths children or.t.o cur area. They should be ra.de to koep inside of ltb.3 apart-ent grounds. Hnd, by pitting a cersnt block wall thera, th^' wcvld be. I don't see why we have to be put under p.11 this strass and ctrain fron £0.-?.thing th£t wasn't our faultJi I thcu r.t vc hLrod lir.gino^rs, Officials z:'d a Xayor to s-icer- \rice -.r.d see tlxt a city is run properly. If yci don't dp . your job ri.-;ht, th-jn, you are KOir.g to lur/a a lot of .jecple lo.v/ing :-'-'-ir city, so that the kind of pooplo ycu rar.t, will live hsre a-.d be satisfied vith yo'.ir "slip-shod hire of .r.cnage- ::cr.t1 "..2 cnrtainly don't. 2361 Bueaa Vista Circle Carlsbad, California 92008 Cordially, 1200 ELM AVENUE : I X^X , £| TELEPHONE: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 \ • VlUaW tf >/J (714)729-1181 Office of the Mayor Cttp of Cartebafc June 27, 1973 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hoagland 2361 Buena Vista Circle Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland: Thank you for your letter of recent date. I am aware of the situation in your area and the matter will be placed on the agenda for discussion at our July 3rd Council meeting. You are invited to attend and make a presentation if you so desire and give us your views on the problem and any suggested solutions. Yours truly, DAVID M. DUNNE Mayor DMDrvs cc: Col. Gilbert Lee Southwell City Council City Manager City Attorney Public Works Director Building and Housing Director Enclosure^ 1 ( i) S3) : j 0 "® o o w.\ OR< H ' ":a A i BJH.I26-A / £30 Et.46.05* I \ra ri .w TROWEL FINISH TOP SURFACE ANOREPRODUCE MMKIMOS Of EXIST IN* 3ICEWALK ANO CUDS 1 ^f-UON»UTMIC WTTW ANCMOSJ SECTION A-A yxl" CONSTRUCTION JOINT SECTION B-B NOTES: I. ALL CONCMtTE SHALL BE CLASS A. Z. SECTION TO BE SLOPED LATERALLY WITH TOP CONFONMIM TO THE WADES AT THE EXISTINO SIDEWALK ANO ITY^GINEER CURB OUTLET \ TH CONCRETE SLAB) ENGINEERING DEPT.CITY OF CARLSBAD fir AI p STANDARD DWG. D-9 Enclosure TYPICAL DRAINAGE PROBLEM AREAS ENCLOSURE 4 #••h~ •> CO OJ cd•a TJ 00oo<D <MH ONOSi c6 •H -HO g Oj O cfl O o TJcd •8. •P -P O JH O•rl -rl CVJ cd C\JO O H O ON a"0 TJ (0 H rH CSJ V. da. Cntlt