HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-03; City Council; 2077; La Costa Plaza Quitclaim of Drainage Easement- @ .8 .",-?. , . " .. : , + n - "','"jJ-] 3iQCi5-i ;bF ;i .: L4. * xi; ;;.:y 1 * i' 5 ,:, $3 .I' 1 ,Q/i i o't&,~i.SC p:e(-&[,* Lq%;;., i AYD WWEH RECORDED MAIL TO i y &L , -3 yJ 7 io 35 Afi'll L -. , b _.. . , . ,-. .- i I .J - .--A - i.200 Elm Avenlle Carlsbad, CW 92008 i Ti '! I I_ ",,ne 1. ::f,ej L~z-y of CarlsSad 1 120ij ;In Avenue I :-x =,so3 a E I3 30,151. :i Csziabad, CA 92008 e/ .- -I - I_-- ?PACE AaOVE THiS LINE .'OR RECORDER'S USE iAAIl :Ai 5l'ArEmihrS TO P, .- ---l ~ocrw~taz:/ TT~~S;BT ~3x j 7:- i:: Clssta Land Company l>eTrrs?eri:, tgn~s .2;!s-ca Dal Yar Road er-yn at ti;-e 3: =a:? '.., n* .- ' -7slue 125s Liens 3;lg - 9- . 4- { L .,j-, ,.: ;:,,1p? , California 92008 ,____-- ,of -,3yjs,jad -'S:gnaturs sf 2eciarant 3r igent detezxininq . .C. <'->,:,: ,I -, /,: ,..::2 2. i+/j "1,3 !;&?:.e [ , _', , , . .C-jrl)or&-)n QJ&&laim Deed iw T3lS FGRH FURNISHED 3Y TITLE iNSURANCE AzID TXUST COliPANY TS -:C3 .:A I 1.5& I ! FOR A JJALUABLZ CONSIDERATION, receipt oi which is hereby acknowledged, I City of Carlsbaci , a ~?~lnicipal Corporatjon a corporation organized under the laws of the state of hereby REMISES, RELEASES AFiD QUITCLAIXS to California 1 La Costa Land Company, an Illinois corporation the following described real property in the City of Carlsbad County cf San Diego , State of California: i See Exh.ibit "A" for legal description, assessor's parcel no. 216-122-29 All as shown for convenience sake on Attachiient "A", attached. he: and made a part hereof. i I In Ivitnesij Whereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be affixed hereto and this !'!irreiinto dulv mthorized. " \ .\ rnent to be executed bv its-- !$ ay c) :r D:treci: _' '. ___ -9+m32-- pdda andC 1 t\j C 1 e r k .-si 1 j ._ k?f L;I'.\TE OF C\LIFOR.FI.X I:O F.,'XT Y OF-'-. On ____ 2ulJ '-.__- 3, 1973 hfr~r~ :nr. the sndrr- I Sari fljean 1 ?>. I I- r: i ir I +y .if1 e rk _~._._ L.SI).,+ n !,, r:i+ io !!e ___._. __~~___ !,Vt< j! ...a,' j S:SCRI?T;3* i RE'4i 5 I C3 5 G3 ---_ i1 & I I 2. i\, N106 \D O93/ff NIS YO A1Nn03 - .- z \ &< /,,’/ / /y t /,/,,’ %/ ’’ 5 ” Y / 4.. ’ the following described real property in the County of San Diego , State of California: City of Carlsbad See Exhibit "A" for legal description. assessor's parcel n I . DATZ i i- __icq__- , 9P -.: * E. ru YL! 5 F/106 L O33/0 f/YS 30 A1NffO3 c ;I 1 .__._.._.I- .-- &vO "HEN RECOIOSD MAIL TO i i I _1/ City of Caslsbad i i 1 :1c 1 - 11 -- :,,*a i 3:nFtaEa -*t 1200 Slm Avenue . iC.0'' Cxl.s;baii, CA 92005 fi, S?.ACE ABOVE TEIS t.iNE FOR 3EC:ORC)ER'S USE . I i _.___ .-_--- _. - Oocuxentary ':ranszzr ax 5 -7 UI~L i~x 5:AltMENiS TO lr ~ Cx..pncr?d on full -,ralue-En:m convey .,,~^* i.2 ::=st3 Land co. - oz comp*ited on fiiil 7ia:ile iess liens apd 2::;:s $21 :flay jioad ,~~~~~~j~~~~ California 32'305 ._- Ti.15 FORM PUiiNlShED a'f TITLE INSURANCE AVO TRUST CSUPANY i> 2'33 c* i5-n5, 1 i 1 1 i I i ?93R A. YXLUXilLE COYSIDERATION, receipt oi :uhicn is hereby acknowledged, City of Carlsbad, a %uni ci pa7 Corgoration a corporation organized under the laws oi the state of hereby REMISES, RELEASES AND QUITCLAIhE to California La Costa Land Company, an Illhois cor2oration I the following described real property in the County of San Diego , State of California: city of Carlsbad See Exhibit "A" for legal description. assessor's parcel no. 216-122-29 I All as shown for convenience sake on Attachment "A", attached he and made a part hereof. In witness Q%ereof, said corporation has caused its corporate name and seal to be nked hereto and this :hpreunto dzly authorized. w I n2ent to he executecj by it3 !'1aYOr p8%&%&% and ci t!! ~~~~~ .2$s4 1hti.d: 2!2ym.-- r j "4 .q_~&qE.B-lzl;t, q :,I :ud- _iil_J_/_ ,i" 1 .fp7----- ._ . B$g&++, 5 :.*<PLY,/&> : . . ., . 3 c \ 55 .D i: y 2"D >/I . D /(I jT \TE OF' C.iLIFDRVUI.1 i <-,cj r.;'.ITy ~jF~~~---Q_i?fioo~- - 24 1 >I 9 ~ 3 9 7 3 twiiirp m?, tt!< uc!iri.- Cy-- ni.,!, a >iotnry k'it\)1ic in an,{ irir Gni~ 3:3te, pzr+?aiiy z?pear+lt :,.li.i-d-.~~Lcii;Lt~~.~~ ._------ ____. ! t: ,.. Cj ty C1 erk wn L,~ mr 'r, j:~ -1: *WING C3.3SULTAHTS E*Gi;'(EE3S 3557 MENYON ST2EET 5AN >IEGO ~ALlFO.;??(IA 921:3 00 e '-7 ..--- _.-. I :mgx ENGINEEFIIIUG COMPANY ! ED :IYIc - ,c,i_E.~3OF4uE > 43z.A CODE 7:4 _. 222-0337 OATZ pdy F 3Y - ._____ i :, 3 ., 0. j L.ZZ~\C DEJC~~I?T!OH io%: i i TJ ?-qi>i-AGGE z&SE>JE>jT ~,QG~~I~~J I 5?.('S. 2c I j 1-31-72 ________- -;?-?: i=ofiion or' th?: ce=ain dminage easem-ent grilnted to The CcJEGq7 of Sa2 3iqo 's J2-e 4, 1971 as Document No. 117573 , Official Records of said CourLtty lying v 14 si?d 15 in Szction 35, Township 12 Sozth, Rzncje 4 West, Szn Sem-a,rlino Meridi -3 4rz'~p.?.; of San ~iego, S;ate sf Califsrxi;. acecrdicg to t'ne Official Plat thereof, more p :'a --u3rdea ,-. -. 1 ,<Ji3 r.-_ .z~scrijed as fo!1ows: k ~~ox~encing at the center of said Szctlon 35; thence along the East-West center line I. I ction, South 89O07' 13" East, 292.49 faet (Deed.= South 89"05' 02" East, 292.24).tl tsrsection with the center line of El Carnine Real as showrz on Sa.-i Diego County Real 1:;o. i900-1 on file in the Office of the County Engineer of said County; thence along : lcontzr line Norkh 8" 45' 46" West (Deed = North 8" 47' 11" West), 15.36 feet; thence 16 IC.>; t3rlLa : canter line North 81"14' 14'' East (Deed = North 81"12' 49" East), 60 -00 feet to the iPOiNT i OF BEGINNING: thence continuing North 81' 14' I?" East (Deed = North 81' 12' 4 124 .o4 feet; thence South 8"45' 45'' East (Deed = South S"47' 11" East), 10.00 feet to t i'n2ginning of a tangent 386.00 foot radius curve concave IVesterly; thence Southerly a 'CLIF:~ through a central angle of 16" 34' 10'' a distance of 111.63 feet to a point of rever icur:.m.ture with a 376.00 foot radius curve concave Easterly the center of which bears t l32?llt 36" East (Deed = South 82"13' 01'' East) from said point: thence Southerly alon lj/ '3.00 foot radius curve thiough i3 central angle of 3" 19' 33" a distance of 21.82 feet j!~-zc.ars~~,,r:tion with a line that is parallsl with and distant 63-00 feet neeisured at right i jrox :; 1i.2 center line of El Caminc Re2l, a radial lix to said point bzars North 85" 31' ilh-cc.. -on-tangent to said curve and along said parallel lirie North 8O.25' 46" West (1 I?,rorth 8'' 47' 11" West), 129 -551 fezt; thence Sixth 81" 14' 14" West, 3.00 feet to a poin I?EC~C is parallel with and distant 6G. 00 feet measured at right angles from said center amino Real; thence along said last-mentioned parallel line North 8" 45' 46" Viest to the TXUE POINT OF BEGIN3TING. L. .. I i i I i I I i EXHIBIT' P I I 1 ! i I 1 I I 1 I __. r? z,/: 5 !a H 5 1 191 j 315C=IPTIOn 1 .____-__ 1 c I;< I Y _- ! i I - -- 1 cixr? ~ ~.- ~ -~ ~ _.~ -.. -~~~ .~ ~~- \ -\ c P- A. c=. (jJ h 0 ">A,d *yj : ,&& r'2.39 54 x ?-is L> .. 1 -. r ?I 1 I! ! i 1, \ i I i ! 1 1 I I I , b? 2=r; 3,XZ L 3, p ,> Fl106 ~ ru 093m NYS yo ALNno3 ,, a -_ .. _. ?\Q ’iQ t, bhb B Gr? ;L:z 3 \ *, \ -. z I w r \ Y 9 -, 4 ?A * 2; :: 4x5 4 -f9 ; ??* * /;?’ /’+ fiA / :” / ,’ ./ / i ~ - .’/ I ,;*, I I ” / I ! I ,’ ., ,’ 1 1